divine talisman

Chapter 631 Ice Spirit Divine Tree [Part 2]

Thanks to the brothers "Shandong Triad" "watchywq" for their valuable monthly ticket support and "Storm Sauce" "See her again when I look back" for their support!


The building named Bingyun Pavilion stood upright against the sky, standing tall in the distant city, like a snow-white sword piercing the sky, lonely and precipitous, extremely eye-catching.

However, the most astonishing thing is that on the side of the Bingyun Pavilion, there is an ancient tree towering into the clouds. A little short.

The whole body of this ancient tree is like a pile of ice crystals, and the icy glow is transpiring. Both the branches and the leaves are icy and glistening. The crown of the tree is so high that it is impossible to see how high it is. Far into the boundless universe.

"What kind of tree is this?"

On the way, Chen Xi asked in amazement, this ancient tree is really too majestic, with dozens of people hugging its trunk, it is more majestic and majestic than a mountain, standing in the middle of the city, it looks particularly eye-catching.

"This is the Ice Spirit Divine Tree. Its existence can be traced back to the time when Bingxiao City was founded. It is said to be transformed from a leaf of the "Cangwu Divine Tree" in ancient times." An Wei explained softly.

A leaf of the Cangwu Sacred Tree?

Hearing this, Chen Xi's eyes were bright. This is too amazing. A single leaf can grow into an ancient tree that can stand upright in the sky. How magical should the real Cangwu Sacred Tree be?

It is said that the Cangwu sacred tree was a bridge connecting the fairy world and the human world in the ancient times, imprinted with the profound meaning of the heavenly avenue, radiant with radiance, and almost immortal.

Later, after a catastrophe that spread to the Three Realms, it disappeared between the heaven and the earth, its roots were rooted in the Nine Yi Mountains, and its fallen fragments turned into today's "Cangwu Abyss".

And this Ice Spirit Divine Tree was actually transformed from a leaf of the Cangwu Divine Tree. If this was the case, it would be too astonishing. It was definitely a treasure-like existence.

However, it stands to reason that once such fetishes appeared, they would have been snatched away by the mighty ones long ago, so how could they stand here forever without being acquired by anyone?

Chen Xi asked An Wei for advice, and he was very interested in it, and his intuition told him that this Ice Spirit Divine Tree was very unusual.

"It's a joke, how could it be taken away by someone? This tree is the foundation of Bingxiao City. Whenever the Cangwu Abyss is about to appear, this tree will produce a sound of the Great Dao to remind the world that the Cangwu Abyss is about to appear. Abyss is about to appear."

"And this time, it was because the tree dropped Daoyin seven days ago that it attracted powerful people from all directions, wanting to enter the Cangwu Abyss to find opportunities."

"In other words, without this tree, the world would not be able to find the existence of the Cangwu Abyss. Under such circumstances, who would dare to harm it? If that is the case, all monks will have to hunt down and kill it. The consequences But no one can afford it."

It was not An Wei who answered Chen Xi, but Long Zhenbei who was on the side. He seemed to be extremely displeased with Chen Xi and An Wei's whispering. When he spoke, his voice was cold and a little unfriendly.

However, Chen Xi just laughed it off, he had already obtained the answer he wanted to know, and as for the change in Long Zhenbei's attitude towards him, he was too lazy to take it to heart.

"Actually, there is another rumor, but not many people believe it." Seeing this, An Wei suddenly said to Chen Xi.

"Oh, what rumors?"

This time, not only Chen Xi, but even Long Zhenbei was startled, showing suspicion.

"In the ancient times, the gods competed for the throne, and the saints competed for the throne. It was a period of incomparable glory, and it was also a chaotic era. The division of forces in the three realms took shape at that time..."

The existence of the Cangwu Sacred Tree is a bridge that connects the human world and the fairy world. It is born with the body of Dao, masters the power of good fortune, and surpasses hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

However, when the catastrophe that spread to the three realms came, it would be difficult to survive the catastrophe even with its heavenly means, so it united with a supreme creature to steal a ray of heavenly secrets. But in the end, a trace of spirit survived.

And this ray of soul is hidden in the ice spirit tree, waiting for the opportunity to be reborn from nirvana.

"What!?" Long Zhenbei was almost stunned when he heard the words. If this is true, it would be too terrifying.

Just imagine, this is the soul of an ancient sacred tree that once penetrated the fairy world. Although it is only a wisp, if it really exists, it may drive the gods of the three realms crazy!

Chen Xi was also shocked in his heart. This rumor was so shocking that he could hardly believe it. You must know that in the ancient times, it has been tens of thousands of years since now. If the ray of spirit from the Cangwu Sacred Tree still existed, it would be almost impossible to believe it. Became a true miracle, immortal and eternal!

"Of course, this is just a rumor. I also read it in an ancient book. Whether it is true or not, no one can be sure." An Wei smiled lightly.

"Didn't you say that the Cangwu Sacred Tree teamed up with a supreme being to steal a sliver of vitality and retain a wisp of spirit, so what kind of existence is that supreme being?"

Although it was just a rumor, Chen Xi still couldn't help asking curiously. He had a vague feeling that even if this rumor was false, it wouldn't hurt to hear more about it. If it was true, it might be useful in the future.

"I don't know about that." An Wei shrugged.

"Let's go, Frozen Cloud Pavilion is here." Long Zhenbei said suddenly.

Chen Xi raised his eyes, and as expected, he saw that the Frozen Cloud Pavilion, which stood upright like the sky, was close in front of him.

On the side of this pavilion is the ancient Bingling tree, and one can see from a distance, on the extremely high branches of the Bingling divine tree, there are figures sitting cross-legged, as if they are meditating.

"Leaving aside those rumors, this Ice Spirit Divine Tree is indeed incomparably miraculous. The whole body is crystal clear with ice and snow, and between the veins and textures, there is also ample aura of the avenue of water. secret."

An Wei said softly at the side, "Because of this, this Ice Spirit Divine Tree has also become a natural Taoist altar in Bingxiao City. Every year, countless young people come here to learn the profound meaning of the Tao, or More or less it has been achieved."

"It's indeed unfathomable. If it weren't for going out to practice, who would have thought that such a god exists in this world." Chen Xi nodded in admiration, and his heart was also a little impulsive, wanting to climb on the Ice Spirit God Tree and explore after all.

"Junior Sister An, let's go up. Sitting on the top of the Bingyun Pavilion, you can also feel the many auras of this sacred tree, and you can also learn more news and see more powerful people from all directions. It can be said to be a one-shot A lot." Long Zhenbei extended an invitation to An Wei with a smile.

Immediately, the three of them filed in.


The Bingyun Pavilion is so high that it can reach the sky, and its interior is also extremely magnificent, with crystal luster everywhere, and clouds and mists around it. No matter the layout or decoration, it is like a fairyland, which is beyond words.

However, the consumer prices here are also extremely high, and ordinary people simply cannot enter.

In other words, those who can enter and leave this place are naturally monks, and their identities are all extraordinary, otherwise such a high price would be enough to discourage ordinary monks.

In a sense, with the news that Cangwu Abyss is about to appear, it seems that this place has become a gathering place for heroes from all major forces in the Xuanhuan Territory.

As a peerless evildoer of the Candle Dragon Clan, Long Zhenbei is one of the best among the seed disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. His family background is naturally extremely rich. After paying the waiter a handsome fee, the three of them went directly to the teleportation array. , arrived at the highest level of Frozen Cloud Pavilion.

The highest floor of Bingyun Pavilion is an extremely vast hall, standing proudly in the clouds, beyond the jade-carved railings, you can see the lush canopy of the Bingling Divine Tree, which is like an umbrella holding up the sky, and in the distance are blossoming trees. White clouds, boundless sky, extremely wide field of vision.

At this time, there were dozens of men and women wearing luxurious clothes and with extraordinary manners sitting among them. There were many heroes of both immortals and demons, and there were even many descendants of creatures with powerful auras.

"Baozhenguan Chiyangzi, Guiyuan Daozong Zhou Cailing, Liuyu Demon Sect Yuwentuo, Heishui Clan Kong Qi... Unexpectedly, there are so many influential figures from various forces in Zhenxuan Realm."

An Wei glanced at everyone in the hall, and immediately said quickly, "Junior Brother Chen Xi, the characters here are all extraordinary, and they are outstanding children cultivated by all major forces. Be careful, I'm afraid there will be some conflict and competition."

Chen Xi nodded, and he also found that among the people present, the one with the weakest aura was no less than Leng Qiu and Du Xuan, and the one with the strongest aura was even comparable to Wang Chonghuan and Long Zhenbei.

It can be called a wealth of talents, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"But you and I don't have to worry about anything. Our Jiuhua Sword Sect is one of the top ten immortal sects. In terms of background and status, we are not inferior to everyone present." An Wei said softly.

"I understand." Chen Xi smiled. Having cultivated to his level, he would not be afraid of anyone present. Even if there was a conflict, he would be sure to resolve it thoroughly.

"Hey, Senior Brother Long Zhenbei of the Jiuhua Sword Sect?"

"Long Zhenbei? That peerless evildoer of the Zhulong clan?"

"It's actually this person. It is said that he has cultivated the innate Taoism 'Zhulong Lingtong'. Among the seed disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, he is a first-class existence. Seeing him now, he really deserves his reputation."

The appearance of the three of Chen Xi also attracted the attention of everyone in the hall, especially when they saw the leader, Long Zhenbei, there was even a bit of an uproar in the hall.

Obviously, they all recognize who Long Zhenbei is. You must know that all the people present are heroes from various powers, and because of Long Zhenbei's appearance, there is a little restlessness. How loud it was.

"Sister Anwei, are you here too?"

"An Wei? Isn't that one of the most outstanding disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect? I heard that his morals are unmatched among his peers, and he is the best among all. It’s beautiful and heavenly.”

"Beautiful, it's so beautiful. I heard that An Wei of the Jiuhua Sword Sect looks like a fairy, but now it seems that it is true."

Some people recognized Long Zhenbei, and others recognized An Wei. When they saw her beautiful and classic face, and her slender and graceful figure, most of the men present couldn't help being stunned, revealing a look of obsession.

Only Chen Xi, who followed behind the two of them, became a character that no one paid attention to, and seemed quite inconspicuous.


ps: There is another update in the early morning, and there is a strong call for monthly tickets. Brothers and sisters, please move the mouse to vote for me!

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