divine talisman

Chapter 632 Bronze Coffin

Thanks to the brothers "Niu Dawan's Fish" "123jsky702" for their valuable monthly support!


In the main hall on the highest floor of Bingyun Pavilion.

The arrival of Long Zhenbei and An Wei attracted the attention of the powerful people present, but Chen Xi, on the other hand, became a character that no one paid attention to because of his unfamiliar face.

But he didn't care, he chose a seat by the window, sat down, and sipped wine and tea while looking at the people in the hall.

What he pays the most attention to is the young man from one of the Ten Great Immortal Sects——Chi Yangzi.

This person is dressed in an apricot-yellow Taoist robe, with a unique style and a handsome appearance. He exudes a back-to-basics aura when he moves his hands and feet. Sitting there alone, he looks like a standout among chickens, extremely eye-catching.

And the reason why Chen Xi paid attention to this person was because of Feng Jianbai of the Yunkong Feng Sect. In the ancient battlefield, Feng Jianbai was accepted as a disciple by an earth immortal patriarch of Baozhenguan.

Now less than half a year has passed since he entered Xuanhuan Realm, he was very curious, how far this guy Feng Jianbai has cultivated now, and will he come to this Cangwu Abyss?

Thinking of Feng Jianbai, Chen Xi also thought of Qing Xiuyi, Zhen Liuqing, Fan Yunlan, Zhao Qinghe and others. They were all taken away by masters of a big force, and there was no news of them. Now, how are they doing?


Just as Chen Xi was contemplating, a lightning-like gaze swept over him and landed on him, immediately waking him up. When he raised his eyes, it turned out to be that Chiyangzi.

"It seems that my frequent sizing up of him has actually attracted his attention..." Chen Xi laughed inwardly, drank a glass of wine, and cast his gaze out of the window.

On the other side, Chi Yangzi frowned, and immediately looked away, but a ray of suspicion rose in his heart. This strange young man came from the Jiuhua Sword Sect, and followed Long Zhenbei and An Wei. Could it be that he is also a big deal character?

In the main hall, Long Zhenbei and An Wei were chatting with some young talents, talking and laughing at Yan Yan. One of them was a powerful person with "Zhulong Lingpu", and the other was a fairy-like proud daughter of heaven. Naturally, there were many Those who were close to him seemed quite lively, but before Chen Xi sat alone at the desk, he seemed a little lonely in the eyes of outsiders.

However, Chen Xi didn't think so. He stayed in the Jiuhua Sword Sect for a long time, and it could be said to be very peaceful, even a little deserted. Now that he suddenly entered this world of mortals, he felt rather comfortable.

"Cultivators are tired of the hustle and bustle of the world of mortals. It is a kind of enjoyment to go to the famous mountains and marshes to meditate, but after staying in those isolated spiritual mountains and blessed places for a long time, I have a different feeling when I come to this bustling world of mortals."

Chen Xi looked at the luxuriant Ice Spirit Sacred Tree outside the window, and heard the hustle and bustle in the hall, his heart was deeply touched, and he was a little dazed for a moment.

This is like two kinds of life, one is an ascetic monk who retreats in the deep mountains, and the other is a strange person traveling in the world of mortals, with different understandings and different moods.


Just when Chen Xi realized something and his state of mind became clear and clear, he suddenly felt that there was a trace of obscure Dao luck coming from the Ice Spirit God Tree in the distance.

Very unusual feeling!

He even vaguely noticed that there seemed to be a kind of life force in the Ice Spirit Divine Tree, but it was extremely difficult to detect, and when he felt it carefully, it disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Long Zhenbei had stopped communicating with other people, Shi Shiran sat by Chen Xi's side, and An Wei explained to Chen Xi that they left the Frozen Cloud Pavilion with a beautiful woman and went to Buy some items on the street.

As soon as An Wei left, the smile on Long Zhenbei's face disappeared immediately. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, with a hint of arrogance, and he said leisurely to himself, "Junior Brother Chen, some powerful people will come to Ice Cloud City in the near future. Many of them are enemies of our Jiuhua Sword Sect, you have to be careful, with my means, I can only protect Junior Sister Anwei's safety."

The implication is that if he encounters danger, he will only take care of An Wei first, and will not take care of Chen Xi.

Chen Xi remained silent, turning a deaf ear to it. At this moment, all his thoughts were focused on the Ice Spirit Divine Tree outside the window, so he had no time to pay attention to Long Zhenbei.

What's more, Long Zhenbei "expressed" like this, and he didn't bother to argue with the other party anymore, anyway, he never expected Long Zhenbei to be generous enough to take care of himself.

"Then... I'll take it as your default."

Seeing that Chen Xi was indifferent and ignoring him, Long Zhenbei couldn't help being startled, and a sullen look inadvertently flashed in his eyes. To be honest, if it wasn't because of An Wei's face, he wouldn't be with such a small character like Chen Xi at all. For company.

Even though Chen Xi had done a series of major events in the sect that shocked the sect, and even injured Wang Chonghuan and other tyrannical figures, in Long Zhenbei's view, it was not worth mentioning and did not arouse his interest at all.

What he values ​​are nothing more than two things, one is his own strength, and the other is the beauty he likes, and nothing else matters to him.

Now, he has already stood proudly among the top ranks of the seed disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. He is famous all over the world. Wherever he goes, he will be treated with respect by everyone. With the company of a proud girl like An Wei by his side, he can be said to be full of ambition. With infinite scenery, how could Chen Xi be put in his eyes.

"What an unreasonable guy, wait for trouble to come to your door, and see if you still obediently beg me for help!" Long Zhenbei glanced at Chen Xi, and sneered in his heart.

During this period, several groups of strong men from various regions entered the pavilion one after another, attracting bursts of noise, all discussing things about the Cangwu Abyss.

However, all of these were ignored by Chen Xi, because he once again made an astonishing discovery!

A vertical eye was quietly opened between his brows, and he stared at the Ice Spirit Sacred Tree outside the window, and immediately saw a soft divine radiance flowing in the trunk of the Sacred Tree!

What surprised him most was that the trunk of the sacred tree seemed to be an independent world opened up by someone. It was extremely vast, and there were traces of ancient and obscure Taoism everywhere. In the center of that space, there was an ancient altar floating impressively.

In addition, on the altar, there is a bronze coffin, the coffin body is mottled with rust, and patterns of flowers, birds, insects, fish, sun, moon and stars, ancestor sacrifices and so on can be vaguely seen, exuding a cold, ancient and mysterious feeling. Extreme breath.

"Independent space, traces of the avenue, ancient altar, bronze coffin... There is indeed another mystery in this Ice Spirit Divine Tree. If I don't rely on the eyes of the divine truth, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to discover it."

Chen Xi was secretly shocked in his heart, he never expected to discover such an astonishing secret.

He tried his best to run the "Eye of Divine Truth", and his eyes felt a sharp pain, almost bleeding, and finally saw the scene inside the bronze coffin, it was empty, but in the corner, there was an extremely inconspicuous piece of burnt wood .

This piece of scorched wood is only the size of a palm, and its whole body is dark, as if it has been struck by lightning. Silky soft halo, the halo drifted down, like drizzle, moistening the whole piece of burnt wood, extremely miraculous.

"Could this scorched wood be transformed by the ray of soul left behind by the Cangwu Sacred Tree that An Wei said?" Chen Xi's heart trembled, and his heart couldn't help but thump.

If it was as he had speculated, that bud growing on the burnt wood represented a ray of vitality of the Cangwu Sacred Tree.

Simply amazing!

Who would have imagined that such miraculous objects would appear in the Ice Spirit Divine Tree?

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and only then slowly calmed down his excited mood.

"This Ice Spirit Divine Tree is very unusual. Since it has stood for endless years, whenever the Cangwu Abyss is about to appear in the world, it will make a sound of the Dao, as if calling something."

"Unfortunately, the existence of this Ice Spirit Divine Tree has long been shrouded by the laws of heaven. Once it is destroyed, it will attract the attention of many powerful people. If it is not the case, I really wish I could split it open and see what is hidden in it. What a secret."

"That's right, through the ages, I don't know how many extraordinary and holy people have come to the Ice Spirit Divine Tree to find out, trying to deduce its relationship with the Cangwu Abyss, but so far no one has been able to see through the mystery."

In the main hall, some powerful people from various major forces were discussing, and they were not afraid of anything, because everything about the Ice Spirit Divine Tree had become an open secret.

However, Chen Xi's heart was moved. From the words of these people, he vaguely felt that the scenes he had seen before might be the real secret of the Ice Spirit Divine Tree. As long as he thoroughly understood it, he might be able to explore more. There are many mysteries about the Cangwu Abyss.

At this time, some strong people started to discuss again, but what they said was completely different.

"In my opinion, no matter how miraculous the Bingling Divine Tree is, it is only transformed by a leaf of the Cangwu Divine Tree. If there are other secrets, it is completely nonsense, even if there are, I am afraid that they have nothing to do with the Cangwu Abyss."

"Haha, that's true. If there is a secret, I'm afraid it will be snooped out by the powerful people from all sides. How can we leave it to us people to explore it hard?"

These words also have some truth, and won the agreement of many people present.

However, Chen Xi frowned, took a deep breath, activated the Eye of Divine Truth with all his strength, and once again peered towards the Ice Spirit Divine Tree, his eyes flew across the independent space, the ancient altar, and the bronze coffin , and finally fell on that piece of burnt wood.

This time, he began to experience the aura emanating from that piece of burnt wood, and the result surprised him, because the wisp of greenery glowing from the buds of the burnt wood was like the origin of the great way, containing the essence of the great way of the heavens. breath!

Although it was extremely weak and insignificant, Chen Xi was clear that his perception was definitely not wrong, it must be the aura of the Great Dao, and it would never be false.

"There will be no fakes. It is indeed transformed by a ray of soul from the Cangwu Sacred Tree. I will help you get it, but you must promise me one thing as a condition of exchange."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out of Xiao Ding who had been silent for a long time, it was like a thunderbolt, and Chen Xi was shocked directly.


ps: Continue to call for monthly tickets, tomorrow is Lantern Festival and Valentine's Day, but as long as the monthly tickets are strong, they will still be updated!Brothers and sisters, use your enthusiasm to completely ignite my codeword **!

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