divine talisman

Chapter 648 The Giant Claw of the Sky [Part 4]

"Bastard, you actually dare to kick my ass! Chen Xi, you are dead! Ever since I was a child, no one has dared to kick my ass!" Long Zhenbei let out a terrified cry, and his whole body was like a kite with a broken string. Quickly passed through that crack, however, when he turned his head inadvertently, he saw a black shadow enveloping an extremely cold sword glow that was fleeting.

And the gaze of that black shadow was Chen Xi who had already retreated violently to one side!

"Huh? Assassin? Sneak attack? So... Chen Xi saved him?" When Long Zhenbei realized it, he was already standing on the other side of the crack.

Realizing all of this, his face suddenly became gloomy, his brows were furrowed, he felt ashamed and worried about Chen Xi, and he didn't know what to say.

"What! Someone sneaked up on Chen Xi?" An Wei, who had been waiting outside the crack, exclaimed, an uncontrollable look of anger appeared on her beautiful face.

"There was indeed a sneak attack, and the strength of the sneak attack should be extremely powerful." Long Zhenbei's expression became extremely serious, and he told An Wei in detail what he had seen before.

"Damn it! Who is it that dares to attack our members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect!?" With An Wei's calm temperament, she was also aroused with endless anger at this moment, her brows were furrowed, and she was full of murderous intent.

"This time, it was Chen Xi who saved my life. If something happens to him, I will help him get it back ten times. No matter who it is, I will wipe out his entire family!"

Long Zhenbei gritted his teeth, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. It was icy cold and filled with endless cold killing intent.

He understood that if Chen Xi hadn't kicked him before, he would have been robbed long ago!

The reason is very simple, even if the target of the sneak attacker is not me, I will definitely be caught off guard by this accident, and between the cracks, I am very likely to be crushed to death by the power of the star cycle.

"For today's plan, that's the only way to go."

After calming down, An Wei couldn't help sighing deeply, and became worried about Chen Xi's fate. She never thought that Chen Xi would encounter an accident before entering the Cangwu Abyss. This was simply the heaviest thing for them and the group. hit.

"Let's go, Chen Xi's junior brother Jiren Tianxiang should not be so short-lived. Let's go to the Cangwu Secret Realm first. As long as he is still alive, there should be a chance to meet him."

Long Zhenbei patted An Wei's shoulder to show comfort.From this moment on, in his heart, Chen Xi was no longer an insignificant character, but a companion worthy of his life.

If Chen Xi died, he would kill all those who offended Chen Xi, leaving no stone unturned!

This is a kind of promise, although it was not spoken, but now it has been branded in his heart.


"Failed?" Qiu Jun of the Netherworld Demon Sect said in surprise, "This is rare. If it gets out, Chen Xi might become famous because of it."

His face is thin and ordinary, but it is like an unshakable mountain, hard, lonely, and steep, with strands of pure magic energy floating around him, adding a sense of mystery.

But in front of him, the masked assassin remained silent like a shadow. The pitch-black mask and strange purple pupils made one's heart palpitate.

Qiu Jun knew the masked assassin very well. No one knew his real name, but he had a very famous nickname - "You".

You, representing mystery, ethereal, and elusive, just like the style of an assassin, who comes and goes without a trace, walks in the dark, deals with the target, kills with one blow, and has never lost his defense.

Among the cultivators of the Nether Transformation Realm, looking at the entire Xuanhuan Great World, You's assassination skills are enough to rank among the top ten, and he is a top master, famous all over the world.

However, although You walked in the dark, he was not a violent and bloodthirsty person. On the contrary, he almost never attacked other people except to assassinate the target. Even if he was insulted and humiliated, he could not arouse his killing intent.

In other words, when not performing tasks, You is like a harmless person who will not cause any trouble to anyone at all.

This kind of person, and because of this, was extremely terrifying just now.

However, when You decided to attack Chen Xi, even Qiu Jun was shocked. You must know that he never ordered You to do so.

What surprised Qiu Jun even more was that You's initiative to attack this time actually failed!

When he got the news, his first reaction was, this is impossible!Even though he has seen You with his own eyes at this moment, he is still unwilling to believe it.

How could a little fellow from a common dynasty in a small world, a seed disciple who had just joined the Jiuhua Sword Sect for less than half a year, let You, a top assassin who had already been famous all over the world, miss it?

You's reaction confirmed the news, it's true!

Qiu Jun couldn't help but pursed his lips, and asked, "Why did you decide to attack Chen Xi before? Did you find anything?"

"Intuition." Youxi words are like gold, spit out two words.

"Intuition?" Qiu Jun was stunned. He didn't expect that You would give him such an answer, which was beyond all his speculations.

He even thought with some anticipation that it was because You knew that the person he was going to deal with was Chen Xi, so he wanted to help him and take the initiative to attack once.

Looking at it now, it is obvious that he is being self-indulgent, and the reason why You did this is because of an almost illusory "intuition"!

"That fellow Chen Xi would never even think of breaking his head, so Yuhui will attack him for this reason?" Qiu Jun couldn't help but wonder.

"He will affect your and my goals." You's voice was cold and indifferent, without any emotion.

"Affecting our goals?" Qiu Jun narrowed his eyes and immediately understood what the other party meant: "You mean, your intuition tells you that he will affect our matter?"

Huo nodded.

Qiu Jun fell silent for a moment, he knew that there were many mysterious things about You, which was one of the reasons why he almost never missed.

Although You's words seemed absurd, for some reason, he gradually believed in them.

After a long time, Qiu Jun suddenly smiled, his brows stretched, and he seemed to be really happy, and said: "That's fine, I'm just worried about how to find him after entering the Abyss of Cangwu, if this is the case, I can take this opportunity to Catch it completely!"

"In order to end the Great Dao?" You suddenly asked, he had always been extremely silent, and he cherished words like gold, but at this moment, he took the initiative to ask, obviously, he was not indifferent to everything in his heart.


Qiu Jun glanced at You, he knew that things like this couldn't be hidden from You at all, because the other party's background, like his, also came from the Netherworld Demon Sect.

But the only difference is that You's existence is only ordered by the suzerain, like a secret trump card, even many elders in the Netherworld Demon Sect, most of them don't know that You is actually a disciple of his sect.

"The other party is very powerful." You was silent for a long time, and said another sentence, which seemed very abrupt.

"You keep secret and I know, can we succeed if we join forces to deal with him?" Qiu Jun was startled, and he also felt something unusual in his heart. You's unusual reaction made him start to pay attention to Chen Xi's existence.

"Yes." You nodded.

"That's good. I just hope that kid doesn't get lost in the sea of ​​clouds and is completely trapped to death. That would be a pity." Qiu Jun secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He was really worried about getting a negative answer from You.

Immediately, he turned his head and said to You: "Let's go, the first to strike is the strongest, and the second is to suffer. Now the others, I am afraid that they have all reached the Abyss of Cangwu..."


As soon as the voice fell, You had turned into a shadow and disappeared completely, making it difficult to be noticed.

But Qiu Jun knew that You was near him, and immediately he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, feeling that an assassin like You is really boring to live, walking in the dark without seeing the light, what is it for?


In the vast sea of ​​clouds.

The cycle of the stars, the ups and downs of the sun and the moon, produce a terrifying force of time and space tides, sweeping away, raging fire storms and ice torrents everywhere, some chaotic vitality turbulence, almost more fierce than the nine-day gang wind Thousands of times, the masters of the realm of the underworld will also be exhausted and trapped to death.

But in this extremely dangerous situation, Chen Xi was like a projectile, flickering and jumping, shuttling forward, looking for a possible way out.

Fortunately, in his chaotic world, a sapling of the Cangwu Sacred Tree has now taken root, and the immortal power spewed out continuously provides him with true energy, so that he does not have to worry about the problem of lack of physical strength.

Otherwise, if he keeps flying through the sea of ​​clouds like him, he will exhaust himself and die sooner or later.

"No, although I'm walking in a straight line, but here the stars are rotating, the sun and the moon are floating and sinking, and there is a lot of fog, so I can't determine the direction at all. If this continues, I'm afraid I won't find a way out."

Suddenly, Chen Xi stopped his body, looked around, and couldn't help frowning.

He never expected that this sea of ​​clouds would be so vast, almost like a large natural phantom array, even if he was proficient in the technique of deduction, he could not find a trace of life to escape.

"It's no wonder that the Cangwu Abyss has been called a place of great evil throughout the ages. This sea of ​​clouds alone may kill most monks."

Chen Xi muttered, feeling the extraordinaryness of Cangwu Abyss more and more.


At this moment, suddenly, on an incomparably huge star in front of him, a beast claw with red scales covered the sky and covered the earth, and grabbed Chen Xi fiercely.

This beast claw has four fingers, each of which is like a giant pillar of the sky, densely covered with layers of icy iron-like scales, raging billions of fire lights, and the power of a grasp is like a stick protruding from a god. The palm of your hand gives you a sense of powerlessness that you cannot escape.

Under the claws of this red scaled beast, the turbulent tides of time and space spread out one after another, and the entire thousand-mile area was frozen by a terrifying aura.

It can be vaguely seen that behind the red scaled animal claws, there is a giant beast of unknown size, poking out a head as huge as a mountain from a star!


ps: The fourth update is 1 words, for the sake of staying up until 2:4 in the morning, please give me a monthly pass!

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