divine talisman

Chapter 649 Yazi Fierce Beast [Part 1]

Thanks to the brothers "pig pig dragon dragon" "h" "see her again when I look back" "happy reading" "scholar here" for the precious monthly tickets and sister paper cotton and ugly god for the rewards and support!


This sea of ​​clouds is filled with the power of time and space tides, boundless, no one knows how vast it is, but it was transformed by the ancient sacred tree Cangwu, which can be called a true miracle.

The stars among them are as huge as the real planets in the universe, roaring and circulating, producing extremely violent star gang hurricanes, which are unparalleled in size and wreak havoc everywhere.

And the sun and moon floating in it, not to mention how many, burst into immeasurable light, producing endless flame storms and ice torrents, sweeping all directions, and completely turning this sea of ​​clouds into a terrible place.

At this moment, on one of the big stars, a beast claw with red scales unexpectedly protruded, covering the sky and the sun, tearing through the billowing sea of ​​clouds, and coming across!

This is?

When Chen Xi saw this beast claw surrounded by billions of flames, his expression immediately changed drastically. He never imagined that there was such a terrifying beast hiding here!

Just feel the aura it exudes, no less than a real ancient beast!

These divine beasts also have realms, just like cultivators, but when they are weak, they are equivalent to masters in the Nirvana realm, and because of their amazing talent and noble blood, their strength is often stronger and more terrifying.

A primordial divine beast that has just advanced to the realm of underworld can single out dozens of monks of the same realm. The reason is very simple. The capacity of the primordial divine beast for true energy is simply beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

The character in front of him whose aura is not inferior to that of the primordial beast, does not know what realm he has cultivated to, but he can be sure that his power must be extremely terrifying to be able to survive in this tide of time and space until now!

In just an instant, Chen Xi's heart throbbed, and he felt a fatal threat. He knew very well that once he was hit by the claws of this heaven-shrouding beast, he would definitely die!


At this moment, without any hesitation, Chen Xi fully operated the chaotic world, his whole body roared, and all the mysteries of the Dao turned into divine rainbows circulated around his body, his aura was pushed to the peak state, and his whole body was like a king coming, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

At the same time, the simple and simple sword talisman appeared in his hands with a faint sword chant, and the five divine talismans suppressing it bloomed with infinite power, and the runes rolled, blazing like a round of scorching sun rising across the sky.


A sword intent soaring to the sky, as vast as a galaxy, rolled down backwards, and slashed down towards the oncoming claws of the beast that shrouded the sky.

This is definitely the pinnacle of the sword that Chen Xi has slashed and slashed since his cultivation. The sword is majestic and carries an invincible divine power. It disrupts the sun, the moon, the universe, and shatters the shackles of the void. It is extremely sharp and fierce.

Among them, there was even a wonderful sound of the Great Dao, and the gods chanted, and a phantom like a god emerged, which was the vision derived from the five gods suppressed in the sword talisman being pushed to the extreme!

Under this sword, even Wang Chonghuan, Long Zhenbei and other top-level cultivators of Minghua had no choice but to dodge and shrink back, not daring to overwhelm their sharpness.


The sword intent collided with the beast's claw, and there was an earth-shattering loud noise, as if the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and two volcanoes collided. The airflow just blowing out swept away the thick clouds and mist within a radius of ten thousand miles, presenting a vacuum zone.

If it was outside, this shocking collision would be enough to crush a city!


Chen Xi coughed up blood, and his figure was thrown ten thousand feet away by this huge force. He was in a state of embarrassment, and his expression became horrified.

His peak sword, not only did not shatter the claws of the shrouding beast, but he was shocked to the point of being hurt!

You know, the sword in his hand is sharper than a half-immortal weapon, and combined with the peak kendo that has reached the state of "sword energy turning into silk", it didn't hurt the slightest bit of that beast's claw. Doesn't this mean that this alone Beast claws are harder and more terrifying than half-celestial weapons?

However, Chen Xi was a little thankful that although this sword did not hurt the terrifying beast, it bought him a bit of time to breathe.

It was this little bit of time that allowed him to see the fierce beast on the opposite side clearly.

I saw that ferocious beast, now standing up from the stars, with a huge leopard head like a mountain, a dragon body covered with red scales, and four claws like pillars supporting the sky, standing up to the sky, with its feet on the ground, exuding a tyrannical expression. The bloodthirsty terrifying aura, every breath, is like a tornado, stirring the world, producing a thunderous noise!

What is particularly shocking is that it holds a sharp sword in its bloody mouth. The blade is blood red, thick as if it is about to bleed, and the edges are jagged. Trembling bloody gas.


As soon as he saw his opponent clearly, Chen Xi couldn't help shrinking his eyes, and exclaimed in surprise.

Yazi, one of the most famous fierce beasts in ancient times, is rumored to be the heir of the ancient true dragon. He is brave and good at fighting, and bloodthirsty. If he dares to offend his opponent, he will be hunted down endlessly until he is killed. Death, without exception!

The idiom "Jia Zi must retaliate" is used to describe the tyrannical killing intent of this ancient beast, saying that it has a strong desire for revenge, and it will never give up until it kills its opponent.

"This is definitely a pure-blooded Yazi! However, its strength seems to be..."

When he was startled, Chen Xi inadvertently glanced at Yazi with the Eye of Divine Truth, but unexpectedly discovered that the opponent's power seemed to be passing away at an astonishing speed!

Even the bloodthirsty aura released from its body is like a flood breaking a bank, not as strong as before.

How is this going?

Chen Xi was astonished. He clearly sensed that the strength of this terrifying beast, which was well-known in the ancient capital, might have already reached the realm of the Earth Immortal, but now, its strength is actually passing away!

In other words, the blow it made before had exhausted its stamina greatly, and now it is gradually exhausted.

"Could it be that this ferocious beast has been trapped here for endless years, and because it doesn't have enough real energy to replenish, it's almost exhausted?" Thinking of this, Chen Xi's heart shook violently.

However, he didn't dare to act rashly, even if the opponent's strength was weakening, he was by no means able to fight against it now, and he even doubted that once he charged forward, he would most likely be hit by Yazi's dying blow, that would be absolutely terrifying pole.


Just when various thoughts were flickering in Chen Xi's mind, Yazi let out a shocking roar on that star, and a pair of huge lake-like blood-red eyes locked onto Chen Xi coldly, filled with endless cold killing intent, even, And with a trace of extreme longing...

Like a hungry wolf suddenly seeing a fat lamb.


It struck again, and this day the beast's claws pierced through the sky, engulfed in billions of flames, like a rainbow piercing through the sky, it tore down towards Chen Xi, with overwhelming momentum and unparalleled divine power.

But at this time, Chen Xi was already prepared, and he flapped his Xuanmagnetic wings with all his strength, his figure flickered and jumped in the sea of ​​clouds, and disappeared in an instant.

Losing the trace of the enemy, Yazi seemed to feel extremely irritable and angry, and repeatedly slapped the beast's claws, shaking the stars under him to buzz and tremble, almost shattering.

The sea of ​​clouds with a radius of tens of thousands of miles was plunged into chaos, the air flow was disordered, and the hurricane rushed against it. At this time, if anyone fell into it, they would be directly strangled, turned into fly ash, and completely annihilated.


After a long time, there was a terrifying roar, less violent and bloodthirsty, but full of unwillingness and despair, shaking the void to produce a terrifying turbulent storm.

I don't know how long it took before everything here returned to calm, and the thick fog filled the air again, but the terrifying figure disappeared.

"Dead? Or dormant?"

With a bang, Chen Xi's figure reappeared at the place where he was standing before, and he looked around, but he could no longer find the figure of that ancient beast Yazi.

He pondered for a long time, and a ruthless expression appeared in his expression. The next moment, he had disappeared from the same place, and rushed towards the star where Yazi lived before.

On that star, there are bare mountains everywhere, flying sand and rocks, a desolate, lifeless, let alone the existence of heaven and earth spiritual power.

When Chen Xi stepped on this star, he immediately saw an incomparably huge figure lying in front of a gigantic mountain peak in the extreme distance, it was that ancient ferocious beast Yazi!

It's just that it has no vitality at this time, and there is no breath of life anymore.

"Sure enough, he is dead. As the heir of the ancient true dragon, Yazi is of noble blood and unparalleled in strength. Now he is dead. His corpse is comparable to a great treasure!"

Chen Xi's heart was excited, and he felt a pleasant feeling of being hit by a windfall. He never expected that such a ferocious ancient beast would die like this...


However, just in case, Chen Xi sacrificed the sword talisman, and directly slashed away.


The sword intent was like a flash of surprise, and it directly slashed on Yazi's body, bursting out a ball of blazing sparks, leaving only a faint white mark, but it didn't break his bones!

From this, it can be seen how strong that Yazi's physical body is, even if it is dead, its defense power is stronger than that of the half-immortal weapon, not weaker.

"It seems that he is indeed dead. Otherwise, with Yazi's tyrannical and bloodthirsty disposition, he would have already committed murder after receiving this blow..."

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Chen Xi's lips, and his heart was completely relaxed. The next moment, he was already in front of Yazi's body.

For any monk, the value of the body of a pure-blooded ancient ferocious beast is astonishing. .

But the most valuable is the natal bone in his body!

This bone contains the essence of an ancient ferocious beast, and its innate Taoism and supernatural powers have evolved from this bone of destiny.

Moreover, the more powerful the primordial beast, the more powerful the mysteries contained in its natal bone, some supernatural powers and Taoism are even famous in the Three Realms.

Like the divine beast Qingluan's innate supernatural powers, Xuanci Wings, can rank among the top [-] on the list of supernatural powers in the three realms, which is extremely terrifying.

And as far as Chen Xi knew, the talent inherited from this ancient beast, Yazi, was also a terrifying Taoism that shocked the world——"Explosive Qi Killing God Art"!

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