divine talisman

Chapter 664

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Just when everyone was stunned, that fragment of the Grand Dao fell into Chen Xi's palm and disappeared in an instant.

"Hmph, knowing that you will die, why bother? Do you think you can refine a fragment of the Dao in an instant and double your own strength?"

Yan Shisan snorted coldly, like a demon god, his eyes opened and closed, the glow of fire was steaming, and his momentum was overwhelming.

Chen Xi wiped the blood stains from the corners of his lips, pursed his lips and remained silent, but inside his body, he was running the chaotic world crazily, and with the help of the power of the Cangwu seedling, he began to refine this fragment of the Great Dao.

Yan Shisan is indeed frighteningly powerful, with extraordinary talent, and has mastered many shocking Taoism and magic weapons. He has seven times the combat power himself. Among his peers, it is almost difficult to find an opponent.

Facing such a monster who looked like a natural born saint, Chen Xi was also very clear that with his five times combat power, he might be able to defeat the other cultivators who had transformed themselves into an army, but compared to Yan Shisanyi, it was obviously a little worse.

After all, no matter in terms of Taoism, magic weapon, own strength, and combat experience, this person has reached the peak ranks among his peers, so he can't take advantage of it.

Originally, he could rely on the power of the Cangwu seedlings to exhaust Yan Shisan to death, but unfortunately, because of Xiao Ding's sudden opening, there was a flaw in his mind, and he was immediately caught by the opponent and bit him tightly. If he doesn't let go, he will be at a disadvantage immediately.

The so-called inadvertent one will lose everything. Under such a disadvantage, if you want to turn the situation around, you must have a big breakthrough, and that fragment of the great avenue that has already appeared in the world has become Chen Xi's only choice.

"Give up! Even if the Dao fragments fall into your hands and kill you, they will still belong to me. Your efforts are just wasted!"

Yan Shisan yelled loudly, his voice was like thunder, shaking in all directions, filled with a look of disdain for anyone else.


The next moment, he had already jumped up, carrying hundreds of millions of flames in his big hands. If a sea of ​​flames fell from the sky, such an attack could definitely obliterate a city and destroy countless armies, but now he was only dealing with one person.

Everyone's expression changed. From this blow, they all felt Yan Shisan's determination to kill the opponent, so they couldn't help tensing their bodies and staring at them.

On the line of life and death, will Chen Xi be punished for this?

Long Zhenbei and An Wei had their hearts hanging in their throats, and their faces showed despair. If Chen Xi died, even if they could survive, they would not be able to feel at ease in this life!


There was a loud noise that shook the sky, like the sun and the moon colliding, the sound pierced the nine heavens and ten earths, and an incomparably blazing light burst out, drowning the entire sky, making it difficult for people to see the scene clearly.

Is Chen Xi dead?

Everyone stared wide-eyed, but they couldn't see everything clearly. Instead, they were hurt by the blazing sunlight, and they were about to cry.

"Should be dead. Even if he obtained the Grand Dao Fragment, at such a critical moment of life and death, it would be difficult for Chen Xi to turn things around. After all, the Grand Dao Fragment cannot be completely refined in an instant."

"Hey, actually think about it, this kind of arrogant person, if he hadn't repeatedly looted our avenue fragments before, causing anger and resentment, he wouldn't have ended up like this."

"Us? Hehe, it's really ridiculous. The fragments of the avenue are originally ownerless, so why should Chen Xi be guilty of what he did before?"

"It's a pity, this son was killed after all..."

Everyone whispered in low voices, with different expressions, some admired, regretted, regretted, and some were excited, joyful, and eager to dance.

But this discussion also fell into the ears of Long Zhenbei and An Wei, but it was no less than a thunderclap, making them look bleak, their eyes lost their minds, their hearts were ashamed, their hearts were cramped, and it was difficult to breathe.


Is it really dead?


At this moment, a figure suddenly flew out of the light covering the sky and was captured by everyone's vision.

However, when they saw that figure, everyone was as if struck by lightning, almost couldn't believe their eyes, that figure was actually Yan Shisan!

A trace of bright red blood spilled from the corner of his lips. Although it was fleeting, it was still clearly seen by everyone. In other words, he was actually injured?

This is the first time Yan Shisan has been injured since the start of the war!Originally, everyone thought that Chen Xi would die, but who would have thought that such a reversal would happen?

Everyone was stunned like puppets, not understanding what happened.

However, when they saw Chen Xi's majestic figure gradually appearing in the disappearing light, they immediately knew that their previous guesses were all wrong!

Chen Xi did not die, and at the critical moment, he wounded Yan Shisan instead!

The audience was in an uproar, as if seeing a gigantic miracle presented in front of him.

"Not dead, haha, not dead, I know this guy is not a short-lived person! Hahaha..."

"It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive."

Long Zhenbei and An Wei still couldn't believe it, but when they raised their heads and saw the familiar tall figure under the sky, they were stunned, and their moods were so ups and downs that they almost cried with joy. You know, they themselves So far, he has never lost his composure like this before.

From this, we can know how much surprise and excitement this scene brought to them.

"Very good, you can bear it so much that you can only show your full strength at this moment!" Yan Shisan's eyes were cold, and flames flickered, and he was really angry.

He didn't think that Chen Xi could completely refine the fragments of the Dao in an instant, so he thought that Chen Xi had been hiding his strength since the beginning of the battle!

Only by explaining it in this way can he accept it.

"Come again!"

Yan Shisan roared loudly, his power was even more majestic, his whole body was burning, and he held a simple and thick bronze tripod magic weapon, and threw it at Chen Xi.

Chen Xi dodged it. At this moment, his whole body burst into immeasurable light, and his terrifying aura permeated. He was more than twice as strong as before, and he was as fierce as Yan Shisan.

At this time, with the help of the Cangwu seedling, he completely refined another fragment of the Dao in an instant, and already possessed six times the level of combat power, which was no longer comparable to before.


Like a god beating a heavenly drum, he slapped the bronze tripod with one hand, causing a piece of the tripod to be sunken. How powerful is this?

One must know that this tripod is an incomparably powerful semi-immortal artifact, named the Golden Crow Ten-Fair Ding, and it is a treasure that Yan Shisan searched hard for, it is far beyond comparison with ordinary semi-immortal artifacts.

But now, Chen Xi beat him to the ground with a single blow. That level of divine power could not help but shock everyone present, even Yan Shisan was deeply moved.

"very good!"

Yan Shisan yelled twice again and again, as if he was extremely angry, his eyes were red, and the fire was bursting out, he was completely mad, with unparalleled momentum, like a great demon god, wrapped in divine flames, and rushed to kill again.

Chen Xi didn't say a word, he was calm and unhurried, and with every move, he used all kinds of methods, all kinds of wonderful methods, as if he ruled the world and pointed out the country, his power and influence were immeasurable.

Just like that, the two collided again and started the most terrifying shopping.

It was like two wild beasts from ancient times met and fought fiercely, fighting from the sky to the ground, from the thick earth to the entire Cangwu secret realm, and then rushed into the clouds and came back again.

The people who watched the battle were also stunned and almost forgot everything. Their eyes and hearts were filled with a great shock, and their minds were swaying.

This is definitely an epic battle, a duel between a pair of peerless geniuses, destined to be recorded in the annals of history, causing a sensation in the world and shocking the entire Xuanhuan world!

And both Long Zhenbei and An Wei knew that when they returned to the sect again, with the posture of Chen Xi, they would definitely be the best among all the disciples, and they would be among the top seed disciples of Shenhua Peak!

In the sky, the fierce battle between the two became more and more intense, until the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. In the end, Yan Shisan's ultimate move was broken, and Chen Xi slapped his whole body away, causing him to cough up blood. , turned away.

"Don't say it's you, even Bing Shitian can't stop my steps!" Chen Xi said coldly.

"I don't accept it!" Yan Shisan roared angrily, his eyes widening.

Chen Xi struck directly. This time, his expression was colder and more stern than before, and he was also calmer. When he slashed out with his palm, it was like thousands of huge waves rushing away, making a roaring sound.

Among them, there are faintly mysterious and delicate flowers of the other shore blooming, blooming, and swaying, exuding a terrifying aura that makes one's heart palpitate.

That's the power of the other side, summoning the soul to cross the catastrophe, if you don't follow, you will be suppressed under the six realms of reincarnation, in the eighteenth floor of hell!

Yan Shisan bombarded with all his strength, his body was burning like the scorching sun, and he was dodging himself, but it was still useless, and was directly blown away by this blow.


A string of blood flew up, the clothes in front of him were shattered, his chest collapsed, and several bones were broken. If he hadn't been strong and protected quickly, his internal organs would have been shattered.

With a bang, Yan Shisan fell to the ground, suffered heavy injuries, and lost the strength of the first battle!

The big picture is settled.

But at this moment, there is no sound in the world, and the needle drop can be heard. It has been silent for a long time, and it is over like this, which makes it difficult for many people to accept.

Yan Shisan was defeated!

How powerful and domineering this lunatic who has been in the Xuantian Realm for many years, has dominated the world, and is almost hard to find an opponent among his peers, has been defeated now!

How can this not be shocking?

This is the proud son of Tian Yan Dao Sect, with extraordinary talents, now that he has been defeated and has no power to fight, how can he be accepted?

Even Long Zhenbei and An Wei couldn't help but breathless when they saw such a scene, they were shocked and speechless. After all, Yan Shisan's prestige was too high, and he was at the top of the top ten immortal sects. His defeat naturally seemed too embarrassing. Unbelievable.

"I didn't expect, haha, I really didn't expect that I would be defeated by you, but Chen Xi, don't get too complacent. Among the powerhouses of the same realm in Xuan Huanyu, there are people who are stronger than me, Yan Shisan. More, you are not unique!"

Yan Shisan's clothes were stained with blood, his face was pale, but his demeanor was not diminished, he looked up to the sky and laughed endlessly.

When he was speaking, a mysterious jade talisman suddenly exploded in his hand, and in a flash of light, he disappeared instantly, not even causing space fluctuations!

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