divine talisman

Chapter 665 Megatron audience

Thanks to the brother "zhenjun7256" for the valuable monthly ticket and Baojiang's support! ——Yan Shisan looked up to the sky and laughed, and disappeared in an instant, which shocked everyone present.And Chen Xi was also suspicious. This wasn't like teleportation. With Yan Shisan's state, he couldn't teleport at all. He searched the surroundings with the eyes of divine truth, but didn't find any space fluctuations. "This is the Eternal Light Promise Immortal Talisman! My family ancestor once had one, which can only be refined by great figures in the fairy world. Once it is crushed, it can travel through the infinite space and achieve the effect of great teleportation in the void! It is the top life-saving weapon in the world. Almost no one in the world can stop it!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing the method Yan Shisan used to escape, causing everyone present to be secretly surprised, the value of this kind of fairy talisman is very rare compared to half-celestial artifacts!Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head, a little bit unwilling, but he didn't expect Yan Shisan to escape in the end.Especially Yan Shisan's words before he left surprised him a bit. With Yan Shisan's posture, he would admit that there are many people who are more powerful than him. super master?If so, it would be terrible.You must know that among the ten major immortal sects and the six branches of the demon sect, the young disciples of the underworld state, the disciples with five times the combat power are quite rare, enough to be known as the top-level underworld powerhouses.And that supreme-level cultivator of Minghua is simply a legend. It is difficult for a person of this kind to appear among tens of millions of people. Looking at the entire Xuanhuan world, there are very few people, and it is difficult for one person to appear in a thousand years.Such characters are definitely the darlings of God, the proud sons of heaven and earth. Once they come out, they must be giants leading the times, shining brightly, and almost invincible among their peers!Like Yan Shisan, who has seven times the combat power and has reached his current fame, one can imagine how sensational it would be if a supreme-level meditating cultivator appeared.But very soon, Chen Xi stopped thinking about it. The world is so big that there are no surprises. Maybe there really is an existence more stunning than Yan Shisan, but all of that has nothing to do with him, and it is useless to think about it.boom!boom!boom! ...The next moment, Chen Xi had already cast his eyes on the downwind. With a sweep of his eyes of divine truth, he could directly see through the mystery of the Eight Scenes Binding Immortal Array. The Banner of the Half Immortal Artifact also fell into his hands.These eight flags are as thick as a child's arm, dark and cold, and weigh more than ten thousand junctures. The flags are all the color of iron and blood. Each flag has a different pattern drawn, there are gods and demons, there are ghosts, and there are mortals. , There are sages and sages who have achieved the Tao... The eight patterns almost cover all living beings in the world.Chen Xi was keenly aware that thousands of mysterious and intricate restrictions were refined on these eight banners. When used together, the power is comparable to that of a fairy weapon, and its value is immeasurable! "Although Yan Shisan escaped, his work was not in vain." Chen Xi raised his hand to erase the brand marks on these flags, and put them away after a short sacrifice.This is a set of powerful magic weapon, which can not only be used to protect the cave, but also can be used to destroy the enemy. It is extremely powerful and infinitely useful.At this time, Long Zhenbei and An Wei had already approached, their expressions were filled with excitement, and they looked at Chen Xi with a hint of admiration, but they were even more moved.Chen Xi's fight against the heroes, and his confrontation with Yan Shisan, was all about saving the two of them. Now that they were finally rescued, it was no less than a new life. How could they not be grateful to Chen Xi from the bottom of their hearts?The two opened their mouths to say something.But Chen Xi stopped him with a smile and shook his head: "Leave here first." After saying that, he waved his sleeves and led the two of them away without looking at the other people present.Chen Xi left, and while everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, they couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.Before, because they were ambushing here and wanted to harm Chen Xi, they couldn't help worrying that they would be retaliated by Chen Xi, but now it seems that they were overthinking themselves, and they didn't take them seriously at all.Soon, the quiet atmosphere was broken and it became noisy and boiling. They were all discussing that this battle between Chen Xi and Yan Shisan was too amazing. It is difficult for people to have peace of mind.They all knew that in today's battle, Chen Xi's name was destined to become a storm, sweeping all over the place, shaking the Xuantian Territory, and becoming the hottest topic. ... Swish!The Cangwu Secret Realm is very large, but it is only a part of the Cangwu Abyss, and other areas are more vast and mysterious. "I have something important to do, I'm afraid I won't be able to be with you." On the way, Chen Xi said apologetically.Before that, Xiao Ding had spoken again, saying that the Chaos God Crystal would appear in the world within three days, so he had to rush to the destination to help Xiao Ding obtain this divine object.And in this process, there might be strong people from other races involved, so he couldn't bear to take Long Zhenbei and An Wei on the road, lest any accidents would affect them. "Where are you going? The Good Fortune Sword Domain, or the Gate of Wonders?" Long Zhenbei asked in surprise. "A very dangerous place." Chen Xi could only answer like this.Long Zhenbei and An Wei looked at each other, both of them were secretly astonished. Now, the battle between Chen Xi and Yan Shisan has proved how powerful he is, which made them feel inferior.Even he said it was very dangerous there, so what kind of a dangerous place is that place? "Okay then, we'll stay in Cangwu Secret Realm and continue searching for the fragments of the avenue, waiting for you to come back." After a moment of silence, An Wei made a decision.Everyone has their own secrets, and since Chen Xi said so, he must have been fully prepared, and they could only respect his decision, and could not interfere. "Hmm, are there any fragments of the Dao in the Cangwu Secret Realm?" Chen Xi was surprised. "How could it not? Although you have wiped out so many, there are still many buried in other places, but it is more secretive." Long Zhenbei gave Chen Xi a strange look, and when he mentioned the fragments of the avenue, he said again. It was amusing and amazed at the same time, sweeping across six pieces of the avenue by one person made all the heroes fly into a rage, almost going crazy. Only Chen Xi had the strength to do such a brutal thing. "That's good, haha, I thought I'd scavenged them all." Chen Xi rubbed his nose and laughed endlessly.Seeing this, An Wei also pursed her red lips lightly and smiled lightly. She had shawl hair, a slender figure, and skin as white as fat, clear and ethereal, and every frown and smile exuded a thrilling beauty. "Let's go quickly, I have already sensed the specific direction." Xiao Ding reminded suddenly through sound transmission. "Senior Sister An, Senior Brother Long, it's not too late. Junior brother will take his leave first." Chen Xi trembled in his heart, and cupped his hands at the two of them and said. "Junior Brother Chen, hurry up and take care!" "Take care." Long Zhenbei and An Wei clasped their hands and instructed earnestly.Chen Xi nodded, turned around and turned into a streak of rainbow, drifting away, and disappeared in an instant. ——My No.15 was blown away by the power of the great god, brothers, it is only 2 votes away, please help, let's go back and blow the chrysanthemum of the great god above!Fight hard, there is another chapter in the morning!

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