divine talisman

Chapter 672

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The wind as cold as a knife whizzed across the dark and hard earth, making a sound like a devil's cry. The mountains, the earth, and the sky here... were all pitch black.

In the sky, from time to time, strange lights flashed by, like strands of sword light, piercing the darkness and disappearing in a flash.

This is a strange space, not a single blade of grass grows, it seems that there is no vitality, it is dead silent, and there is a unique chill smell everywhere.


The biting wind swept across the rocks, making the sound of swords and swords slicing, echoing in this dead atmosphere, very penetrating.


Suddenly, a black image fell to the ground like a kite with a broken thread, splashing a cloud of dust, and it was extremely embarrassing.

His clothes were torn, his long hair was loose, blood was dripping from the corners of his lips, his handsome and resolute face was pale at the moment, almost transparent, and he was sitting on the ground gasping for breath.

It was Chen Xi who narrowly escaped from the hands of the Earth Immortal Patriarch!

At this moment, he suffered heavy injuries all over his body, his vitality was weakened, and he was about to become confused. His whole body was like a wounded person who was about to drown. At this time, another ordinary beast would come and kill him.

"I didn't expect that the thunder strike of the ancestor of the earth immortal would be so terrifying. Now that I have mastered six times the combat power, I almost died."

Chen Xi gasped for breath, with lingering fears in his heart. Before, he had seen quite a few Earth Immortal ancestors, and there were even existences at the level of Celestial Immortals, but if it was said that he had fought against the Earth Immortal ancestors, this was the first time in his life.

This kind of narrow escape experience made him understand more deeply the gap between the Underworld Realm and the Earth Immortal Realm.

If he hadn't rushed into the bronze door this time and escaped by chance, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"Don't worry, for the sake of Chaos God Crystal, I won't watch you die." Xiao Ding said, it was only one inch in size, the whole body was carved like mutton fat and jade, hanging on Chen Xi's chest, it was extremely mysterious.

"Then why didn't you make a move just now..." Chen Xi smiled wryly, and complained to Xiao Ding in a rare way.

"I know you'll be fine. What's more, fighting against the strong Earth Immortal will also make you more aware of your own strength. This is a valuable experience that ordinary people can't understand at all."

Xiao Ding said, "Now, you should quickly repair your body. This place is already the core of the Good Fortune Temple. I have sensed a lot of danger."

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to delay any longer. He sat down, took a deep breath, slowly circulated the chaotic world, and began to repair the injury with all his strength.

"Didn't you snatch the jade pot, and swallow the slurry in it, you can quickly repair your body." Xiao Ding couldn't help pointing.

"Jade pot?"

Chen Xi was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized, and immediately took out the jade pot that he had snatched from the main hall just now. This pot was like a jasper carving, filled with aura, breathed out divine light, and wafted out strands of fragrance that penetrated into the bone marrow.

Just this astonishing vision alone makes it clear that the nectar contained in the jade pot must be extraordinary, perhaps it is the celestial brewed nectar left by the ancient supreme powerhouse.

He opened it with his hand, and there was only a thin layer of slurry in the jade pot, which was extremely thick, as if it had been precipitated by endless years, and the juice was crystal clear, like amber, flowing with the intoxicating fragrance of the soul.

With just one sip, Chen Xi felt that every inch of his skin, bones, and meridians seemed to be waking up, cheering, jumping for joy, full of longing, and even his soul was a little drunk. It was an indescribably wonderful feeling.

"This is not an ordinary drink. If my guess is correct, it is brewed with various elixir, among which there are many precious treasures that only existed in the ancient times. They are of infinite value, and they are even more valuable than the nine-turn elixir that can remove the flesh and bones of the dead." Make more concessions, as long as one cup is sent out, it is enough to make many people break their heads and fight for it."

Xiao Ding reminded: "One sip is enough, don't waste it."

Chen Xi nodded, took out a jade cup, took a small sip, and drank it all in one gulp.


All kinds of fragrances rose up, and as soon as he swallowed it, a cool and warm current surged through his body, like a dragon scurrying through his veins, making his cheeks flushed, and his whole body was a little dizzy, extremely intoxicated, Rays of light gushed out from the mouth and nose, and what was swallowed and breathed was pure Shenxi.

"Quickly seal it up, don't lose the efficacy of the medicine." Xiao Ding said.

Chen Xi closed his six senses tightly, quickly sobered up, sealed the jade pot, and carefully put the jade cup into the Buddha Pagoda.

This is definitely a treasure. If you were an ordinary person, if you only smelled a ray of fragrance, you would be very drunk and fall into a strange state.

It was the small sip that Chen Xi drank, and if any other cultivator was unprepared, he would inevitably be physically and mentally overwhelmed by the majestic medicinal power, and would fall drunk to the ground, causing the medicinal power to be wasted in vain.

Fortunately, Chen Xi's physical body was strong enough, and with Xiao Ding's guidance, he wouldn't waste this medicinal power.


Soon, his nearly devastated body was surrounded by that mysterious warm current, and it was recovering and healing at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

In less than a cup of tea, the injuries all over his body recovered to their original state!If Chu Jing, the Earth Immortal Patriarch who hurt him so much, saw this scene, he would be stunned!

The next moment, thunder rumbled from within Chen Xi's body, and a blazing glow erupted. The breath of life was exuberant. His whole body was crystal clear, and his plasma was burning like a turbulent boil. His body training almost directly broke through into the Underworld Realm.

His face immediately changed, and he stopped quickly. This is not the time to advance. After all, this is the core of the Temple of Creation, full of horror and danger.

It's a pity that this small cup of medicine is too powerful, after treating his wounds and healing them, half of them are still surging in his body, forcing Chen Xi to use his whole body's strength to suppress him.

Finally, a mass of blazing vitality was suppressed by him, shrunk into a ball, slowly poured into the flesh and blood, and was temporarily sealed to prevent it from being lost and dispersed.

"This kind of divine liquid is absolutely priceless, unimaginable, and it's simply not something that the human world can have!" The next moment, Chen Xi opened his eyes, which were shining brightly, deep and bright, revealing a touch of amazement.

In the past, he also worried about when he would be able to break through the state of cultivation and advance to the realm of Minghua. After all, body training is different from Qi training, and every step is extremely difficult and obscure.

And from the Nirvana state to the Nether state, it is a leap between great realms, and it is extremely difficult, no less difficult than ordinary people climbing mountains with bare hands.

However, now that he possesses the divine liquid from this jade pot, Chen Xi immediately sees the hope of advancing, and he is even convinced that as long as he finds a safe place and swallows some divine liquid, he will be able to refine his body and cultivate himself into the Underworld Realm Absolutely sure!

"Let's go, I've already sensed the aura of the door of wonders, and it will open within two hours at the most." Xiao Ding said, at this moment its voice was filled with imperceptible excitement.

Chen Xi immediately woke up from his contemplation, and stood up, his expression becoming extremely serious.

Now he can be sure that the Chaos God Crystal is most likely in the door of wonders, and in the process of searching for the Chaos God Crystal, it is also very likely that he will run into the strong man of the foreign race.

But with Xiao Ding around, he doesn't worry about everything.

Soon, under Xiao Ding's guidance, Chen Xi swept towards the depths of this area.

The biting wind howled, the dark and hard mountains and the earth were all bare, like a dead place, and the air carried a chill and cold taste.

This is the core of the Good Fortune Temple. According to rumors, the inheritance of the ancient supreme powerhouse is buried here. Unfortunately, no one has been able to obtain it for endless years.

Even the saints who shook the Three Realms went to this place, but they all disappeared completely, disappeared strangely, and never appeared in this world again, which also cast a mysterious and dangerous atmosphere on this place.

Naturally, Chen Xi didn't dare to be negligent, he put his whole body on guard, and galloped forward. What surprised him was that he didn't encounter any danger during the journey.

There were no deadly traps, no killing arrays, not even a breath of life could be detected, it was dead and quiet, as if he was the only one left in the whole world.

This strange sense of silence not only did not make Chen Xi feel at ease, but instead made him more vigilant. After all, the more dangerous an existence was, the harder it was for people to detect it.

At the same time, he was also surprised to find that on the pitch-black sky, strange lights flashed from time to time, like sword lights, fleeting.

But he could see that the places where the strange rays of light disappeared were all pointing in the same direction, and there was a faint feeling like "a hundred rivers flow into the sea, and ten thousand swords return to the clan".

And that direction is impressively the direction he is heading now!

Strange, does this indicate something?

Chen Xi frowned. After seeing this scene, he had a faint feeling in his heart that he was flying towards a very dangerous place.

"Be careful, there is a terrible restriction ahead, you will die if you touch it!" Just as Chen Xi was about to cross a pitch-black mountain, Xiao Ding suddenly reminded him.


Chen Xi's eyes narrowed, and he immediately stopped, and carefully landed on the pitch-black mountain. Looking around, when he saw the scene behind the mountain, his heart was shocked, and he couldn't help but gasp.

Behind the pitch-black mountain, there is an incomparably vast plain, the ground is dark and hard, with a cold luster, and in the center of the plain, there is actually a tree that reaches the sky!

That sacred tree, inserted into the clouds, stands up to the sky, extremely thick, and every branch is like a rainbow bridge spanning the sky and the earth, extremely majestic and magnificent.

But what is shocking is that it is such a sacred tree, but its branches are bare, the whole body is scorched black, and the surface is covered with scars like ravines, criss-crossing, as if it has been cut by a knife and an axe.

"This...couldn't it be a shell left behind when the Cangwu Sacred Tree fell in the ancient times!?"

Chen Xi was shocked in his heart. Even though he only looked at it from a distance, he could still feel that an invisible force field emanating from the surroundings of this sacred tree was covering this piece of heaven and earth. One step in the area will be like a catastrophe, which makes people feel chills all over.

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