divine talisman

Chapter 673 Golden Ant Emperor

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This area seems to be the end of the Good Fortune Temple.

Standing in it was this sacred tree, although its whole body was scorched black, mottled and damaged, but it had the aura of standing forever, looking down on all living beings.

The fact is indeed the case, just the aura it releases has evolved into a terrifying restriction, covering every inch of space in this area, as if it will suffer catastrophe once it crosses the threshold.

"What a boldness! You have fallen through the ages, and you are still unyielding, and you have stood up to this day. If the catastrophe of the Three Realms hadn't come, I'm afraid you would have stood proudly at the top of the Great Dao of the Three Realms, right?" Xiao Ding said, with a hint of admiration in his voice for the first time.

"Senior, so that said, that sacred tree is the body left behind when the Cangwu sacred tree fell?" Chen Xi was shocked and asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's a pity that the mysteries of the heavens imprinted on it have already turned into every plant and tree in the Cangwu Abyss, otherwise, just this body you see will cause endless disturbances and shake the Three Realms .”

After a pause, Xiao Ding continued: "If my guess is correct, the gate of all wonders will appear on the top of the sacred tree in the near future. You have Cangwu seedlings, so you are not afraid of the restrictions in this area, but you Be careful, right now, many people are stepping on the sacred tree and fighting with some Ant Emperors."

Chen Xi's heart trembled, he cast his eyes of divine truth, and looked around, and he saw, as expected, more than a dozen majestic figures flashed on the big tree that held up the sky, surrounded by celestial clouds and unparalleled in divine majesty.

Obviously, these stalwart figures must be the ancestors of the earth immortals from the various forces. Among them, Chen Xi saw two acquaintances, the ancestor Lingya from Yuxin Jianzhai, and Feng Xuanzi who held the true view.

He had seen these two Earth Immortal Patriarchs in the Primordial Battlefield. At that time, the Lingya Patriarch was almost about to attack him because of the destruction of the Luoshui Shang Clan, so he was naturally very impressed.

And their opponents are actually god ants whose whole bodies are poured like gold!

The Golden God Ant was a foot long, with a strong and powerful body, filled with golden light and divine glow, majestic and majestic, except for its color, it was exactly the same as the Primordial God-eating Ant he had seen before.

The most frightening thing is their strength, they actually master all kinds of terrifying sword intents, the whole body is roaring with Taoism, and the immortal light is surging, all of them are not inferior to the first-class earth immortals!

Ant Emperor!

It is worthy of being the emperor among the ancient god-eating ants. This kind of ferocious strength is enough to deserve this title.

The battle between the two was so fierce that even Chen Xi felt his scalp tingle and his heart feel chilly. If it was placed outside, it would be enough to destroy huge cities one after another. That is to say, above the sacred tree, there was an invisible force field restraining it. , to restrain all destructive power, so as not to spread to the outside world.

"Could it be that they also came for the Gate of Wonders?" Chen Xi asked suddenly.

"In addition to the wonderful doors, there is also the inheritance of the mantle of the ancient supreme power." Xiao Ding replied, "Since ancient times, everyone has believed that the mantle of the supreme is buried in this tree. It’s just that it hasn’t been discovered.”

"The door of all wonders, the mantle of the Supreme... No wonder these earth immortal ancestors dared to come here when the Three Realms are about to be in turmoil. This kind of temptation is indeed extraordinary."

Chen Xi sighed softly, feeling a little heavy in his heart. If the Gate of Wonders really appeared on the top of the sacred tree, then if he wanted to enter it, he would inevitably run into those ancestors of the earth immortals, and even the ant emperors. But it's troublesome.

As for the mantle left by the ancient supreme powerhouse, he didn't take it seriously. From ancient times to the present, even some powerful people can't be found, let alone him.

"Don't worry, that tree is densely covered with restrictions. Every time you take a step forward, you will be oppressed and attacked to varying degrees. Even the ancestors of the earth immortals will find it extremely difficult to reach the top of the tree. In addition, those ant emperors are blocking you. , they may even fall and be directly suppressed."

Xiao Ding said calmly: "But you are different. You have Cangwu seedlings, and those restrictions are useless to you. What you have to be careful of is those who come from the Ant Emperor and the Earth Immortal."

Chen Xi smiled wryly, Xiao Ding said it too lightly, even those Ant Emperors and Earth Immortal Patriarchs, if they just pulled out one, he would definitely not be able to compete.

"If necessary, I will help you." Xiao Ding finally gave an answer that made Chen Xi feel at ease.

"Uh, there's no need to exchange anything, right?" Chen Xi scratched his head and asked, but he still clearly remembered that he had to pay a certain price if he wanted Xiao Ding to make a move.

"No, it's enough to get the Chaos God Crystal." Xiao Ding was very straightforward and didn't ask any more.

This made Chen Xi feel a little ashamed. He had obtained Cangwu seedlings from Xiaoding, and he was able to reach this place thanks to Xiaoding's guidance. Although Xiaoding didn't care, how could he not be grateful? ?

Very soon, Chen Xi collected his mind, circulated the aura of the Cangwu seedlings, turned into a stream of light, and plundered towards the Heavenly Tree on the extremely distant plain.


This Cangwu seedling is worthy of being transformed by a ray of soul from the Cangwu Sacred Tree. .

Chen Xi flew in it as if he was walking on flat ground, without any hindrance or harm.

Along the way, he also noticed that on the ground of this vast plain, there were piles of bone fragments and magic weapon fragments piled up one after another, densely packed, all over every corner.

Some bone fragments are even hundreds of feet long, mottled and dull, after countless years of erosion, they are still not weathered and shattered, which is very extraordinary.

"It's so scary. Those should be left behind by the fall of the strong who broke into this place since ancient times, right?" Chen Xi looked at the corpses and fragments of magic weapons in that place, and it seemed as if scenes of tragic and tragic scenes flashed before his eyes.

In the past years, each strong man arrived here after untold hardships. Seeing the legendary sacred tree that buried the mantle of the supreme strong man, he was so excited and joyful that he couldn't help himself, thinking that with the blessing of God, the great opportunity was at hand.

However, what they never expected was that this place was not the place where chances were buried as Ruo they thought, but a place of great danger. Before they got close, they were swallowed up by the restriction covering every inch of space.

They mourned, struggled, and regretted... But in the end, no one was spared, hated this place, and turned into a pile of bones, embellishing this place like a graveyard and a burial ground.

"Opportunities, treasures, since ancient times, how many people have been able to obtain them? Who remembers how many people have fallen here?" Chen Xi sighed softly in his heart, and felt that cultivation was not easy.

Fighting with the sky, fighting with people, and fighting with oneself, fighting back and forth, how many people can stand up to this day?


Very soon, Chen Xi arrived under the sacred tree, and walked up quietly without making a sound.

In front of him, there are countless layers of restrictions, layer upon layer, releasing a terrifying aura that can turn anyone's face. If an ordinary monk steps into one of them rashly, he will be strangled to death in an instant, and there is no room for survival.

And the higher one goes, the denser the restrictions, not to mention shortcuts, there is not even a single gap, if one wants to step on the top of the Shenmu, one can only rely on one's own strength to forcibly climb up.


However, these restrictions, which are full of murderous intentions in the eyes of outsiders, have no effect on Chen Xi at all. He is surrounded by the breath of the Cangwu seedlings, like a fish that has dived into deep water. Where he has passed, the numerous restrictions are as if they are in vain, and they can't contaminate him in the slightest.

All of this made him feel as if he was walking on the ground, extremely relaxed.

However, Chen Xi didn't dare to take it lightly, he carefully restrained the breath in his body, and approached the top of the sacred tree.

This sacred tree is like a majestic mountain piercing into the sky, walking in it is like an ant crawling on the bridge, it looks extremely small and inconspicuous.

And in the middle of the Shenmu, there was an extremely fierce and fierce battle. A group of ancestors of the earth immortals and an ant emperor confronted each other. There was an explosion of infinite light, and the sound shook the world. It was extremely terrifying.

Chen Xi no longer had to worry about the restriction issue, what he was worried about was those Earth Immortal Patriarchs and Ant Emperors, if any one of them found out, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, Xiao Ding would help him when necessary, which made him feel much more at ease, otherwise he would have gone as far as he had if he had encountered this scene normally.

Because they are not at the same level, to go is to seek a dead end.

Soon, he arrived at the center of the Shenmu, and this place was the core of the melee between the Earth Immortal Patriarch and the Ant Emperor!


The power of the celestial gang roared, stalwart figures flashed frequently, the ant emperor roared, his sword intent shook the world, and he fought desperately. The terrifying fluctuations produced completely submerged the middle of the sacred tree.

Chen Xi's heart tightened, and he was almost suffocated. This kind of fluctuation was too terrifying, even though most of it was offset by the heavy restrictions on the sacred tree, it still gave him a creepy feeling.

What made him speechless was that due to the terrifying strength of the two sides in the war, the fluctuations in the battle completely blocked the way forward. That is to say, if you want to reach the top of the sacred tree, you must cross this battlefield!

"What should I do? As long as I appear on the battlefield, I'm afraid I will be noticed in an instant..." Chen Xi hid in the distance, frowning endlessly, a little hesitant to rush over directly.


Chen Xi seemed to have noticed something suddenly. He reached out and pinched his ear, and there was an extra ant between his fingers. It was a very ordinary little ant with swarthy body. Let alone him, he was just a child. , can crush it to death.

"Ants are stealing their lives, but you appear in such a dangerous place. You are really ignorant and fearless. Fortunately, you met me..."

Chen Xi looked at the ants in his hands, and felt a little ridiculous. He never thought that in such a miraculous place, on the edge of such a dangerous battlefield, he would encounter such weak and tiny ants.

He shook his head, and the next moment he put the little thing on the ground, intending to let it go, but the next moment, he froze all over, with a look of disbelief on his face.

That's right, there are many restrictions here, and countless powerful beings have been killed since ancient times. How can a little ant be safe and sound here?


ps: In the third update, I have surpassed the previous master by 2 votes, please hold on, there is only one day left until the end of the month, our position is hard-won, don't be blown back again, and those who didn't vote for the monthly vote will give it away Well, it will be automatically cleared next month... Continue to code the fourth update!

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