divine talisman

Chapter 694 Strange Fish at the Bottom of the River [Part 2]

Mengwei's temperament is calm, calm and wise, almost nothing can cause him to have too much emotional fluctuations, otherwise he would not be able to act as the leader of this team, and he is deeply supported by everyone.

But now, he was startled, and one can imagine how shocked he was.

As a result, Moya became more curious about the exercises in the jade slip, and she couldn't help but look at the jade slip any longer.

After a while, her eyes suddenly lit up, her red lips trembled, and she seemed to want to exclaim, but she forced herself to hold back, and continued to observe.

After another moment, her whole body trembled violently, her full and alluring chest heaved up and down sharply, outlining a thrilling arc, the eyeballs of the guards next to her almost fell out.

Even those teenagers stared blankly for a while, feeling hot in their hearts, their cheeks flushed immediately, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to aim randomly at Moya's proud curve.

Gradually, Moya's breathing became faster, her eyes became brighter and brighter, her whole body trembled uncontrollably, like holding a rare treasure, she was so excited that she almost couldn't control her emotions.

She has black hair, tied into a ponytail like a waterfall, has a pretty appearance, and a slender and hot figure. At this time, she doesn't realize that her rapid breathing that seems to be panting, and her trembling and hot body are giving the bloody people around her What a big impact it caused in the hearts of the teenagers.

Mengwei couldn't stand it any longer, coughed dryly, and said, "Moya, how is it?"

Moya woke up immediately, took a deep breath, and said seriously: "It's very powerful, more than ten times stronger than the exercises we practiced before."

Heizi and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Aunt Moya's behavior made them feel embarrassed, but immediately, they were all stunned again. What?Ten times stronger than the skills I practiced before?

Although they already knew that the exercises they got from Uncle Chen Xi were very powerful and powerful, but they never thought that it would be so amazing that even Aunt Moya would give such a high evaluation.

Mengwei sighed, "It's a pity that these exercises are only suitable for children to practice, and they are extremely complete. If we try to practice, I'm afraid it will backfire."

Mo Ya also frowned, feeling very regretful.

The guard who hadn't spoken all this time couldn't help but said: "What's the problem? Let's go to Brother Chen Xi and ask for a method to practice, right?"

Moya's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again: "Will he...will agree?"

Mengwei shook his head and laughed: "I think you can't save your face."

Moya's eyes widened, she gave Mengwei a hard look, and said, "It's easy to say, don't you do the same?"

Mengwei was startled, and suddenly saw the guard leaving furtively, not only frowned, but said, "What are you doing?"

"Uh, I'm going to ask Brother Chen Xi for a reward." The guard said with a sad face, "If it's a little later, I'm afraid it will all be snatched up by others."

Mengwei and Moya were stunned. Only now did they see that there were many people surrounded by Chen Xi. They were all guards from the tribe.

"He's such an incomprehensible guy. Tell me, how many secrets are hidden in him? Why do I feel that he seems to be omnipotent, and nothing can trouble him..."

Mo Ya sighed softly and said quietly, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't get a response, she turned her head and looked, her teeth were itching with anger, "Mengwei, you spineless bastard!"

In the distance, Mengwei also approached Chen Xi at some point, and was communicating with Chen Xi with a smile on his face.

"Damn it, how dare you leave me alone like this..." Mo Ya stomped her feet fiercely, and walked over murderously while thinking about it.

Parting from the crowd, he came directly to Mengwei's side, but before she could speak, Chen Xi on the opposite side smiled gently, "Miss Moya, don't panic, I've already prepared the exercises for you."

As he said that, Chen Xi had already handed over a jade slip. Obviously, just like what he said, he had already prepared for Moya a method suitable for her to practice.

Moya was stunned, and swallowed the words forcefully when she reached the tip of her mouth. Facing Chen Xi's gentle and candid gaze, she lowered her head and became a little ashamed.

Everyone around was stunned. Moya has always been a hot-tempered woman, mature, calm, and capable. Who would have thought that she would show such a shy posture?

Mo Ya also seemed to be aware of something wrong, she immediately raised her head, and glanced around viciously, until the others dared not look at her, then she took the jade slip pretending to be open and generous, "Thank you, this I will repay the kindness."

After finishing speaking, she turned and left, her ponytail flying up, drawing a pretty arc.

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, but he was amused in his heart. When Mo Ya took the jade slip before, he clearly saw that the fingertips of the other party trembled slightly. Obviously, her heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

What a strong girl!

Chen Xi sighed, shook his head, and began to distribute exercises to others.


He is very clear that if he wants to avoid the pursuit of alien races outside the territory and let everyone safely leave this land of nine seclusions and reach the outside world, relying on his own strength is far from enough.

What's more, now that he has lost his Qi refining cultivation base, and his body refining cultivation base has only returned to around the Golden Core level, once he meets some powerful characters, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, he can only use the various exercises on his body to strengthen the strength of the entire tribe. As long as everyone becomes stronger, it will be safer.

After distributing the exercises, Chen Xi saw that the members of the entire team were a little out of control, knowing that their minds were immersed in the obtained exercises, he couldn't help being a little funny.

He looked around and ordered immediately to set up camp. Under such circumstances, it was obviously not suitable to move forward again.

"Okay, you can cultivate with peace of mind. I will leave the issues of food and guarding the camp to me." Chen Xi knew that wasting a little time on those guards and children at this time would simply be a kind of torture to them, so, He can only play the role of cook and guard.

Everyone was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly seized every minute to sit cross-legged on the ground, meditating and comprehending the exercises.

No one spoke, and no one was doing nothing. The entire camp was quiet, and everyone was immersed in their own exercises. Even Chen Xi was quite moved by the desire for power from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't disturb them, but quietly left the camp and came to the side of the Jiuyou River.

The mighty Jiuyou River is roaring and galloping, with turbulent waves sweeping through the sky. It is so dangerous that even fierce and surly bone birds dare not fly over the big river, for fear of being killed by the waves.

Standing by the river, Chen Xi suddenly opened a vertical eye between his brows, and looked towards the bottom of the Jiuyou River.

Soon, a look of shock appeared on his lips. The Jiuyou River was no less than one hundred thousand feet deep, like a bottomless abyss, and in the deepest part, there was a faintly surging breath of life.

"As expected, I knew that where there is water, there are bound to be living beings..." Chen Xi murmured, and when he spoke, the majestic consciousness in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly turned into a big sheet and rushed into the water of the Jiuyou River.


After a while, the surface of the river was churning, and the water sprayed wildly. Dozens of large fish that were three feet long, as big as a mountain, and covered with black scales were caught.

This kind of big fish with black scales has a ferocious face, its mouth is full of sharp and white fangs, and with a flick of its tail, it makes the void tremble violently with a flick of its tail, its strength is astonishing.

If it were a Golden Core cultivator, he would probably be torn apart by a single tail!

But now, as soon as these dozens of big black-scaled fish were fished out, their souls were completely shocked to death by Chen Xi's terrifying consciousness, and they fell straight to the ground.

"What a unique fierce fish. Although it has no spiritual power in its body, its strength and vitality are extremely huge. It is boiling all over. It is comparable to a strong man in the Nirvana state of body training."

Chen Xi was amazed, and with a wave of his sleeve, he put away these cuttlefish, turned and left.

Although these cuttlefish are no more than elixir, their flesh contains amazing blood energy, which has an inestimable magical effect on those youngsters to temper their bodies and consolidate their foundations.


The smoke curled up.

In the center of the camp, a huge bronze cauldron was built, and the milky white broth in the pot was bubbling, exuding a unique fragrance, so delicious and rich, it was mouth-watering.

Standing in front of the cauldron, Chen Xi threw in potions of elixir from time to time, such as Seven Profound Grass for vitalizing the meridians, Green Poria for conceiving and nurturing true essence, Red Velvet and Vermilion Fruit for purifying impurities in the body...

These spiritual materials were obtained by him over the years, and they were planted in the green wood forest in the four elephants of the Buddha Pagoda.

Now, he doesn't need these things anymore, they can just use them to help these young people cultivate.

Soon, a tangy and alluring fragrance filled every inch of the air in the camp, making people move their index fingers when they smell it.

grunt!grunt! ...

A series of strange noises sounded one after another. Chen Xi turned his head, and saw a group of teenagers with their eyes wide open, staring straight at the delicious broth in the cauldron, drooling. Those strange noises came from one by one. issued from the belly.

"Uh, you guys don't practice anymore?" Chen Xi asked.

A group of teenagers giggled, just staring at the furnace, like little hungry wolves staring at their prey, not taking a bite would be worse than killing them.

Mengwei, Moya, and the guards also surrounded them. On the one hand, they were attracted by the mouth-watering aroma, and on the other hand, they were amazed at Chen Xi's cooking skills.

The broth in this cauldron is not only full of color and fragrance, but also filled with a strong and tangy aura and medicinal power, which makes them feel as if their whole body is shaken and relaxed after just one sip.

Comparing it with the broth in front of them, they immediately felt that the food they ate before was simply terrible, and it didn't deserve to be called food at all!

"Okay, it's ready to eat." Chen Xi extinguished the fire with a wave of his sleeves, and took down the cauldron.


Before the words were finished, a group of teenagers, whose eyes were reddened by hunger, rushed forward screaming.


ps: After the early morning of the next chapter, ask for a monthly pass!The monthly pass is powerful, my friends said, would I have the heart not to add more?

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