divine talisman

Chapter 695 Essay on Gods and Demons [Part 3]

Thank you brothers for your valuable monthly tickets and support!In addition, I saw the old brothers "terryhong" and "Ling Tong" bubbling, very happy, welcome back!The essence is not enough, next week the goldfish will add essence to the brothers who cast monthly votes and support one by one!


In the camp, the fragrance filled the air.

The tender and smooth meat of cuttlefish, together with various precious elixir, is full of flavor, not only does not destroy the taste, but also has a unique and wonderful taste.

When you eat it, the snow-white fish meat explodes like bubbles, and all kinds of wonderful flavors come to your taste buds, turning into a warm current that floods your body, making every inch of your pores feel an unprecedented enjoyment.

In the camp, both the teenagers and the guards were fully active, like a starved ghost reincarnated, gobbling and feasting, with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

too delicious!

They couldn't believe that there was such delicious food in this world.

The white and refreshing fish meat, the rich and mellow broth, and the brightly colored elixir are all so delicious and full of taste, and there is also a lot of spiritual power in them, almost without refining, they turn into streams of warm currents All over the body, turning into the purest power of oneself.

This made them even more amazed, and felt Chen Xi's extraordinary craftsmanship even more.

Soon, those teenagers couldn't eat anymore, their whole bodies were flickering, their cheeks were flushed, and they were yelling, and some couldn't help but run wildly in the camp.

Chen Xi hurriedly made them sit cross-legged on the ground to practice. They swallowed too much, the power of the medicine in it was boiling and rolling in their bodies, and there was no time to absorb it. If they didn't refine it any more, it would be lost in vain.

Not long after, Mengwei and Moya couldn't take it anymore, they sat cross-legged on the ground, and tried their best to refine the majestic medicinal power.


A strange fluctuation sounded, and Xiao Cen trembled all over. He had just been in contact with Qi refining cultivation for less than a day, and it unexpectedly skyrocketed again and again, advancing to the innate realm in one fell swoop!

But Chen Xi was not surprised. Xiao Cen already possessed extremely amazing roots and talents, and coupled with the incomparably solid foundation he had laid when he was young, with the spiritual food he cooked, it was a matter of course for him to achieve such an achievement. matter.

Soon, other teenagers and young children also made breakthroughs. Suddenly, the entire camp was buzzing and shaking, and the energy was like a rainbow, rushing straight into the sky, which was truly spectacular.

"Breakthrough! I have been searching hard for nearly ten years, and now I have advanced to the realm of the underworld, hahaha!" Suddenly, Mengwei laughed up to the sky, his voice was high-pitched, like a dragon singing and a tiger roaring, shaking all directions.


Before his voice fell, the void on Moya's side suddenly swelled violently, producing an astonishing airflow that scattered loudly, and the aura was much stronger than before.

"Hateful! Another step behind you!" Moya opened her eyes, and glared at Mengwei angrily, but then she smiled again, her delicate face was blooming like a bud, dazzling, obviously, she also thought for herself that she could advance And pleasantly surprised.

At this moment, Chen Xi was a little surprised. You must know that the medicinal power contained in the broth was aimed at the youngsters to temper their physique and consolidate their Dao foundation, and it had the greatest effect.

But Mengwei and Moya were able to use this to break through and advance to the realm of body refining and meditation, even Chen Xi felt a little inconceivable.

After all, he had already learned before that due to the depletion of spiritual energy in the Nine Nether Lands, all the clansmen of the Nine Nether Tribe were all physically trained, taking the path of sanctification of the physical body, relying on tempering their bodies to increase their strength .

But the cultivation base is not high, the reason is that even if it is the body refining flow, after the cultivation base is raised to a certain level, it is necessary to rely on the power of mastering the Tao to break through to a higher level.

But he clearly remembered that Mengwei and Moya have never comprehended the Dao until now, and they were able to break through to the realm of the underworld, so there is only one reason, that is, their physical bodies have been tempered to the point of being extremely heaven-defying !

The so-called sanctification of the physical body is not fake. In the ancient times, the real gods and demons never bothered to comprehend and master the profound meaning of the Dao, because what they did was against the sky, breaking the shackles of the heavens, and wanting to be called holy On the avenue!

That is the oldest way of body training, and it is also the most difficult and difficult way. After countless years of changes, this way of body training has long been abandoned, annihilated in the dust of history, and replaced by various body training methods. Instead, even if you look at the Three Realms, you can no longer find such a body refiner.

But now, Chen Xi had a strong feeling that Mengwei and Moya were walking this incomparably ancient road of body training, and similarly, this was also the purest body training of gods and demons!

A strong impulse suddenly surged in his heart, wanting to observe their body training formula.

Because even if his body training is recovered, he will still be stuck in the perfect state of Nirvana. Although he is only one step away from the state of meditation, it is so far away, as if heaven and man are separated.

If you can gain some experience from Mengwei and the others, it will definitely help you break through the realm and advance!

Chen Xi hesitated for a while, but in the end he couldn't hold back his curiosity, and told Mengwei what he thought.

"Learn from the body training method?" Mengwei was stunned, and then he smiled boldly: "Of course, I thought that the body training method of our Nine Nether tribe has been behind for countless years, and it has become an old antique that no one cares about."

Chen Xi said seriously: "There is no source of all kinds of magical methods, and the method of body refinement is not from the ancient gods and demons. If you can observe the essence of it, it will be a great opportunity for any body refiner .”

Mengwei also restrained his smile, nodded seriously, and said, "Brother Chen Xi's words are very to the point. Yes, although the boundless years are changing, everything is undergoing earth-shaking changes, but everything remains the same. Some ancient things are still It is worth learning and passing on.”

Next, Mengwei solemnly handed over an ancient animal skin to Chen Xi.

What is recorded on it is actually a line of "Writings of Gods and Demons" from the ancient times!

Each handwriting is so ancient, obscure, and mysterious, not like words, but like symbols branded with the profound meaning of the Dao, exuding a palpitating vast and sacred atmosphere.

Just reading this line of "Writings of Gods and Demons" made Chen Xi's heart tremble, and he felt the purest aura of witch power, vast, boundless, majestic and unparalleled!

At this moment, he finally dared to be sure that the people of the Jiuyou tribe must be the descendants of an ancient god and demon!Even, the Jiuyou Tribe might be born out of a clan of gods and demons that have long been annihilated in history!

If so, that would be astonishing.

Because when he was at the Gate of Wonders, Xiao Ding once said that in the ancient times, there was a "catastrophe of gods and demons" that affected the three realms. After that catastrophe, the clan of gods and demons was completely wiped out, No one is alive!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but marvel in his heart. He knew that if the news spread like Xuan Tianyu, there would definitely be an uproar and a sensation in the Three Realms!

"The survivors of the Nine Nethers... Who would have thought that there would be descendants of the gods and demons in this land of the Nine Nethers, abandoned by the Great Dao and forgotten by the Three Realms?"

Chen Xi was filled with emotion in his heart.

But at the next moment, all the thoughts in his mind suddenly disappeared, and his eyes were like lightning, and he swept towards the front of the camp coldly. Under the cover of his spiritual consciousness, two figures were moving towards the camp thousands of miles away. Come on!

Both of these two men were slender and had snow-white wings on their backs. There was little doubt that they must be people from other races outside the territory.

Because when Chen Xi was on the Primordial Battlefield, one of the four strong men outside the region he saw looked like this. That strong man was named Luo Chuan, and he came from the "Wing Realm" outside the territory.

Obviously, these two people must also be from the Wing Realm.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help frowning, and his whole body was filled with a chilling aura.

"Brother Chen Xi, what happened?" Mengwei noticed the change in Chen Xi's aura, couldn't help squinting his eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

"There are two enemies approaching quickly." Chen Xi said quickly.

Hearing this, the faces of Mengwei and Moya next to him sank, and there was an undisguised deep-rooted hatred in their eyes, with extremely strong murderous intentions.

"I'm going to kill them!" Mengwei said coldly. At this time, the teenagers in the camp are meditating, and their cultivation is in a stage of rapid improvement. He doesn't want the enemy to kill them and interfere with the cultivation of the teenagers .

"Brother Mengwei, kill one and bring back another alive." Chen Xi said suddenly, the appearance of these two foreign races was too strange, and they ran to the front of the team, which made him faintly feel a little bad.

"it is good!"

Mengwei understood Chen Xi's thoughts in an instant, nodded his head, stepped on the ground with his toes, his whole body was like a cheetah attacking, his figure carried a strange rhythm, and disappeared in the distance of the camp in an instant.

"Don't worry, Mengwei and I have killed countless alien races along the way, and we know their strength like the back of our hands. With Mengwei on the way, we will definitely be able to catch them." Seeing Chen Xi's frown, Moya couldn't help comforting her.

"I'm not worried about these." Chen Xi shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "I just suspect that there should already be many enemies ambushing there in the direction we are heading."

"What?" Moya's pretty face changed, and she also understood the seriousness of the situation. If what Chen Xi said was true, then it would inevitably be another catastrophe for the clansmen like them.

After all, there are too many children in the clan, who are still underage, and relying on their strength alone, if they encounter a large number of alien races outside the region, they will not be able to take care of everyone's safety.

"Let's wait first, and make arrangements after Big Brother Mengwei comes back." At this moment, Chen Xi calmed down instead. Everything about the enemy is still unknown, so he can't let himself be confused at this time.

Mo Ya nodded, and immediately couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Chen Xi, and said in her heart, "I never thought that this guy is calmer than me. Could it be that he has gone through more hardships than me in the past?"

But she knew that this kind of unruffled demeanor could not be learned without experiencing great storms.


The next moment, Mengwei had already returned, holding a comatose foreigner in his hand, and it only took a few dozen breaths from the beginning to the end, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

It can also be seen from this how aggressive Mengwei's strength is, even Chen Xi was secretly surprised.

"Now, let me ask, how much does he know!"


Moya pulled out a short knife and stabbed it into the man's thigh, bringing up a bunch of bright red blood flowers, which was crisp and neat.


ps: As long as there are more monthly tickets, it will continue to explode tomorrow, friends, let’s see yours!

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