divine talisman

Chapter 703 Purple Ice Lotus [Part 4]

Thanks to the brother "Qiuxuanshu" for his great reward and support, he has become the "grandmaster" of "Fu Huang", and we will add more to celebrate tomorrow!



Thousands of purple flower-like divine lights overflowed, intertwined, and bombarded the formation like overwhelming the sky. The scene was like a sea of ​​purple flowers suddenly pouring over the canyon. It was extremely beautiful, but also extremely terrifying.

I don't know what to make these purple flowers, but they are not afraid of the green fire in the formation. Every time they are burned by the green fire, they will condense again in a blink of an eye and continue to bloom in the formation, bursting out wisps of sharp divine light. Rampage.

Soon, the flames of Qingyang that were originally monstrous in the formation became thinner and thinner, and the momentum became smaller and smaller. On the contrary, the number of purple flowers in the formation continued to increase. Looking around, the purple light overflowed, blazing and dazzling, and is spectacular!

The amethyst-level powerhouse attacking the formation had a sneer on his face, but he was extremely proud in his heart. These purple flowers were collected from the deep purple ice lotus in the crypt and refined by secret methods for more than a hundred years. Immortal artifacts must be three points powerful.

He suddenly shouted: "Ning!"

With a change in the spell in his hand, the purple flowers all over the sky suddenly turned into pieces of crystal clear ice crystals that released a misty light, which actually froze and solidified all the flames of Qingyang!

The large formation in the canyon in front of them seemed to have lost their sharpest minions all of a sudden. Many people showed surprise in their eyes, and they looked at the amethyst-level powerhouse with different eyes.

"The strength of this Moon Crow is pretty good!" Qu Tuo was slightly moved. The Moon Crow is a strong man in the "Moon Spirit Realm" outside the territory, and also the leader of one of the five teams.

"It's really good, I didn't expect that there is such a strange thing as Ziyou ice lotus in his hand." The dwarf man murmured, and immediately lowered his voice, "Boss Qutuo, you have to be careful, don't be robbed by others." Sutra, that would be too cheap for others.”

"Hmph, it's nothing but a crescent crow." Qu Tuo snorted coldly, showing a strong confidence.

Alai did not speak, his double pupils glowed with a deep luster, and he stared closely at the purple ice lotus that condensed into ice crystals. In his eyes, the ice crystals turned into groups The purple mist is beating in a unique rhythm. Obviously, this is a forbidden ice technique similar to freezing everything.

It's terrible!

Alai sighed inwardly.

However, contrary to the extraordinary momentum of the Moon Crow, the canyon below is unusually calm.

It was an unusual calm!

In the field of vision of his double pupils, there was hardly any movement, as if the people in the canyon had given up resistance long ago, and they just waited for the formation to be completely broken, and then sat and waited for death.

But there was a vague feeling of unreliability in Alai's heart. He tried his best to open his double pupils and search carefully, lest he miss any details.

The strong aliens of other teams also quickly noticed the change in the atmosphere. It was too calm, even a little weird, so they couldn't help but stop talking and look away carefully.

At this moment, Moon Crow flew up with both hands, drawing a series of mysterious and obscure trajectories, and suddenly shouted: "Explosion!"

boom!boom!boom! ...

The purple ice crystals that covered the canyon suddenly burst into hundreds of millions of purple blazing rays of light, spreading the sky and the earth, and the temperature of the land with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly dropped to the extreme. The air was full of ice crystal particles, and even the rocks on the ground were covered Freeze burst.


These purple ice crystals turned into hundreds of millions of purple lights, like a tidal torrent, carrying majestic power, rushing towards the big roar.

Seeing that the big formation was about to fail, suddenly a black light flashed in the big formation.

Bits of black star-like flames emerged quietly, and in the blink of an eye, they had converged into one piece, densely covering the surroundings of the formation. Looking from a distance, it was like spreading a vast galaxy on the surface of the formation.

It's just that the stars are black flames, icy and cold, exuding a biting and mysterious aura.

Peacock Pluto Fire!

Alai's double pupils shrank suddenly, and he almost blurted out, that's it!

When he was observing the formation in the canyon before, he had noticed the faint and imperceptible black light, but because the black light was fleeting, it was like an illusion, so he didn't pay attention to it.

But now, when he saw the star-studded formation, he finally knew that the true face of Lushan Mountain had appeared in this formation!

This change was too fast, and in the astonished eyes of many people, the torrent of purple divine light had already smashed down heavily,


It was as if a meteorite had fallen from the sky, and it slammed into the surface of the formation. The huge impact sounded like a startled drum in the hearts of everyone, causing many people to tremble and their faces to turn pale.

The purple divine light burst into pieces with a bang, and hundreds of millions of light rains scattered, shattering into countless spots of light and splashing away.

Boom boom boom...

The dense impact sounds, like the drums beating by the gods, are deafening and terrifying. The void is shaken to pieces, turning into shattered ripples and spreading around.

No one thought that the torrent transformed by the Ziyou Ice Lotus would be so domineering and fierce!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the big formation in the canyon, under such a terrifying attack, only trembled a few times before returning to its original state!

Not even a trace of damage, intact!

The smug smile on Moon Crow's lips suddenly froze, and his eyes widened suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost, his ultimate move of expressing high hopes did not succeed!

"What a powerful formation!" Qu Tuo squinted his eyes and asked quickly, "Alai, what kind of formation is that?"

"It should be a new type of formation. The person who set up the formation is a top-level talisman master, very powerful."

Alai took a deep breath, and there was a touch of admiration in his voice unconsciously, "The Qingyang fire in it is nothing, the difficulty is the Peacock Hades fire densely covered on it, if my guess is right, in the hands of the people who set up the formation , there should be a powerful physical treasure refined by the feathers of the Peacock Pluto, with this as the foundation of the formation, and with the power of the fairy as the power, it can reach this level."

After a pause, he shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, the changes are too complicated. With my strength, it is difficult to deduce one or two of them. I really don't know who is that talisman master who can create such a big formation. .”

Qu Tuo was surprised when he heard this, and his face became solemn. Alai was his most trusted subordinate. Although his strength was weak, his talisman cultivation base and the pair of natural double pupils helped him a lot.

Now, even Alai can't discover all the mysteries of this great formation, how can Qu Tuo not be shocked?

Could it be... there is really a strong Earth Immortal sitting in it?

At this moment, Qu Tuo's thoughts just surfaced in his mind again, and his expression was already extremely dignified.

"Kill! Come with me, it's just a broken formation, how can it block my steps?" Moon Crow's expression turned green and white, and finally gritted his teeth and yelled loudly.


The next moment, he had led a team of nearly 300 people behind him, rushing towards the canyon.

However, Moon Crow did not charge forward, but held the formation behind. To be honest, the previous scene also made him a little terrified, and he did not dare to risk his life easily.

This decision really saved his life.

Because the next moment, his subordinates, as soon as they rushed into the formation, were like worms falling into a spider, and their upper bodies were attacked by strands of black flames, and their skin melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, emitting bursts of incomparably miserable No matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape, and you are finally refined so that there is not even a bone residue left!

Such a tragic and vicious scene caused a gasp in the surroundings.


That black flame couldn't be broken at all, instead it was like tarsal maggots, as long as it was contaminated with a little bit, the body and soul would be instantly incinerated, it was extremely overbearing and ruthless.

In just a few breaths, this team of more than [-] people, except for the leader Moon Crow, were all buried in the formation, and the scene was extremely miserable.

"It's so scary. Fortunately, I didn't get involved in it..." Moon Crow was rejoicing, but his face was extremely gloomy. Under the eyes of everyone, all his subordinates died, and he was the only one alive, which made him feel a little bit unacceptable.

At this moment, no one laughed at Moon Crow's timidity. Everyone's eyes were on the canyon formation, and their expressions changed.

The atmosphere also became extremely dull.

This large formation was too scary and weird, and they didn't dare to rush into it, but when they thought of retreating, they were extremely unwilling.

You know, they came here this time under orders, if they go back in despair, not to mention the embarrassment, they would not be able to bear the anger of Lord Yunsu alone.

"Leader, please be prepared. According to my observation, the power of this large formation is weakening. It won't take long before it can be destroyed without attack." Suddenly, Alai reminded in a low voice.

"What?" Qu Tuo's eyes lit up, and he searched carefully, and indeed felt faintly that the great formation in the canyon, like a punctured ball, was constantly decreasing in strength and power.

"Tell the others to get ready!" Qu Tuo made a decision immediately, and ordered in a deep voice, with a hint of unconcealable excitement already in his voice.

Alai took the order and folded back.

"Hey, the power of that great formation seems to be rapidly weakening!" At this moment, other people nearby also exclaimed and discovered the change in the scene.

This time, the remaining members of the four remaining teams of the alien race outside the territory were all refreshed, full of murderous aura, eager to fight, and waited for the formation to be automatically broken, and then went straight into it.


"Why is the power of the formation passing away? What's going on?" In the canyon, Mengwei frowned, and a look of surprise could not help showing on his rock-hard cheeks.

Mo Ya was also terrified. In the canyon, the power of the spirits floating in the canyon was decreasing crazily and was about to be emptied. If this continued, the "Qingyang Minghuo Formation" would definitely collapse without attack.

And these people are completely exposed to the eyes of the enemy.

"It's over there, those fairy powers are rushing towards Uncle Chen Xi!" At this moment, Xiao Cen suddenly called out loudly.

Everyone turned their heads to look at it. When they saw the scene in the depths of the canyon, they couldn't help but froze, and there was an unconcealable shock in their eyes.


ps: Starting tomorrow, there is no limit to the number of words, so, friends, hurry up and sell your monthly pass!

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