divine talisman

Chapter 704 Rune World [Part 1]

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Chen Xi's expression was serene, as if an old monk had settled down, his body was full of fairy spirit, and his aura seemed more and more ethereal.

But in his dantian, an earth-shaking change is taking place!

Strands of dense and mysterious runes draw flexible and smooth lines, pour out from the meridians of the whole body, gather in the dantian, and begin to intertwine and criss-cross, deriving a chaotic rune, rolling endlessly like a vast ocean , has a wonderful unspeakable rhythm.

Chen Xi didn't pay attention to these things, and focused his attention on controlling the power of the fairy spirits. He used his true essence as the "brush" to continuously outline and cut seals on the chaotic ball of runes.

His movements are light and skillful, like a great painter splashing ink wantonly, lines containing the rhyme of Tao flow out of his hands, and then combine, condense, and form a dense and complex pattern like a starry sky.


At the moment when that pattern was formed, a flash of fire suddenly burst out from that group of chaotic runes, releasing a vast and brilliant aura.

Just like the first ray of flame that appeared from the beginning of the world, it lights up the world, illuminates the light, and gives people hope, vision and motivation to work hard.

It can be vaguely seen that in the light of the fire, there are two phantoms emerging, wearing Chinese robes and crowns, with strands of light and flying flames around their bodies, and countless gods and villains of various talisman cultures, surrounding them The two phantoms flutter around, as if they are dancing, worshiping, and praising the supreme emperor!

Red Emperor!Fire Emperor!

These two phantoms, a man and a woman, if Yin and Yang stand side by side, stand proudly in the sky and the earth, the fire overflows, and the light shines everywhere, driving away all darkness and bringing people endless hope!

They sit in the center of the chaotic runes and become the core of countless runes, causing the dantian to release a blazing and bright light.

Faced with this, Chen Xi still seemed unaware, and his mind was immersed in outlining the runes. In the chaotic sea of ​​runes gathered in the dantian, countless different runes had already been engraved.

Each type of rune contains a kind of profound meaning, which interweaves, intertwines, converges... and outlines a series of deep and complex patterns.

All he has done is to reshape the mixed hole world.

If the chaotic sea of ​​runes is the prototype of a chaotic world, then what he is doing is to perfect this world, giving it heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, wind and clouds, stars, sun and moon... everything, In the end, it will be shaped into a piece of beautiful mountains and rivers, picturesque!

He has forgotten everything at this time, forgetting whether he succeeded or failed. He just outlines the perfect world in his heart little by little according to his own mind and his understanding of the runes, using the true essence as the pen and the dantian as the talisman paper.

It was in this wonderful state where I forgot about things, that Chen Xi didn't notice at all that the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness began to hum softly.

That voice, like the wonderful meaning diffused from the heavens, the sound of nature chanted by the gods, spread up and down his body like ripples, making his soul, soul, and heart become more and more clear and clear. Dyeing the dust, blending with the Tao, is extremely mysterious.

All of this made him more proficient at drawing the runes. With one stroke, the runes appeared, as if possessed by the Dao. With a light stroke, it became a complete and flawless pattern.

At the same time, the chaotic sea of ​​runes in the dantian began to tumble violently, bursting out bursts of the holy light of the Dao, with thousands of auspicious auras, brilliant rays of light, bursts of Dao sounds roaring, and golden flowers falling in disorder.

One after another, the phantoms of the emperor emerged, standing proudly in the ocean of runes, or entangled in the profound meaning of green wood, and the vitality flowed, making all things germinate, or the golden light soared into the sky, fierce and unparalleled, as if with a wave of hand, it could cut through the world, Cut the universe.

I don't know how long it has passed, in the chaotic sea of ​​runes, there are already ten phantom emperors standing proudly, namely the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor, the White Emperor Jin Emperor, the Black Emperor Water Emperor, the Red Emperor Fire Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor Earth. Emperor!

"The five elements are born together, and the sky evolves all things!" At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, his tongue burst into lightning, and he softly uttered an obscure word: "Duh!"

The phantoms of the ten emperors separated the five elements, and the five-color divine light burst out from the whole body, which suddenly evolved into five mysterious and complicated divine talismans, suppressing the ocean of runes.

At that moment, it was like the division of yin and yang, the beginning of chaos, a burst of blazing and extremely bright light shone through the dantian, releasing immeasurable light!

And under the shining of that light, a vast, beautiful, and boundless world began to condense into shape with a bang!

The clear air rises and evolves into the sky.

The turbid air sinks and evolves into the ground.

The five elements cycle, all things sprout, mountains, rivers, lakes, sun, moon and stars, almost instantly, cover the whole world, rich and colorful, and brilliant and sacred avenue luck is exuded everywhere.


The wind and thunder are stirring, and the stinging of stings seems to be announcing the opening of a new world. All things are thriving and full of vitality, exuding tenacious and abundant vitality.

At the same time, a big tree that radiates divine brilliance emerges, as if it has found its home, and stands suddenly in the center of the world, with intertwined roots and strong branches, like a knife like a sword, with iron bones, ancient and vigorous.

There is only a piece of verdant bud on its branch, standing proudly on a branch, glowing with green brilliance, transforming into a surging fairy power, suddenly spreading and covering the whole world!

In just a split second, a surge of incomparably majestic true energy poured into various meridians and acupoints along Chen Xi's limbs and bones, like a river of joy rushing, endlessly circulating over and over again.

And among them, the various rune patterns densely covered on his meridians, acupoints, and internal organs glow with bright luster and are colorful, turning into a series of swirl-like patterns, which are in harmony with the true essence flowing through. Resonance and harmony produce a rhythm of the avenue that is in harmony with the heaven and the earth.

It finally worked!


Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes, the runes in his eyes rolled, mysterious evolutions, the sun, moon, and stars rose and fell, as if chaos opened up, and everything in the universe evolved within it, as if it could sink even the soul into it!

Fortunately, this kind of vision was fleeting, and immediately, calm and indifferent were restored.

He carefully experienced the changes in his dantian. The chaotic world shaped by hundreds of millions of runes based on the five great talismans is evolving in a cycle, and every plant and tree in it contains the profound meaning of the Dao.

As soon as he moved his mind, the whole chaotic world buzzed, and instantly turned into countless runes that flickered and disintegrated, densely covering the dantian around like dots of stars.

There was another buzzing sound, and the world of chaos was condensed again, the runes rolled, and the avenue circulated. The condensed can be transformed into knives, swords, bells, tripods... and other shapes according to his mind!

He even discovered that when the world of chaos is turned into a big cauldron, it will be extremely solid and condensed to the extreme, even if it is hit by Bing Shitian again, it will not be broken. In fact, he doesn't have to resist at all, just need to think As soon as it moved, the chaotic world automatically formed countless runes and disintegrated into pieces.

"Unexpectedly, after going through the catastrophe this time, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The world of chaos has been expanded to the extreme, and the only thing left is to reach the perfect state of various Taoism, which can completely double the combat power again!"

Chen Xi murmured, his expression was neither happy nor sad, his mood was calm and unwavering, he had a demeanor that was not shocked by honor or disgrace, and returned to basics.

He didn't feel too much emotion, stood up, and his tall figure became more and more elegant and lonely, floating out of the dust.Time has not left traces on him, Qingjun's face is still the same as before, but a seemingly indifferent look, but it makes people feel a sense of vastness and depth like the sea, and people can't help but be attracted by him. mind.

"Uncle Chen Xi, you're out!" A burst of cheers rang out.

When Chen Xi walked out of the tent, he saw the youths of the Nine Nether Tribe looking at him excitedly, their eyes revealing deep admiration unabashedly.

And Mengwei and Moya also looked at themselves with a smile, but there was a trace of worry remaining between their brows.

Chen Xi was stunned, his divine sense swept his surroundings, and he immediately understood everything.

It turned out that around the canyon, the power of the "Qingyang Underworld Fire Formation" was declining sharply, and it was about to completely lose its power. Outside the formation, there were four teams of alien races from outside the region, gazing at them with murderous intent.

"Brother Chen Xi..." Mengwei opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

"Brother Mengwei, please stay safe." Chen Xi interrupted with a smile.

"What... are you going to do?" Mengwei was taken aback.

"Of course it's going out to meet our enemies for a while." Chen Xi replied casually.


Moon Crow's expression was as gloomy as water, and he stared at the formation in the canyon. The power of the formation was rapidly weakening. This scene almost made his lungs explode with anger.


If he had known this earlier, how could all his subordinates have died?

These damned remnants of the Nine Nethers!How dare you play tricks on me like this, when the big formation is broken, they must let them live or die!

Moon Crow gritted his teeth, his teeth almost shattered with hatred, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Now in the team outside the canyon, only him, Moon Crow, was left as a bare-handed commander. He was alone, as if he had been stripped naked, which made him feel an unprecedented shame.


These remnants of the Nine Nethers must be wiped out!

Moon Crow roared in his heart.

In other directions, the eyes of Qu Tuo and the leaders of the other three teams also flickered with a cold murderous intent, like hungry wolves waiting to attack, eager to drink blood.


However, before the power of the canyon formation disappeared completely, suddenly, a figure paced out of it, with hands behind their backs, clothes loose, and a leisurely demeanor.

This sudden scene made everyone startled slightly.

"Haha, why, finally couldn't bear it anymore? Seeing that the big formation can't stop us from waiting, do you want to come out and surrender?" A foreigner from outside the territory said triumphantly, "It's a pity, it's still too late, you native remnants, today must have to die."

Chen Xi glanced around, ignored that person at all, and just took a step forward.


An invisible force field suddenly appeared like a blade, blood splashed everywhere, a head was thrown down from the void, and a headless corpse also crashed to the ground, bloody and bloody, and died tragically on the spot.

This scene immediately made everyone's eyes shrink!

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