divine talisman

Chapter 808 Golden Retriever Bear

This altar is very unusual.

Over the endless years, I don't know how many powerful people from the Taiqing Taoist Palace have studied classics here, passed on scriptures and taught them, and naturally left an indelible aura of Daoism.

Over time, this altar seems to be psychic.

In his ears, the sound of the Great Dao was faint, like the sound of heaven coming from the sky, and also like the sighs of the sages in the endless years, which made Chen Xi in a trance, and unconsciously sat cross-legged in the center of the altar.

At this moment, he is like an ignorant child who has just heard of the immortal way, confused, in a trance, not knowing where it started and where it will end, but he naturally fits with the aura of the Dao of the whole Taoist altar, and fits with the whole world.

Wisps of dao rhyme emanated from his body, shining brightly, holy and flawless, and the aura all over his body moved at will, just like the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky, naturally.

In just a split second, strands of divine light radiated from the altar, golden lotuses gushed from the ground, and flowers fell from the sky, submerging Chen Xi. He crossed his knees in it, and the golden lotus spewed out streaks of golden glow, surrounding his body.


A strange fluctuation spread around like ripples, and the still river of yin and yang began to swirl, and glaring flames spewed out from the four-element altar, as if a sacrificial sacred fire was being ignited.

Until later, the eight palaces that present the eight trigrams also reflect a divine rainbow, just like a bridge reaching the sky, supporting each other, crossing the four-element altar, crossing the Yin-Yang River, and connecting around the Taoist altar.

If you look down from the sky, you will see that the entire Taoist altar has been filled with Yin and Yang Qi, the power of the four images, and the spirit of the Eight Diagrams, releasing billions of divine brilliance, brilliant and vast, dreamy and blurred.


Suddenly, a small beast suddenly emerged from the void, as if appearing out of thin air, without causing any fluctuations from the beginning to the end.

It is only one foot tall, and it looks very much like a little brown bear. Its fur is golden in color, soft and smooth, with a naive look and a dazed look.

"Well, so it's not the master who is teaching, but this kid who is secretly enlightening." The golden bear shook his head, disappointed and depressed.

With a pair of paws on its back, it looked back and forth at Chen Xi, then suddenly remembered something, and slapped its forehead, "I forgot, it's been such a long time, it's impossible for Master, senior brothers and sisters to come back..."

As he said that, he sat down in mid-air, burst into tears, like a child who didn't understand anything, suddenly couldn't find his home, and cried very sadly.

The strange thing was that even though it was crying, the golden retriever cub didn't make any sound, let alone startled Chen Xi.

After a long time.

The golden retriever bear stopped crying suddenly, wiped his eyes, stood up again with his chubby body, paced back and forth, and murmured with a bewildered expression: "No, no, I remember Master told me that if someone comes, Just... just... well, I still forgot, no wonder Master always said that I am heartless."

It shook its head, didn't think about it anymore, just stared at Chen Xi with wide and clear eyes, and the eyes were full of curiosity.


Not long after, the golden retriever cub seemed to notice something, and disappeared with a whoosh.

At this time, Chen Xi also woke up, completely oblivious to the fact that there was a strange little beast that observed him closely for a long, long time.

At this moment, his heart is clear and clear, all the insights he has gained these days are condensed, consolidated, and further sublimated here, and his physical body is more spiritual, not only solid and immortal, but also integrated with the Tao, just like a real Tao embryo, pure Clear, every inch of texture is diffused with wisps of Dao rhyme.

In a sense, this is more important than advancing, because it is accumulating potential and expanding the infinite secret power of one's own micro-apertures. Sooner or later, one will open the body's shrine, soar into the sky, and achieve the brilliance of physical sanctification.

From now on, Chen Xi's second avatar's body refinement practice will be smoother, because the physical body is free from dust and dirt, as pure as a Tao embryo, and blended with the Tao.

Chen Xi opened his eyes, and slowly let out a breath, "I never thought that a simple Taoist altar could easily make people fall into the realm of enlightenment, and if they listened to the sages of the Taiqing Taoist Palace personally teach them, what would happen? Miraculous thing."

He stood up, glanced around, and was surprised to find that the Yinyang River, the Sixiang Altar, and the Bagua Palace had completely shifted their positions. They seemed to be exactly the same as before, but their aura was completely different.

What surprised him most was that a portal gushed out from the ground of the Taoist altar in front of him. It was as dark as a bottomless pit, and there was a bluestone step leading directly into it!

"Could it be that this is where the real treasure house of the Supreme Purity is located?" Chen Xi frowned. He had arrived at this time before, but he hadn't found this portal.

Could it be that the appearance of this portal has something to do with his enlightenment?

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then immediately walked towards the underground portal. This place is so mysterious that it cannot be guessed. If you think about it hard, you might as well walk through it yourself.

This bluestone step is very deep and twists and turns down.

After walking down for a long time, the vision suddenly opened up, and an ancient Taoist temple came into view.

The Taoist temple is indeed too old, but it is built of golden thatch and rough stones. There is only a wooden signboard hanging above the main entrance of the thatched house, with the words "Taiqing Taoist Palace" written on it.

It seems that after countless years of erosion, the signboard has long been decayed, and even the handwriting on it is blurred and incomplete, almost unrecognizable.

Chen Xi was stunned, could this be the Treasure House of the Supreme Purity! ?

He turned his head to look at other places, and found that in this huge space, there was only this solitary hut Taoist temple, and there was nothing else.


Immediately, Chen Xi was astonished. When he walked down the last step and arrived in front of the hut Taoist temple, he felt an indescribable aura, grand and sacred, and a majesty of the great way, very solemn and solemn, which made him feel His soul was a little dazed.

This feeling made him palpitate. You must know that the primordial spirit of his second avatar had already returned to its peak state, and the strong in Hedi Fairyland did not give in too much.

But now, it is too abnormal to be really dazed by the aura surrounding this hut Taoist temple.

Chen Xi took a deep breath and operated his cultivation, which made his mind and soul much more peaceful. Looking around, there was a lock inserted horizontally on the closed gate of the hut Taoist temple, making it impossible to see everything inside.

This lock, shaped like a long spoon, is mottled with rust. I don't know how many years it has been hanging here. The rust on the surface is about to peel off.

Simple thatched huts, decaying signboards, long rusty locks...all of these are not like the dwelling place of cultivators. Even if they are placed in the world of mortals, such houses may have been abandoned by people long ago.

If this hut was made of strange materials from heaven and earth and decorated with rare treasures, it would be normal to be able to release this kind of aura, but this is all built of extremely ordinary items, but it can emit such a grand and sacred aura, the more In this way, it makes this place even more unusual.

Chen Xi also knew that in the dwelling places of some powerful beings, the ordinary flowers and plants were infected by the breath of the powerful beings, and over many years, they would also be infected with a ray of spirituality and dao charm.

This is like turning stubborn stones into gold and jade, and turning mortal objects into spiritual fetuses. These methods are more powerful than "turning stones into gold". Almost only those who have cultivated above the heavenly level can achieve this step.

What made Chen Xi's heart pounding was that the size of the long lock on the door coincided with the image of the key of the Great Purity in his hand!

All this seems to indicate that the humble hut Taoist temple in front of him is the treasure house of Taiqing Taoist Palace!

Chen Xi didn't hesitate anymore, he took out the key of great purity, and was about to step forward and open the door.


However, at this moment, a black shadow flashed, and before he had time to react, he directly snatched the key of Taiqing from his hand!

Chen Xi's whole body froze, his hair shuddered.

So far, his combat strength is enough to kill the ancestor of the earth fairy, but now, the treasure in his hand was snatched away in an instant, and he didn't even have a chance to react!

How terrifying should the cultivation base of the person who made the shot be?If it was a sneak attack, could he dodge it?

In an instant, Chen Xi's entire body was covered in cold sweat, and his nerves were tense, like a bowstring fully drawn. He was fully on guard, and looked towards that side.

However, when he saw the person who made the shot, he couldn't help being stunned, little brown bear! ?

In the distance, there was a one-foot-tall guy with golden fur and a small, stout body. Isn't it an ordinary and commonplace brown bear?

At this time, it was holding the key of great purity in its fleshy paws, sitting cross-legged in the void, with a naive and cute appearance, without any danger at all.

"Hehe, I just remembered that when Master left, he took this key away. If it wasn't for that, I would have left here long ago to look for my brothers and sisters..."

The golden bear didn't pay attention to Chen Xi at all, he patted his head and smiled foolishly, then stretched his neck, and a small golden lock was revealed in the middle of the soft fur!

It picked up the key of Taiqing and poked it into the keyhole of the small lock.

Chen Xi was stunned. This golden lock was only the size of a pigeon egg, but the key of great purity was a full foot long. How could it be the key to open the golden lock?

"Don't!" Chen Xi shouted immediately. He was really worried that the key of great purity would be broken by this little beast. If that was the case, how could he open the door of this hut Taoist temple?

"Why?" Golden Retriever Bear stopped his hands and asked with a simple and honest face.

"That's not the key to unlock the golden lock on your neck, it's the key to unlock it." Chen Xi patiently explained, he had seen that the golden retriever bear didn't seem to have any malice towards him, which made him feel much more at ease.

The Golden Retriever was stunned for a moment, looking at the thatched Taoist temple on one side, and remembered something, his expression suddenly became agitated, he stood up suddenly, and roared: "Master said, you must not open there, then It is the source of all evil!"


ps: After 2 o'clock in the morning of the third update, I can't wait to watch it tomorrow.

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