divine talisman

Chapter 809 The Thief Appears [Part 3]

The source of evil!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, feeling a little startled and uncertain.

This hut Taoist temple is magnificent and sacred, how could it be possible to seal the source of evil inside it?

He is also clear that the so-called source of evil is the source of all turmoil, calamity, and chaos, which itself is gathered by forces such as evil, curse, and guilt.

Like the Dao of Heaven and Earth, evil is an original force. As long as all things have wisdom and the world has yin and yang, this evil force will never dissipate.

Just as light and darkness coexist, yin and yang oppose each other, and good and evil contend, the existence of evil, which is opposed to righteousness, cannot be eradicated fundamentally.

It's just that this kind of power is not tolerated by the way of heaven and rejected by the world. For countless years, this source of power has long been suppressed by the righteous way of the world and thousands of years of history.

In short, the origin of evil is too ethereal, it exists in the hearts of millions of creatures, it exists in everything in the world, but when gathered together, the power is enough to make the world fall!

Now, that golden retriever bear actually said that within this hut Taoist temple, there is a source of evil sealed up, how could Chen Xi not be surprised?

"Well, anyway, just don't open it."

Seeing that Chen Xi didn't speak, the little golden bear scratched his head, and said with a silly smile, "By the way, senior brother, why are you here now? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

As he spoke, he began to count the time with a pair of paws, "100 years? 1000 years? Or 1 years? Well, it's been too long, I forgot."

Chen Xi opened his eyes wide, and asked in astonishment, "Who is your senior brother?"

The golden bear was even more astonished, and said: "Senior brother, didn't the master ask you to pick me up and leave?"

Chen Xi's head was dizzy, and he asked in a daze, "Which master?"

He does have masters, including Crazy Liu and Fuxi, the owner of the cave, but he never knew when he had such a bewildered junior.

"Well, don't worry, I'll unlock the Prisoner God's Dao lock first, and then chat with senior brother."

As the golden retriever said, he took the key of great purity and stabbed at the golden lock on his neck, but immediately, it seemed to notice something, and stopped suddenly, and said nervously: "Senior brother, hide quickly!"

Chen Xi glanced around and saw that there was nothing unusual, and said, "Why are you hiding?"

As soon as the words fell, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his whole body was enveloped by a strange force, his body flew up involuntarily, and he actually shuttled into the void!

That feeling was too magical, as if a space was forcibly opened up between square inches, and I and the yellow-haired bear stood upright in it.

"You..." Chen Xi opened his mouth, but before he could speak, he was tightly covered by a furry bear's paw.

"Brother, that bad guy from last time is here again."

The little golden bear hugged Chen Xi's neck, and hung its entire one-foot-high body on his body, like a plush doll, and said mysteriously, "Don't talk, if you are discovered, I can't beat him."

Chen Xi finally confirmed one thing. This little golden retriever seemed to have lived for a long time, but his heart was extremely ignorant and honest. To put it nicely, he was called a child with a heart that has not faded, but to put it badly, he was called heartless and heartless. Axiu, there is a fight.


Suddenly, a black shadow swept out from the step passage, and arrived in front of the thatched Taoist temple in an instant.

This figure is like a god bathed in flames, surrounded by fire, only a pair of eyes are shining, brighter than fire, as if it can burn the sky and shock the world.

Even with Chen Xi's current cultivation, he couldn't help but feel his heart tense, feeling a sense of suffocation.

"Sure enough, it has appeared. I have been here for many days and searched all the palaces, but I have never found the real treasure house, but I can't think of it here."

Looking at the thatched Taoist temple in front of him, the man bathed in the divine fire smiled, very indifferent and deep, the red flames in his eyes were even more intense, as if they were going to burn everything in the universe.

Hearing this, Chen Xi's heart was shaken, and thinking of all the messy scenes he had seen along the way, he couldn't help but secretly said, "It seems that this bastard is the guy who dug up the palaces and medicine gardens three feet and swept them away. "

But what surprised him the most was that the little golden bear did not know what kind of magical technique it used to cover it, its own aura, and figure. The man bathed in the flames was so powerful that he couldn't find their existence!

"Hmph, I already know that the Dao altar is extraordinary, if it is not defended by a breath of Dao that lasts for endless years, how could it be possible to hide my eyes?"

The man was bathed in the sacred fire, stepped out, and came to the thatched Taoist temple door, looked down at a rusty iron lock on the closed door, and murmured: "This should be the treasure house of Taiqing, With it, this seat is enough to make all preparations before the chaos of the Three Realms, when the natives of the Xuanhuan Region will be bloodbathed and ruled!"

As he spoke, he reached out, and billions of flames gushed out from his body, covering the closed door of the Taoist temple in front of him, burning fiercely.

"Extraterritorial alien powerhouse!"

Hearing this, Chen Xi's eyes froze suddenly, and a sense of shock welled up in his heart. He recognized that the middle-aged man who was bathed in firelight in front of him should be a strong man from a foreign race outside the region, and he was also the kind of big shot who held the power of life and death.

Its minimum strength is also above the level of generals, and it may even exist at the princely level, and at the princely level, it is comparable to the existence of real angels!

"How did a big man from a foreign race find this place?"

Chen Xi's expression was already serious. The appearance of this man entangled in the divine fire made him more aware of the urgency of the situation. It seemed that since the moment the Cangwu Secret Realm was opened, the Three Realms had already entered into a turbulent pattern. like...

"Hey! How dare you challenge me?"

The man was tempered with divine fire, seeing that he couldn't break through a rotten gate, he couldn't help gushing a smug aura from his brows, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, his whole body roared with a bang, and it actually swelled a lot in an instant!

That feeling, as if he had opened a seal of himself, made his strength rise steadily, and an aura more terrifying than that of a fairy penetrated from his body.

At this moment, this man was like a ruler of heaven and earth, his divine flames soared into the sky, blazing, and terrifying to the extreme, it was not much different from the white-haired holy emperor from outside the territory that Chen Xi saw in the gate of wonders in the Cangwu secret realm Let!

"Linglong divine fire, burn to the sky!"

The man yelled loudly, as if holding a blazing sun with his hands, he slapped hard towards the rusty iron lock.


There was a loud noise, and the iron chain that diffused the grand and sacred aura trembled violently, as if it was about to be shattered. The man's face immediately showed a look of great joy, and as soon as his body moved, he was about to perform a mysterious exercise. , Breaking the iron lock in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a gap in the closed door of the Taoist temple, and a strange force came out quietly, suppressing all the strength of the man in an instant!

At this moment, even Chen Xi shuddered, and felt an indescribable evil aura welling up in his heart, making the blood in his whole body seem to stagnate, and a huge shadow shrouded his heart.

How terrifying is the evil power in this hut Taoist temple?

Chen Xi couldn't imagine it.

The big man outside the domain was also obviously taken aback, his eyes showed a look of panic, and his body retreated violently, as if he sensed the danger and wanted to dodge temporarily.

At this moment, a wisp of black air suddenly emerged from the gap in the Taoist temple, which turned into a dead gray palm, exuding a decayed, evil, and extremely cold aura.


This palm sticks out, as if an ancient demon god is about to be resurrected, and with the power of billions of evils, he will come to the world again and touch the world.

"The source of evil! No! How can there be such a damned power in this world! Could it be that this chaos in the Three Realms will go through an unprecedented catastrophe?"

The man was terrified, turned around and fled without any hesitation, the appearance of the source of evil made him feel a deadly threat.

Too bad it's still a step too late.

Covered by that dead-gray big hand that diffused a rotten and sinful aura, the man's body was restrained by a huge force from somewhere, and he froze in mid-air.


The man's right arm was attacked by the evil force, and it exploded in an instant. The pain and horror stimulated him to let out an extremely shrill scream.

You know, this is a big figure from outside the territory that is more terrifying than a fairy, but now, it is actually suppressed by only a ray of evil power. It feels like a demon god is ravaging an ant. Chen Xi saw it for a while. It's creepy, like falling into an ice cave.

This kind of terrifying power has surpassed his cognition!

"Damn it! Damn it! Linglong Wanfa sacrificed blood to the Holy Spirit and used my soul to steal a chance!"

The man roared in horror and spewed out a mouthful of blood, which caused the fire all over his body to surge. With a bang, he broke free from the restraints, turned into a shadow of fire, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


Just as the big man from outside the territory had just fled, that dead gray hand did not retract into the gate of the Taoist temple, but aimed at the void where Chen Xi was standing, and ruthlessly grabbed it.

In an instant, he felt an indescribable force of death, resentment, and sin, covering his body and mind, and even imprisoning his witch power, true vitality, and spiritual consciousness!

Everything seems to be useless under this big hand, this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

"Could it be that he's going to be buried here today?" Chen Xi desperately used all his power, but desperately found that all his struggles were futile in the face of this power.

"The power of Taiqing, the method of mystery, break the falsehood, kill the evil, suppress!"

At this extremely critical moment, the golden retriever bear suddenly moved, holding the key of great purity, as if a sharp sword pierced through the air, and directly slashed at the big dead gray hand.


ps: There are 10 monthly tickets in a single day, and the minimum guarantee is 3 in these two days, and there will be a 4 update.

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