divine talisman

Chapter 810

The Key of the Great Purity is one foot long, the color is like the clear sky, the surface is painted with mysterious runes one after another, and the cyan light like stars drifts out, extremely brilliant.

But at this moment, the little golden bear used it as a sword, and slashed out. The whole key suddenly burst into billions of clear lights, roared out, and directly shook the big hand away!


With a dull and loud bang, the dead gray hand that was filled with rotten and dead energy suddenly collapsed, turning into wisps of dead energy, which was completely suppressed and wiped out by this blow.

Chen Xi narrowly escaped death, and watched this scene with lingering fear. He never expected that the golden retriever bear would be so powerful that even the power of evil that the big man from outside the territory could not do anything about was blown to pieces by it.


Before Chen Xi could react, the golden-haired bear suddenly moved, turning into a flash of light, and appeared in front of the hut Taoist temple, with its two paws pinching the magic formula again and again.

A series of mysterious runes poured out from his hand, unexpectedly completely sealing the gap exposed on the portal.

"Scared me to death, I was almost escaped by the source of evil." After doing all this, the golden retriever cub let out a long breath of foul air, patting his chest with a pair of paws, with a look of lingering fear.

Chen Xi was in a daze, looking at the golden retriever bear with a naive look, he couldn't connect it with the word "peerless master".

You know, the scene just now was so terrifying that even he had no strength to resist, but the golden retriever cub crushed that big hand with just one blow. How strong should it be?

"It's amazing, it's really amazing." Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Brother, thank you." The Golden Retriever Bear smiled foolishly, as if he was a little embarrassed by the praise, and kept scratching his head with his chubby paws.

"You...what's your name?" Chen Xi asked curiously.

"Master gave me the name Huang Man'er, and all the brothers and sisters call me Ah Man." The golden retriever bear replied in a naive voice.

"Ah Man." Chen Xi nodded, and said, "By the way, why do you always call me Senior Brother?"

He was really curious, now it is certain that this golden retriever bear must be the descendant of Taiqing Taoist Palace, but how could it regard itself as its senior brother when it saw him?

Could it be because of that key of great purity?

Sure enough, the golden-haired little bear, Ah Man, replied as if it was a matter of course: "The one who has been instructed by the master to arrive here with the key of the Taiqing must be my senior brother."

After a pause, it continued: "Master also said, let me wait here for my senior brother, because only the key of Taiqing in my senior brother's hand can open the lock on my neck..."

As it said that, it slapped its forehead and shouted: "Oh, why did I forget to unlock it again, brother, wait a moment, wait until I open this broken lock that I don't know how many years, and then I will chat with you."

What the golden retriever little bear Ah Man said was very... illogical, Chen Xi was at a loss when he heard what he was thinking of, and until now, he hadn't figured out the ins and outs.

But what he can be sure of is that the little guy in front of him should have stayed here for a long time, just waiting for the "senior brother" his master said to appear.

Coincidentally, holding the key of Taiqing in his hand, he was naturally regarded as a "senior brother" by it.

Recalling the majestic suanni figure he saw when he was in the Qianyuan Treasure House in the vast sea desert of the Great Chu Dynasty, and thinking of that old and grand voice, Chen Xi couldn't help but a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. Could it be that the owner of the Yuan Treasure House is Ah Man's master?

And that phantom of Suan Ni, maybe it is its real senior brother?

The long and remote ancient times, the brilliant future.

I live and grow up, and I am fierce and fierce.

I finally got a good teacher who taught me.

Teach me the magic method, teach me the Dao Zang.

The root of wisdom is laid, and the foundation of Taoism is finally completed.

Live up to the teacher's heart and be grateful.


My family and my roots are all Taiqing.

This life is over, and the next life will be repaid.

Hope to respect the teacher, don't forget the bad disciples. "

In the ears, it seemed that the voice of the sacred beast before leaving resounded again, each word was sonorous and powerful, and there was an indelible firmness in the sadness.

Chen Xi inadvertently recalled that scene back then, when the beasts and beasts swept away the heroes until the end, but under the influence of that old voice, they turned into a young boy with a bun and wearing Taoism, in the raging karmic fire* *The body completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

In my heart, I don't know why there is a touch of complicated emotions.

During the trip to the Qianyuan Treasure House, countless monks entered it and went through the triple test, resulting in countless deaths and injuries. But when the test was really over, everyone discovered that the monks who died in the test did not actually die, but were killed by the gods and beasts. The power is hidden.

It was also from that moment on that Chen Xi yearned more and more for the Daoist Palace of the Taiqing, leaving behind a treasure house, a gift with destiny, but no intention of harming it. Only such a broad mind can be called the true bearing and demeanor of a great sect!

He still remembers that at that time, he swore: "If you find the secret treasury of Taiqing Taoist Palace in the future, you must open the mountain gate and rebuild Taiqing Taoist Palace, so that its torch will be passed on to the world forever!"


With a crisp sound, the golden retriever bear Aman opened the little golden lock locked in his neck.


When this treasure called "Prisoner's Heaven Lock" was opened, the naive little bear suddenly raised his head and let out a roar, which shook the sky and ten places like thunder.

In an instant, a terrifying and incomparable celestial power emanated from its one-foot-long body, and with a bang, its body actually swelled steadily, and in the blink of an eye it had turned into a gigantic height!

At this time, Ah Man was like a demon bear from the ancient times, with red eyes, like two lakes, reflecting everything in the world, as if he could pierce the sky with his hand and grab the stars and the moon if he wanted to!

Chen Xi was shocked. He looked up at the man in front of him who was taller than the mountains and looked like a great demon god. He couldn't imagine that this was transformed by the bewildered little guy just now.

To possess such a terrifying aura, how high should its cultivation be?

"Well, I forgot, the master told me that you can only reveal your true form when you are fighting, otherwise you will be captured by the bad guys." Aman said in a low voice, his body shook, and suddenly he changed back to his one-foot-high appearance.

Captured by the bad guys...

Chen Xi was speechless. In this world, which villain would dare to arrest you?

"Brother, let's go."

Ah Man's chubby body jumped onto Chen Xi's shoulders, and his two paws hugged Chen Xi's neck, hanging there like a plush doll, and said with a comfortable face, "I haven't eaten it for many years. I've got something, brother, take me to eat."

"..." The corners of Chen Xi's lips couldn't help twitching violently. He thought of Ling Bai, Bai Kui, and Axiu. It seemed that he had another... foodie?

"It's time to leave." He took a deep breath, glanced at the thatched Taoist temple, turned around and walked up the steps leading to the altar above, without staying any longer.



After Chen Xi and Ah Man left, the "Prisoner's Dao Lock" that Ah Man discarded on the ground suddenly glowed with a golden glow, as if psychic, it flew up, and inserted into the closed gate of the thatched hut Taoist temple, Lock it securely.

"Damn it..."

Suddenly, a deep and hoarse roar came out from the thatched hut Taoist temple, "Huang Aman, do you think you can trap this king with the lock of prison heaven? Wait for this king, you damn fool, when the Three Realms are in chaos , this king will definitely be able to break through and kill all the people in your Taiqing Dao Palace!"

There was endless unwillingness, anger, and resentment in the voice, and it finally fell silent.


On the ancient and ordinary altar, a portal leading to the underground quietly disappeared, and it was difficult to find a trace.

The yin and yang rivers around the altar, the four elephant altars, and the eight trigrams palace almost at the same time bloomed wisps of clear mist, straight into the sky!

At the same time, the majestic mountain peaks in the shape of a dragon's head and the mighty river that resembles the word "Tao" in the outside world all burst out a beam of light that pierced the sky, diffused the divine glow, and illuminated the mountains and rivers for hundreds of thousands of miles.

As if a great miracle came, it immediately attracted the attention of all the monks nearby, and all of them turned their gazes to the past.

However, the blazing brilliance was so dazzling that it completely submerged it, even the immortal thoughts of the strong earth immortals could hardly detect the changes that occurred there.

After half a sound, the glow dissipated and everything returned to normal.

However, what is horrifying is that the "Tao"-shaped river and the Longshou mountain have all evaporated and disappeared!All that was left was a barren and lifeless rocky land.

This... what happened?

Over the past few days, as the news of the treasure map in Wen Tianshuo's hands spread, it attracted strong people from all directions, all of whom believed that if the Taiqing treasure house existed, it must be near this "Tao" shaped river.

But now, before they can dig out the inside story, the river and mountains have evaporated directly from the world. How can they not be shocked?

Could it be that the treasure house of Taiqing has already been obtained?

Everyone was puzzled.

Only a small group of people vaguely guessed that all of this might have a lot to do with Chen Xi. You must know that just the day before yesterday, he had just beheaded and killed a group of earth immortal ancestors of the Tianyan Dao Sect. Freezing!

And Chen Xi also entered under the river with the word "Tao" from that day on, and completely disappeared. All these tiny clues seemed to vaguely indicate that all the strange phenomena that happened before him seemed to have a lot to do with Chen Xi.

Of course, all of this is just speculation, and no one dares to determine whether all of this is really related to Chen Xi.

Outside the Taiqing Remains Mountain.

Chen Xi withdrew his gaze, and asked, "Ah Man, are all those visions related to you?"

The golden retriever bear was lying on his shoulder and sound asleep. Hearing this, he said in a daze, "Well, it's not me, it's related to the Prison Heaven Dao Suo, all of this is..."

While talking, it tilted its head and fell asleep again.

Chen Xi was helpless, knowing that it would be as difficult as climbing the sky to learn everything from this heartless little guy.

"Forget it, let's go to Yunshui City first, and see how the little lord of Wenhou Mansion is doing now..." Chen Xi shook his head, pondered for a while, and then made a decision. Yunshui City flew away.


ps: The pit that was buried a long time ago in Taiqing Taoist Palace has finally been half filled, and I feel much more relaxed. The second update is at 9:[-].

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