divine talisman

Chapter 811 Reunion after a long absence [Chapter 2]

Yunshui City, Wenhou Mansion.

It was bleak and deserted, people were in a state of panic, and there was no more excitement and hustle and bustle in the past.

At this moment, all the clansmen and servants of the Wen Clan were gathered in an open field in the mansion, like cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, with terrified expressions and trembling.

Not far from them, the young master Wen Hua was tied to a thick iron pillar, with disheveled hair, bleeding from the corners of his lips, and shocking scars all over his body.

In front of him, there was a rocking chair, and a young man in white was lying in it, drinking leisurely.

He has sword eyebrows and star eyes, red lips and white teeth, and a handsome face. Even though he is lying in the rocking chair, he still exudes a sharp and sharp aura, like a sharp sword.

And beside the young man in white, there stood a burly young man with a stern face and a pair of blue eyes, who was staring coldly at Wen Hua who was tied to the iron pillar with his arms folded.

These two people suddenly appeared in the Marquis Wen's mansion three days ago, and they fought like two demon gods without saying a word. , and then stop.

It was then that they finally understood that these two people actually came to avenge Chen Xi!

All of a sudden, the entire Wenhou Mansion lost all resistance, and could only watch helplessly as his young master was tied to an iron pillar and suffered three days and three nights of torture.

Some people were sad and indignant, couldn't stand it anymore, rushed forward and tried their best, but without exception, they all died on the spot.

Those two were like invincible demon gods, using killing and iron-blooded methods to completely destroy the fighting spirit of all of them.

So, there was the scene in front of you, everyone in Marquis Wen's mansion stood there dumbfounded, watching the little Marquis being punished, but no one dared to come forward to help, and even dared not speak!

"Kill...kill me..." Wen Hua's lips were chapped and bleeding, and he spoke tremblingly, his voice was hoarse and dry, and he was weak.

"Want to die? It's not that simple." The burly young man sneered, his eyes were cold and cruel, and he ignored him. The other party was only a 14-year-old boy.

"Mu Mu, don't pay attention to him, if I don't wait for Chen Xi, I will make him regret being born in this world!" The young man in white drank a glass of wine, his expression was calm, and he said softly.

"I'm just worried..." The burly young man frowned, and a look of worry appeared on his cold face.

Before he could finish speaking, the young man in white interrupted: "Don't worry, Chen Xi will never die just like that. Let's just wait. If I were him instead, I would definitely come back to take revenge."

"You devils, kill me if you have the guts! It's shameless to insult a child like me, it's despicable to the extreme!"

Suddenly, Wen Hua became agitated violently, the chains all over his body rattled, and he roared sharply with the last bit of strength in his body.

"Father's debt is paid by son, it's only right and proper, little guy, don't pretend to be pitiful anymore, with your little thought, who can you fool, want to seek death? I just won't let you do what you want." The young man in white disdainfully said.

"You..." Wen Hua was slumped, with a look of despair on his face, and a deep remorse welled up in his heart. Why did he persuade his father to agree to the conditions of Tianyan Daozong?

"Lingbai, Mukui, why are you here?"

At this moment, a stern figure appeared in the air, with a handsome face and a demeanor. It was Chen Xi. He looked at Wen Hua who was tied to the iron pillar, and then at the young man in white and the burly man beside him. The young man couldn't help but cry out in surprise.

"Chen Xi, you bastard is finally here!" The young man in white stood up abruptly and shouted excitedly.

"Master!" On the side, the burly young man froze and exclaimed.

These two people are Ling Bai and Mu Kui.

Ever since Chen Xi entered the Cangwu Secret Realm, they had never seen each other again, and now that they reunited in this Marquis Wen's mansion, one could imagine how excited they felt.

And when they saw Chen Xi appearing, including that Wen Hua, all the clansmen and servants in the Marquis Wen Mansion were shocked, their faces showed a complicated expression, revealing despair.

Who would have thought that this great benefactor who saved the lives of everyone in the Wenhou Mansion back then would now become a sworn enemy by accident?

Chen Xi flew to the ground, stepped forward and patted Ling Bai and Mu Kui's shoulders, and said comfortingly, "I knew it, you two must still be alive!"

From the moment he learned that Ling Bai and Mu Kui were persecuted by the elder Yue Chi, he was always worried about their situation, fearing that something might happen to them.

After such a long time, when he finally saw the two of them appear, he felt like he had lifted a mountain from his heart, and his whole body felt a burst of relief.

"Chen Xi, what should we do with this little guy?" Ling Bai also knew that this was not the time to reminisce about the old days, so he pointed at Wen Hua and asked.

At this time, Wen Hua also raised his head and stared at Chen Xi, his eyes were full of mad hatred.

"Master, this kid's heart is filled with hatred. When Ling Bai and I came here, he made an oath to take revenge on you in the future..." Mu Kui explained from the side.

"Then kill it." Chen Xi interrupted with a wave of his hand.


As soon as the words were finished, Mu Kui directly slapped Wen Hua with his hand, killing Wen Hua completely, without giving him a chance to say another word.

"Then these people from the Wenhou Mansion?" Ling Bai continued to ask.

"Let's go, find a place to drink." Chen Xi shook his head, and left Wenhou Mansion straight away.

Ling Bai and Mu Kui were startled, they didn't understand why Chen Xi didn't cut the weeds and root them out, but although they were puzzled in their hearts, they still followed and left Wenhou Mansion.

As soon as they left, everyone in Marquis Wen's mansion breathed a sigh of relief as if they were relieved from a heavy burden, and some servants even slumped on the ground with a plop, weeping silently.

Originally, they thought that they would die this time without a doubt, and that they would suffer disaster with the young master Wen Hua, and be executed by the whole family. How could they have thought that they would escape?

You know, in the world of practice, it is not uncommon for a person to be killed because of his hatred, and it has become a common practice.

And cases like Chen Xi who only behead evil and not affect other innocent people, not to mention unique, at least they are considered rare.

Of course, no one would be grateful to Chen Xi, and likewise, no one dared to clamor for revenge at this time. After all, the disparity in strength between the two was too great, and clamoring for revenge at this time was no different from courting death.



A treasure ship crushed the clouds, sailed away from Yunshui City, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

In the treasure ship, Chen Xi and Mu Kui sat cross-legged in front of the desk, drinking.

Ling Bai has also returned to his original shape, and has reverted to his half-foot-tall appearance. He happily lay on Chen Xi's shoulders, crossed his legs, and gorged himself on a big, meaty bone. He mumbled in his mouth: "Well, Chen Xi, your cooking skills are getting better and better. I haven't eaten your barbecue for a long time."

"It's been a long time since I've eaten barbecue." On the other side of Chen Xi's shoulder, the golden-haired little bear Ah Man also laughed foolishly, holding a piece of barbecue with both paws.

"Master." Mu Kui couldn't help but said, "You killed Wen Tianshuo and Wen Hua, but spared the clansmen of Wenhou Mansion and let them live. I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous to Master in the future."

Chen Xi said calmly: "The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. Wen Tianshuo and his son have a grudge against me, but his clansmen have no grievances or grudges against me. Why do you want to harm his clansman?"

"But they have hatred in their hearts, and it will definitely be a hidden danger in the future." Mu Kui frowned.

"I know."

Chen Xi sighed, "Mu Kui, I have experienced family changes since I was a child, and I know better than anyone what to do. Are you kind? No, there are countless people in this world who wish that I, Chen Xi, would die, but in the end, I still live Alright, it's not about bloody massacres, killing innocent people indiscriminately, but about your own strength!"

Mu Kui was stunned.

"Only if you are strong, the enemy will be cautious and dare not act rashly. If you are not strong enough, you will be wiped out by the enemy sooner or later."

Chen Xi said indifferently: "In short, to cultivate one's heart first, I, Chen Xi, will take revenge when I should, but I will never let hatred blind my eyes and harm innocent people. the difference?"

Hatred is not terrible, what is terrible is being blinded by hatred and defiled Dao heart!

"Okay, Mu Kui, don't worry about it, a group of native chickens and dogs, just give them time, what will happen? When they grow up, we have already become immortals and are free in the nine heavens. As long as they are not stupid , I will never dare to take revenge again." Ling Bai shook his head and said.

"That's right." Mu Kui nodded and said no more.

Chen Xi smiled, and was about to say something, but was suddenly stunned, and looked up at the sky. He had a strong feeling that the opportunity for him to advance to the fairyland was about to come...

This is a very mysterious feeling, like a whim, and it seems to have been destined in the dark.

"Let's go, go and kill the two culprits, and then go back to the sect!" Chen Xi stood up and stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back. His clothes were loose, his long hair was flying, and his heart was open-minded.

Two days later.

A treasure ship quietly sailed into the gate of Jiuhua Sword Sect.

Chen Xi is back!

In less than a cup of tea, the entire sect became a sensation. No matter the disciples or the elders, they all knew that Chen Xi had completed the two tasks of "passing on the torch" and "walking the way" and had returned safely.

Even Chen Xi himself never expected that his return would cause such a big commotion. Along the way, there were voices greeting him warmly everywhere.

It's just that the title has changed from "Senior Brother Chen Xi" to "Uncle Chen Xi".

The reason is very simple, he is now the well-deserved master of Xihua Peak, one of the senior elders of Jiuhua Sword Sect, even if he sees the head teacher Wen Huating, he only needs to address him as "Brother Head Master".

A change in seniority also means an increase in status, and it is also a recognition of his personal strength and prestige.

When Chen Xi arrived at Xihua Peak, he found that a girl disguised as a man was waiting for him with a smile...


ps: The third update is around 11:[-].

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