divine talisman

Chapter 817 Four Immortal Artifacts [Part 4]


The middle-aged messenger raised his hand, and with a bang, the dark portal was opened, and a phantom, one and a half tall, rushed out, jumped out, and fell to the ground, shaking the ground for a while.

This is a ferocious beast similar to a violent ape. Its body is pitch black, its skin is like a layer of steel, covered with sharp scales, its fangs are wide, its hands are like hooks, its eyes are scarlet, and it exudes fierceness, violence, Bloodthirsty breath.


It moved quickly, ferociously and violently, as fast as lightning. As soon as it appeared, it roared and wanted to rush into the crowd, but it was directly held down by the middle-aged envoy, and hit the ground with a bang. Don't dare to move indiscriminately.


Everyone gasped, they could clearly feel the horror and power of this strange beast.

"Bloodhorn Demon Ape!"

"I heard that this blood-horned demon ape is the largest existence among the alien beasts of the universe. It has infinite strength, and its movements are like lightning. Especially its long physical strength makes it invulnerable. Compared with the physical strength of a master of the underworld, it is three times stronger. Five times, it's hard to beat."

"The condition of the test is to kill a blood horned demon ape?"

Hearing the discussions of these illustrious disciples, Chen Xi gradually gained confidence.

"Yes, the condition for you to pass the test is to kill a blood-horned demon ape! However, what I want to tell you is that this is just the lowest blood-horned demon ape!"

The middle-aged envoy said in a deep voice, "If you want to choose a good village as the starting point for the trial, I will prepare a more powerful Bloodhorn Demon Ape for you."

According to the middle-aged man, the strength of the blood-horned demon ape is divided into four levels: upper, middle, lower, and extreme.

The blood-horned demon ape in front of him has the most ordinary strength and is a low-level existence, which is roughly equivalent to an ordinary ghost monk, while the middle-level and upper-level blood-horned demon apes correspond to first-class and top-level ghost monks respectively.

The extreme-level blood-horned demon ape is the rarest and most terrifying. It is the king among the blood-horned demon apes, equivalent to the supreme existence among monks in the underworld.

Due to the long stamina of the Blood Horn Demon Ape, which is several times stronger than that of a cultivator of Minghua, it is even more terrifying. Like the Extreme Blood Horn Demon Ape, it is enough to kill the existence of the first stage of the Earth Immortal!

"Remember, if you encounter danger during the test, no one will save you, so please choose the strength of your opponent carefully, and don't make fun of your own life!"

The middle-aged envoy gave another order and started the test, "First one, Hua Feihong from the ** Great World!"


A young man in black came out in response, cupped his fists and said, "I choose the middle-level Bloodhorn Demon Ape!"

The middle-aged messenger had no expression on his face, and slapped the blood-horned ape to death, then waved his hand, and another blood-horned ape rushed out of the dark portal.

It's just that this one is stronger and more ferocious, and the scales all over the body are glowing with blood, just like an irrational murderous puppet.


As soon as this blood-horned demon ape appeared, it immediately turned into a black shadow, with five fingers pointing at Hua Feihong, grabbing it head-on.


Hua Feihong didn't seem to expect the battle to come so quickly, and seemed to be frightened by the fierce and violent aura, he moved a little bit slowly, and while dodging, he was caught and smashed the magic weapon's shoulder guard, and five long bloodstains appeared If it wasn't for the quick dodge, his head would have been scratched through.

Seeing that this mid-level demon ape was so powerful and ferocious, many people present had their eyes fixed, and their faces showed a dignified look.

Even Chen Xi was slightly surprised. This blood-horned demon ape is indeed extraordinary. Although its strength is only comparable to that of a first-rate cultivator in the Underworld Realm, its fighting style is decisive, brutal and ruthless. It may not be able to compete.

In an instant, the Blood Horned Demon Ape chased after Hua Feihong, killing people randomly in the middle of the field, with ruthless moves, disembowelment, heartbreak, and heartbreaking, infiltrating people extremely.

The surrounding area was protected by a large formation, and the blood horned demon ape would not be afraid to rush out in the battle, but the people who participated in the test could not escape, let alone admit defeat, they would either be killed or their opponents would be killed.

This guy is done...

Chen Xi could tell at a glance that Hua Feihong was seized the opportunity, he didn't know how to grit his teeth and charge back, but blindly dodged instead, he was doomed to lose without a doubt.


Sure enough, as soon as this thought flashed through Chen Xi's mind, Hua Feihong's head was directly scratched and his blood flowed out. His body was still struggling, but he was swallowed by the blood-horned demon ape directly. Inside, strands of scarlet blood flowed out from its wide mouth, incomparably penetrating.

Seeing this extremely bloody scene, many people couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit again, and their steps seemed to shrink back.Some women were so frightened that their faces paled and their faces turned pale.

With this living example, in the following tests, many people chose the most common low-level blood horned demon ape for the duel.

Afterwards, there was no bloody and infiltrating scene, but Chen Xi became a bit bored watching it. For him now, this kind of duel was like a child's play house, and it was impossible to mention it at all. Take a little interest.

While waiting for the test, a young man on Chen Xi's left glanced at him, suddenly whistled frivolously, and said, "Hey, kid, why don't you watch the duel in the arena, are you afraid? So You bastard, what kind of test do you want to take, don't accidentally get your balls exploded, and you won't be able to play with women anymore."

This is a provocation.

Chen Xi glanced at him, and said calmly, "With your observation skills, it's a miracle that you can survive till now. If you want to keep this miracle, you'd better not bother me anymore."

The young man suddenly laughed exaggeratedly, and said: "Oh, it's so scary, do you know who I am, and you dare to talk like that?"

"No matter who you are, after entering the test, I can't help you much, can I?" Chen Xi asked back.

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Arrogance, boy, I will not rely on my background to play tricks in this kind of test. Since I don't like you, of course I have to win clean and beautiful!"

"Win me? You really can't do it." Chen Xi smiled, and said casually. This kind of attitude hurts more than ignoring.

The young man's face immediately sank, "Do you dare to bet against each other?"

Before Chen Xi could open his mouth, he reached out and took out a blue necklace, and when it arrived in front of Chen Xi, he shook it and said, "Just use the result of this test to gamble! If I lose, this Qingxiao Treasure Heart Necklace is yours!"

The necklace is long and thin, with a cold blue color of a metal plate, and a wooden heart the size of a thumb hangs at the end.

Chen Xi could tell at a glance that the treasure that the young man called this "Qingxiao Treasure Heart Chain" should be a true fairy artifact!

He couldn't help but said in surprise: "How do you use this treasure?" In his tone, he seemed to have regarded this thing as something in his pocket.

The young man was furious, and laughed angrily: "It's not too late to tell you when you beat me!"

"It should be a disciple of the Qingmu Daozong of the Wood Qi Great World Emperor Sect!" Someone whispered, with a hint of surprise.

The conversation between Chen Xi and this young man attracted the attention of everyone nearby, especially when the young man took out the "Qingxiao Treasure Heart Chain", it attracted a lot of attention.

Seeing someone recognize his identity, the young man lifted his spirits, raised his chin, and glanced haughtily at Chen Xi, "How about it, bet or not?"

"What are the rules?" Chen Xi asked calmly, his expression unmoved.

The young man sneered and said, "It's very simple, whoever kills the bloodhorn demon ape with the highest grade will win!"

Chen Xi let out a groan, and said thoughtfully, "Then what if the killed Bloodhorn Demon Apes are of the same level?"

Seeing Chen Xi's question in such detail, the young man became more and more at ease, and said wildly, "Then you've won!"

"Okay!" Chen Xi nodded and said, "However, the bet is too small. If you want to bet, you have to bet a little bit bigger. By the way, how many immortal artifacts do you have?"

The young man was stunned, and said angrily: "Boy, you are too arrogant! I have a total of four celestial artifacts on my body, and you also take out four of the ones with seeds, so I will gamble with them all!"


Chen Xi didn't speak, but directly told him with his actions. After reaching out his hand, four immortal swords flew out, circling around his palm, and emitting wisps of sharp immortal aura.

This is the loot captured when killing fourteen Earth Immortal ancestors of the Tianyan Dao Sect, including the ancestor Yunzhu, in the Taiqing Remains Mountain. There are a total of five fairy swords and eight fairy-level sword pictures. The Eight Desolation Slaying Demon Sword Formation, a piece of Buddha treasure celestial artifact Tai'a Nine-Turning Clock, and other treasures, in great numbers, were all thrown into the Buddha Pagoda by Chen Xi.

The young man was stunned again, staring at the four immortal swords, a little in disbelief that Chen Xi could take them out.

Not only him, but also the other cultivators nearby were also attracted, their eyes widened in amazement.

"What, are you a coward?" Chen Xi asked lightly.

The young man was almost stunned, and shouted: "Okay! I will play a big game with you today!"

As he said that, he also took out three other celestial artifacts, namely a green wood folding fan, a celestial sword with diffuse silver light, and a pair of pitch-black and soft fist gloves.

"Qing Qi Soul Extinguishing Fan, Linghui Nine Wonders Immortal Sword, Wu Gang Demon Suppressing Gauntlet... It really is him, the number one dandy of the Qingmu Dao Sect in the Wood Qi Great World——Wentianxiao!"

"Yes, it is this person. It is said that your ancestor is a great figure in the fairy world. He has been doted on since he was a child, and he has developed a domineering and arrogant temperament. He was once cut down and washed by his ancestors with supreme means, and it is said that he already possesses the supreme level of combat power in the underworld."

Someone recognized the identity of the young man, and everyone talked about it and was amazed. This is a well-known master in the world of wood qi, with terrifying strength and background, no wonder he was able to take out four celestial artifacts at once.

Hearing these comments, the young man smiled proudly, stopped talking, snorted coldly, and waited quietly for the test to start.

"The next one, Wood Qi Great World, ask Tian Xiao!"

After a while, the middle-aged messenger spoke in a deep voice.


For a moment, all eyes were focused on the young man. He seemed impatient to wait, and rushed into the field, gesticulating with a finger arrogantly: "Give me an extremely high-grade blood-horned demon ape!" !"

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