divine talisman

Chapter 818 I refuse to accept [Part 3]

An extremely high-level blood-horned demon ape is an existence capable of beheading a strong person at the first level of the Earth Immortal!

At the same time, these cosmic beasts are also the most powerful in this test.

Hearing that Wen Tianxiao was going to challenge this kind of strange beast as soon as he entered the stage, everyone was shocked. You must know that since the test, the most powerful one has only killed the high-level blood-horned demon ape, and no one has challenged the extreme-level blood-horned ape. Horned Demon Ape.

Seeing that everyone was shocked by him, Wen Tianxiao couldn't help feeling complacent, and cast a provocative glance at Chen Xi, as if to say, boy, let me take care of you!

Chen Xi's expression was unmoved, the clouds were calm and the wind was light.

Seeing him like this, Wen Tianxiao couldn't help laughing out loud, recklessly.

The middle-aged envoy waved his hand and was about to release an extremely high-grade blood-horned demon ape. At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded—"Wait a minute."

A slender figure walked out of the crowd. She had bright eyes and white teeth, and her appearance was extremely beautiful. As soon as she appeared, it caused a commotion in the crowd.

Obviously, they all recognized the woman's identity.

And Chen Xi also saw that she was exactly the woman who had the cultivation level of the Supreme Underworld Realm that he had noticed before.

"Yao Luwei!" Wen Tianxiao was taken aback, and said displeasedly, "Why, do you want to mess with my son's situation?"

The woman named Yao Luwei shook her head and said, "Since it's a gamble, I also want to join in. I wonder if I will agree?"

What she said was "dare you dare" instead of "would you like it?" Her voice seemed calm, but it was actually a kind of provocation.

Sure enough, Wen Tianxiao looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "I heard that Yao Luwei of Linghe Great World is called the number one strange woman in the world, and she doesn't give way to a man. Now, it seems that she is really courageous, but you want to be with her?" My son's competition is too far away, I advise you not to mix it up."

Yao Luwei looked calm, and said as usual: "I only hear it, dare you?"

Wen Tianxiao's expression darkened, he looked at Yao Luwei, then at Chen Xi, and couldn't help sneering: "Why, do you really want to help that kid get ahead?"

As soon as these words came out, the others also reacted, that's right, Yao Luwei came out to disrupt the situation at this time, shouldn't she be with that young man?

Chen Xi was also very surprised, you know, he had never heard of the Linghe Great World before this, let alone knew the woman named Yao Luwei in front of him.

What is she doing this for?Could it be that he really can't stand it anymore, out of righteousness, and wants to help himself out?

Chen Xi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Similarly, facing Wen Tianxiao's questioning, Yao Luwei also smiled lightly, noncommittal.

Seeing this, the middle-aged messenger frowned, and said coldly: "If you delay any longer, you two will be disqualified from the test!"

As a member of Jiupintang, he naturally has the confidence to say this, and he doesn't care how difficult the other party's background is. Since he has come to Fujie, everything has to follow the rules of Fujie!

"Okay! I hope you can take out four fairy weapons when you lose!"

Wen Tianxiao glared at Yao Luwei fiercely, feeling rather depressed in his heart, feeling that no one seemed to take him seriously since he entered the Fujie...


The middle-aged envoy waved his hand, and a huge black shadow suddenly jumped out of the dark portal.

It was three feet tall, twice as big as the average Bloodhorn Demon Ape, and the scales all over its body glowed with a dazzling golden luster, like layers of sharp blades.

As soon as he appeared, he raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, a brutal and ferocious aura suddenly dissipated, the aura was so terrifying that it shook the surrounding void and produced a violent fluctuation.

This is the extremely high-level blood-horned demon ape. Once it goes mad, it is enough to tear apart all the cultivators of the underworld, and behead the ancestors of the first stage of the earth fairy!

"Roar to your mother's head, why don't you hurry up and die for me!"

Wen Tianxiao stared at him with arrogance, and vented all his evil fire on this universe beast god. With a flick of his figure, he threw out a silver fairy sword, and slashed at the blood-horned demon ape. kill and go.


The fairy sword in his hand is called "Linghui Nine Wonderful Sword". A bloodstain came.

"Aoki locks the river, it's hard for ghosts and gods to cross!"

Wen Tianxiao let out a long cry again, and the sword energy surged away like mist covering the Yangtze River, and in an instant, he fought fiercely with the blood-horned demon ape.

I have to admit that although this Wen Tianxiao is extremely domineering, his strength is undoubtedly strong. Cooperating with the immortal soldiers in his hands, he already possesses the ability to slay enemies across borders, killing the blood-horned demon ape even bleeding , roared miserably.

Such characters, placed in the Xuan Huan domain, are enough to be called a peerless monster, and they are more than a little stronger than the top disciple of the Immortal Spirit Mountain, Lu Ping.


A moment later, the sharp fairy sword pierced the head of the one-horned demon ape, killing it directly, blood rained, and the huge body fell to the ground, completely dead.

"Pass!" On the side, the middle-aged envoy remained expressionless, announcing the result invariably.

Wen Tianxiao was a little disappointed, he was not able to kill the enemy with one blow, which made him a little dissatisfied, but then he was a little proud, after all, this was the best result since the test, and no one could match it.

"You two, whoever comes first!" He glared at Chen Xi and Yao Luwei, and said viciously.

"I come."

Before Chen Xi could react, Yao Luwei rushed to answer. When she spoke, she jumped into the field, and said to the middle-aged envoy, "Two extreme-grade blood-horned demon apes."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. This is equivalent to fighting with two Earth Immortals and first-level powerhouses at the same time. Looking at other big worlds, how many people can do this?

At this time, no one blamed her for participating in the test in advance.

Wen Tianxiao was also taken aback, then frowned and said, "Why, in order to win me, you don't even want your life?"

Yao Luwei said calmly: "One word, it exposes your incompetence. If you can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that others can't do it, right?"

"Hmph, what I hate most about Wentianxiao is women with sharp teeth, and I won't stop you if you want to die." Wentianxiao gave Yao Luwei a vicious look, turned his head and left.

"Are you sure you want to fight the two?" the middle-aged messenger asked.

He has also encountered such a situation where one person challenged two cosmic beasts, but it was the first time for someone like Yao Luwei to challenge two extreme blood-horned demon apes at once, so he had to confirm carefully.

Yao Luwei nodded and let out a clang, holding a scimitar in each of her hands, shaped like a waning moon, with a blood-colored luster as cold as ice, as soon as she appeared, it was like two blood-colored moons rising, emitting a terrifying murderous look.

"Shuangyue Spirit Slaying Knife!"

"This is a set of fairy artifacts, which are more powerful than ordinary fairy artifacts!"

"Goddammit, why are all the young people these days using immortal artifacts? My ancestor has only owned one immortal artifact so far. It is extremely precious on weekdays. It is not a matter of life or death. use……"

Everyone was amazed. Before, Chen Xi and Xiang Tianxiao took out four celestial artifacts at once, which shocked them severely. Now, seeing Yao Luwei use a pair of celestial artifacts as well, it made them lose their minds. All a little dizzy.

Even the middle-aged messenger seemed to have no expression on his face, but he was secretly surprised in his heart. He felt that the young people who came to Fujie these days were much more vigorous than before. Just from the fairy artifacts he possessed, he could see a trace of Clue.

Although he was surprised in his heart, he did not forget his duty. With a wave of his hand, he released two extreme-grade blood-horned demon apes again.

Swish swish!

Yao Luwei suddenly moved, and the double knives poured out billions of blurred and illusory knife energy like moonlight, intertwined and filled the sky, blazing like no other. She has an elegant figure, fluttering butterflies, like a fairy walking in the moon palace, stepping on mysterious footwork , fighting fiercely with those two terrifying beasts.

This duel was extremely beautiful, but also extremely bloody. Everyone held their breaths and concentrated on watching, and almost forgot where they were.

Too strong!

Who would have imagined that a young woman would be evenly matched with two space beasts who were equivalent to the first stage of the Earth Immortal?

In fact, this alone is much better than Wen Tianxiao.

However, the battle has not yet ended, the winner has not yet been decided, and no one dares to determine whether Yao Luwei can kill the two opponents, and if she fails, she will not only lose the bet, but will also be happy. , died on the spot!

At this moment, Wen Tianxiao's face also became a little dignified, his heart was pounding, and he wished that Yao Luwei would die right now.

However, with the passage of time, Yao Luwei became stronger and stronger, and gradually began to suppress her opponent!

All of a sudden, Wen Tianxiao's face turned pale, once he lost, it would be a loss of four immortal artifacts!This is all the reliance for coming to Fujie.

And if it wasn't for him to practice well in the talisman world and make a name for himself, the sect would never have given him the four celestial weapons for self-defense...

"This thieves, did you think that I like to bet against others and did it on purpose?" Wen Tianxiao gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on the battle situation, with unprecedented hope that Yao Luwei would die quickly.


However, what happened next made him desperate. The two extreme blood moon demon apes were cut off with two knives and died on the spot!

"How is this possible!?" Wen Tianxiao's eyes almost fell out, and his whole body was a little lost.

Everyone present was in an uproar and was shocked, but she actually did it!

In the field, the only one with a calm expression was Chen Xi. From the beginning of the battle, he had already seen that with Yao Luwei's skill and the pair of powerful immortal weapons in his hands, he would definitely not be defeated.

"Ask Young Master, I'm sorry to disappoint you, should you hand over your bet?"

Yao Luwei exited the arena, smiled at Wentian, and when she was speaking, she raised her eyes to sweep Chen Xi, and said, "My lord, if it weren't for you, this game wouldn't be possible, so I won't charge you for your bet." gone."

"You guys planned it! You deliberately teamed up to trick me! It's not fair! I'm not cheating, but disobedient!" Hearing this, Wen Tianxiao couldn't help shouting, gnashing his teeth, furious.

"But it turns out that I did win this bet." Yao Luwei smiled lightly, with a calm expression on her face.

"Since it's a gamble, it won't be too late to make a decision after I test it, and it will be fair to both of us." At this moment, Chen Xi who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.


ps: Tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow, everything will stabilize, and then start to make up updates, plus the one update owed yesterday, a total of three chapters owed, and two fourth updates, I have not forgotten.

In addition, thank you for leaving messages to encourage the brothers and sisters of Jinyu in the past two days. Temporary difficulties are inevitable, but life must continue, and we must work harder and be stronger!

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