divine talisman

Chapter 826 Blessing Mother-in-law [Part 1]

The cold wind howled across the desolate and ruined wilderness.

A stone pagoda filled with mottled traces of time stands quietly on the barren rocky ground. Although it is old and old, it seems that it will never collapse.

This is a post pavilion, built between the village and the city, for the practitioners to restore their physical strength.

The boundless wilderness is filled with infinite danger and murderous intent. Maybe in the next moment, hordes of alien beasts from the universe will descend from the sky and wreak havoc on the earth.

However, the distance between the village and the city is too far away, so the existence of the post pavilion is extremely important.

The function of the post pavilion is very simple, but it is the most practical. Resting in it can isolate any breath and will never be noticed by the strange beasts of the universe.

At this time, Chen Xi was sitting cross-legged in the post pavilion, holding a blood crystal in each hand, and was hurrying to recover his witch power.

This blood crystal came from Lei Ling on the [-]th floor of the Sword Cave. His blood was surging like the sea, and it was worth more than a fairy stone. Most of the reason why his second avatar was able to advance so quickly was due to this blood crystal. .

Now, his second avatar has advanced to the realm of underworld, and there are dozens of blood crystals left, enough to persist until the deity completely recovers its strength and breaks out from the world of stars.

"When the deity returns to its original state, let the second avatar retreat in the world of stars, day and night to comprehend the rare meanings of the other side, sinking, annihilation, immortality, good fortune, etc., as well as various Taoism and supernatural powers, while the deity focuses on fighting, so Once you do this, you can save a lot of time in quiet comprehension..."

Chen Xi was meditating while recovering his physical strength.

His time has become very tight now, and there is not much left, and he can't spare time to meditate for a long time to meditate, and he can only rely on this way to practice.

Fortunately, the law of time in the star world is ten times slower than that of the outside world, and it is absolutely safe. The second avatar can quietly comprehend Taoism, Taoism, and supernatural powers in it, which can achieve more amazing results than retreating.

And what he gained from his comprehension can also become the practice experience of the deity, and in the event of extreme danger, the second clone can also fight side by side with the deity.

In this way, it not only makes up for the problem of not being able to practice quietly, but also uses the second clone as a trump card to launch a counterattack at a critical moment.


After a stick of incense, the two blood crystals in his hand turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

The witch power in Chen Xi's body once again reached its peak state, and the boiling blood roared all over his body, like a dragon's chant, like a whistling, like an abyss like an ocean!

"The law of heaven in this talisman world is really strange, so that I can't feel a trace of catastrophe. No wonder Senior Sister Li Yang brought me here. At least before leaving the talisman world, I don't have to worry about the heavenly law sending down the judgment god thunder to kill This 'different number' of myself..."

Chen Xi looked up at the sky, and let out a long breath.

Now, no matter whether it is body training or Qi training, he has already cultivated to the extreme in the realm of the underworld. No matter how difficult it is to advance, only when he advances to the realm of the earthly fairy can he undergo a qualitative transformation, from human to immortal, and make steady progress.

However, relying on his current strength, it is enough to wander in the talisman world. Unless he encounters an extremely terrifying existence, no one can do anything to him.

"Grandma Qianfu, Senior Brother Chen Yuan, the post is just ahead, let's rest here."

"Alright, entering the post pavilion is equivalent to entering the range of Yanchi City. Within half a day, you can arrive in Yanchi City. It's not bad to recharge your batteries here."


On the sky in the distance, three divine rainbows suddenly appeared, piercing through the void, and the sound had already arrived before the person arrived.

Chen Xi raised his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of vigilance welled up in his heart.

Before coming to Fujie, Liang Bing had already explained that Fujie is like a proving ground, and there are two major dangers. The first danger is the invasion of alien beasts from the universe. This is the biggest threat. Many people in the Three Realms Ten out of ten cultivators who practiced in the talisman world were buried in the mouths of cosmic beasts.

The second danger is being killed by other people in Fujie, because in Fujie, there are no rules and constraints at all. If you let the Dragon Race be your mount, no one will care about you.

Now, Chen Xi has gradually understood the meaning of it.

Especially the second danger cannot be ignored absolutely, because there is no aura in the Talisman Realm, so items like Immortal Stone Immortal Liquid have become extremely important existences.

In this case, when you meet a stranger, it is hard to say that you will not be coveted.

Because grabbing an extra piece of immortal stone, you don't have to exchange hard-earned merit power, and you can also greatly shorten the time to enter cities, states, and even the four emperors' cities.

After all, in the talisman realm, only with enough meritorious power can one enter any place one wants to go, otherwise one will only be unable to move an inch.

Therefore, for any cultivator, no one would feel that even a little bit of merit power was wasted. Even, in order not to waste the power of merit, it has become a common thing to grab other people's fairy stone liquid.

There were three people galloping towards them, a young man in a luxurious green robe, a pretty and arrogant woman, and a thin, white-haired old woman dressed in black and holding a cane with a vulture's head in her hand.

The young man and the woman were dressed in extremely luxurious clothes, and their manners were graceful. It was obvious that they both came from prominent and noble backgrounds, and their cultivation was quite extraordinary.

The only thing that surprised Chen Xi was that the black-clothed, white-haired old woman was surrounded by black smoke. She seemed to be a member of the demonic way, emitting a sinister and icy aura.

As soon as she appeared, Chen Xi concluded at a glance that this old woman's cultivation was at least above the third stage of the Earth Immortal Realm. After careful calculation, she would not be too far behind the Yunzhu Patriarch of Yan Dao Sect that day.

Of course, this is only a superficial judgment, and it is hard to say what the specific strength is.

However, this was enough for Chen Xi to take it seriously. This is the wilderness area between the village and the city, full of infinite dangers. In this pitch-black night, such three people came suddenly, so he couldn't help but feel vigilant.

"Huh? I didn't expect to meet someone of the same kind here."

At this time, the man, woman and old woman also found Chen Xi in the post pavilion, and were slightly surprised. When they saw that Chen Xi was only alone, and his cultivation was in the realm of the underworld, they ignored him and walked in on their own. In the post pavilion, sit cross-legged and rest.

Although this post pavilion is only a few feet away, it is enough to accommodate more than 20 people to rest in it.Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the edge of the post pavilion, and the three of them did not affect each other.

After the young man in green robe entered the post pavilion, he took out a blood-colored gourd, and carefully poured a stream of blood into a gilded jade-encrusted celadon bowl at hand.

The blood was bright red and thick, exuding an extremely sweet and fragrant breath.

After dumping a full bowl, the young man put away the gourd, while the woman had already held the celadon bowl and handed it to the old woman respectfully: "Grandma Qianfu, please eat."

goo goo goo...

The old woman called Qianfu Granny took the celadon bowl, opened her mouth to suck, and sucked up the blood in the bowl, then stretched out her scarlet tongue to lick the corner of her lips, and let out a comfortable sigh.

At that moment, Chen Xi keenly saw that the old woman's mouth had a pair of sharp and white fangs!Although it was fleeting, it made him judge instantly that this old woman must be a demon cultivator!

There is also that bloody water, which is thick and fragrant. If Chen Xi's guess is correct, it must be the blood of a human cultivator!It's still the blood of the extremely powerful cultivator, the blood is boiling, and it's extremely pure!

"The body is surrounded by demonic energy, but she is a monster, and she likes to swallow human blood..." Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, confirming that this old woman is definitely not a good person.

"Chen Yuan, there's no need to transmit sound, he's just a little guy in the Nether Transformation Realm." Granny Qianfu waved her hand suddenly and said. When she spoke, her cold and surly eyes swept over Chen Xi, with a hint of arrogance and disdain.

The green-robed young man named Chen Yuan was startled, looked at Chen Xi, then withdrew his gaze, and said with a smile, "Grandma taught you the right thing."

Chen Xi looked at his nose, nose, and heart, as if he hadn't heard anything.

"Mother-in-law, the Luo family covers the sky with one hand in Fujie, so powerful, why would you invite us to help? I always feel that something is wrong." On the other side, the woman pondered.

"Biyin, that's because you don't know the situation in the Fujie." Qianfu Granny said indifferently, "What's more, in this Fujie, the Luo family can't even talk about covering the sky with one hand."

"Indeed, Fujie Jiupintang is controlled by four major families, and the Luo family is just one of them."

Chen Yuan nodded, and immediately said with emotion, "Speaking of it in detail, these four big families are really huge monsters, with a profound and terrifying foundation, and the super powers in other big worlds may not be able to compare with them."

"Hmph, it's not because of the glory of their ancestors. This talisman world was created by the ancestors of their four major families. It is reasonable for their descendants to be shadowed."

The woman named Biyin snorted coldly, with a trace of jealousy in her voice.


Who would have thought that after hearing these words, that Qianfu mother-in-law's face turned, she was gloomy and terrifying, she slapped Biyin's snow-white cheek, and said coldly: "It's okay to slander the other three families, but the Luo family doesn't even dare Slander, let alone you? If you let me hear it again, be careful, I will destroy you!"

Biyin covered her red and swollen cheeks, in disbelief and fear, she lowered her head and said in a trembling voice: "Grandma calm down, Biyin will never dare again."

Granny Qianfu said expressionlessly: "I think you are ignorant, so I forgive you this time."

Na Chen Yuan quickly changed the subject and said, "Mother-in-law, who are we going to help the Luo family this time?"

"A little bitch!"

Qianfu's mother-in-law sneered sinisterly, "You will understand at that time, as long as you take down that little bitch, the Luo family will be able to cover the sky with one hand in the entire Fujie!"


The second update is at 10 o'clock, and the third update is at 12 o'clock.

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