divine talisman

Chapter 827 Soldiers approaching the city [Chapter 2]

little bitch?

Chen Yuan and Bi Yin looked at each other, and couldn't figure it out even if they broke their heads. How could a little bitch be so important, even enough to affect the structure of the entire Fujie?

Even Chen Xi's heart shuddered when he heard this, and he smelled something unusual from it.

As we all know, the Fujie was opened on the frontline battlefield of the Three Realms, and was jointly created by four ancient powerful men, Donghuang Taizhen, Xuandi Yuanxun, Fenghou Yinge, and Yaozu Luoshang.

But now, the power of the entire Fujie is apparently controlled by Jiupintang, but in fact Jiupintang is controlled by the four ancient families of Liang, Gu, Yin, and Luo.

The ancestors of these four major families are the four ancient powerful beings, Donghuang, Xuandi, Fenghou, and Yaozu.

Hearing that the three Qianfu mothers-in-law came here for Luo Shi, one of the four great families, and seemed to be involved in a big dispute, Chen Xi couldn't help but wonder, who is that little bitch?

Could it be that he is also a big shot in the four major families?

"Okay, let's go."

At this moment, Grandma Qianfu suddenly stood up, leaning on a crutch with a vulture head, looked at the sky far away, and muttered angrily: "What kind of merit do you have to earn to enter the city for this damned talisman world rule? After I kill that little bitch, I must advise Second Master Luo to abolish this rule..."


When speaking, the other person has turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

Chen Yuan and Bi Yin were startled, and hurriedly followed, but before leaving, both of them glanced at Chen Xi with a cold gaze, not concealing the warning meaning in it.

"Don't kill people? It seems that in their hearts, my existence is like an ant, so insignificant to the extreme..."

Chen Xi looked at the place where the three left, and couldn't help laughing at himself.

Originally, he was ready to fight, but after all, he learned a very secret truth. If it were anyone, he would probably have the idea of ​​killing someone to silence him.

And these three people just left like this, completely ignoring themselves, there can only be one reason, that is, in their opinion, even if they know, they can't make any waves at all...

Chen Xi really couldn't understand, where did they get their sense of superiority and confidence, not only their posture was so arrogant, but their behavior was so unscrupulous?

Perhaps, this is the common problem of noble and big figures who claim to be superior?

Chen Xi shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and stayed in the post pavilion for a while, then got up and started on the road.


under the sky.

Granny Qianfu, who was speeding, suddenly stretched out her scarlet tongue and licked her lips, a look of excitement appeared in her cold eyes, "What a pure blood, if I can suck a mouthful of his blood, the taste will be wonderful."

Chen Yuan and Bi Yin on the side were stunned, and asked: "Grandma, are you talking about that kid just now?"

Grandma Qianfu took a deep breath, smacked her lips, nodded and said: "That's right, that kid's blood is clean and clear, and also contains a trace of Dao charm, which is much stronger than the taste of ordinary cultivators."

"Why didn't the mother-in-law kill him then?"

There was a cold light in Biyin's cold and proud eyes, "If we kill him, we can still grab some fairy liquid, which is better than nothing. The most important thing is that mother-in-law will have another delicious meal in the future."

"No, that kid is not simple." Granny Qianfu said thoughtfully, "A little guy who is a god-and-demon body-training student not only dared to wander alone in this wilderness, but also never showed a trace of us when he saw us appear. Fear, this is not unusual."

"Perhaps, he is just bluffing." Chen Yuan said disapprovingly.

"Are you questioning my vision?" Qianfu's mother-in-law turned cold and snorted in displeasure.

Chen Yuan trembled all over, and quickly said: "Don't dare, dare not."

"Grandmother, if this is the case, we should kill him. You know, he heard everything we said clearly just now. If it leaks, the consequences will be disastrous." Biyin said quickly from the side.

"kill him?"

Granny Qianfu shook her head, and said in a deep thought: "I always feel that the kid is abnormal, that's why I didn't do it for a long time. As for our conversation, he heard it as soon as he heard it. Anyway, this matter is no longer a secret."

"Then... shall we let him go like this?" Biyin asked.

"Of course not."

Grandma Qianfu sneered, and said: "I haven't encountered such a tempting delicacy for a long time, let's go to Yanchi City first, if my guess is right, the kid will definitely arrive there too, when the time comes Touch his bottom, it's not too late to do it."

"Grandma's plan is really great. Once we enter Yanchi City, we will be able to get in touch with the Luo family. At that time, we can take advantage of the situation to capture him without us doing it ourselves." Chen Yuan flattered from the sidelines. .

"Let's go, go to Yanchi City first."

Grandma Qianfu gave a sinister smile, thinking that she might be able to enjoy a supremely delicious meal in the near future, she couldn't help licking the corners of her lips again, and with her eerie and skinny cheeks, she looked extremely terrifying.


When Chen Xi was still thousands of miles away from Yanchi City, he seemed to notice something, and suddenly raised his head to look at the sky in the distance.

The star dome in the wilderness was completely uncovered, and one could see stars twinkling in it, but at this moment, huge black shadows appeared, covering half of the sky in an instant!

It was a group of cosmic beasts, like a flood bursting a bank, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the earth, rushing from the star dome, like a group of meteorites falling from the sky, it was extremely frightening.


When these gigantic cosmic beasts flew down to the ground, they shook rocks and mountain peaks into powder, and the ground trembled violently, as if a major earthquake was erupting, creating chaos.


On the far horizon, suddenly there is a milky white beam of light rising into the sky, as if a scorching sun is rising, the blazing light spreads in all directions, forming a huge light curtain, which is upside down on the earth.

The army of alien beasts descended from the sky, and the rune towers in Yanchi City were activated!

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile wryly, he really didn't come at the right time, and unexpectedly encountered a strange beast attacking the city.




Shocking loud shouts reverberated between the sky and the earth like a thunderbolt, and immediately after that, the figures of Shenxia scattered into the sky and rushed into the army of alien beasts.

In just a few breaths, the entire land was plunged into a fierce battle, and all kinds of magic weapons, Taoism, and supernatural powers shot out under the sky, tearing apart the dark night and illuminating the world.

It can be clearly seen that countless cultivators turned into a rainbow of gods, rushed into the army of alien beasts, smashed and killed, and the sun and the moon were dark.

The blood rained torrentially, drenching the earth and dyeing the sky red.

This is a tragic and massive battle. The alien beasts of the universe charged bravely and wanted to capture the city. The cultivators rushed into the city and fought hard to earn more merit.

Groups of cosmic beasts fell, and groups of cultivators died with hatred. In this large-scale battle, the breath of death was so strong, and life seemed so unbearable.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi finally understood Liang Bing's words, that the biggest threat to the Talisman Realm is the Cosmic Beast, and the cultivators who practiced in the Talisman Realm will fall under the iron hooves of the Cosmic Beast most of the time. !

Without any further hesitation, he jumped up and entered the army of alien beasts from behind.


A huge and bright big handprint of the starry sky emerged, like a hand covering the sky, slapping down fiercely against the densest place in the group of different beasts in the universe.

The next moment, a terrifying palm force surged out, and groups of cosmic beasts fell from the sky one after another, like a black and heavy rainstorm.


With a shocking muffled sound, hundreds of alien beasts from the universe were crushed into blood foam and died tragically on the spot.

At the same time, Chen Xi had already activated the wings of the starry sky, rushing into the army of alien beasts from the universe like a gleam of clear starlight.

The scale of the cosmic alien beasts that attacked Yanchi City this time was unprecedentedly large, and it was more than a hundred times larger than what was seen when they attacked Jinsang Village. The number was not counted in thousands, but tens, hundreds of thousands, or even millions!

The scale of such a group of beasts is absolutely irresistible to the village. Only a huge city like Yanchi City can support it. As for how long it can last, it depends on the power of the towers in the city and the number and strength of the cultivators.


Chen Xi cast the magic power, with three heads and six arms, driving the witch power in his body to the extreme, like a sharp awl, ruthlessly piercing into the army of beasts from behind, where blood rained down, and screamed endlessly , invincible!

"It's amazing. Among them are powerful cosmic beasts that are equivalent to the first and second ranks of Earth Immortals. Regardless of their scale and strength, they are far beyond the reach of the village."

"Every time you kill an Earth Immortal first-level space universe beast, you can actually light up three stars on the nameplate of merit. Unfortunately, there are too few such beasts, and it is extremely difficult to kill them smoothly while hiding in this army. There are hundreds of other strange beasts, and it may not be able to light up a star, and the power of merit does not seem to be so easy to earn..."

Chen Xi looked calm, and while charging into the battle, he quickly analyzed the situation.

"Oops, the rise of the old lady's killing has been involved in the rear of this group of evildoers!"

Suddenly, among the alien beasts in the distance, a beautiful woman staggered, and was forced to fly towards this side by the nearby alien beasts. She raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Immediately, she gritted her silver teeth, held the round moon scimitar in her hand, and started killing randomly, yelling: "Dirty bastard! Bitch! A bastard! Even if the old lady dies, I will make peace with you!" You put your backs on!"

Chen Xi was speechless for a while, this scolding sound was really unrestrained...


At this moment, a strange beast with a body covered with black sharp barbs, resembling a tiger and leopard, and a body as long as three feet, came out silently, suddenly attacked from one side, and ruthlessly tore at the beautiful woman's back. and go.

If this blow was caught, he would be disemboweled even if he was not dead.

The beautiful woman was being besieged by more than ten strange beasts at this time, and it was difficult to escape, when she found the deadly danger coming from behind, she was powerless to resist, she couldn't help being frightened, her face turned pale, and she screamed: "God! I have never played with a man in my life, so I don't want to die!"

At this critical moment, a big hand surrounded by vast starlight stretched out, grabbed the strange beast that looked like a tiger and leopard, and crushed it into a cloud of blood mist with a bang.

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