divine talisman

Chapter 871 Self-judgment and apology [Part 1]

Before the voice fell, a handsome young man in a feather coat, wide sleeves and wide belt, holding a gold and jade fan, Shi Shiran walked into the hall.

His chin was raised high, his lips curled into a smile, and he had a look of being supercilious, and his demeanor was quite relaxed, not as if he had entered the core hall of the Jiuhua Sword Sect's sect, but as if he had come to his own back garden.

Behind the young man, followed by a group of young men and women, all with playful smiles and frivolous manners, without any trace of restraint and stability.

Seeing this young man with a gold and jade fan in his hand leading this group of young men and women in, the head teacher Wen Huating and elder Lie Peng frowned, but they didn't say much.

The two of them just sent voice transmissions to remind Chen Xi to be patient for now and not to act rashly, as a little intolerance can lead to great chaos.

Chen Xi also noticed this group of people. With a glance, he judged that these guys, like Nan Xiuchong and Wen Renye, were descendants of immortals. boundary.

Seeing this, the murderous intent in his heart became more and more intense. It was really unexpected that the Jiuhua Sword Sect, as one of the top ten sects of Xuanhuan, could not do anything to these dudes in the fairy world?

Even the head teacher, Wen Huating, seemed to be swallowing his anger!

"You are Chen Xi?" The young man in the lead glanced around, and immediately landed on Chen Xi, his eyes lit up, as if he had found his prey.

"Mr. Mei has good eyesight! This is the most outstanding disciple of the younger generation of my Jiuhua Sword Sect. Now he has been promoted to the elder of the sect and holds the position of the master of Xihua Peak."

Before Chen Xi could speak, Lie Peng introduced with a hearty smile, "Chen Xi, this is Mei Qingyuan from the Nine Flowers Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm, Mr. Mei, young and promising, and has a great reputation in the Immortal Realm."

As for the young men and women behind Mei Qingyuan, Lie Peng did not introduce them. Obviously, the identities of these young men and women were a head behind Mei Qingyuan.

"Hmph, old man Lie Peng, did I ask you?" Mei Qingyuan's expression darkened suddenly, and he glanced at Lie Peng displeased, as if blaming him for talking too much.

Lie Peng's expression froze, a little embarrassed, but in the end he still managed to bear it.

Seeing this, those young men and women burst out laughing with playful expressions, and Mei Qingyuan couldn't help showing a smug look on his face.

If it were in the fairy world, they wouldn't be so unscrupulous and ignore a group of elders, but this is the human world, how could they have any scruples?Not only that, but their originally arrogant and domineering characters became even more unscrupulous after they arrived in the human world.

In the final analysis, this is actually a mentality shared by people in the fairy world. They regard the human world as a low-level plane, which is not worth mentioning. It's just that Mei Qingyuan and others behaved more rampantly.

Seeing Lie Peng being humiliated, Chen Xi frowned even more, almost unable to suppress the murderous desire in his heart.

"You bastard! Are you deaf? Didn't Senior Brother Mei ask you something? Get down on your knees and answer honestly!"

But at this time, the thin and tall young man among the group of men and women caught a glimpse of Chen Xi's indifference, and immediately scolded him in a cold voice, with an arrogant tone, just like scolding his grandson.

"Senior Brother Gao, this little guy is obviously scared to death. It's too bad that you still blame him." A pretty girl said coquettishly, but her words were extremely vitriolic.

"Haha, Junior Sister Zhu is so full of enthusiasm, she fell in love with this little thing, why did she help him talk? This makes me very jealous, no, I will scare him to pee his pants, see you still help him talk .”

Senior Brother Gao burst out laughing again. He and Junior Sister Zhu actually used Chen Xi as an excuse to flirt with each other in full view, and their arrogance reached the extreme.

"Hey! You are still stunned. Could it be that you have ignored my son's words? Kneel down!"

Seeing that Chen Xi was still indifferent, Senior Brother Gao's expression darkened, he strode forward, raised his foot and kicked at Chen Xi's knee, and actually directly tried to force Chen Xi to kneel.

What's more, this leg is fierce and fast, like a running thunder, like a whip that sweeps across, it is fast, ruthless, and accurate, obviously not a bluff, once it is swept by it, even a top-grade magic weapon of the heaven rank will be crushed.

Seeing this, those young men and women showed excitement on their faces, as if they were watching a good show.


However, to their disappointment, Senior Brother Gao's leg hadn't even gotten close to Chen Xi, but was immediately dispelled by the head teacher Wen Huating's sleeve who had already noticed something wrong.

Chen Xi was also a little disappointed. He even planned to directly interrupt the bastard's legs and kill him with one blow, but it was a pity that he was destroyed by Wen Huating halfway.

"Old man Wen! How dare you stop me!" Brother Gao missed a hit, his face became gloomy, and he pointed at Wen Huating's nose and cursed, his attitude was extremely rampant.

Wen Huating, who had always been gentle and graceful, couldn't help but his face sank at this moment, and the veins on his forehead were twitching, but he finally held back and said, "Mr. Gao, calm down, our family is together, there is no need to fight and kill, right?"

"Go away! Who is with your family!? You are a little headmaster in the human world, and you are worthy of being compared with this young master? Get out of the way, if you dare to stop me again, you will never be the headmaster!"

The more Wen Huating was like this, the more arrogant Senior Brother Gao became, and the more unscrupulous his scolding.

Seeing this, Chen Xi could no longer control the murderous intent that had accumulated in Chen Xi's heart, and said, "Uncle Master, Elder Lie Peng, you all retreat for now. Since I started this matter, let me alone bear it!"

There was an undeniable taste in the low voice. Wen Huating and Lie Peng's expressions changed when they heard the words, and they wanted to stop them, but when they saw Chen Xi's resolute gaze, they held back for some reason.

Both of them sighed in their hearts. In terms of anger, they were worse than Chen Xi, but for the sake of the foundation of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, they could only endure it. If it wasn't for this, with their temperaments, they would have brought this group of immortals to the world long ago. The bastard got wiped out.

But even though they have decided to stand by and watch, the two feel more and more heavy.

"Yo, I can't tell that you still have a bit of backbone, but in front of me, you have to kneel down obediently and apologize to me, even if you are as strong as you are!"

That Senior Brother Gao looked him up and down, and then kicked him again. His moves were the same, without any change at all. This showed how arrogant this person was, as if he had already determined that Chen Xi would not dare to fight back.


However, to his surprise, just as his leg was raised, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, a big iron-like hand was already tightly wrapped around his ankle, twisted suddenly, and with a click, directly squeezed his leg. The bone was twisted abruptly, and there was a clear and sharp bone cracking sound.

This time, not only Mei Qingyuan and others did not expect, even Wen Huating and Lie Peng couldn't believe that Chen Xi's attack would be so straightforward, and he would directly cripple the opponent's right leg!


In an instant, senior brother Gao was so painful that tears almost fell down, and he let out an extremely shrill scream, "Bastard! You dare to fight back, you are courting death!!"

When he was speaking, he thrust his body violently, and swung his left leg violently, like a sky-shattering axe, wrapped in fierce and unparalleled power of the celestial gang, he slashed fiercely at Chen Xi's head.

Chen Xi's expression was ice-cold. Before the attack could approach, he yanked hard with his right hand and grabbed the opponent's disused right leg. With a flick of his wrist, he smashed it to the ground viciously, like swinging a sandbag.


Senior Brother Gao was smashed to the ground, his facial features were distorted, his mouth and nose sprayed blood, his whole body was crackling, he didn't know how many bones were broken, and he screamed like a dead dog on the ground.The ground made of refined steel mother rock was smashed into a big hole, which shows how powerful Chen Xi's blow was.

"You bastard! You're looking for death! I'm going to kill you all over the house! No chicken or dog will be spared!" Senior Brother Gao had a ferocious look on his face, and he roared like a madman.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly flashed a icy coldness to the extreme. These words had touched his bottom line, and he was completely moved to kill.

At this moment, Mei Qingyuan and the others also came to their senses, they all screamed and cursed, and some of them rushed forward to help "Senior Brother Gao".

Before, they had never thought that Chen Xi would dare to attack the person on their side. After all, in their view, the other party was just a small ant in the underworld state in the human world. Dare to resist?

It was precisely because of this superior cognition that when they saw Chen Xi beating "Senior Brother Gao" into such a state with three punches and two kicks, they were all taken aback and failed to help in time.

When they reacted at this moment, how could they hold back?

A little ant dared to commit an offense and hurt his companion. This is definitely impatient!


In the next instant, the three people who rushed forward first had already used various powerful Taoist techniques, and their moves were fierce, and they came to kill Chen Xi from different directions.

Although these dandies in the fairy world are arrogant, their cultivation is indeed not weak. They are all in the realm of the earth fairy. Looking at the human world, they are enough to despise most of the cultivators. It is a pity that they met Chen Xi this time.


Three clear and resounding slaps, these three people came and went quickly, they were sent flying out by Chen Xi in an instant, their mouths and noses spurted blood, and an unknown number of teeth were knocked out, they fell to the ground and howled. endlessly.

Both Wen Huating and Lie Peng were horrified. When did Chen Xi become so powerful again? To deal with these dudes in the fairyland, it is simply a piece of cake, effortless!

Only Liang Bing looked calm. She had witnessed how Chen Xi taught Nan Xiuchong, Wen Renye and the others a lesson when she was in Fujie. It's worse, if Chen Xi can't deal with them anymore, it will be called a strange thing.

"How courageous! How courageous!"

Seeing this, Mei Qingyuan's facial features became livid and icy cold, and said, "Little thing, you have completely angered me. No matter who came today, they can't save you! Now, I will give you a last chance to redeem your sins." , Self-criticism and apology!"

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