divine talisman

Chapter 872 Dog shit is not as good as [Part 2]

Suicide and apology!

Hearing this, the head teachers Wen Huating and Lie Peng's eyebrows trembled, both angry at Mei Qingyuan's arrogant tone and worried about Chen Xi's future.

Mei Qingyuan and the others are nothing, the key is that they are accompanied by a few great figures from the fairy world, who are currently discussing with the Three Saints of Jiuhua in the depths of Shenhua Peak, if they are disturbed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The Three Sages of Jiuhua are the top three figures among the reclusive old antiques of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, namely Fei Ling, Feng Ting, and Deng Chen. It is no exaggeration to say that the existence of these three old antiques is Like the backbone of the sky, guarding the Jiuhua Sword Sect, so that no one dares to come to provoke and bubbling.

In front of their three old antiques, even the head teacher Wen Huating and those ancestors of earth immortals who are hidden from the world have to be respectful and regard themselves as juniors.

Now, the few big figures descended from the fairy world can discuss with the Three Sages of Jiuhua, and even the head teacher Wen Huating cannot participate in it. This shows how lofty the identities of these big figures are.

And when Chen Xi heard the words "self-judgment and apology", his eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed, and he softly uttered a few words from his lips: "Fucks like you, death is not a pity."

"If that's the case, then die!" Mei Qingyuan's face was as gloomy as water, and with a wave of his hand, all the young men and women around him were dispatched.

"Kill! Kill this ant! Whoever dares to stop him today is my life and death enemy!"


In an instant, the entire hall was filled with the majestic and incomparable power of the immortal gang, Taoism roared, and magic weapons roared. If there was no large array guarding the hall, this blow alone would be enough to level the entire Zhenwu Peak.

In this chaos, Chen Xi cast the wings of black magnetism, and his whole body was like a flash of rainbow, flickering frequently in the space, erratic, like a ghost.


With a crisp sound, a young man was caught off guard by a sudden big hand that grabbed his neck and pressed him hard into the ground like a chicken, smashing a big hole, bleeding from seven holes, and fainted as soon as his whole body twitched. past.

"Senior Brother Wang!"

Seeing this, Junior Sister Zhu at the side let out a scream of fright and anger, flew her sleeves, and twisted towards Chen Xi's neck like two poisonous dragons. Mang's fist roared towards him, and it expanded sharply in his pupils.

With a bang, her pretty face collapsed immediately, and if she hadn't dodged in time, this punch alone would have blown her head off.

But even so, after suffering this blow, her vision went dark, she flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, slammed into the palace door, and fell into a complete coma.



Soon, shrill screams sounded from time to time, shaking the entire hall, making this place look like purgatory.

At this moment, Chen Xi's heart full of murderous intent erupted completely, his whole body was like a demon god who killed decisively, no one could beat his sharpness wherever he passed!

With his current combat power, he is enough to kill the strong men of the fifth level of the earth immortal. When facing these fairy dudes who are only at the fourth level of the earth immortal with the highest cultivation, he is simply destroyed, like a broken bamboo, like entering a no-man's land .

Outside the gate of the main hall, many disciples gathered without knowing when, including core seed disciples such as An Wei, Long Zhenbei, Shen Langya, Luo Qianrong and so on.

Obviously, they also came after hearing the news.

"Happy! These days, I've had enough of these bastards' viciousness. If it wasn't for my lack of strength, I would have been like Chen Xi, beating these bastards to the point of crying!"

Long Zhenbei clenched his fists tightly. Seeing Chen Xi unleashing his supernatural power and sweeping away in all directions, he was also filled with excitement, wishing to raise his head to the sky and howl.

Ever since these dandies from the fairy world arrived at the Jiuhua Sword Sect, the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect has been engulfed in a miasma by them, but the high-level dignitaries don't care about it, which makes them extremely aggrieved.

Originally, when they heard that Chen Xi had returned today, they were still very worried. After all, everyone in the sect now knew that because of that fox princess Xueyan, Mei Qingyuan had already regarded Chen Xi as an enemy. If he came back, he might suffer disaster .

But now this scene clearly told them that Chen Xi did not suffer, but those dandies from the fairy world did. How could they not cheer up their hearts that had been suffocated for a long time?

"I didn't expect that Chen Xi's strength has been cultivated to such a level after I haven't seen him in just a short year!" Shen Langya murmured, in addition to being amazed in his heart, he couldn't help feeling a bit complicated. This guy wants to catch up with him. His steps are so difficult...

"Happiness is happiness, but I am very worried. After Chen Xi does this, I am afraid that the situation will become bad." An Wei frowned, and there was a hint of worry on her jade face.

As the core seed disciples, they naturally know that the reason why these fairy world dandies dare to be so unscrupulous is that they have something to rely on, not to mention their backgrounds and identities, just the few big figures from the fairy world who came with them, Not anyone in the sect dares to offend.

If they knew what happened here, how could those great figures in the fairy world let Chen Xi go?

Hearing this, the excited looks on the faces of the other disciples faded a lot, and a look of worry also appeared between their brows. Yes, the beating was a pain in the ass, but how should Chen Xi deal with the aftermath?

But soon, their attention was attracted by what happened in the hall.

In the huge hall, those dandies from the fairy world were lying on the ground in disorder, with bruised noses and swollen faces, covered in blood, moaning and crying, but most of them had passed out and looked quite miserable.

Only Mei Qingyuan was left standing there, and his face was extremely gloomy at this time, and water was dripping out, breaking his head. He never imagined that a small ant in the Netherworld could sweep away a group of people. The Earth Immortal powerhouse!

Such heaven-defying strength made him both startled and angry. In the eyes he looked at Chen Xi, apart from resentment and anger, there was even a touch of fear.

Not to mention him, even the faces of the head teacher Wen Huating and Elder Lie Peng turned weird. A monk in the Underworld realm swept away a group of earth immortal ancestors like autumn leaves. This kind of visual impact is so strong that it cannot be added The extent shocked the hearts of the two of them.

"You... how did you do it?" Mei Qingyuan said, he didn't realize that his voice was trembling uncontrollably.

"Kneel down and beg me, and I'll tell you." Chen Xi said calmly.

After a great battle, the murderous intent in his heart has not calmed down. If it wasn't for the face of the head teacher Wen Huating and Lie Peng, the people lying on the ground would have died utterly.

"Little thing, do you know what will happen if you offend me! Don't think it's so great to be able to cross borders to confront the enemy. If I want to kill you, no one in the world can save you!"

Hearing this, Mei Qingyuan was furious. As a descendant of a great figure in the fairy world, even though he had already felt a little jealous of Chen Xi's strength in his heart, the domineering temperament he had cultivated over the years made him absolutely unable to accept that someone dared to trample on his dignity. !

"What a joke! Even with the status of the fairy world, you are nothing more than a piece of shit. How dare you threaten me?" At this moment, Chen Xi was strong and domineering, possessing an aura of self-importance.

"You call me shit?" Mei Qingyuan was so angry that his whole body trembled, his eyes spewed fire, and his teeth were about to gnaw into pieces.

"I was wrong, you are worse than shit."

Chen Xi said lightly, "I forgot to tell you, I just killed a group of people like you who have a background in the fairy world. If you are not convinced, you can try it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone including the head teachers Wen Huating and Lie Peng were shocked. They couldn't believe that Chen Xi had killed the descendants of the immortals long ago?And not one, but a batch! ?

This was too shocking, and they even doubted whether Chen Xi was lying, but when everyone thought of what Chen Xi had said and done these years, they were very sure that Chen Xi at this time would not be lying. .

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Chen Xi differently, as if they were staring at a freak that couldn't be measured by common sense.

However, Mei Qingyuan didn't know everything about Chen Xi, or he had already ignored that sentence, and there was only one sentence in his ear, "It's not even as good as shit"!

How dare a little ant humiliate himself like this!

All of a sudden, his complexion became extremely ugly, and his face became ferociously distorted. Suddenly, his eyes swept across, his hands intertwined, and he punched hard.


A pitch-black night fell, extremely dark, just like the day was suddenly swallowed by the power of this punch, the void burst and collapsed, transforming into a dark place, a dark domain.

"The Nine Yins will destroy the world, and the Dark Immortal will punish you!"

A terrifying punch spread like the night, as if it wanted to imprison Chen Xi in the dark purgatory, completely sinking and suppressing it.

This is a terrifying fairy art, which has gone beyond the scope of Taoism. Although it was performed by Mei Qingyuan with his own Taoism, rather than the power of law, its power is still extremely terrifying.

Facing this punch, Chen Xi's body shook, and suddenly, the divine light roared and flooded his body, as if a round of scorching sun rose from behind him. It was bright, vast, dazzling and blazing, and as soon as it spread, it tore apart all the darkness.


He also punched out the momentum, and the Annihilation Profound Truth circulated in it, and there was a booming sound like a ripping bamboo, and Mei Qingyuan's fist strength was completely broken in an instant.

Everyone saw that Chen Xi smashed the enemy with a punch, his figure was majestic, and when he moved forward, Mei Qingyuan immediately retreated steadily.

"It's such a terrifying power. Is this something a cultivator in the Underworld Realm can possess?" Mei Qingyuan spat out a few mouthfuls of blood and almost collapsed.

"The light of darkness, shatter the infinite!"

His ferocity was fully aroused, and he made a final counterattack, because he couldn't accept that he was defeated by a small ant in the underworld!

Therefore, he fought hard, concentrating all his strength into one blow.

"Your Majesty!"

Chen Xi seemed to be strolling in a garden, swaying at will, pressing with one hand in the air, the void above Mei Qingyuan's head suddenly began to condense and collapse, forming a force filled with endless annihilation aura, slowly oppressing it.

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