divine talisman

Chapter 904 Killing Demons with 3 Knives [Part 1]

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A simple single sword was slashed out horizontally, but in the eyes of everyone, this sword carried a great momentum!

The momentum is like a group of dragons sailing out to sea, ten thousand swords return to the clan!


Bai Yu's saber fell and clashed with the sword talisman, bursting out with billions of blazing brilliance, and a terrifying force surged from the blade, shaking Bai Yu's tiger's mouth numb.

What a powerful force!

"It's worthy of being able to kill the existence of the sixth level of the earth fairy! But under my demon-breaking blood knife, this power is not enough!"

Bai Yu yelled loudly, and before his moves were exhausted, he flew up suddenly, brandishing the jet-black short knife in his hand, and slashed out streaks of blood-colored knife lights, killing yin and yang, tearing apart the universe, the knife was unparalleled in violence, engulfing With an indomitable domineering arrogance.

Chen Xi's expression remained unmoved, and the sword talisman stretched across the sky, just like the horns of an antelope, flowing like clouds and flowing water, pointing, stabbing, cutting, chopping, picking, slashing, shaking, and collapsing, all of them were the simplest moves in the sword.

But cast out from his hands, in each sword, there is a charm of the Dao, which is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and develops the power of the complex and mysterious runes, easily defusing all Bai Yu's offensives.

In a trance, everyone felt that Chen Xi didn't seem to be killing an enemy, but rather like strolling in a garden, swaying freely and with ease.

"One sword turns ten thousand spells! Great master of swordsmanship!?"

Bai Yu yelled again, his face that had been smiling all the time suddenly became serious, his brows were chilled, his short and fat body suddenly jumped in the void, and his momentum soared again.

This short moment of temptation made Bai Yu suddenly understand that he must not treat his opponent as an ordinary first-level earth immortal. The thick and incomparable power and the peak master-level swordsmanship cultivation level even made him feel... A heavy pressure.

"The way of the sword, inheriting the past, inheriting the past and opening up the future, take my three swords to kill demons, the first sword, the chaos of the world!"

Bai Yu slashed out with a knife, and immediately countless spaces burned up, like a fire bursting out, converging into a chaotic torrent of knives, rushing towards it.

"Three swords to kill demons! This lunatic!"

Bai Gunan's pupils shrank, and he recognized this peerless skill in an instant. These are the three saber moves that the ancestors of the Bauhinia and Bai family refined from the bloody killings when they fought in the ancient times!

Every kind of saber gesture fits with the Dao, and it is the most lethal. Like this first chaotic furnace, it accumulates the vision of chaotic times and the power of colorful wars in one sword, which is so powerful that it shakes the world and weeps ghosts and gods.

Back then, the ancestors of the Bauhinia and Bai family used the three demon-slaying knives to slaughter countless powerful men and won the title of "Knife Master", unparalleled in the world!

Although Bai Yu's knife has not reached the level of terror of his ancestors, if it is placed outside, it is enough to completely wipe out a city or a group of people!

This is the might of the Earth Immortal Patriarch, turning clouds and raining, burning rivers and boiling seas, standing proudly on the top of the human world, if a murderous intention arises, that level of destructive power is enough to cause turmoil in the world.


Before the knife arrived, the whole world seemed to be turned into a furnace, with raging flames everywhere, endless murderous intent.

"The five elements return to the original, and become one!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, straightened his waist, and the sword talisman produced a sword qi, which contained the profound meaning of the five perfect realms of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five elements cycled and repeated, and there was an aura that the whole world revolved within a single sword.


The swords and swords intersected, and the blazing sword light turned into fierce waves that swept across the sky and spread out. Wherever they passed, the sky shook and the ground collapsed, and the void collapsed. Everyone was so shocked that they had to retreat again and again to avoid being affected.

"Second knife, God breaks the world!"

Before the moves were exhausted, Bai Yu slashed out for the second time, the light of the blade was condensed, and a great will to open up the world and rebuild the universe diffused from the edge of the blade.

As soon as the knife came out, it not only shook the sword talisman open, but even had enough power to smash it away.

Chen Xi's figure was startled, he dodged again and again, and he was also secretly amazed in his heart. Bai Yu's cultivation at the sixth level of the Immortal Realm, coupled with this terrifying saber gesture, was indeed far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Compared with that white rainbow, it has a more indomitable spirit.

"You can actually block the first two strikes. You are indeed a very good opponent. Unfortunately, your good luck ends here. The third strike is natural!"

This Bai Yu is indeed the top figure in the Bauhinia and Bai family. Once the three demon-slaying swords are used, the first two moves take the initiative in the battle. When the last move "swordsmanship is natural", everyone feels In this saber movement, it actually merged into the heaven and the earth, mighty and irresistible!

Because of this knife, there is no move.

Without moves, there is no possibility of any resistance.

At this moment, Bai Yu seemed to be transformed into the nature of heaven and earth, and what the blade touched turned into a general trend of heaven and earth. Fighting against it was like making an enemy of the world.

At this moment, Bai Jun, who had been pacing around in the void, looking for a chance to strike, suddenly stopped, and a pair of peach blossom eyes burst into a gleam of coldness, like a poisonous snake ready to go, wanting to choose someone to devour.

At the same time, the big figures of the Bai family who were secretly watching this duel couldn't help but hold their breath and concentrate, their eyes bursting.

Patriarch Bai Jingchen put down the bowl of noodles in his hand.

The Great Elder Bai Cheng's hand stroking his beard froze, and he took a deep breath.

Since the start of the war, it has only been a short period of time, but the intensity of the battle in this short period of time is even more thrilling than the previous battle between Ling Bai and Bai Hong!

But at this time, Bai Yu's "sword technique is natural" came out of the air, and almost brought the battle situation to the most intense and peak level, so no one dared to ignore it, even those big shots.

Being in the midst of the battle situation, Chen Xi's feeling was stronger, and he also more keenly grasped the terrifying power of Bai Yu's saber. He didn't hesitate a bit, and decided not to keep it any longer.


His body was filled with turbulent and blazing glow, which evolved into a series of divine rainbows that surrounded the surroundings, all of which were transformed from various mysteries of the Dao, intertwined into divine wheels, runes, and turned into a sea of ​​runes.

At that moment, he seemed to be a talisman, and the sword in his hand burst out with infinite light of good fortune, which contained immortality, echoed the five elements, communicated yin and yang outside, lifted wind and thunder, moved stars, and deduced a piece of good fortune, divine beauty, brilliance, and boundless sword intent.

This is……

Bai Yu suffocated, feeling an extremely dangerous breath.


Bai Jun's complexion changed slightly, and his breath couldn't help but stagnate.

What a terrifying sword intent!

A big man of the Bai family who was watching the battle in secret was breathing heavily and was shocked.

Finally showing off!

Ling Bai and the others' eyes lit up, and their hearts felt a lot more relaxed.


Bai Yu gritted his teeth, let out an angry roar, and did not choose to dodge. Even though the sword made him feel mortal danger, he slashed out without hesitation.

It has nothing to do with the belief in fighting in the heart, it is just because of the words of the Great Elder Bai Cheng, even if he dies, he must kill Chen Xi and prevent him from entering the Bauhinia Bai family!


At the same time, Bai Jun also moved out, and at some point in his hand, a dark and slender long shuttle appeared. The sharp tip of the shuttle quietly bloomed into the void, and he disappeared into the void together with his whole body.


A shocking and terrifying loud noise shattered the thick Zisha essence covering the sky, and there were chaotic scenes of collapse, destruction, and shattering everywhere in the void.

If it wasn't for the great figures of the Bauhinia and Bai family who secretly activated the defensive array in the Heroic Soul Canyon, this collision alone would be enough to crush the entire Heroic Soul Canyon!


In the midst of the smoke and dust, Bai Yu's short, fat and sturdy body flew upside down, like light duckweed, in mid-air, he couldn't help coughing up blood, his face was extremely pale and transparent.

His right hand was trembling constantly, the tiger's mouth was broken, and strands of bright red blood spilled out, while the Demon Slaying Blood Knife had already been blown out, and it was stabbed obliquely on the ground, trembling violently.


When seeing Bai Yu's miserable appearance, almost everyone knew that Bai Yu had lost the power to fight and was completely defeated, no matter whether it was overtly or secretly.

"Very good, you are the first person to defeat me at the first stage of Earth Immortal, I will remember you!"

Bai Yu coughed up blood, his face was like gold leaf, and every inch of his body was broken, making it difficult for him to get up from the ground, and he completely lost the possibility of fighting Chen Xi.

This made him feel extremely bitter. He never expected that he would not be able to complete the task of the Great Elder Bai Cheng in the end, and he never expected that Chen Xi's strength would be even more terrifying than the rumors...

Simply, like an unreasonable freak!

Chen Xi stepped out from the smoke and dust, stared at Bai Yu on the ground, and said, "So, I have already obtained your approval?"

Bai Yu took a breath, and was about to answer, when out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of an almost transparent shadow wriggling in the void behind Chen Xi.

He remained calm, nodded and said, "Of course."

The voice just fell.

With a swish sound, a bewitching and extremely bright cold light suddenly burst out from the void behind Chen Xi. It was so bright and dazzling, but it happened to be silent and frighteningly silent. It didn't even disturb the surrounding void!

What's more important is that under the investigation of everyone's spiritual sense and immortal thoughts, they couldn't find this cold shadow at all, as if it didn't exist!

But this scene was still noticed by everyone, and all of a sudden everyone's eyes shrank sharply, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

"Chen Xi, be careful..."

Before Lingbai finished speaking, he closed his mouth.

Because Chen Xi reacted faster than him, almost when that strange and bright cold light emerged, he did not turn around, but the sword in his hand seemed to have eyes. On that point of coldness.


There was an ear-piercing sound of the clanging of golden arms, and immediately a figure was violently shaken out of the void, the figure staggered, and spurted out a mouthful of bright red blood with a wow.

This person is naturally Bai Jun.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell into a strange silence again, as if he was shocked and speechless, but also as if he was thinking hard, how did Chen Xi discover Bai Jun before he knew it.

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