divine talisman

Chapter 905 Shocking Bai Cheng [Part 2]

Bai Jun's figure was indeed difficult to detect, blending into the void like a transparent phantom, which was difficult to lock even with immortal thoughts.

And his attack was silent, without causing a wave in the void, just like the most brilliant assassin in the world, it was hard to guard against.

But now, before his sure-kill blow from behind could be carried out, Chen Xi hit him with precision one step ahead, and the terrifying sword intent caused him to stagger and fall out of the void, coughing up blood, How is this not surprising?

It's even unbelievable!

"How...how did you do it?"

Bai Jun wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his lips, stood up, and there was also a hint of doubt in his beautiful peach eyes.

"From the very beginning of the battle, I have been targeting you. If it wasn't for guarding against you, do you think he could persist until now?" Chen Xi pointed at Bai Yu who was in the distance, and said calmly.

Bai Yu was stunned. What Chen Xi said was equivalent to calling him weak in disguise. How could he endure it?Immediately roared: "This is impossible!"

"But in the end, you two still lost, didn't you?" Chen Xi said calmly, but he didn't argue with him.

He's already won, so there's no need to argue.

"Did you lose?"

Bai Jun sighed, looking devastated, but in his hand, the black and cold long shuttle suddenly shone with luster.


The long shuttle pierced through the air, and once again killed Chen Xi from behind. It no longer concealed its aura, and the sharp tip of the shuttle made a sharp and ear-piercing whistling sound, tearing apart the void, like a black lightning bolt, reaching its peak.

If it is said that the previous attack and killing was carried out quietly, then this time the attack and killing was unexpected, so sudden that no one thought of it, and thus the way of assassination was brought into full play.

This was indeed a perfect assassination, carried out right under the noses of everyone, and the distance between him and Chen Xi was only three feet away.

In such a short distance, Bai Jun is absolutely confident to kill him!

However, when the shuttle was only three inches away from the back of Chen Xi's neck, it stopped abruptly, not daring to move forward even a little bit.

Because a sword had already reached Bai Jun's throat, and the sharp point of the sword cut open a hole in his skin, and a line of bright red blood dripped out.

The hilt of this sword was held in Chen Xi's hand, it was stable and precise, and the sharp aura emanating from it was like the scythe of death, giving Bai Jun an unprecedented sense of danger.

He knew very well that as long as he moved a little, this sword would cut his throat unceremoniously and shatter his soul!

But if you admit defeat at this point, how should you explain to the Great Elder?

Bai Jun never lacked the courage to make a decision. When this idea just popped up in his mind, he had already decided that he would complete this task even if he had to risk everything!

A look of determination quietly flooded into his eyes.


However, before he could take any action, Chen Xi flipped the sword in his hand, and slammed his heavy shoulders on his cheeks, sending his whole body flying away. I don't know how many pieces were shattered.

When he fell to the ground dozens of feet away like a kite with a broken string, his entire right cheek was already red and swollen, his face was covered with blood, and he looked extremely miserable.

"No wonder others say that you are the most difficult to deal with among your peers. This kind of treacherous and vicious fighting method is also very in line with your character."

Chen Xi put away the sword talisman and said calmly.

"In my eyes, there is no distinction between good and bad in fighting methods, as long as it can kill the enemy, that's enough." Bai Jun struggled to stand up and said slowly.

Chen Xi nodded thoughtfully and said, "You're right. There is indeed no distinction between good and bad methods of fighting, but in this battle, you are not fighting for yourself, so it's a pity that you don't have a strong will."

Bai Jun's complexion changed suddenly, as if he didn't expect Chen Xi's perception to be so keen.

"Go back and tell the Great Elder, just use any means, after tonight, he will never have another chance."

After Chen Xi finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the welcoming hall, never looking at Bai Jun and Bai Yu from the beginning to the end.

Compared with Bai Hong, Bai Jun and Bai Yu did not deserve his respect.

The reason is very simple. Although Bai Hong was entrusted by others to come to challenge, she still has a bottom line in her heart. Even if she wants to fight like a moth to a flame, it is to defend her own way of swordsmanship, not to use it to complete others. Order.

However, the reason why Bai Jun and Bai Yu had murderous intentions was that they were ordered by others from the beginning to the end, and their mentality and fighting will were already inferior to Bai Hong's.

Comparing the two, the high and the low stand.

As soon as Chen Xi left, Ling Bai and the others also left one after another. Only when Bai Gu Nan left, he looked at Bai Jun and Bai Hong with disdain, and said, "Although my strength is a level behind yours, I always remember The meaning of the battle forged with blood by our ancestors, you... just do it for yourself."

In an instant, only Bai Jun and Bai Yu were left present, with uncertain expressions.



In that magnificent hall, the Great Elder Bai Cheng's face was livid, and he could no longer control the anger in his heart, and slammed the wine glass in his hand to the ground.

"A bunch of trash!"

The deep roar shook the hall, and Bai Cheng was like a raging lion, wantonly venting his anger.

"Brother, do you still want to persevere?" At this moment, a voice came from outside the hall, and with the voice, Bai Jingchen's burly and tall figure appeared in the hall.

Seeing Bai Jingchen, the anger in Bai Cheng's heart instantly faded away, he regained his composure, slowly sat down in the seat, and said expressionlessly: "Oh, I can't imagine that you and my brother haven't seen each other for so many years, but gathered together today."

Bai Jingchen sat down in a chair next to him, stretched his waist comfortably, and said with emotion: "Yes, a total of 280 years, [-] months and [-] days, time flies so fast."

Bai Cheng snorted, and said indifferently: "Your memory is quite good."

"Although I am tired and lazy, I have always had a good memory." Bai Jingchen said with a smile. At this moment, he does not have the bearing of a super powerful patriarch.

"Why did you come to see me this time?" Bai Cheng asked directly, too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Of course it's because of that kid." Bai Jingchen smiled, his expression changed, and he said, "Our Bauhinia and Bai family can't get involved with Zuoqiu's matter, brother, you should understand what I mean, right?"

"It's just a villain, what can't be mixed up?"

Speaking of this, Bai Cheng took a deep breath, stared at Bai Jingchen, and said, "Jingchen, as long as you say a word now, that villain will not be able to escape, and the internal struggle in my Zijing Bai family will also disappear invisible. With Zuoqiu's support in the upper realm, who in this world would dare to provoke my Bauhinia and Bai family?"

Bai Jingchen narrowed his eyes, and smiled for a while before saying, "So, even if the little guy is recognized by our clan, brother, you still insist on killing him?"

Bai Cheng's face darkened, "Since you asked me, then I'll tell you the truth, Chen Xi may not die, but he must be handed over to me!"

"Leave it to you, and then you hand it over to the Zuoqiu family, so as to threaten Zuoqiu Xue, or Chen Lingjun?" Bai Jingchen narrowed his eyes more and more.

"What's wrong?" Bai Cheng answered frankly.

"You...won't you think about my little sister?" Bai Jingchen suddenly changed the subject and brought up Bai Wanqing.

"She's still too young, she's been acting willfully all these years, doesn't understand what family interests mean, and blindly considering her feelings will only delay the eternal foundation of my Bauhinia and Bai family!" Bai Cheng was stunned, and then he said slowly.

Bai Jingchen got up, took a deep look at Bai Cheng, and sighed: "Brother, think again, the Three Realms are about to be turbulent, and it is understandable that you want to use the power of the Zuoqiu family to avoid disasters, but have you ever thought about it? Who is it?"

Bai Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then he disdainfully said: "It's just Chen Lingjun and Zuo Qiuxue's evil son, who could he be?"

Bai Jingchen shook his head, turned around and left, "In fact, you should have seen the battle today."

The voice was still floating in the hall, but the others had disappeared.

What should I see?

Bai Cheng sneered disapprovingly, but immediately, he was stunned, and scenes of previous scenes of the confrontation between Chen Xi, Bai Jun and Bai Yu flashed through his mind.


In an instant, a scene froze in Bai Cheng's mind. It was the scene of Chen Xi defeating Bai Yu, surrounded by a ring of Dao spirits, swords and talismans, filled with billions of runes. .

"Using Talismans to control the whole body's profound truths? Those who can reach such a level at a young age are rare in the entire Xuanhuan Realm, but it is not impossible..."

Bai Cheng murmured, even though he thought so, there was always some unreliable feeling in his heart.

He continued to recall the battle scenes, and after a while, he froze there, with only one sword left in his mind, a dark and dumb sword with a simple shape!

"Tale Armament Dao Treasure!"

These few 4 words, but it was so difficult to say them, it seemed that the strength of Bai Cheng's whole body had been exhausted, and he slumped in the chair all of a sudden, looking devastated.

He is very clear that with his status, he is actually not qualified to know what is called a talisman weapon, because it is a symbol of one of the most mysterious ancient orthodox traditions in the Three Realms. Even in the fairy world, only those big figures have it understood.

In other words, in the Three Realms, it is impossible for ordinary people to know what is a talisman weapon!

And the reason why he knew about the "Fu Bing Dao Treasure" was actually a kind of luck. He heard about it by accident while talking with a big man from the Zuoqiu family.

Thinking of the sword talisman in Chen Xi's hand at this moment, isn't it exactly the same as the "talisman weapon and dao treasure" described by that great man?

Thinking of this, Bai Cheng's face suddenly became cloudy and uncertain, and it took a long time before he murmured hoarsely: "Heir of Shenyan Mountain? How could it be like this, he...he...he..."

In the end, he shook his head dejectedly, and the persistence in his heart collapsed. It suddenly occurred to him that maybe he really shouldn't be involved in this vortex...


ps: I'm already mad!The monthly ticket holder brought a group of people to curse, and tonight it will be 2 more. I’m going to fight hard. Since I asked for the monthly ticket on the shelf, I have never used it. Someone actually came to the door to ask for a cigarette. I won’t smoke him. Sorry guys for your support!

If you are interested in watching the battle, go to the complaint section of the Zongheng forum. I have never wanted to fight with other authors. After all, we are writing a book together in Zongheng. But now my forbearance has become a sign of coward.

Since you ridicule me, humiliate me, and scold me so much, then I will withdraw them all!Really going crazy! ! !

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