divine talisman

Chapter 907 A Heavy Past [Part 2]

There are bursts of pines and clouds and mist.

Bai Wanqing and Chen Xi sat facing each other on both sides of the stone table, drinking tea and reminiscing about the past.

When talking about Old Man Ma, Pei Pei, and Qiao Nan in Qingxi Restaurant, Bai Wanqing couldn't help but feel a little sad, but soon, she was attracted by Chen Xi's experience of wandering around in these years.

Except for some extremely nasty things, Chen Xi almost didn't hide anything. He told the experience of these years without describing too much, and his voice was extremely calm.

But Bai Wanqing listened very seriously, exclaiming from time to time. She never expected that Chen Xi's experience over the years would be so twists and turns, and so full of legends.

During the Great Chu Dynasty, he won the No.1 Golden Pool Conference, was hunted down by the Black Sun Building, and finally entered the ancient battlefield as the No.1 young generation of the Great Chu Dynasty.

On the ancient battlefield, he went on an adventure in the wild sea, fought against the younger generation of elite children from various dynasties, and bet head-on with Bing Shitian...

And what Bai Wanqing knew was only the earth-shattering events that Chen Xi had done after arriving in the Xuanhuan Realm, and how he achieved glory in the Xuanhuan Realm step by step and became famous all over the world.

So all of this is so fresh and legendary to her.

After a long time, Bai Wanqing calmed down, looked at Chen Xi, and said, "I have really wronged you these years."

Chen Xi shook his head: "These are all what I should do."

Bai Wanqing smiled, but she didn't know what to think of, she sighed suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "I know, you are eager to know the clues about your parents, but before that, you should first make it clear that the Zuoqiu family is a What kind of existence."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Auntie Bai will give me some pointers."

"You may also know that the Zuoqiu family is not a force in the human world, but entrenched in the fairy world."

Bai Wanqing deliberated for a while, and then said slowly, "The fairyland is huge, beyond imagination, and almost boundless. No one knows where the boundaries of the fairyland are. It is conceivable how powerful the forces entrenched in it are. There are too many, counting with the sands of the Ganges River, it is not too much to be as numerous as the starry sky."

Chen Xi listened carefully, lest he miss any detail.

"But no matter how many powers there are, there are still high and low powers, and the Immortal Realm is no exception. The Zuoqiu Clan is one of the top and oldest powers."

Speaking of this, Bai Wanqing gave a very vivid metaphor, "Look at this mysterious world, it is vast and vast, with many forces, but it is controlled by the ten immortal sects and the six demon sects, but they are the most powerful forces Is it? No, because there are hidden holy lands and unknowable lands, and ancient clans like my Bauhinia and Bai family can contend against them."

"The Zuoqiu clan's status in the fairy world is roughly equivalent to the status of the hidden holy land and the unknowable land in the Xuanhuan domain. As you can imagine, to have such a status in the fairy world, the Zuoqiu clan's power is How monstrous."

Speaking of this, Bai Wanqing's eyes couldn't help showing a touch of emotion, "In fact, it is true. As far as I know, in the history of the Zuoqiu clan, there have been more than one fairy kings who were all-powerful and proud of the Three Realms." !"

Chen Xi was shocked. Although he had never reached the fairy world, he could still imagine that he could occupy the fairy world and develop his power to such a terrifying level. From this, we can see how profound the Zuoqiu clan's background is.

Especially when he heard the word "Immortal King", Chen Xi couldn't help being shocked in his heart. Immortal King, King of Ten Thousand Immortals, what kind of terrifying strength should he possess to be able to be awarded such an honorable title?

Chen Xi couldn't imagine it, and he didn't dare to imagine it, because all of this was beyond his cognition.

After all, he hasn't reached the fairy world yet, he's just a strong Earth Immortal, and he's a thousand miles away from that level.

Bai Wanqing glanced at Chen Xi, and said with a smile, "Of course, the Zuoqiu clan is not the ruler of the fairy world, and it's not that there are forces that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Zuoqiu clan."

Chen Xi knew that Bai Wanqing was trying to comfort himself. He took a deep breath, his expression had regained his composure, and he said, "Aunt Bai, go ahead, I've already been mentally prepared."

A look of admiration flashed in Bai Wanqing's eyes, she nodded and said, "That's right, when you were in Songyan City, everyone laughed at you, but who would have thought that in just a few decades, you could achieve the level you are today? General achievement? In the final analysis, it’s just four words—it’s all about human effort.”

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, feeling a little embarrassed by the praise, but after saying this, his heart was indeed much relieved, and he was no longer as heavy as before.

"Your mother, Zuoqiu Xue, is a descendant of the Zuoqiu Clan and the eldest daughter of the direct line. She is distinguished and unparalleled in her status. She is a well-deserved proud daughter of heaven."

Bai Wanqing suppressed the smile on her face and said: "But unfortunately, the Zuoqiu Clan once had a huge civil strife, which resulted in the disappearance of the Zuoqiu Clan's lord, and your mother was also a prisoner overnight."

Hearing this, Chen Xi clenched his fists secretly. Even though Bai Wanqing's words were simple enough, how could he not guess how much harm such a change had caused to his mother?

"I don't know exactly how that internal strife happened. I only know that your mother, with the help of her elder brother Zuoqiu Feng, escaped from the Immortal Realm and came to this Xuantian Realm."

When Bai Wanqing said this, there was a strong look of ridicule in her expression, and there was even a kind of hatred in it, "Originally, your mother knew that she was powerless against the entire Zuoqiu clan, and her heart was ashamed, so she planned to live in the human world , but she never expected that all this was just the beginning of a conspiracy."


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared, he interjected, "Aunt Bai, is this conspiracy caused by Zuoqiufeng?"

He still clearly remembered that when he first entered the Yuzhui cave, his mother Zuoqiu Xue once said that she was taken away by his uncle, in other words, wasn't it Zuoqiufeng?

Bai Wanqing was stunned, she didn't seem to expect that Chen Xi would have guessed it all at once, she nodded and said, "Yes, this conspiracy did come from Zuoqiu Feng, in fact your mother also suspected it back then, after all, the place where she was detained was Zuoqiu Feng With the strength of Zuo Qiufeng alone, the core of the Qiu Clan, it is impossible for her to escape."

"It's a pity that your mother trusts her brother too much. Even if she doubts it, it's just a coincidence and a fluke."

Bai Wanqing sighed and said: "It was only later that she realized that Zuoqiu Feng did all this at the instigation of a certain figure in the Zuoqiu Clan, for the mysterious Three Realms Supreme Treasure River Map."

River map!

It's the river map again!

As soon as Chen Xi heard this word, he thought of the fragment of the river map floating in his sea of ​​consciousness, but he never thought that this river map would actually be a source of persecuting his mother.

"It's ridiculous that your mother does have a treasure map about the most precious river map in her hand, but she doesn't even know whether there is a river map in it."

Bai Wanqing sighed again, "But no matter what, all of this happened, and because of this incident, your mother was persecuted by her only biological brother."

An inexplicable anger grew in Chen Xi's heart. He was very clear that the clue about the river map in his mother's hand did not hide the river map at all, it was just a cave!

In that cave mansion, there is Senior Ji Yu, there is Trial Heaven Peak, there is Star World, but there is no River Map!Strictly speaking, it is just a cave for inheritance left by Fuxi's predecessors to his successors!

The only person who can be related to the river map is Fuxi back then, who also comprehended the river map and realized the wonderful changes of heavenly secrets, and finally climbed to the top of the avenue.

As for the fragments of the river map in his hand, one is from under the Xuanci Peak in the deep mountains of Nanman, one is from the ancient altar under the Jinxiu City of the Great Chu Dynasty, one is a gift from Senior Sister Li Yang, and the other is from Cangwu Secret Realm In the Gate of Wonders, no matter which one, it has nothing to do with all of this!

This uncle of mine is really ruthless, for a non-existent thing, he didn't hesitate to attack his own sister, really damn it!

Chen Xi almost gritted his teeth with hatred, and took a long deep breath before slowly calming down his mood.

"Of course, Zuoqiufeng didn't show any abnormality before looking for Hetu, and it was at that time that your mother met your father Chen Lingjun."

There was a strange color on Bai Wanqing's lips, which disappeared in a flash, and she said slowly: "At that time, your father went out to practice, and by chance, he entered the Xuanhuan Realm. His strength was weak and vulnerable, and only the Purple Mansion Realm That's all, but it happened to be such a person who captured your mother's heart..."

Chen Xi was startled, but he did not expect that his father in the realm of the Purple Mansion would actually be able to enter the Xuanhuan Realm. This is simply unimaginable!

One must know that in order to enter the Xuanhuan Realm back then, he did not know how much effort he had to go through. After going through countless trials, he finally arrived without any danger.

Of course, this is chance, full of luck and uncertainty, and everything can happen by mistake.

Leaving aside this point, what really shocked Chen Xi was that his father was so ruthless that he was able to deal with his mother Zuoqiu Xue from the fairy world as a cultivator in the Purple Mansion. It's like listening to a legend.

"Afterwards, your parents were together, and your father had your mother's guidance, and his strength rose almost every day. Of course, in order to obtain the most precious river map from your mother, Zuoqiufeng also paid a lot. Pills, magic weapons... as long as they can please your mother, he will almost do whatever you ask for."

Mentioning Zuoqiufeng, Bai Wanqing's lips once again showed a sneer, "Unfortunately, Zuoqiufeng didn't notice at all, your mother had vaguely seen through his thoughts at that time, pretending not to know, but secretly tried every means Improve your father's strength. Because it is impossible for her alone to defeat Zuoqiufeng."

Hearing this, Chen Xi finally understood why his father, Chen Lingjun, was so powerful. With the guidance of his mother, Zuo Qiuxue, the eldest daughter of the direct line from an ancient and powerful force in the fairy world, it would be hard for him not to become stronger!


ps: This plot is a foreshadowing, a bit dull, but it must be written, and it is still difficult to write... I continue to fight, and the brush is still brushing, it is so rampant!

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