divine talisman

Chapter 908 Iris Immortal Prison [Part 1]

In the quiet and serene pine forest, the sun shines through the branches and casts mottled spots of light, reflecting Chen Xi's cheeks flickering on and off, just like his turbulent mood at the moment.

Those distant events were full of swords and swords, intrigues and intrigues. Although Bai Wanqing's voice was flat, Chen Xi could hear a thrilling flavor from it.

He didn't say much, but secretly clenched his fists tightly and kept his mouth shut, but he kept all of this firmly in his heart, not daring to omit even a single detail.

Bai Wanqing's voice was sweet and low, with a gentle and quiet taste, "When your father's strength has reached the extreme in this world, your mother finally decided to go to find the most treasured river map, and this decision is your parents. It's the beginning of a tear of face with Zuoqiufeng."

Chen Xi suddenly remembered something, and said, "They went to Beiminghai?"

Bai Wanqing was startled, and said in surprise, "You've already heard about it?"

Chen Xi nodded, and said: "When I was in the Nine Blossoms Sword Sect, a senior told me that more than three hundred years ago, Miao Yunji, the head teacher of the Ascension Holy Land, presided over a Miaohua grand meeting, and many great figures with high cultivation levels participated in it. Among them, the purpose is to find the mysterious star cave." (Note 1)

After a pause, he continued: "Later, they, the top figures in the Xuanhuan Territory, were defeated by my mother alone in the Beiming Sea. If my father hadn't stepped forward, they would have died without a doubt."

Bai Wanqing nodded and said: "You're right. There were many powerful characters gathered in the Beiming Sea that time, but after all, they were only big figures in the human world, and they were far from your mother's opponent."

"Later, your mother successfully obtained the Xingchen Cave Mansion. As you know, everyone believed that the treasure river map was hidden in the Xingchen Cave Mansion, and Zuoqiu Peak was no exception. Therefore, on the way back from Beiminghai, Zuoqiu Feng finally tore off his disguise and launched a sneak attack on your parents."

"At that time, even if your parents fought against Zuoqiu Feng together, they still suffered heavy injuries."

"You can imagine how it felt when her biological brother suddenly slapped her with a murderous hand and wanted to kill her. That feeling almost made Zuo Qiuxue end her life by suicide, but in the end, she still didn't do that, but chose escaped."

Speaking of this, Bai Wanqing raised her head and stared at Chen Xi, and said, "Do you know why she is so painful in her heart and persists in surviving with such serious injuries?"

Chen Xi pursed his lips, and said, "For my father?"

Bai Wanqing shook her head: "No, it's for you! Because she was pregnant with you at that time, if not for that, your parents would have died with Zuoqiu Feng long ago."

Chen Xi sat motionless, his fingers clenched and turned white, his nails pierced deeply into his palm, and blood dripped out drop by drop.

No need for Bai Wanqing to say anything else, he already knew what happened next. His parents who were seriously injured and dying fled back to his hometown of Songyan City, gave birth to himself and his younger brother, and then...

Then Zuoqiufeng came after him, captured his mother, destroyed the entire Chen family, his grandfather's cultivation base was abolished, his father's whereabouts were unknown, and he himself became a household name in Songyan City!

Chen Xi took a few deep breaths, and then forced himself to suppress the extremely complicated emotions in his heart, and suddenly asked: "Back then, why did they let grandfather, younger brother, and me go?"

As soon as the words fell, he noticed something, and said in a daze: "It's because..."

Bai Wanqing nodded, with deep self-blame and guilt on her beautiful face, she said, "Yes, it was because of me, but unfortunately, I was one step too late and could only save the three of you. And with my strength , and can only rely on the status of a Bauhinia and Bai family to threaten Zuoqiufeng, but there is no power to change anything."

Chen Xi was silent for a long time, then suddenly fell to his knees and kowtowed silently to Bai Wanqing three times.

Bai Wanqing helped Chen Xi up, two lines of tears couldn't help shed from those eyes, she shook her head and said, "You should hate me, I was too self-willed back then, I never wanted to cultivate, my strength was so weak that I was useless If it wasn't for this, your mother wouldn't have been taken away."

Speaking of this, she raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, forced herself to smile and said, "All this is over, and you have grown up. I believe your parents will be extremely happy when they hear about this."

Chen Xi's eyes were full of determination, and he said, "Aunt Bai, don't worry, I will definitely save my mother."

Bai Wanqing smiled with a look of relief, and after a while, she suddenly said: "You...don't hate your father, do you?"

Chen Xi was startled, then shook his head and said, "I hated him before, and I didn't even want to think about him."

Bai Wanqing sighed: "Don't blame your father for leaving without saying goodbye. With his strength back then, he could indeed leave you with various top-notch exercises and Taoism, but he still didn't do it after all. Do you know why?"

Before Chen Xi could answer, she had already replied: "Because he knows that whether it is you or your younger brother, once they have mastered the power, they will seek revenge, and facing a behemoth like Zuoqiu's, the chances of success are too high." It's too confusing. He just wants you and your brother to live with peace of mind and not get involved in this turmoil. It's enough for him to bear all of this by himself."

Chen Xi only felt lumps stuffed in his chest, so heavy that it was difficult for him to breathe. He understood his father's intentions, but he couldn't accept such an arrangement for a while.

If there is any suffering, can't we face it together?Do you have to carry it alone?

"Actually, you and your father are doing the same thing, aren't you?" Bai Wanqing stared at Chen Xi, and suddenly said, "Take everything on yourself, and don't want your brother to suffer like you."

Chen Xi smiled bitterly, but didn't know what to say.

"Okay, these are all in the past." After a while, Bai Wanqing revived her spirit, took a deep breath, and said, "With your current ability, you are qualified to know all of this."

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he collected all his thoughts, completely waking himself up. He knew that what Aunt Bai said next was the most important thing!

"Your father has sneaked into the fairy world through the teleportation array in the Holy Land of Feathering, and I can't find out his whereabouts." Bai Wanqing said slowly, "But I have some clues about your mother."


Iris Immortal Prison.

From the moment he left the courtyard where Bai Wanqing lived, only the words "Iris Immortal Prison" remained in Chen Xi's mind.

This name represents one of the most mysterious and terrifying prisons in the fairy world, which is in the hands of the Zuoqiu clan, an ancient and powerful force in the fairy world, and Zuo Qiuxue was imprisoned in it.

According to Bai Wanqing, if the Zuoqiu family can't find the most precious river map in a day, Zuo Qiuxue will not be in danger of life. In addition, she was the eldest daughter of the Zuoqiu family back then, even if she is now imprisoned in the Yuanwei Immortal Prison , nor fear of being persecuted.

It's just that it's impossible to escape again.

Because this fairy prison, even in the fairy world, has a well-known title-"Immortals and demons are changed, and the sacredness cannot be shaken"!


"How is the little one?"

Not long after Chen Xi left, Bai Jingchen suddenly appeared in that quiet pine forest, and sat down on the opposite side of Bai Wanqing, exactly where Chen Xi was sitting before.

"Seven points like A Xue, three points like Chen Lingjun." Bai Wanqing replied casually.

Bai Jingchen smiled wryly, and said, "I'm not asking about his appearance."

"Then what did you ask?" Bai Wanqing was not polite to this brother.

"Of course it's his apprenticeship." Bai Jingchen had a playful smile on his face, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, and he didn't have the demeanor of the head of the family.

"I didn't ask." Bai Wanqing answered very simply.

Bai Jingchen was stunned, and said with a frowning face: "Look at you, are you still angry with me? At that time, those bastards from the Zuoqiu clan suddenly went down to the realm, and I had no choice but to send you to the battlefield outside the territory."

"What about now?" Bai Wanqing raised her head and glanced at him.

"Now, of course I kicked them out. They're just a bunch of Zuoqiu clan's minions. If it wasn't for Zuoqiu clan's face, I would have killed them."

Bai Jingchen said carelessly, with an extremely domineering and domineering air in his words.

"If you do this, if the Zuoqiu family becomes angry because of this, what will they do with our Bai family?" Bai Wanqing asked earnestly with a complete expression.

"What else can I do, the worst is to go back to the fairy world." Bai Jingchen replied casually.

However, Bai Wanqing knew how important these words were, and it almost put the entire Bauhinia and Bai family in the opposite situation of the Zuoqiu family.

She took a deep breath and said after deliberation: "I... am I being too willful?"

Bai Jingchen stood up, his burly figure was like a spine reaching the sky, he smiled slightly, showing a mouthful of white and neat teeth, patted Bai Wanqing's shoulder, and said: "Don't worry, even if the sky falls, I will still be here .”

After all, he strode away.

"Brother!" Bai Wanqing blurted out and called out.

Bai Jingchen's whole body froze, he stopped in place, his heart was in a trance, after so many years, he was finally willing to call himself brother...

"Where are you going?" Bai Wanqing seemed to realize something was wrong, and returned to her quiet and gentle appearance.

"Go and talk to the elder brother. Since you have decided to help that little guy, some things should be stopped." Bai Jingchen took a deep breath and said slowly.

"He... is indeed the descendant of Shenyan Mountain." Bai Wanqing said.

"I already knew." Bai Jingchen waved his hand without looking back, and the burly figure quickly disappeared outside the courtyard.

"Hmph! If I had known earlier, I would have asked me." Bai Wanqing wrinkled her nose, but there was a smile from the heart on her lips. At this time, she seemed to have returned to the days when she was young and careless, no matter how willful she was. Unruly, no matter how big the disaster is, there is still a brother to help him carry it

"Axue, Xiaoxi has grown up, and the ancestor of the earth fairy is much stronger than Lingjun back then..."

After a long time, a faint sigh sounded in the quiet pine forest, which was soon drowned out by the rustling sound of pine waves, returning to tranquility.

Note 1: Miao Yunji et al. and Bei Minghai’s clues are in Chapter 748. Interested children’s shoes can be re-read.

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