divine talisman

Chapter 909 Testing Strength [Part 2]

In a dark and gloomy room, a bronze oil lamp was flickering, casting a dull and dull luster.

"I've already given up, you don't need to persuade me anymore." Bai Cheng was shrouded in shadow, his face could not be seen clearly, his voice was low and hoarse, and he looked a little gloomy.

"Elder Bai Cheng, are you really going to refuse the assistance from the Zuoqiu clan?" On the opposite side of Bai Cheng, there was a shadow squirming, and he couldn't even see its shape clearly, and his whole body was covered by darkness.

There was a strong sense of superiority in his sharp voice, even if he was rejected by Bai Cheng, he was still not annoyed, and said slowly: "As long as this matter is completed, it is also possible to let the entire Bauhinia and Bai family return to the fairyland in the future." Negotiable."

Bai Cheng waved his hand and interrupted: "Enough!"

The man was silent for a long time before he said in a sharp voice: "Elder Bai Cheng, in the eyes of my Zuoqiu family, if you can't be a friend, then you can only be an enemy. You'd better think carefully about it, and you'll be hurting yourself." It doesn't matter, if it involves the whole family, that's not what we want to see."

"Are you threatening me?" Bai Cheng frowned, and his voice became rude.

"Well, Elder Bai Cheng misunderstood, I was helping you with advice." The man laughed sharply.

Bai Cheng was silent, his expression was uncertain, just like the swaying bronze wick.

Seeing this, the man became more proud, and said leisurely, "If Elder Bai Cheng doesn't have the heart to tear his face apart with Bai Jingchen, we can help. Although in the human world, we can't help Bai Jingchen with our strength, but in his It is still easy to kill a scoundrel who has long been doomed to death under the nose of the people."

Speaking of this, his tone suddenly became secretive: "Of course, if Elder Bai Cheng needs it, we can also help get rid of Bai Jingchen and help you ascend to the position of Patriarch. With Zuoqiu's help, the Bauhinia and Bai family can be brought to a new glory!"


Bai Cheng's face darkened, and the teacup in his hand was crushed into powder, flying rustlingly from between his fingers.

Immediately, he took a deep breath and said with a blank expression: "You go, I didn't hear all this."

The man was taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't believe that Bai Cheng would reject such a generous offer, he still said unwillingly: "Elder Bai Cheng, if it wasn't for your sake, you thought..."

"Get out!" Bai Cheng interrupted him directly, shouting in a low voice.

"You..." The man stood up suddenly, his body squirmed in the shadows, as if he was angry.


The door of the room was suddenly kicked open from the outside, sawdust flying across the room, and the bright sunlight poured in from outside the door, driving away the darkness of the entire room.

"Bold! Who is it?" The man screamed. With the bright light, it could be clearly seen that this man was a young man with thin cheeks and a pale complexion.

He was dressed in a brocade robe with wide sleeves and a belt, and his demeanor was feminine, giving off a gloomy and cold feeling.

Immediately, his voice stopped abruptly, because in his field of vision, a burly and tall figure appeared, walking into the room with his hands up and down.

This person is indeed Bai Jingchen!

"You're here." Bai Cheng looked up at him and said calmly.

"You...you..." The man's expression changed suddenly, as if he didn't expect Bai Jingchen to appear here, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

"What are you, son of a bitch, don't you even look at whose territory this is?"


There was no movement of Bai Jingchen, his big fan-like hand had already slapped the young man's face fiercely, causing him to fall to the ground, spouting blood, howling: "How dare you hit me!?"


Bai Jingchen kicked the opponent hard again, cursing: "It's so f*cking frustrating, for a bastard like you, I will kill you, what can you do to me?"

As he spoke, he raised his feet and kicked the other party wildly, breaking the other party's bones into countless pieces, soaked in blood, curled up on the ground trembling, and was extremely miserable.

"Isn't it a bit..." Bai Cheng said as if he couldn't bear it.

"It's okay, this kid is a mess, he dares to pay attention to me, isn't this just a joke?" Bai Jingchen said casually.

Bai Cheng was startled, thoughtful.

"Bai Jingchen! As long as you don't care about the entire Bauhinia Bai family being wiped out, you can kill me right away!" The young man hissed and roared, his face was blood-stained and ferocious.

"Hey, he thought I wouldn't dare to kill him?" Bai Jingchen laughed loudly, and was about to do it.

"Wait a minute." Bai Cheng said suddenly and stopped him.

Seeing this, the trembling young man curled up on the ground couldn't help but grinned and said, "What's the matter, don't you dare to make a move? Come on, aren't you Bai Jingchen very arrogant?"

Bai Cheng suddenly picked up a seat and slammed it on the young man hard, with a bang, sawdust flew across the body, and the young man convulsed under the severe pain, and passed out.

The seat was made of high-quality spiritual material yellow silk and iron wood, and was used by Bai Cheng as a weapon, so one can imagine its terrifying strength.

"F*ck, I planned to let you go, but you just don't know how to advance or retreat. You really need to deal with it!" Bai Cheng cursed, stretched out his skinny palm, and slapped him awake again.

"You...you..." The young man was so weak that he opened his eyes and looked at the furious Bai Cheng, and couldn't believe it was true.

Bai Cheng smiled sinisterly, raised his foot to step on the opponent's head, gritted his teeth and said, "I've had enough of you bastards a long time ago, I bah, aren't you the Zuoqiu family's young man? , you are not even born yet!"

While scolding, he violently kicked the opponent, the force was even more ferocious than Bai Jingchen.

After a while.

There was only a pile of rotten meat left on the ground, so Bai Cheng stopped and said slowly: "Well, I forgot to tell him that if you don't die, you won't die."

Bai Jingchen laughed loudly: "Yes, if you die, you must die!"

He knew that from the moment Bai Cheng killed the other party, he had already expressed his intentions. In other words, this factional struggle within the Bauhinia and Bai family due to Zuoqiu's amalgamation will be resolved from today onwards. It's over.

The next thing to consider is how to face Zuoqiu's anger.

But he, Bai Jingchen, doesn't care. At the same time, he also believes that his elder brother Bai Cheng, younger sister Bai Wanqing, and even the entire Bauhinia and Bai family members don't care.

If Bai Gunan was here, seeing such a scene would definitely make his eyes drop from shock, and then sigh with emotion, domineering and arrogant are indeed the inheritance of the Bauhinia and Bai family.

Of course, when domineering and arrogance are combined with an equal force, it is a kind of fearless courage, domineering and contemptuous spirit!


When Chen Xi returned to the welcoming hall, he saw that the entire hall was in chaos.

Bai Gunan yelled like crying for his father and mother, and ran away with his head in his arms.

And behind him, followed a stern and stern figure unhurriedly, with a pitch-black spear in his hand like a flexible whip, whipping on Bai Gunan's butt from time to time, making a dull cracking sound.

That stern figure was wearing a pitch-black battle armor, with long hair tied into a ponytail and tied behind his head, revealing an exquisitely handsome face. His skin was as white as jade, and his outline was as perfect as if it had been carved out of the hands of God with an ax chisel. In general, it gives people an amazing feeling.

This is definitely a face that can make women go crazy with jealousy, but his eyes are bound by a black cloth, which makes people a little curious, what kind of eyes are hidden under the black cloth?

When he saw this stern figure, he couldn't help being startled, and it took him a while to recognize that it was Shang, but the helmet he was wearing was no longer there, and only then did he reveal his face.

Lingbai, Mu Kui, and the yellow-haired bear Aman were laughing at the side, looking gloating.

"Chen Xi, hurry up, help me surrender this damned thing!" Bai Gunan saw Chen Xi appear, as if he had met a savior, he cried and rushed over.

But before he could make a move, he was shot in the ass by Shang, and lay on the ground in a dog-eat-shit attitude, extremely embarrassed.

Ling Bai and the others laughed again.

Seeing this, Chen Xi frowned, and stepped forward to stop Bai Gunan. Sure enough, Shang immediately withdrew his hands, stopped attacking, and stood there like an emotionless stone statue.

"What's going on here?" Chen Xi helped Bai Gunan up.

"Hiss!" Bai Gu Nan supported his waist, gasping for breath from the pain, and couldn't even speak.

"He thought Shang was a woman, so he pestered Shang to take off the black cloth that covered his eyes, which annoyed Shang." Ling Bai's figure jumped, landed on Chen Xi's shoulder, and said with a smile.


Chen Xi raised his eyes and glanced at Shang, and found that after taking off his helmet, he really looked like a woman, and she was also the kind of woman who was extremely beautiful, no wonder he was pestered by this dude like Bai Gu Nan...

Realizing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being speechless for a while, and helped Bai Gunan to check the injury, and found that it was only a skin trauma, the pain was painful, but it would not leave any sequelae, and he immediately felt relieved, which meant that Shang was doing it when he did it. In fact, it is still very measured.

"Damn it, how did I know that a man could grow up to be so disastrous to the country and the people!" Bai Gunan looked heartbroken and remorseful.

Speaking of this, Bai Gunan suddenly realized something, and said, "Have you met my sister?"

Chen Xi nodded, but he didn't want to talk about this topic any more.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Bai Gu Nan continued to ask.

"Practice quietly, and then go to Tianyan Daozong."

Chen Xi had already planned that when he left the Bauhinia and Bai family, he would return to the sect to retreat, and when the time for betting with Bing Shitian arrived, he would go to the Tianyan Dao Sect!

"Oh? Are you really determined to fight Bing Shitian? Come on, let me see if you can fight Bing Shitian with your current strength!"

At this moment, a rough voice came from outside the hall.

Immediately, before Chen Xi could react, the entire field of vision was filled with a fist.

A fist that seems to engulf the world!


The third is around 1:6 in the morning. Today, there are only [-] monthly tickets. Why is this...

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