divine talisman

Chapter 910 One Punch Serious Injury [Part 1]

The fist style is mighty, so simple that there is no fancy.

But facing this punch, Chen Xi actually had a feeling that he didn't know how to resist it, as if he was just an ant, so small, so vulnerable...

He bit the tip of his tongue violently, and his mind suddenly came to his senses. He knew that at that moment, his Dao heart was captured by the opponent's fist, and he was almost defeated!

All of this happened in almost a thousandth of an instant. When that fist came head-on, he had already subconsciously flashed, bent his arms and turned his elbows, like a full bow, and slammed into the fist's wrist joints. go.

However, that fist suddenly disappeared, as if it had evaporated out of thin air, making his strike miss, the empty feeling made his blood churn, and he almost couldn't hold back.

"Huh, not bad, the cultivation of mind power has actually reached the level of heart and soul." Accompanied by the voice, Bai Jingchen's burly and tall figure appeared in the hall.

Chen Xi smiled wryly, shaking his head endlessly.

He knew that if Bai Jingchen was willing, the power generated by that punch just now would be enough to completely disintegrate his counterattack, and might even directly cripple his right arm.

"In the realm of Earth Immortals, those who can avoid my punch can look at the entire Xuanhuan Territory, and you can count them with your fingers." Bai Jingchen laughed loudly, and patted Chen Xi's shoulder with a steady force, almost like ten. Wanda Mountain felt as if it was crushing his body, and Chen Xi's bones almost fell apart.

This caused Chen Xi to be surprised again. What kind of cultivation level has the Patriarch of the Bauhinia and Bai family in front of him reached?

"Let's go, go to the Martial Arts Arena, as long as you can receive three punches from me, you can almost fight Bing Shitian."

Bai Jingchen came and went quickly, and the other person disappeared before his voice fell, so that everyone failed to notice how he left from the beginning to the end.

It's not teleportation, but it's more terrifying than teleportation!


martial arts arena.

There was a lot of voices, and all the disciples of the Bauhinia and Bai family came here after hearing the news. Among them was Bai Hong with waterfall-like white hair, Bai Jun with beautiful peach eyes, and the short, stout Bai Yu...

It can be said that all the children of the Bai family who were stationed in the Heroic Soul Canyon today were all present, and they surrounded the martial arts field with an area of ​​[-] mu.

On the other side, Ling Bai, Mu Kui, Shang, Meng Wei, and Mo Ya also rushed over, and beside them stood Bai Gunan, Xixi, and Bai Wanqing.

The reason for mobilizing so many people is actually very simple, it is to observe a wonderful battle that cannot be missed.

One side is Patriarch Bai Jingchen, whose strength is unfathomable. Back then, he ruled the world and even broke into the lair of alien races outside the region.

Even if he lived in seclusion, he seldom took action again, at least in the memory of the members of the Zijing Bai family, the head of the family had not revealed his cultivation for hundreds of years.

On the other side was Chen Xi, an unrivaled arrogance who had long been famous all over the world, and who previously shocked the entire Xuanhuan Territory by beheading an Earth Immortal sixth-level strongman with a cultivation level of the Underworld.

And yesterday, he even defeated Bai Jun and Bai Yu with his own strength, and won the approval of the entire Bauhinia and Bai family.

In short, one of them is a monstrous figure who has been famous for a long time, and the other is a rising star who is now in full swing. Who would miss the collision between the two?

"You bastards! Keep your eyes wide open and let me keep a close eye on you. The Patriarch only punches three times. If you can learn a little bit of fur, it will be enough to last you a lifetime!"

With a height of nine feet and a body like a hill, Bai Tuo roared loudly, and was teaching the group of immature teenagers in front of him.

When Bai Gunan saw Bai Tuo, he was immediately happy, and said with a smile: "This guy's ability to resist attacks is really strong, he was photographed like that by Ah Man yesterday, and today he looks like a dragon and a tiger again."

Ah Man chuckled and scratched his head honestly.

"Hey, tell me, can Chen Xi withstand the Patriarch's three punches? Don't get knocked down by one punch, that's not worth it." A young man said in a clear voice.

"That's right, didn't a guy who claimed to be the elder of the Netherworld Demon Sect come to provoke him back then, but he was directly thrown away by the Patriarch with a single finger. No matter how powerful Chen Xi was, he was only an Earth Immortal powerhouse after all. I'm also worried that he won't be able to take a single punch."

"That's not necessarily true. With the identity and strength of the Patriarch, he definitely won't use his full strength. After all, this Chen Xi is a guest of our Bauhinia and Bai family, so we must save some face for him."

"That's true. The cultivation level and strength between the Patriarch and Chen Xi are not equal. Once the battle starts, the Patriarch will definitely retain a certain amount of strength. It's just that I don't know whether Chen Xi can withstand three punches or not."

In the martial arts arena, there were noisy discussions everywhere, guessing all kinds of possibilities, and some people even couldn't help itching their hands, and wanted to bet on Bai Jingchen's three punches, and gambled hard.

"Brother Chen Xi, come on, defeat that old Buxiu!"

At this moment, a crisp cry sounded in the martial arts arena, and their jaws dropped in shock. Everyone looked up and saw that it was Xixi standing beside Bai Wanqing, and they all showed a look of amazement.

In Bauhinia Bai's house, Xixi is a little witch who is a headache for everyone. She is unruly and mischievous. She always likes to make troubles everywhere. Even the head of the house dares to tease her. However, both the head of the house and the elder are very fond of her. Hold it in your hand for fear of falling, hold it in your mouth for fear of melting.

If anyone dared to bully her, the consequences would be unimaginable.

At least Bai Gunan has a deep understanding. When Xixi was still young, he just patted her on the head, and then his father fell on a tree and beat her up with a whip. No one could persuade her. Now when I saw this girl, I hid far away, lest I accidentally suffer disaster again...

In the middle of the martial arts arena, Bai Jingchen also heard Xixi's voice, especially when he heard the words "old and unrefined", the corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably.

Chen Xi who was standing opposite was keenly aware of this scene, and couldn't help but smile.

"Good boy, you still dare to laugh, give me a punch!" Bai Jingchen yelled loudly, and threw a punch at Chen Xi.


This punch is like a black dragon appearing across the sky. Wherever it passes, time and space are born and died, and chaos is stirred up. It seems simple, but Chen Xi immediately felt a feeling of suffocation rushing towards his face, and his breathing changed It was difficult, and the countless spaces around him were crushed, and even touched his own soul.

My own fucking world began to shake.

"Fortunately, the sword cuts all directions!"

Chen Xi didn't dare to be negligent even for a second, holding the sword talisman in his hand, his body roared like a celestial steed, and he evolved infinite rune rainbows, like a king of swords who controls and interprets the mysteries of creation.

The chaotic world in his body was running to the extreme, and he slashed away with a single sword.


Two tyrannical forces collided in space, and immediately, countless spaces were destroyed, and a huge black hole was created. From these black holes, many real stars and universes could be seen. Yu, and unknown planes, some alien spaces.

This is the space black hole created by the space being torn to the extreme.

Such a scene can only be produced when there is a battle between the existences that control the most powerful forces. Once they are involved in those black holes, they may never find a way to turn back, and they may even be directly crushed to death by the space-time storm inside. .

Ding Ding Deng

Chen Xi's body backed up uncontrollably. He could only feel the power of that punch rushing into his body. It was like a wild horse running wild. The shock almost turned his internal organs over. Every inch of his flesh and blood seemed to be stabbed by needles. , In an instant, there was a painful feeling that the world was spinning and I was about to faint.


He forced himself to endure it for a long time, but in the end he couldn't hold it back, and spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face also turned pale in an instant, almost transparent.

When everyone around saw this, they couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, with expressions of horror on their faces.

Under Bai Jingchen's punch, he was so powerful!

Obviously, he didn't hold back much, otherwise Chen Xi wouldn't have been so seriously injured.

"Second Uncle, how could he do this! He's clearly a bully!" Xixi frowned, worried and annoyed.

"Your uncle has his own measure. If your big brother Chen Xi fails this test, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for him to fight against that Bing Shitian." Bai Wanqing looked calm, grabbed Xixi's hand, and said in a low voice: "You are honest. Come on, do you hear me?"

Seeing her mother showing such a rare and serious expression, Xixi's heart trembled for no reason, and she nodded resentfully.

"It's interesting, the power of this sword is almost equivalent to the seventh level of the Earth Immortal, but if you want to confront Bing Shitian, it's still too far away!"

At this moment, Bai Jingchen's expression was solemn, his eyes opened and closed like lightning on his rough and majestic outline, filled with a domineering aura of being the only one in heaven and earth, which was breathtaking.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and tried his best to recover from his injuries. In the chaotic world, the Cangwu seedlings bloomed with an incomparably blazing green glow, and crazily spewed out waves of mighty and pure celestial power.


Bai Jingchen raised his brows, seeing that Chen Xi's injuries were recovering at an incredible speed, and he immediately understood in his heart that there was probably some healing treasure in this kid.

"Come again!"

Chen Xi stretched out his hand and slowly tied his long hair behind his head. His movements were orderly, his expression was calm and composed, but his eyes were filled with a fighting intent as strong as burning magma. His whole body was like a sword unsheathed from a deep box. , soaring to the sky!

In a few moments, he had already dispelled all the fist strength that Bai Jingchen had left in his body.

"Good boy! I underestimated your ability, but this second punch is not so simple, it may leave you with hard-to-repair injuries, are you sure you want to take this punch?"

Bai Jingchen looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, exuding a domineering momentum like a mountain like a mountain, towering like a sky, like an ancient god revived, but that power shocked everyone present so that it became difficult to breathe .


ps: Continue to ask for monthly tickets, tomorrow 4 more!

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