divine talisman

Chapter 911 Shattering Eternity [Part 1]

Bai Jingchen's words, coupled with his domineering and domineering heroic posture, made everyone present suffocate.

At this moment, no one would suspect that what he said was false.

In other words, everyone firmly believed that since Bai Jingchen said so, then the power of the second punch must be more terrifying than the first punch!

"Come again!"

But facing this, Chen Xi remained expressionless, and the fighting intent in his eyes became more and more intense, as if he wanted to burn the sky.

If it were someone else, if they heard these words, their confidence and fighting spirit would be crushed, and they would voluntarily admit defeat, but obviously, none of this would affect Chen Xi's will.

From the time of practice until now, he has gone through so many dangers and hardships, and encountered many times more dangerous situations than today, so how could he be affected by these few words?

His way is the way of never compromise, the way of being fearless, the way of overcoming thorns and thorns, and the way of being brave and diligent!

"Very good! With this determination, I am qualified to make a second punch!"

Bai Jingchen looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes flashed like lightning, "This second punch is called the Dao Prison Cage, you have to be careful!"


He stepped out, the earth trembled, and an unparalleled power roared from his body, as if he had transformed himself into a judge who controlled the world and wanted to turn the world into a cage and imprison the Dao!

Before the fist movement could be launched, a force engulfed the power of heaven and earth, completely enveloping and locking Chen Xi, making him unable to move.

In an instant, Chen Xi had a feeling that if Bai Jingchen struck the second punch, he would no longer have any chance to escape and dodge, because his spirit, aura, figure, and even everything around him seemed to be locked. No matter where he fled, he couldn't escape the envelope of this punch.

"The Great Way Prison!"

With a bang, Bai Jingchen moved, and punched out. It seemed slow but fast, slow as a snail, but actually faster than lightning. The contradiction was extremely contradictory, and it completely distorted the monk's understanding of the profound meaning of time and space.

The hairs all over Chen Xi's body stood on end. He was completely unable to lock onto the opponent's fisting intentions. It felt like he had been rejected by the Great Dao and imprisoned in a cage where the Dao was twisted. Any power would fall into a state of chaos and imprisonment middle.

This punch is enough to be called earth-shattering!

There was no escape, and under the inescapability, instead, it aroused the ruthlessness in Chen Xi's heart, and turned the chaotic world to the extreme. Everyone's immortal essence was like a burning flame of anger, turning into a billowing torrent, and poured them all together Among the sword talismans.


The sword inscribed across the sky, the body of the sword bloomed with immeasurable light, and evolved into a series of illusory shadows of gods and spirits, the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor, the White Emperor Jin Emperor, the Black Emperor Water Emperor...

A line of revived ancient gods in the void, pointing to the sky and stepping on the ground, sitting around Chen Xi's body, reflecting the secrets of the sky outside, illuminating the universe inside, and the momentum was extremely vast.

However, in the face of that terrifying fist, all of this seemed to be in vain, it directly smashed through all barriers, rushed out, and blasted towards Chen Xi's chest!


If he was hit this time, Chen Xi might not die, but would fall to the ground with serious injuries, and he didn't know how long he would have to wait to recover.

At this critical juncture, Chen Xi's experience honed from the bloody wind was once again displayed perfectly. Hitting all the will mobilized all the power in his body, twisted into one force, and gathered in the sword talisman. The sword cuts out!


Everyone around the Martial Arts Field could only feel a stabbing pain in front of their eyes, and an incomparably terrifying roaring sound shook the audience, and the aftermath spread, involving the world in a terrible sign of destruction and collapse.

Everyone's expression changed, and they noticed a terrifying air current approaching.


At this moment, the Great Elder Bai Cheng yelled suddenly, jumped into the air, waved his arms again and again, turned into a curtain of light covering the sky, and shielded the surroundings of the martial arts field. Save everyone from the disaster of the fish pond.

After half a sound.

Only then did everyone look at the center of the martial arts arena in shock, only to see that Chen Xi was still standing in place, but there was a dense sound of shattering in his body, as if his flesh and bones were being destroyed. destroy.

The fact is indeed so, at this moment, almost [-]% of the terrifying power of Bai Jingchen's second punch has invaded his body, that level of power is enough to go back to a majestic city!

Puff puff……

Chen Xi spewed out more than ten mouthfuls of blood continuously, and even strands of blood flowed out from every pore in his body, soaking his clothes, and gurgling on the ground, as if he was a blood man.

He took a few deep breaths, tried his best to run the Cangwu seedlings, and surges of immortal energy rushed into the damaged meridians, broken bones, and cracked flesh and blood membranes.

Compared with these physical injuries, his soul was severely injured, nearly exhausted, showing signs of decay and death, but this time before he could repair his soul, the fragments of the river map in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly produced a Waves of fluctuations diffused the entire soul, and immediately, an abundant and unparalleled vitality began to emerge.

The seriously injured and sluggish soul is recovering at an incredible speed!

In this duel, the severe injury Chen Xi encountered was also the most serious in recent years, and it could be said that he narrowly escaped death.

However, under this terrifying pressure, his spirit has been greatly improved, and he has realized his many complements. This is the most valuable experience.

In the martial arts arena, there was a complete silence.

Everyone looked at Chen Xi with a hint of shock, and an indescribable emotion, as if they had no idea that he would be able to land Bai Jingchen's second punch.

"Very good, the strength of this blow has a little bit of heat, and the fighting spirit is also good, but unfortunately, it is still too far away from the goal of defeating Bing Shitian!"

Bai Jingchen spoke in a deep voice, breaking the silence of the martial arts arena, "Although your resilience is amazing, you must remember that in a real fight, the enemy will never give you even a moment to breathe! So, never Put your mind elsewhere, the only thing you can trust is your own power!"

Chen Xi understands this truth, but he has never experienced it so profoundly like at this moment, because what Bai Jingchen said is true, if the first two punches were continuous attacks, he would definitely have been lying on the ground.

In the martial arts arena, Bai Jingchen's voice echoed endlessly, and everyone was thoughtful.

"Come again!"

A moment later, a low voice that was as hoarse as sand rubbing against it came out from Chen Xi's lips. Accompanied by the voice, he slowly raised his head, and his originally dim gaze gradually brightened and became blazing, like two burning stars.

At the same time, an aura as condensed as a light, as sharp as a blade, and as vast as an abyss exploded from his body, rushing straight into the sky!

He was covered in blood, his face was still pale, and his clothes were already in tatters, but at this moment, everyone present felt an unyielding, bloody and brave aura from him.

It was a kind of perseverance that would never give up, as if it could not be shaken by the wind and rain and the waves.

Bai Cheng was shocked.

Ling Bai pursed his lips tightly.

A hint of relief appeared on Bai Wanqing's lips.

Almost everyone could clearly feel the change in Chen Xi's temperament, and a sense of admiration suddenly rose in their hearts, which was the recognition of a truly strong man.

No one noticed, even Shang silently clenched the iron spear in his hand, his tall and straight figure became more straight and solemn.

Bai Jingchen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Chen Xi carefully, and said, "This third punch is called Breaking Sha Wangu."


The aura of his whole body climbed up again, connecting with the sky and the ground, as if incarnating the only eternal existence in the universe. This aura alone shocked everyone around the martial arts field to retreat uncontrollably.

If this punch is released, how powerful and powerful should it be?

again and again!

Bai Jingchen stepped forward and punched out.

No sound was made, as if all the power had been condensed and gathered in the boxing posture, making the boxing posture present a sense of silence that everything must be reversed.

Feeling the power of this punch, everyone present felt their scalps go numb for a while, their colors paled in shock, and their whole bodies were chilled, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

After a short period of repairs just now, Chen Xi's injuries have only recovered half of his body now, but his energy and spirit have reached an unprecedented peak state. "The elephant is invisible" punched, and there was still a feeling of emptiness and powerlessness in my heart.

But in just a thousandth of an instant, he was freed from that feeling of powerlessness, his mind was unprecedentedly clear, as calm as ice and snow, and all his thoughts were condensed together.

This punch!Definitely next.

He had a premonition that as long as he could persevere in the test of this punch, his strength would be transformed again.

At this moment, he discarded greed, hatred and ignorance, and lost hatred and fear.

Forget everything in the world, and forget what you have learned.

But the chaotic world in the body, all kinds of magical powers and profound meanings mastered in the heart, are naturally functioning, like a lotus in clear water, carved and decorated naturally, without any thoughts of your own.

Chen Xi entered an inexplicable state.

Its wonderfulness is indescribable, so there is no name for it.

"Huh? This little guy really deserves to be a genius in the sky. He actually merged with the Dao at this moment and fell into the wonderful realm of enlightenment."

A gleam of lightning flashed in Bai Jingchen's eyes, and it was fleeting, but his fist was not stagnant, and it enveloped Chen Xi silently.

At this moment, Chen Xi raised his face, and a will of iron and blood merged and converged at this moment, turning into a majestic and nameless fighting spirit, and the sword talisman in his hand surged away.


Before the sword and fist clash, the sword and fist have already collided.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are dimmed, and all the scenery is completely overwhelmed by a terrifying explosion force...


Second watch, around 10:[-] p.m.

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