divine talisman

Chapter 912 Returning and Exiting [Part 2]

The blue sky was collapsing and turbid, and a destructive force surged in the void. A gigantic black hole appeared above the Martial Arts Field, spinning crazily, devouring the violent and terrifying airflow of that field.

This is just a collision between sword and fist!

When everyone saw the scene clearly, they saw a fist rushing towards Chen Xi's chest. No one could describe its power. It seemed to be a punch that ran through the past and present, and contained an epic momentum.


Chen Xi spat out a word lightly from his lips, as if countless people gathered and howled wildly, the sword talisman slashed down and met his fist.


An earth-shattering loud noise resounded from the entire Heroic Soul Canyon, shaking beyond the sky, and the sound spread throughout the world. Everyone felt that their eardrums were about to burst, their eyes were filled with stars, and their heads were buzzing.


A moment later, as the aftermath dissipated, Chen Xi flew upside down and fell to the ground, bleeding from his seven orifices, the skin all over his body was ruptured, and his body's aura seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

That miserable appearance is simply worse than the worldly beggars and beggars.

But at this moment, no one dared to laugh, no one even dared to make a sound, everyone's eyes were fixed on that sluggish figure on the ground, and their hearts were already filled with endless shock.

Who would have thought that, with such a huge disparity in strength, Chen Xi could actually block Bai Jingchen's three punches?

And let me ask the children of the same generation in the field, who can do this step?

Bai Hong couldn't do it, Bai Jun couldn't do it, and Bai Yu couldn't do it...

Among those present, perhaps only the high-ranking members of the Bauhinia and Bai family could do it, but their strength and experience far surpassed Chen Xi's, so they couldn't be compared.

That's why, everyone was shocked.

In the silence, Chen Xi trembled all over, slowly got up from the ground with difficulty, sat cross-legged on the ground, and there was no more movement.

His blood was still flowing, gurgling all over the place.

However, his spine is still straight, like a pillar that can't be bent under the sky.

Bai Jingchen collected his aura and returned to that lazy look, but when he looked at Chen Xi, he couldn't help showing a look of real appreciation and amazement.

He knows how heavy his three punches are!

But Chen Xi was able to forcefully shake him down. This was something he never expected before. From his perception, if Chen Xi could block two punches, it would be enough to impress him.

But now, the vigor and spirit, that kind of fighting will intertwined with iron blood and will that Chen Xi displayed, is no longer as simple as admiration, but moving and astounding.

At this time, Elder Bai Cheng had personally dispatched the horses to disperse the children of the Bai family of Bauhinia, and the huge martial arts arena became deserted again.

Ling Bai and the others wanted to come over to help Chen Xi heal, but Bai Jingchen stopped him, shaking his head and saying, "Let him quietly comprehend, otherwise this beating will be in vain."

Seeing this, Ling Bai and the others did not leave, but quietly stood by Chen Xi's side. They knew that Chen Xi at this time could not tolerate even the slightest disturbance.

Xixi also stayed behind, squatting on the ground, holding her small face and looking at Chen Xi who was covered in blood like a clay statue without blinking.

He looked miserable, and his injuries were even more shocking, but Xixi felt that this was the real man!

Seeing this, Bai Jingchen smiled and left with Bai Wanqing.

"How about it, with his strength, can he defeat Bing Shitian in a few decades?" Bai Wanqing asked.

"It's hard to tell."

After pondering for a long time, Bai Jingchen sighed and said: "His aptitude is indeed the only one I have seen in my life, but unfortunately the training time is too short, and Bing Shitian has been practicing on the road for thousands of years. Those who are strong in the Nine Levels of Immortal Realm are even stronger, and Chen Xi wants to defeat him unless he can transform in a very short period of time."

"Is Bing Shitian really that powerful?" Bai Wanqing frowned.

"It's not just powerful. When he was practicing in Tianyan Dao Sect, that kid was a unparalleled and unparalleled son of heaven, but his limelight was covered by Qing Xiuyi, so many people ignored his existence."

Bai Jingchen said slowly: "When he became a celestial being and arrived in the fairy world, he just showed his aptitude to amaze the world, and he became a man of the world in a short time. You can get a glimpse of the lower realm of your identity."

Speaking of this, Bai Jingchen thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Of course, if Chen Xi can understand from these three punches how to control his own strength, it may increase his chances of winning."

"But low cultivation is still a key to his victory, isn't it?" Bai Wanqing continued to ask.

Bai Jingchen was silent, and said after a while: "This is what I said before, this kid's cultivation time is too short, if you can give him more time, maybe you can create a clone who can defeat the heavenly immortal with the appearance of an earthly immortal miracle."


Bai Wanqing was stunned, frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly smiled, her eyes glowed brightly, "Aren't there few miracles that happened to him?"

Bai Jingchen laughed loudly and said: "That's right, it is a miracle that he can become the descendant of Shenyan Mountain."

As he said that, he patted Bai Wanqing's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I have clearly told him what to do with the three punches I made before. With his understanding, it is not difficult to find out the key points."

Bai Wanqing nodded, and suddenly said: "This time, thank you very much."

Bai Jingchen stared, laughed and cursed: "I am your brother, do you still need to thank me?"

Bai Wanqing smiled, like a delicate flower bud blooming after the rain, beautiful and moving, took Bai Jingchen's arm, and said with a smile: "Then I will depend on you for the rest of my life, you can't leave me alone."

Bai Jingchen burst out laughing again, but in his mind he inadvertently thought of his youth.


Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the ground, boundless severe pain surged from inside and outside his body like a tide, like ten thousand ants devouring his heart, the indescribably severe pain made it difficult for him to even breathe steadily.

In fact, no matter how serious the injury was, with his current cultivation, he could easily get rid of this pain, but he didn't do that.

Because doing so will indirectly weaken one's fighting consciousness and dull one's perception of external dangers, and in that case, the loss outweighs the gain.


Amidst the severe pain, Chen Xi tried his best to concentrate all his thoughts on adjusting the Qi mechanism in his body that was on the verge of collapse.

The severe injury this time caused his tendons to be severed, his acupuncture points to be damaged, his flesh and blood to be cracked, and even the chaotic world was affected. The originally magnificent scene has become a mess and decay.

Only his soul, after being severely injured, was repaired in time by the fragments of the river map. Not only did it maintain its peak state, it even went to a higher level and became stronger.

It was also because of the strength of his spirit that he was much more sensitive to the injuries around his body than ordinary people, and the pain he suffered was even greater.

Still, it's all worth it.

Although there were only a few hits in this battle, the experience learned from it was much more valuable than retreating for a hundred years.

The first punch broke his limit.

The second punch made him understand how to use his power.

The third punch has been sublimated to a fighting state, which is a confrontation between wills.

In short, Chen Xi understood that as long as he turned the insights he gained today into his own experience one by one, his strength would definitely undergo a transformation!


A month later.

Chen Xi's injuries had all healed, and his whole body was as if he had been reborn. His demeanor was calm and indifferent, and he was getting more and more dusty, but he had an overwhelming force of his own.

"It's also time to leave." Chen Xi murmured.

Now he is eager to return to the sect, and then retreat, sort out what he has learned and gained in recent years, and then prepare for going to Tianyan Daozong decades later.

If he remembers correctly, there are only sixty years left before the deadline for betting against Bing Shitian.

There was no further delay. After recovering from his injuries, Chen Xi found Bai Wanqing and expressed his intention to leave.

Bai Wanqing didn't ask him to stay, but just told him to be careful, as long as he was alive, there was hope for everything, don't be arrogant.

Chen Xi kept it in his heart.

But just as he was leaving, Bai Jingchen found him, with Mengwei and Moya beside him.

"These members of the Jiuyou tribe, stay in the Bai family."

Bai Jingchen said unceremoniously, "They are born fighters, descendants of pure-blood gods and demons, staying by your side will only waste their abilities."

Chen Xi was startled, but his eyes were on Mengwei and Moya.

"We..." Mengwei seemed a little embarrassed.

"We have already decided to stay here." Moya said from the side, she has always been straightforward, and she is a capable and mature woman.

"it is good!"

Chen Xi was silent for a long time, but finally agreed.

He knew that the millions of people in Mengwei's tribe died tragically at the hands of foreign races outside the territory, all of which meant that they would not be reconciled to a peaceful life.

In other words, in their hearts, the flame of revenge for their clansmen has never been extinguished.

But here, they can follow the fighters of the Bauhinia and Bai family into the battlefield outside the territory, in order to vent the hatred in their hearts, and even to avenge those deceased clansmen.

"Hmph, little guy, don't be ungrateful. With the training of my Bauhinia and Bai family, these members of the Nine Nether tribe will definitely become a blockbuster and become famous all over the world." Bai Jingchen snorted coldly.

Chen Xi shook his head: "I just hope that they are all safe, and I have nothing else to ask for."

Bai Jingchen was startled, and said no more.

However, Mengwei and Moya were very moved, and there was an unspeakable warmth in their hearts. They both secretly swore in their hearts that they would follow Chen Xi wholeheartedly after they avenged their clansmen, and do their best!

Because, their lives were all given by Chen Xi. Although Chen Xi didn't say anything, how dare they forget it?

after one day.

With Ling Bai, Mu Kui, Ah Man, Bai Kui, and Shang, Chen Xi left the Bauhinia Bai family and returned to the Jiuhua Sword Sect.

It was also on this day that, from the Xuanji Peak of the Tianyan Taoist Sect, a divine rainbow burst out suddenly, directly into the sky, and rained billions of colorful lights.

The entire Tianyan Dao Sect was a sensation, because they all knew——Qing Xiuyi has left the customs!


The third update is around 1:[-].

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