divine talisman

Chapter 913 Sending Invitations Widely [Part 3]

Tianyan Daozong, Xuanji Peak.

The purple bamboo is like a sea, whirling and mottled, casting a thick shade.

Qing Xiuyi was wearing a plain shirt, with long black hair hanging down her waist, her figure was like smoke and mist, and her clothes fluttered like a fairy Lingbo.

She stood quietly by the bank of the purple bamboo forest, looking at the rolling sea of ​​clouds in the distance, a beautiful and beautiful face glowed with a dazzling luster under the sun.

She is still who she was then.

But her temperament has become more and more ethereal, as if she is aloof and untouchable, which makes people daunting.

"Xiaohuan, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Not far from Qingxiuyi, there was a young girl wearing a blue Taoist robe and a bun on her head. She looked delicate and pleasant. Hearing this, she said in a low voice: "Master Qing, Grand Master asked his disciples to tell me You, in 67 years, six months, and twelve days, it will be the day when you and Master Bing Shitian will become Taoist couples. Uncle Grand Master hopes that you will meditate in the sect during this period, and the outside world will not worry about it. in the heart."

The Taishang Shishu Xiaohuan mentioned, whose Tao name is Yuzhen, is an old antique who has been reclusive for many years in Tianyan Dao Sect. At the same time, she is also Qing Xiuyi's master before her reincarnation.

Qing Xiuyi was silent for a moment, then said: "I see."

The voice is as clear as a spring, without any emotion.

Xiaohuan couldn't help raising her eyes to look at this unparalleled and proud girl who was famous all over the world thousands of years ago, but she could only see a graceful figure from her back, but not her face.

Even so, Xiaohuan's heart was still full of awe and envy.

"Congratulations, Senior Sister, you have broken through the heavy karmic barriers in your previous life, cultivated the power of reincarnation for a hundred generations, and will ascend to the fairy world in the future, and you will surely create immortal glory!"

At this moment, under Xuanji Peak, there was a clear and long howling sound. Accompanied by the sound, a tall and handsome figure stepped on the void and floated towards him.

He wears a star crown on his head, his eyes are as bright as the stars, his face is delicate, and between glances, he has a convincing majestic spirit, which is exactly Bing Shitian.

Looking at the familiar figure on the bank of the purple bamboo forest and in front of the cliff, a blazing admiration suddenly appeared in the depths of Bing Shitian's eyes, which was fleeting, and soon returned to his graceful and calm temperament.

Qing Xiuyi seemed to turn a deaf ear to this, and just quietly looked into the distance, where the sea of ​​clouds was rolling, with thousands of layers of waves, shining in the sun like splintered gold, which was incomparably magnificent.

Bing Shitian didn't have the slightest sense of being ignored, he smiled slightly, and walked forward, standing side by side with Bing Shitian.

From Xiaohuan's perspective, the two of them are just like a pair of gods and couples, both of them are so perfect, so perfect that no one can feel any jealousy.

"Sigh, why is Master Qing so indifferent to Master Bing Shitian? How many people are willing to stay with him for a lifetime for a peerless genius like him who is well-known in the fairy world? Could it be because of that Chen Xi?"

Xiaohuan frowned, and thought contemptuously, "It's just a small bug drilled out of a small world. It doesn't matter if you want status. If you want to cultivate, every cultivation level is not as good as one ten thousandth of Master Bing Shitian. How could Master Qing Birth him a son? This must be a lie, it must be a lie made up by the little bug himself."

As a disciple serving by Qing Xiuyi's side, Xiaohuan is also extremely proud, let alone an ordinary person, she doesn't even pay attention to the outstanding young disciples in the Tianyan Dao Sect.

In her eyes, only big figures like Bing Shitian are worthy of awe. Of course, she is very clear that nothing will happen between herself and Bing Shitian, but this does not prevent her from admiring and admiring each other.

"Xiaohuan, step back first, I have something to say to Xiuyi." Bing Shitian turned his head, smiled gently at Xiaohuan, and waved his hand.

Xiaohuan suddenly woke up from her thoughts, smiled sweetly, bowed and retreated, thinking in her heart that Lord Bing Shitian is humble and gentle, he is really kind to people, he has no airs at all...

It's a pity that she never thought about whether Bing Shitian would have looked at her more if she hadn't been the serving disciple beside Qing Xiuyi?

Hearing the word "Xiuyi", Qing Xiuyi couldn't help frowning, but immediately recovered, and said calmly, "Don't call me that in the future."

Bing Shitian smiled and said: "Senior Sister, you are still the same as before, you don't like others to be too close to you, but we will soon become Taoist couples, it's just a title, don't take it too seriously."

Qing Xiuyi pursed her lips and remained silent, but her brows were furrowed imperceptibly again.

Her cherry lips are moist, her skin can be broken by blowing bullets, and her jet-black hair flutters in the gentle mountain wind.

Bing Shitian's eyes were a little dazed, and he felt hot for no reason, and said: "Senior sister, when we become Taoist couples, I will take you to the fairy world, and that is your world."


Qing Xiuyi turned around suddenly, flipped her jade hand, and slapped Bing Shitian's cheek extremely resoundingly.

This sudden scene made Bing Shitian so startled that he forgot to dodge, opened his eyes wide, just stared at Qing Xiuyi tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Why!"

Qing Xiuyi turned around again, leaving only a profile for Bing Shitian, and said indifferently: "Back then in the ancient city, you knocked me out and forced me to take you away. This slap is punishment. If you don't accept it, you can Call here."

Bing Shitian was startled, but actually laughed, without any annoyance, and even laughed out loud at the end, staring at Qing Xiuyi with burning eyes: "This is the Senior Sister Qing I know well, I am convinced by this slap."

Qing Xiuyi sighed and said, "Let's go."

The smile on Bing Shitian's face gradually faded away, and an imperceptible smoldering color flashed between his brows, he said: "Senior sister, the punishment has been punished, why are you still so indifferent to me?"

Qing Xiuyi remained silent, like an iceberg.

Seeing this, Bing Shitian took a deep breath, and said: "I have never been able to see that a small ant in the backcountry of the Great Chu Dynasty is just a small ant. How can I be inferior to him? In terms of identity, I am now an envoy of the fairy world. Being ordered by the Emperor Huanglong, the glory is unparalleled; when it comes to cultivation, I have reached the level of Daluo Jinxian, even if I leave the Tianyan Dao Sect, it is enough to dominate the fairy world. When it comes to talent and learning..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qing Xiuyi directly interrupted: "All of this is meaningless."

Bing Shitian's expression froze, the city that he had cultivated for many years completely disappeared in front of this woman he loved the most, and an uncontrollable anger filled his chest, he said: "Why is this!?"

"I'm tired." Qing Xiuyi turned around and left on her own, without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

Bing Shitian clenched his fists violently, fixed his eyes on Qing Xiuyi's beautiful figure, gritted his teeth and said, "Senior Sister Qing, you probably don't know that I have already bet against Chen Xi, as long as you and I form a Taoist partner, He will abolish his cultivation, live forever, and be annihilated! And you also know that the relationship between you and me has long been doomed and cannot be changed!"

Qing Xiuyi's figure paused for a moment, but she didn't turn her head back. She stopped at the same spot for a while, and then walked further away.


Seeing this, Bing Shitian couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and said: "I, Bing Shitian, also swore that day that if I don't marry you, no one can get you in this world, no! So, whether you want it or not, When the agreed time comes, I will definitely become a Taoist companion with you!"

The sound was like thunder, rumbled through the sky and earth, and the entire Tianyan Dao Sect was startled.

And from the beginning to the end, Qing Xiu's clothes and appearance were like still water, calm and calm.


After a while.

Tianyan Daozong, on Dragon and Tiger Peak.

The head teacher, Lu Beiyu, frowned and sighed, "Brother Bing, why are you angry about this?"

Bing Shitian looked gloomy, cast a displeased glance at Lu Beiyu, and said, "Junior Brother Lu, don't you understand my feelings for Xiuyi?"

Lu Beiyu smiled wryly. Back then, like Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi, he was a core disciple of Tianyan Dao Sect. However, thousands of years later, Bing Shitian became a great figure in the fairy world, and Qing Xiuyi went through a hundred generations of reincarnation and was reborn from Nirvana. He also took over the position of head teacher, everything is different.

Apart from Bing Shitian's persistence to this day, how has Qing Xiuyi ever cared about the friendship from back then?

Even though he thought so in his heart, Lu Beiyu persuaded him: "Senior Brother Bing, Senior Uncle Yuzhen had agreed to betroth Senior Sister Qing to you back then. Approval and recognition, in my opinion, you just need to wait quietly, when the day comes, the entire Tianyan Dao Sect will organize a big banquet for you and Senior Sister Qing to celebrate the world together."

Bing Shitian heard the words, and then his expression eased, he frowned and thought for a moment, and ordered: "Junior Brother Lu, in this case, you should spread the invitations widely now, inviting the elders of the sects all over the world, the people with high morals and high prestige to gather together in Tianyan Dao at that moment. Zong, by the way, in addition to the top ten immortal sects, as well as the unknowable land and the holy land of the hidden world, I will also give a copy in my name, and I will see who dares not come!"

Lu Beiyu was startled: "Is it a bit too early?"

Bing Shitian waved his hand and interrupted: "It's not too early, not at all, I just want him, Chen Xi, to know about this, so that he can't sleep, eat or eat in peace and restless for decades!"

Speaking of this, his expression became extremely cold, and he sneered: "Of course, if he can't help but jump out, that would be great!"

Seeing this, Lu Beiyu knew that it would be useless to persuade him, so he nodded and said, "That's fine."

Bing Shitian's expression returned to his calm and graceful appearance, he stood up, and said, "I'm going to pay a visit to Master Yuzhen, Xiuyi is too stubborn, and she will only obey what Master Yuzhen says I don't care whether she will hate me afterwards, as long as she can get her, one day she will understand my heart!"

Lu Beiyu smiled wryly, but couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Bing, there are still more than sixty years left, why are you in such a hurry?"

Bing Shitian shook his head: "You don't understand, even if you give Xiuyi another 1000 or 1 years, as long as she agrees with the things, it won't change. This is her character, and I know her better than you."

Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed softly, and muttered to himself: "It is precisely because of this that I like her so much. Even if thousands of years have passed, there is no one in my heart other than her." I can't stand anyone else..."


ps: This episode is the one I am looking forward to and fearing the most, because I am worried that it will not be well written and I will not be able to control the heat, but I already have a rough outline in my heart, which should satisfy everyone.

In addition, I received a notice tonight that I have to sort out the manuscript and hand it over. If I don’t pay the manuscript fee, I won’t be able to make ends meet, so the fourth update will be released tomorrow. In fact, according to rough statistics, this month’s update is approaching the ‘ten thousand words’. By the end of the month, it will definitely reach The standard of 30 words.

In short, I have been working hard!I hope that in the past few days at the end of the month, everyone will vote more monthly votes and encourage me!

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