divine talisman

Chapter 914 Shaping the Divine Talisman [Part 1]

Jiuhua Sword School, Xihua Peak.

When Chen Xi and his group returned, big brother Huo Mole and the others were all overjoyed.

However, when they learned that Mengwei, Moya, and the teenagers from the Jiuyou tribe chose to stay in the Zijing Bai family, they were all a little disappointed and sad.

And when Xueyan learned that Axiu had also left, she didn't show any joy, on the contrary, she also felt a little empty and uncomfortable in her heart, feeling a little at a loss.

Chen Xi couldn't do much to comfort this, perhaps only time would be able to heal the disappointment in everyone's hearts.

Next, after explaining some things to everyone in Lingbai, Chen Xi began to retreat.

Star world.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged under the starry sky, looking at the vast galaxy in the void, thinking about everything he had experienced in these years, his expression was sometimes in a daze, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling...

In the end, it turned into a piece of calm.

All memories are experiences.

All journeys are a kind of experience.

And all of this is practice.

I don't know when it started, but like a tight bowstring, he started running around, trying to move forward, from Songyan City to Longyuan City, to Jinxiu City, and then to the Primordial Battlefield.

From Jiuhua Sword Sect, to Cangwu Secret Realm, Nine Nether Land, Lihuo City, Taiqing Remains Land, and then to Talisman Realm.

In these years, he has been perfecting himself all the time, concentrating on cultivation, experiencing the tempering of life and death, and the beating of blood and fire. The twists and turns he has experienced are far beyond other people's comprehension.

After walking so many roads and going through so many things, the only thing he needs to do now is to settle down.

Precipitation is to turn all experiences into one's own use and make one's own path smoother!

After a while.

Chen Xi stood up, stood under the starry sky, stretched his waist, and began to practice what he had learned one by one.


The void oscillated, and its strength collapsed like thunder. It was the Great Bending Fist, and it was the first martial art practiced by Chen Xi.

It's just that at this time, every move and every move contains the profound meaning of the Dao. It is as powerful as lightning, and as powerful as thunder and thunder, it is no longer comparable to before.

Swish swish!

A moment later, he held the sword talisman in his hand, and unleashed the eight swords in the "Wanzang Sword Manual", which are infinitely changeable. They are as fast as fire, as slow as a forest, as fast as electricity, and as immobile as a mountain...

In this way, various martial arts, various martial arts, and various Taoist methods were unfolded from Chen Xi's movements of his hands and feet like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Great Annihilation Fist, Xingxuan Thunder Body, Mingtao Ten Thousand Waves Palm, Yuxiao Burial Sword Art, Starry Sky Mahamudra, Daluo True Solution... Each of these exercises or supernatural powers is the world's top method.

Any cultivator, as long as he practices one of them, is enough to rule the world and become famous, but Chen Xi has mastered all these various Taoism and supernatural powers.

The power it displayed was naturally extremely powerful, but after witnessing Bai Jingchen's three punches, Chen Xi finally understood that just having these powers was not enough to be called strong.

Because it was too complicated, it lost the simplest, most direct, and most lethal attack.

In fact, the same is true when you think about it carefully. The Eye of God, the Mahamudra of the Starry Sky, the Sword Qi of Good Fortune, the Seven Styles of Immortality, and the True Solution of Da Luo, each of these Taoism or supernatural powers are all powerful and powerful. However, there are very few who can really fully display its power.

All of this made Chen Xi think of the scene when he saw Daolian for the first time.

At that time, he had mastered more than ten kinds of Dao profound meanings, but was pointed out by Dao Lian that no matter how many Dao meanings, if he could not bring out its power, it would be a waste of money.

From then on, he began to focus on the meaning of the Dao of Talismans, and to control various other profound meanings of the Great Dao. Up to now, he has achieved a little success in his cultivation.

And now, what Chen Xi wants to do is the same, to integrate all these Taoism and supernatural powers, remove the clutter, and leave the most essential parts for his own use.

Originally, to him, all of this seemed like a vast and difficult process. After all, each of these Taoism and supernatural powers has reached the most extreme level, and it is conceivable that he wants to integrate them. How difficult it is.

However, Bai Jingchen's three punches opened a door for Chen Xi, allowing him to finally touch a way, that is to integrate what is most suitable for him, and discard what is useless to him!

And the method of fusion is the divine talisman.

When he was in Fujie, Chen Xi had once witnessed his senior sister Li Yang defeating several Xuanxian-level powerhouses with various methods of divine talismans.

In his mind, since the power of the divine talisman is so powerful, why can't he transform what he has learned into a divine talisman, and then use the power of the talisman to display it?

This thought was like a bolt of lightning that split through chaos, causing Chen Xi to be inspired like a spring. Combined with the experience of cultivation over the years, he could clearly feel that as long as he could achieve this step, his power would definitely undergo a qualitative change. leap!

The five-element talisman, the divine talisman of the Xuandi Leihuang, the divine talisman of the Demon Ancestor Linghuang, the divine talisman of the Fenghou Xunhuang... are not all created by humans. If so, why can't I refine the Great Annihilation Fist into an annihilation god? Lu?Refining Xingxuan Lightning Body into Devouring Divine Talisman?

This is the so-called thick accumulation and thin hair.

Without the guidance of Guo Daolian, he would not understand how to control his own power.

If he hadn't seen senior sister Li Yang's fighting style, he wouldn't understand that the magic of the magic talisman could be used in this way.

Without personally experiencing Bai Jingchen's world-shaking three punches, he would not understand that only by exerting his strength to the extreme can he display the most terrifying lethality.

The accumulation of all these has just made Chen Xi have the understanding he has today, and it is not just whimsical.


Easier said than done.

Knowing it is one thing, doing it is another.

However, Chen Xi had already found his direction, and he was not in a hurry, but calmly interpreted what he had learned, comprehending the power and mystery of various Taoisms and supernatural powers over and over again.

He forgot the passage of time, forgot where he was, and entered into a deep feeling.

And the second avatar, who was wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe, was also not idle, sitting cross-legged on the ground, deducing the prototypes of various gods based on what he had learned.

one year later.

Only about a month has passed outside the world of stars.

Xinghuang Daopao Chen Xi's heart twitched, and he was suddenly awakened. He frowned and thought for a while, then left the world of stars.

Mu Kui looked gloomy, standing in front of the small courtyard beside the Sword Washing Pool, staring blankly at the red invitation card inlaid with gold and jade in his hand, his expression was uncertain.

After a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and decided to leave.

However, at this moment, a voice came, "Mukui, is something happening?"

Accompanied by the sound, Chen Xi floated in front of Mu Kui, and saw the invitation in Mu Kui's hand in an instant.

This time, Mu Kui couldn't hide even if he wanted to, and said indignantly: "Master, this is an invitation card from Tianyan Daozong, saying yes... saying yes..."

Chen Xi frowned, and directly reached out to take the invitation card, opened it, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

This gold-plated and jade-embedded invitation card was naturally sent by Bing Shitian, and it was an invitation to fellow Taoists from all over the world to gather with Tianyan Taoist Sect to observe the grand ceremony and celebrate Qing Xiuyi and Bing Shitianjie's becoming a Taoist couple after 67 years.

The handwriting on it is painted with iron and silver hooks, which is clear and elegant, and the inscription is ice-free.

Especially when Chen Xi saw the strokes of the three characters "Bing Shitian", he seemed to be able to feel the joy and joy that Bing Shitian felt when he splashed the ink at that time.

"Qingxiu Fanghua Bingxin belongs to, and releases the sky together with a piece of water."

Behind the inscription, there is also a hidden poem, which contains Qing Xiuyi's name and Bing Shitian's name, which has a happy meaning and looks extremely festive.

Chen Xi silently read a word, then returned the invitation to Mu Kui, and said, "Is this for inviting me?"

Mu Kui couldn't help but looked up at Chen Xi's expression, and found that the other party's expression was calm and calm, so he breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "No, this is someone sent by Bing Shitian to invite Daoist Master Zhang of."

Speaking of this, Mu Kui explained again: "The Master Teacher said that you must be informed about this matter, and be mentally prepared, the longer the delay, it will affect your mood instead, so I entrust the younger one to send it to you. coming."

Chen Xi nodded, and said, "Does the headmaster have any other instructions?"

Mu Kui nodded and said: "Yes, the master teacher said that enlightenment will become righteous in an instant, and delusion will sink into the stream of ten thousand kalpas. If one thought can unite with true cultivation, where will the eternal sands of sin be?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath. He had heard this line of greetings before, so he naturally understood the meaning of it, as well as how the headmaster cared for him.

"Master, excuse me for being stupid, what do you mean?" Mu Kui asked with a blank face.

"It is said that people are not grass and trees, so who can be ruthless, but if the emotion is too heavy, it is delusion, if the desire is too heavy, it is ignorance, and the Taoist heart will be disturbed, so you should also smooth your mind, so that you can relax , In this way, foreign objects will not be stained."

Chen Xi said calmly, not only for Mu Kui, but also for himself.

"So that's how it is." Mu Kui was stunned, and immediately said cautiously, "Master, I think this Bing Shitian has sent invitations so many years in advance, and he definitely has no good intentions. Don't worry about it, and be affected by it instead."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, smiled and patted Mu Kui's shoulder, then turned around and returned to the courtyard, and said as he walked, "Bing Shitian must have felt a threat, that's why he acted so hastily. If so, how could I be affected by it?"

Mu Kui was stunned, looking at Chen Xi's leaving back, he thought happily in his heart that the master had made up his mind a long time ago, so that's good, that's good...

From this day on, Chen Xi was unable to retreat.

In this Xuan Huan domain, there was very little news about him anymore, instead, it was Bing Shi Tian Guang's invitation to the world, which created an uproar in the whole big world.

In this situation where alien races appeared frequently and wars abounded, Bing Shitian sent out such an invitation card, which naturally caused a sensation all over the world.

It was also from that day on, that proud girl who was famous thousands of years ago, that Qing Xiuyi who has gone through a hundred generations of reincarnation, reappeared in people's field of vision.


ps: At 10 o'clock in the second update, please ask for a monthly pass. It's the last two days. Brothers, please use your full firepower!

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