divine talisman

Chapter 915 The Great Way Is Missing [Part 2]


One of the most mysterious places in Xuanhuan Domain other than the hidden holy land.

There are more than billions of monks in the world, but there are only a handful of people who can know the existence of the unknowable, and they are all the kind of people who have reached the sky.

Because of this, that mysterious place is called "unknowable", and it is full of mystery.


In a cloud-shrouded Lingxiu Mountain Range, a giant with a height of [-] zhang walked towards the distance step by step. With each step, the earth produced a thunderous vibration, resounding in all directions.

He is really too tall, the highest mountain is only up to his knees, and the clouds on the sky can only cover his waist. The whole upper body pierces through the clouds and is covered in the sea of ​​clouds, almost walking in the sky above his head .

After a while.

The giant stopped in front of a small jungle, where there was a hut, and a skinny old man was squatting in front of the hut. The old man was holding an iron knife in his hand, and was chopping on a solid piece of wood, making an aggressive and dull sound. .

Beside the skinny old man, sawdust had piled up on the ground.

Among the sawdust, there are wooden chairs, wooden tables, wooden beds, and other wooden bowls, wooden spoons, etc., which have been built long ago, and the workmanship is very rough.

Looking carefully, among the wooden furniture, some wooden chairs are missing a leg, and some wooden bowls have a gap, all of which are incomplete, like a pile of waste products.

But the skinny old man was tireless and relished it. At this time, what he was casting in his hand was a wooden knife, four fingers wide and three feet long.

The giant sat down on a mountain, staring at the skinny old man with a pair of eyes as huge as a lake, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"It's done?" the skinny old man asked, without raising his head, he was still stabbing the wood with a knife, and sawdust flew across.

"Well, Junior Sister Zhen scolded me, master, is it appropriate for us to do this?"

The giant opened his mouth, and breathed out in a low voice. Although the voice was flat, the sound that came out of his mouth was like a hurricane, rumbling and shaking the world.

The airflow of that voice lifted sawdust all over the ground, scraping the skinny old man all over his body, and he was extremely embarrassed. He raised his head suddenly and roared loudly: "Ta Tian! How many times have I said this to my teacher, what should I do when I speak? "


The giant scratched his head, smiled, and in a blink of an eye, he had transformed into a tall man of eight feet tall, with a burly figure, rough and tough, and his eyes flashed with lightning, which was extremely mighty.

If Chen Xi were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this big man is the Great Sage Treading the Heaven, an existence who has already been famous in the three realms as early as how many years ago!

But now, he stands in front of the skinny old man like an obedient little Taoist boy.

Seeing this, the skinny old man snorted coldly and said, "Is it appropriate or not, she will naturally understand afterwards."

The Great Sage Tatian sighed, squatted on the ground, and said: "Master, my junior sister has been back for so many years, and she has been practicing in this unknown place all day long, I have wronged her too much."

"Grievance? Others can't get this kind of grievance in exchange for the Eight Life Blessing."

The skinny old man snorted again. When he spoke, he had been carving the thick piece of wood with the iron knife, and he could already see the outline of some wooden knives.

"Then...why lock her up again? It's just an invitation. If Bing Shitian dares to bully her, I'll kill that bastard with one punch." The Great Sage Ta Tian wondered.

"You rascal, don't act stupid in front of your teacher."

The skinny old man raised his head and glanced at him, his eyes were cloudy, but Tatian Dasheng felt uncomfortable for a while, so he could only giggle smirking.

"Do you still remember those little guys you told me about back then?" The skinny old man thought for a while, stopped what he was doing, and said.

"Well, two were accepted as disciples by Fang Zhanmei of the Xiantian Demon Sect, one was taken away by the Six Thieves monk of the Great Chanlin Temple, and the other two were taken back to the sect by the Huangmeiweng of the Ascension Holy Land."

The Great Sage Tatian replied without thinking.

How could he not remember, he even clearly remembered that one of Fang Zhanmei's disciples was named Fan Yunlan and the other was named Zhao Qinghe.

The little guy who was accepted as a disciple by the six thieves was named Ling Yu. As for the two little guys that Huangmeiweng took away, one was named Huangfu Qingying and the other was named Thursday.

The reason why I remember it so clearly is that these little guys are all from the same small world, or even the same country, which has to be surprising.

After all, whether it is Fang Zhanmei, the Six Thieves Monk, or Huangmeiweng, they are all existences of the same level as him, and they all chose the descendants of the Great Chu Dynasty as their successors, which is really amazing.

"Yes, you can ask those bastards and see what they do, and you will understand why I locked up your little junior sister." The skinny old man said flatly.

"Could it be that these guys also locked up their own successors and prevented them from seeing that Chen Xi?" The Great Sage Stepping on the Sky said in surprise, this time it was real surprise, not a fake.

"Yo, aren't you pretending to be stupid in front of the teacher?" The skinny old man rolled his eyes.

"Hey, master, you are so merciful, hurry up and clear up your doubts, or you have to die of me." The Great Sage Tatian begged with a hippie smile.

"As a teacher, you are not a bald donkey of the Buddhist sect, why should you be merciful?"

The skinny old man said unhappily, "When I let your little junior sister go out, you will naturally understand all this. Now, you can just stay here honestly, at least you won't die."


The great sage Tatian was stunned, and secretly calculated in his heart that reaching his level, not to mention being able to predict the future, at least he could detect some omens and crises.

However, the result of this calculation made him secretly startled, he could not calculate anything, the future was covered by a dense fog that was unclear and intangible!

"This is..." The Great Sage Tatian was puzzled.

"Don't think about it if you don't understand, just stay here with peace of mind." The skinny old man said casually.

"Then when will Junior Sister Zhen be able to leave the customs?" The Great Sage Tatian still didn't give up.

"When there is a gap in the avenue." The skinny old man said something inexplicable, and then buried himself in the wooden carving knife again, without saying another word.

Tatian Dasheng looked at the incomplete wooden chairs, wooden tables, and wooden bowls all over the floor... he was thoughtful, and vaguely guessed something.

If there is a gap in the way, you can see the truth. This is the way of heaven in the eyes of the master, and if Junior Sister Zhen wants to get out of the customs, do you have to wait until the way of heaven really changes?So... isn't it the time of turmoil in the Three Realms?

The great sage stepping on the sky was stunned and fell into deep thought.

This kind of thing also happened in several other mysterious places, such as the Innate Demon Sect, the Great Zen Forest Temple, and the Holy Land of Ascension...

And the cause and effect of all this is just because of the invitation letter sent by Bing Shitian.

Only the names of Qing Xiuyi and Bing Shitian were on the invitation.

But for those who know the relationship between the two, there is another person involved.

Therefore, Zhen Liuqing passively chose to retreat, as did Fan Yunlan, Zhao Qinghe, Ling Yu, Huangfu Qingying, and Thursday.


Star world.

Chen Xi's figure was erratic, displaying various Taoist techniques and supernatural powers under the starry sky.

His expression was neither sad nor happy, his eyes were calm, the altar was empty, and he had already forgotten everything around him.

The so-called concentration and obsession, ecstasy, is just like that.

The second avatar sat cross-legged on the ground, deducing the prototypes of various gods.

Although divided into the deity and the second clone, the insights gained between the two are the same, but it seems that they are doing two things at once.

Flowers bloom and fall, spring goes and autumn comes.

Fifty years have passed in a hurry in the star world.

As for the outside world, only five years have passed.

In the past five years, too many things have happened in the Xuanhuan Realm, most of which are related to the wars of foreign races outside the region.

Just as Chen Xi had predicted before, the pace of alien invasion from outside the territory was accelerating, and the war had begun to ignite in various parts of Xuanhuan Territory like a single spark.

In this tense situation, the entire cultivation world of Xuanhuanyu also reacted individually, dispatching the backbone force, and began to chase down the alien team from outside the territory.

The so-called heroes come out of troubled times. In these battles, although there were countless casualties in the practice world, dazzling young strongmen emerged one after another, leading the fashion and becoming famous all over the world.

As for Chen Xi, Qiu Xuanshu, and Bailiyan, the veteran Peerless Talents, although most people still remember them, they have faded out of people's sight in the past five years.

This is a turbulent era, every day there are amazing geniuses across the sky like comets, known to the people.

This is also a cruel era. Those arrogant people may be in full bloom today, but they will disappear tomorrow, and there will be no trace of news about him.

Everything is changing too fast.

Even though it's only been five years.


This day was Chen Xi's year of retreat in the Star World, and his fifth year in the outside world.

under the stars.

Chen Xi's true self has practiced Taoism and supernatural powers for a full 50 years without eating or drinking.

His movements have begun to slow down a little bit, between palms and punches, it seems to be dragging a hundred thousand mountains in motion, filled with an obscure and stagnant smell.

Even sometimes, he was silent for a long time before slowly making a move.

But its power is no longer comparable to that of the past, and every move and every move carries a condensed and consistent power that reaches people's hearts.

If Bai Jingchen were here, he would be surprised to find that Chen Xi's punches and palms already had a trace of the charm of those three punches he punched back then.

Although it is still very jerky, as long as it continues to practice like this, a qualitative change will inevitably occur.

However, today Chen Xi did not continue to practice, but seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly withdrew his momentum, and a quiet mountain-like power flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, the second avatar dressed in an apricot yellow Taoist robe also woke up from the deduction.

The two looked at each other, both smiling and silent.

The next moment, Chen Xi's main body had disappeared into the world of stars.

In the sky above Xihua Peak, thunderclouds roared, a black cloud as black as ink and a white cloud as bright as snow gathered together to form an extremely strange black and white cloud cluster, colliding and rolling over each other.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a huge funnel hanging upside down above the sky, releasing a palpitating power of catastrophe.

That was Yin Yang Thunder Tribulation!


ps: Don't worry, everyone, I won't write long stories, some plots will speed up the pace, please diverge and jump thinking... The third update is around 12:[-] in the morning

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