divine talisman

Chapter 916 Devouring Divine Talisman [Part 3]

Jieyun rolled, and the dull and oppressive atmosphere enveloped the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect in an instant.

And Xihua Peak, which was under the robbery cloud, was even more suppressed to the extreme, and the air seemed to be over a thousand tons heavy and extremely stagnant.

"Who wants to cross the catastrophe?"

"Could it be Elder Chen Xi?"

"How is it possible? It has only been a few years since Elder Chen Xi crossed the tribulation last time?"

"Then who on Xihua Peak is going to cross the tribulation? You see, this is the second most severe yin-yang thunder tribulation of the Earth Immortal. The intersection of poles, cathode and yang, the power is several times more terrifying than the Qinggang thunder tribulation?"

"So, it's really possible that Elder Chen Xi is about to cross the tribulation..."

In the Jiuhua Sword Sect, no matter the elders or the disciples were alarmed, they looked at the Xihua Peak from a distance, their expressions were incredulous, and they talked a lot.


The thunder shook the sky, like the wrath of the god of thunder, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths.

One yin and one yang are intertwined, turning the whole world into two colors, one black and one white. Half of it is as dark as night, and the other half is as bright as day, which is strange and palpitating.

Everyone can vaguely see that in the depths of the calamity cloud, there are streaks of tribulation thunder condensing, as thick as chains, glowing with blazing and dazzling luster, intertwined together, like two millstones, one black and one white, rotating in it .

"The tribulation and thunder turn into one, and the yin and yang form into a plate!"

"This kind of terrifying vision actually appeared. Although there was only a small number of tribulation thunders, through the ages, countless earth immortals and strong men were involved in the grinding disc condensed by the yin and yang tribulation thunders. Their souls were wiped out, their bodies were pulverized, and they lived forever Annihilation!"

"If Chen Xi really crossed the catastrophe, the time would be too fast. If he is a bit lacking in preparation, he may be in danger of being wiped out."

The head teacher, Wen Huating, and other high-level officials all looked at the Yin-Yang Tribulation Thunder hanging in the shape of a funnel in the sky in astonishment and astonishment.

"Let's go to Xihua Peak. No matter who overcomes the catastrophe, we must be prepared to protect the Dharma." The head teacher Wen Huating took a deep breath and made a decision.

Everyone nodded.


Then at this moment, a blazing divine rainbow suddenly flew up from Xihua Peak and arrived under the calamity cloud.

Seeing this all-too-familiar figure, although the members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect had already guessed that it would be Chen Xi, when they actually saw him appear, they still couldn't help feeling a bit of shock in their hearts.

If I remember correctly, it has been less than six years since he crossed the catastrophe last time...

In such a short period of time, how could there be a second thunder disaster?

This is something unprecedented in ancient and modern times!

Before everyone came back to their senses, under the sky, Chen Xi's body suddenly burst into immeasurable golden light, illuminating the whole world, coating the world with a layer of golden luster.

That was the golden light of merit, for the purpose of covering up the "heresy" aura on Chen Xi's body.

Sure enough, as soon as the golden light of merit came out, in the depths of the calamity cloud, the power of judgment and destruction that was being born in the black and white calamity thunder mill that was originally rumbling and tumbling disappeared.

What is left is the power of pure catastrophe.

But even so, the momentum is still far beyond ordinary. It goes without saying that as long as the Yin-Yang tribulation thunder falls, its power will definitely be even more terrifying.


The robbery cloud is rolling and will come.

However, at this moment, Chen Xi raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl. He stretched out his arms and released the infinite runes, which condensed into a dark and deep divine talisman pattern in midair.

The patterns, like the outlines of stars, rotate endlessly, as if there is a cosmic black hole hidden in it, producing an incomparably surging force of devouring power.

As soon as it appeared, it rushed into the depths of the robbery cloud!

Seeing this scene, everyone was so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell off. It was like this again, and they took the initiative to attack again!

This is more than violent, it is brutal!

When an ordinary Earth Immortal powerhouse crosses the catastrophe, which one is not trembling, with a solemn mood, and looks like he is facing a big enemy, but Chen Xi is lucky, he takes the initiative to attack every time, as if he doesn't take the catastrophe seriously. How can such a brutal approach not surprise people?


In the depths of the sky, along with the God of Devouring Talisman rushing in, thousands of waves were suddenly set off, rolling violently, the black and white tribulation thunder roared and roared, like a thunder dragon that had been offended by its scales.

However, what is shocking is that no matter how the black and white tribulation thunder rolls, it can't help but be swallowed by the devouring divine talisman.

Looking from a distance, Chen Xi's figure was tall and straight, shining with immeasurable golden light. He raised his arms to touch the sky, and his palm pierced into the depths of the tribulation thunder, connecting with the devouring divine talisman.

And the black and white tribulation thunders, like two giant dragons whose heads were grabbed, were constantly struggling in the calamity cloud, splashing billions of thunders and endless arcs, which was extremely terrifying.

But no matter how they struggled, Chen Xi's figure remained motionless, as solid as a rock, and his palm held the Devouring Divine Talisman firmly, never wavering in the slightest.

And with the passage of time, the power of the black and white robbing thunder is gradually weakening, and most of the power of robbing thunder is absorbed by the devouring divine talisman and turned into the power of the divine talisman, which makes the devouring divine talisman The power is getting stronger and stronger.

This is the horror of the profound truth of devouring. It uses all the power of the world for its own use. As long as it is stuck, no matter whether it is a person or a thing, it will be swallowed and drained of all power.

And this supreme avenue is the exclusive method of the ancient divine beast Kunpeng!

Like the Kunpeng, who enters the sea as a kun, flies into the sky as a roc, spreads its wings, covers ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers, and with a slight vibration, it can soar above the blue sky and travel in the universe.

How can the profound meaning of the Dao that it possesses be ordinary and comparable?

This method of devouring profound truths was inherited from the Kunpeng treasure bone given by the third senior brother, born out of the supernatural power Xingxuan thunder body, and now it is used by Chen Xi with the method of the divine talisman. The scene in front of him is the true manifestation of its power!

Seeing such a scene, all the members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect were shocked, gasping for breath. This is not like crossing the tribulation thunder, it is clearly like controlling and subduing the tribulation thunder!

There is no doubt that this picture is destined to be imprinted in the hearts of everyone present, and I am afraid it will be unforgettable in this life.

Soon, the robbery thunder was extinguished, and the robbery cloud dispersed.

And the devouring divine talisman that had absorbed the infinite calamity thunder was also under Chen Xi's control, and all of it poured into his body, transforming into the most surging force to temper his body inside and outside.

The hole world is expanding.

Xianyuan is skyrocketing.

Even the soul is growing little by little.

Until all the power of catastrophe contained in it was refined and emptied, Chen Xi released a vast and majestic aura of yin and yang converging, and all things living.

That is the aura that can only be possessed by the strong at the second level of the Earth Immortal Realm.

In other words, the current Chen Xi's strength has risen to another level, and he has stepped into the realm of the second level of earth immortal!

And all of this happened in just less than six years.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone present would probably not have believed that someone could have achieved this step in such a short period of time.


For all of this, Chen Xi seemed to have done an insignificant thing. After refining all the power of disaster, he jumped and returned to his residence, relaxed and ordinary.

But for everyone, everything that happened today is destined to make it difficult for them to calm down in a short time.

"This little guy..."

The head teacher Wen Huating sighed with a complicated expression on his face. Although it was a sigh, there was an emotion of pride, satisfaction, and incomparable pride in his voice.

The same is true for other high-ranking members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect.

"If this progress is made, maybe after more than sixty years, he will really have the power to confront Bing Shitian." Elder Lie Peng said in a deep voice.

Wen Huating was stunned, and waved his hand and said: "From now on, don't talk about this matter in the sect, so as not to affect Chen Xi's state of mind for cultivation."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded.

That invitation card sent by Bing Shitian is really disgusting. If it were someone else, I’m afraid they would have been affected by it. .

Fortunately, Chen Xi was obviously not comparable to other people, and one could see a clue from the aura he displayed when he easily crossed the tribulation just now.

This also made all the senior leaders of the Jiuhua Sword Sect secretly heave a sigh of relief.

To be honest, they were really worried that Chen Xi wouldn't be able to bear this kind of blow, and would develop various negative emotions, which would affect his cultivation, and that would be catering to Bing Shitian's wishes.

From then on, Chen Xi once again entered the state of closed-door cultivation, living in secluded places, and no one saw his traces.

In this way, another five years passed away like running water.

In the world of stars, 50 years have passed.

On this day, over the Xihua Peak, majestic and mighty clouds gathered from all directions again. The clouds were colorful and flaming, as clear as glass, with a blurred and illusory luster. Intense fragrance.

The strands of fragrance are like the breath of a lover, floating between the heaven and the earth, as if they can be immersed in the depths of the soul, making people lost in it and unable to extricate themselves.

Glazed Tribulation!

When they realized this scene, the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect was once again in a commotion, especially when they saw that the Glazed Heaven Tribulation happened in the sky above Xihua Peak again, everyone didn't even know what to say.


at a loss?

Or is it unbelievable?

This kind of emotion is really too complicated. After all, it has only been five years, and Chen Xi has ushered in the third stage of the Glazed Heaven Tribulation. What should people think?

Even Wen Huating, the well-informed head teacher, couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips when he saw this scene.

Of course, this must belong to Chen Xi's catastrophe, because this is the Heavenly Glaze Tribulation that every second-tier Earth Immortal realm expert must go through when he wants to advance to the third-tier Earth Immortal Realm.

A kind of tribulation thunder that is not only extremely powerful, but also capable of producing multiple visions, thereby disturbing the mind!

Just like five years ago, Chen Xi's figure once again transformed into a sky-reaching golden rainbow, appeared under the sky, and released a golden light of immeasurable merit all over his body.

The only difference from five years ago was that, facing this glazed catastrophe, Chen Xi actually sat cross-legged in the void with a peaceful expression, his eyes closed tightly.

It's not like crossing a catastrophe, but like an old monk entering meditation!


ps: When I was typing, I was so tired that I fell asleep, my eyes went dark, and I actually slammed my head on the keyboard, Tsiao~~ I want to take a few days off for a few days and sleep hard for a few days... Forget it, just take it as I said It's a dream, but it's true to ask for a monthly ticket!Seeing that I have worked hard every night, I beg everyone to let me go...

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