divine talisman

Chapter 917 Advances again and again [Part 1]

Under the gaze of surprised eyes, Chen Xi sat cross-legged under the glazed cloud, with a peaceful expression and his eyes closed, like an old monk in meditation.

This is simply treating Heavenly Tribulation as nothing, more arrogant than directly challenging Heavenly Tribulation!

Not to mention that the disciples present had never seen such a scene, even the head teacher Wen Huating and other senior sect leaders had never heard of it or seen it before.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Xi's actions at this time seemed even more domineering.

Full of domineering!

Throughout the ages, there are probably not many people in the whole world who dare to despise the Heavenly Tribulation like this.


Before everyone finished expressing their emotions, above the sky, deep in the robbery cloud, colorful and magnificent lightning and thunder burst out suddenly, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, beautiful and dreamy to the extreme, and powerful and powerful to the extreme.

This is the Glazed Tribulation.

A kind of power is extremely powerful, and it will produce many illusions, which will deal a fatal blow to the Taoist heart.

Looking from a distance, the spirits of most Jiuhua disciples present were swaying for a while, and some people saw hypnotizing flowers, fairies dancing, dragons and phoenixes forming auspicious scenes and so on.

Some people saw the wild dancing of demons and the sinking of the earth, just like the tragic scene of doomsday purgatory.

And some people saw the extravagant scene of wine pools and meat forests.


The vision contains greed, hatred, ignorance, resentment, sorrow, fear and other emotions and six desires, and all these desires have been developed to the extreme. If you are an ordinary person, you may sink into it in an instant and be deprived of your sanity.

Even monks, when they suddenly encountered such a vision, their Dao heart was shaken for a while, and some weak people were even directly deprived of their sanity, standing where they were and dancing, looking crazy and stupid.

If it continues like this, it will inevitably go mad, and then die.


Suddenly, a sound louder than thunder came from the lips of the head teacher Wen Huating, and suddenly exploded in the ears of the crowd. It was filled with the supreme voice, and those disciples broke free from the vision on the spot and regained consciousness.

Immediately, everyone's face showed a look of astonishment, with lingering fear in their hearts.

"What a terrifying illusion!"

"I only took one look at it from a distance, and my Dao heart almost fell. Elder Chen Xi is in it, I am afraid that the vision he encounters will be even more terrifying."

"Hey, look quickly, Elder Chen Xi hasn't moved at all until now!"

Amidst the discussion, everyone could see that Chen Xi was sitting cross-legged in the sky, with the seven-colored glazed glass and lightning intertwined and rolling above his head, colorful and magnificent, but he didn't seem to notice it, and his body was completely motionless from beginning to end.

Is he going to fight Jie Lei in this way?

Before everyone could react, the glazed tribulation thunder slashed down. The lightning twisted like a snake, like a sky-shattering sharp blade, turned into a thousand feet long, and shot down towards Chen Xi.


A scalp-numbing sound sounded, and Chen Xi's whole body was covered by beautiful and bewitching lightning bolts, making roaring sounds.

However, what is astonishing is that no matter how violent the power of thunder is, Chen Xi's figure is as solid as a rock, and cannot be shaken by the slightest bit.

In that kind of situation, it was like Chen Xi was the magic needle of calming the sea, no matter how violent the storm washed over him, and the raging waves beat against him, he would not waver a single bit.

"The power of annihilation!"

Some of the most powerful people were keenly aware of the strange and distorted symbols flowing around Chen Xi's body, gathering together to form a palpitating pattern.

As soon as the colored glaze tribulation thunder hit him, he was completely destroyed, disintegrated, and then annihilated invisibly by the pattern full of annihilating power.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Xi was not hurt at all!

But in Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness, it was another scene.

"Xi'er, come here quickly, and let Grandpa take a good look at you." A thin figure emerged, with a thin face and kind eyes, it was Chen Tianli.

Chen Xi looked around, only to find that he was in his own home in Songyan City. The dilapidated furniture, the talisman brushes and inkstones that had accompanied him in his youth were all clearly visible in front of him.

Chen Xi carefully looked at his grandfather Chen Tianli, and then carefully at everything at home. There was sadness, warmth, and bewilderment in his eyes... It was extremely complicated.

If all of this is true, how wonderful it would be...

Unfortunately, this is all fake after all!

When this thought arose, Chen Xi slashed out with a sword, directly killing the opposite grandfather Chen Tianli.


There was another change in front of her eyes, and the figure of her mother Zuo Qiuxue appeared, but her face was livid, and she gritted her teeth and scolded: "Killing grandfather, you are treasonous, you wicked son will not commit suicide and apologize!"

Chen Xi looked indifferent, and swung his sword again, killing him.

After doing all this, a burst of anger suddenly rose in his heart, this catastrophe is too hateful!To actually use one's relatives and friends as visions, to disintegrate and collapse one's Dao heart, one really deserves to be killed!

He no longer passively fought, but took the initiative to attack, stepping out step by step, beheading a lot of visions, including Ling Bai, Bai Kui, Mu Kui, Liu Crazy, Du Qingxi, Qing Xiuyi...

It can be said that as long as the people who have left a brand in Chen Xi's heart, they will all be transformed into visions by the power of the heavenly tribulation. They want to use this to find a flaw in Chen Xidao's heart, and then destroy it.

Unfortunately, all this is doomed to be in vain.

Because Chen Xi's dao heart had already been honed to be as solid as iron, and his mental strength cultivation had even reached the level of "heart and soul", so how could he be deceived by all these visions?

But when killing the last vision, Chen Xi stopped.

Because that was Chen An, his son.

The little guy has a handsome figure, calm brows and eyes, soft and resolute outline, his eyes and bridge of nose resemble Qing Xiuyi very much.

"Father, take me to find my mother, okay?" Chen An raised her face and asked expectantly.

Chen Xi sighed, stepped forward, stroked the little guy's head, and muttered: "Now is not the time, An'er, wait a little longer, father will definitely bring your mother back, okay?"

There was a touch of guilt in the voice, and a kind of determination.

And when the voice fell, Chen An's figure had already been slapped to death by Chen Xi's palm!

At this point, the vision has all been annihilated.

And the glazed tribulation thunder in the sky also disappeared without a trace.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged in the void, with loose clothes and long hair fluttering around. His expression was as peaceful and composed as usual, but no one noticed that as soon as a tear trickled from the corner of his eye, it was instantly evaporated.

There are many visions, realistic and true.

Unfortunately, it's not true after all.

Even so, after surviving this catastrophe, Chen Xi was somewhat grateful for this catastrophe, because it allowed him to see too many of his relatives and friends...

Although all of that was illusory, it was still a kind of comfort to Chen Xi who had been traveling alone so far.

As for the ability to successfully advance to the third stage of the Earth Immortal Realm, Chen Xi was not very happy, because it was a matter of course. Compared with it, everything he experienced in the vision touched his heart very much.


There is no Jiazi in the mountains, and it is cold and I do not know the year.

Before you know it, another five years have passed.

In the Jiuhua Sword Sect, the sun was scorching, and a disciple who was lounging under the lush pine tree to enjoy the shade suddenly thought of something, and joked: "I remember today five years ago, when Elder Chen Xi was retreating, right?"

"Well, Fang Ren, I also remembered what you said." A disciple who was lying on the shady grass and sleeping soundly opened his eyes suddenly, thoughtfully.

"Then tell me, will there be another round of catastrophe today?" Fang Ren asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, how could such a thing happen..."

Before the other person finished speaking, he closed his mouth, his eyes widened, and he stared straight at the sky, with a devilish expression on his face, before shouting, "That's..."


Fang Ren was startled, looked up in doubt, and immediately showed a dumbfounded look.


The two looked at each other and said in unison, "I'm so stupid, it's here again!"

On the sky, there are billowing black clouds of catastrophe, filled with aura of catastrophe, abnormal catastrophe is about to come?

On this day, Chen Xi, the master of the Xihua Peak of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, ushered in the fourth catastrophe—Gang Dou Lei Tribulation, which once again shocked the entire Jiuhua Sword Sect.

It was an interesting scene.

All the disciples were beaming with joy, chattering about the tribulation and thunder in the sky, making a lot of noise, as if watching a wonderful show being staged.

Without any nervousness, Zhuang Su's serious atmosphere naturally disappeared.

And all the high-ranking members of the Jiuhua Sword Sect also watched with long beards, and made comments from time to time. Most of the discussions were not about whether Chen Xi could survive the catastrophe, but what kind of heaven-defying method Chen Xi would use to erase it. Thunderstorm.

Some elders would even quarrel with each other because of the time it took for Chen Xi to cross the tribulation, and quarrel with each other until they found out that Chen Xi had already succeeded in crossing the tribulation...

Such a strange scene, I am afraid that it will only happen when witnessing Chen Xi crossing the catastrophe.


Five years, five years, another five years.

With the passage of time, everyone has become clear that every five years, Chen Xi will usher in a catastrophe, which has almost become the common recognition of everyone in the Jiuhua Sword Sect.

Even the rare birds and animals raised on various mountain peaks are aware of this rule. Before this day comes, they will lazily move their bodies, lie leisurely in their old dens, plug their ears, and sleep comfortably on the bed. Sleep.

As for the Jiuhua Sword Sect, whenever the catastrophe comes, no one is willing to take a look at what they should do, practice martial arts, retreat, and alchemy.

Only those brats who have just joined the sect will make a fuss, make a fuss, and look like they have never seen the world, which makes those old disciples very contemptuous.


Another five years have passed.

Fang Ren remembered very clearly that this should be the eighth catastrophe belonging to Elder Chen Xi, but he no longer had that shocking and excited emotion.

Now he is also an old man among the inner disciples. When the master is not around, he will guide the new disciples to practice.

Seeing the calamity cloud in the sky flying towards him, he got up from the bed feebly, then opened his throat feebly, and shouted: "Rookies, come and see, Elder Chen Xi is about to cross the catastrophe again. It's the eighth round, if you miss this time, you won't have another chance..."


ps: Please make up your own brain for the 4th to 8th heavy robbery.Five years in the outside world, 50 years in the Star World, let’s calculate it, don’t say exaggeration, I feel that exaggeration shows that I don’t understand Elder Chen Xi’s coquettishness... In addition, today is the author’s background system. There is a problem, and the update of the whole vertical and horizontal is delayed. Can't update... well, the second update is around 11 o'clock.

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