divine talisman

Chapter 919 The Peak King [Part 1]

Tianyan Daozong.

A precipitous peak of a fairy mountain piercing into the sky.

This peak is named Tianyan, and there is only an ancient and incomparable Taoist temple on it, which is quiet and elegant. It is rumored that the founder of the Tianyan Dao Sect realized Taoism in this mountain peak, and created the Tianyan Dao Sect with one hand, leaving a shocking legacy. The orthodoxy of the Three Realms.

And since Bing Shitian came to the human world as a fairy envoy, this peak has become his temporary residence. From this we can see how lofty Bing Shitian's status in Tianyan Dao Sect is now.

When Bing Shitian bid farewell to teaching Lu Beiyu and returned to the peak of Tianyan Peak, he suddenly stopped in front of the Taoist temple, frowning slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"Go back and tell your master, if an accident happens, if he dares to disobey my instructions, don't blame me for visiting his lair and destroying everything he has."

After a long time, Bing Shitian suddenly spoke, his voice was soft, as if he was talking to himself.

But as soon as his words fell, a void ripple suddenly appeared in a shadow in front of the Taoist temple, filled with black mist, and squirmed into a slender figure.

This person has a long and narrow face, skinny, and a troublesome figure, only a pair of eyes that are as big as copper bells, with a cold and strange luster.

His face was pale, but his lips were smeared extremely bright red, like blood stains from drinking blood just now.

As soon as he appeared, he smiled sinisterly and said: "Well, don't worry, Mr. Bing, my lord will definitely not slack off on what you have explained."

"There are 30 years left, you can go back now and tell your master that it's time to open the Nether Disk." Bing Shitian nodded, and with a few instructions, he was about to step into the Taoist temple.

"Master Bing, please stay."

The skinny and strange man seemed a little anxious, and said, "The Nether Disk is of great importance. Once it is sacrificed, it will disturb the order of the heavens. Why don't you wait until that day comes and then open it?"

Bing Shitian stopped, turned his head slowly, stared at the skinny and strange man expressionlessly, and said, "Do you think I'm making a fuss out of a molehill?"

"Don't dare, dare not." The skinny and strange man trembled all over and shook his head hastily.

"Then do as I say!" Bing Shitian said coldly, then stepped into the Taoist temple and disappeared.

The skinny and strange man was stunned for a long time, and then pouted with disapproval.

"Isn't it just a little thing that hasn't yet become a fairy? A majestic Daluo Jinxian, who is so careful, is really looking for trouble..."

I muttered a few words in my heart, but this person's figure still moved forward, like a shadow between nothingness and reality, it got into the void and disappeared.

In the Taoist temple, it was pitch black, without a trace of light.

Bing Shitian sat cross-legged in it, his expression was like an eternal sculpture, calm, indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations.

He likes this darkness.

Just like he likes the bright smell emanating from Qing Xiuyi's body.

No one knows how much effort he has put in in his practice so far to achieve what he is today, and no one knows how much hardship he has put in behind the reason why he can live proudly until now.

Therefore, he will never underestimate any opponent, including Chen Xi.

"Junior Brother Lu is right, but he is wrong about one thing. If Xiuyi's thoughts are allowed to be swayed by others, she is not my favorite."

"So, I can only make arrangements in advance..."

In the deep darkness, Bing Shitian slowly closed his eyes, as if merging with the darkness, his body no longer had a trace of breath.


"Xiuyi, after so many years, haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Master, this is a matter between me and Junior Brother Bing, I will handle it properly."

"Then you have promised to become a Taoist couple with Shi Tian? I really don't want to care about other things, but you should give me an answer on this matter, right?"

In the back mountain of Tianyan Daozong, in a clear and elegant valley, the flowers and plants in the valley are luxuriant, and the fairy clouds are scattered, just like a fairyland.

Qing Xiuyi, who was wearing a plain shirt, stopped by the bank of a clear stream in the valley. Her hair was like a waterfall, her eyebrows were like a thrush, and her eyes were hazy in the mist of fairy mist, making her temperament more and more ethereal.

Opposite her, there is a middle-aged beautiful woman with a hairpin on her temples, a dignified appearance, and a pair of phoenix eyes flying obliquely like swords, giving people a sense of sternness and sharpness.

This middle-aged beautiful woman's Taoist name is Yuzhen, an old antique who lives in seclusion in Tianyan Taoist sect, and at the same time, she is also Qing Xiuyi's master.

Seeing that Qing Xiuyi remained silent, she frowned, a look of displeasure flashed in her eyes, and then sighed: "Xiuyi, when you were still in your infancy, you were abandoned outside the Tianyan Dao Sect. I brought you up with my own hands, taught you exercises, taught you how to practice, and I have already regarded you as my own flesh and blood in my heart."

After a pause, she raised her head to look at Qing Xiuyi, and said with a complicated expression: "The crow knows how to repay the favor, but what you do will make me feel too cold."

"Master..." Qing Xiuyi opened her mouth, but then closed it again, but there was already a gloomy look on her beautiful face.

"Okay, I won't persuade you anymore. There are still more than [-] years before the agreement made back then. During this time, you can stay in the sect quietly. When the time comes, I will personally fight Shi Tian for you." Preside over the ceremony and become a Taoist couple."

Qing Xiuyi's reaction made Yuzhen frowned, his expression was puzzled, angry, and unwilling, and finally turned into a look of determination, and turned to leave.

Looking at Yuzhen's disappearing back, Qing Xiuyi was in a daze for a long time, then pursed her lips, sighed lightly, and left this valley.


Jiuhua Sword Sect.

Chen Xi looked up at the purple calamity clouds that were collapsing and disappearing one after another in the sky. His expression was calm, neither sad nor happy. Although he stood quietly, there was an unspeakable awe-inspiring aura around him.

It's like an emperor looking at his own country and territory, life and death, all in one thought.

That introverted and majestic spirit can probably be described by the eight characters of "hold the sun and the moon in your mouth, and grasp the universe".

This is the powerhouse of the Eighth Layer of Earth Immortal!

The peak kings in the human world, those who can reach this level, are only a handful of people among the hundreds of millions of living beings in the world.

Now, the mixed world in his body has already become vast and splendid, with mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, sun, moon and stars, the latitude of heaven and earth, and all creatures, all of which circulate within the sky, showing a thriving, vigorous and vigorous vitality.

The mysteries of the avenues are like divine chains, scattered and intertwined around the chaotic world, deriving the power of hundreds of millions of runes, making the entire chaotic world even more splendid.

It's like a complete world gathered in the dantian and controlled by Chen Xi's thoughts. He is the creator of this place, the supreme master, and even more the source of his power!


Just as Chen Xi was examining his body, a huge force suddenly surged from behind, tearing apart the void, and in an instant, the terrifying fluctuations stimulated his entire body to boil violently.

Without hesitation, he slapped it with a backhand.

This seemingly understated blow contained infinite mysteries, and it had already condensed Chen Xi's current strength into one, completely evolving it into this palm.


A figure was suddenly shaken out of the void, staggered and retreated tens of feet away, where the void collapsed and everything was chaotic, it was obvious that this blow caused him to suffer a great shock force.

"Uncle Master?"

Chen Xi turned his head, only to realize that the person who made the attack was actually the head teacher Wen Huating. He couldn't help being a little surprised, and immediately realized that this was the head teacher testing his own strength.

"You little brat, you are also perverted!"

Wen Huating straightened his messy clothes and stepped forward with a wry smile, but his eyes were extremely bright when he looked at Chen Xi, revealing indescribable amazement and admiration.

He was not stingy with his praise, and said: "I have been immersed in the eighth layer of the earth fairyland for nearly 600 years, and I came here with a sneak attack, but I was no match for your blow. With such strength, there will be no one in the earth fairyland!" It's your opponent!"

"Haha, it's rare that the master master actually admits that he is inferior."

"Well, this is the truth, I don't think the master master will accept it."

"If other Earth Immortals at the eighth level are the peak kings, then Chen Xi can be called the king of kings!"

Accompanied by loud laughter, all the high-level elders of the Jiuhua Sword Sect came one after another, and they all looked at Chen Xi with smiles, their eyes full of amazement and joy.

Among the sects, having such an outstanding disciple made them feel very relieved and couldn't hide their joy.

Seeing this, Chen Xi immediately clasped his fists and said with a smile, "I've seen you seniors."

The expression is peaceful, not surprised by favor or insult.

"Chen Xi, although it is a good thing to advance in power repeatedly, you have to spend some time to temper it well and control it with ease. Only in this way can you exert its full power as you wish." The head teacher Wen Huating reminded from the side .

"Thank you Uncle Master Zhang for your guidance. I also have the same intention. In the next period of time, I will go to the Blood Soul Sword Cave to practice and thoroughly sharpen my cultivation to become my combat power." Chen Xi replied.

"That's the best way." Wen Huating smiled, and then pondered: "I have a magic weapon of chaos here, if you need it, just come to me."

Speaking of this, Wen Huating had a look of contempt on his face, and said: "Although our Jiuhua Sword Sect is not as powerful as Tianyan Daozong, and now we have lost the support in the fairy world, we can talk about the background, but it is not inferior to Any power in the world!"

"Chen Xi, you can rest assured to do your thing. With old things like us around, don't let yourself be wronged. If you need anything, just ask." Elder Lie Peng also said beside him.

"Not bad, not bad." The other elders also said with sincerity.

Chen Xi stared blankly at this scene, his heart was greatly touched, his whole body was enveloped by an incomparable warmth, he took a deep breath, and bowed to everyone.

Although speechless, it is enough to express his heart.

At this moment, he knew that he and the Jiuhua Sword Sect were inseparable from each other, as if they were connected by flesh and blood.


ps: At around 11 o'clock in the second update, the last day of the month, all the brothers who still have monthly tickets in their hands should give them to me, or they will be automatically cleared tomorrow...

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