divine talisman

Chapter 920 Sitting Photos Are Not Real [Part 2]

Blood Soul Sword Cave.

Chen Xi's figure appeared on the No.60 floor. This was the third time he had come to the Blood Soul Sword Cave.

When he came here for the first time, with his strength, he could only stop on the No. 60 floor of the Sword Cave, and he almost died at the hands of Xie Lian.

When I came here for the second time, there was no difference from the first time. The only difference was that I learned about the existence of Daolian and Xielian, as well as a past event about the Jiuhua Sword Sect.

But this time, his purpose for coming here is very simple, to sharpen his combat power, find the mother crystal of chaos, and then refine the quality of the sword talisman.

There are only thirty years left before the time limit for betting with Bing Shitian, he no longer expects to improve his strength in this short period of 30 years, but wants to sharpen his combat power wholeheartedly.

Power is not equal to combat power, no matter how much power there is, it is useless to be unable to exert its power.

As for the way to improve combat power, in addition to tempering yourself in actual combat, what you need to do is to increase the power of weapons.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi didn't hesitate any longer, his figure flashed, and he had rushed to the first floor of Sword Cave No.60.


The majestic and incomparable immortal thoughts swept out, instantly covering this sword hole No. 60, and soon, Chen Xi found his opponent.

It was a group of blood souls whose strength was roughly equivalent to that of the fourth level of the earth immortal. There were more than 50 heads, each of them was boiling with blood, and their breath was extremely powerful.

In particular, one of the blood souls was actually wearing a torn battle robe, his face was no different from that of an ordinary person, and his strength was around the fifth level of an Earth Immortal, just like the master of the sword hole on this level, with an incomparable arrogance.

But to Chen Xi's regret, there was no chaos mother crystal distributed in the No. 60 layer.


"Someone dares to break into my territory!"

"Kill! Kill that dog from the Jiuhua Sword Sect!"

Chen Xi's immortal thoughts were not concealed. As soon as he swept across this area, he was noticed by these blood souls whose strength was comparable to that of earth immortals, and immediately turned into blood shadows, rushing towards Chen Xi's side. Come.

Whoosh whoosh!

Blood shadows filled the sky with majestic power, like clouds of blood roaring towards them, and soon appeared in Chen Xi's field of vision.

"Although the number is large, the strength is still a bit weak..." Chen Xi shook his head, he didn't even use a sacrificial sword talisman, and he slashed away with his fingers like a sword.


A beam of sword energy pierced the sky like a shocking rainbow, and disappeared in a flash.

Puff puff……

Before those blood souls could dodge in the future, their entire body turned into a cloud of blood rain, scattered from the midair with a bang, coming fast and dying even faster.

Even the blood soul in the torn battle robe just let out a scream of horror and anger, and was chopped into a ball of blood foam, flying into the sky and the earth.


A piece of Chaos Mother Crystal the size of a thumb fell from his body to the ground. Chen Xi grabbed it and put it away.

"It seems that there is a very high probability that the mother crystal of chaos exists in the blood soul with spiritual intelligence..." Chen Xi thought for a while before rushing to the next level of the sword hole.


The second floor of Jiandong No.60.

The ninth floor of Jiandong No.60.

The eighth floor of Jiandong No.70.


With just a cup of tea, Chen Xi had already reached the No. 80 floor of Jiandong Cave, and it was only after he arrived here that he felt a kind of pressure.

But for him now, this pressure is almost negligible.

On the No. 80th floor of this sword cave, the blood souls distributed all have spiritual wisdom, and their strength is even higher than that of the seventh level of the earth immortal.

For this, Chen Xi was slightly satisfied.

The sword cave he passed through before, he almost swept all the way down without encountering any obstacles, so he had no chance to display his strength at all, and it was also impossible to achieve the purpose of sharpening himself.


Soon, a big battle broke out.

More than a dozen blood souls whose strength is equivalent to the seventh level of the earth immortal surrounded Chen Xi, screaming and fighting with all their strength, all kinds of terrifying Taoism and supernatural powers poured down, as gorgeous and beautiful as fireworks, but it was hard to hide under the beauty That terrifying killing intent.

Chen Xi plunged into it like a ghost, his figure was erratic.

He was not in a hurry to kill the opponent, but in the battle, he carefully felt the changes in his own strength and the use of various moves.

For example, how to use the devouring divine talisman can fully display its power, so that the enemy will be swallowed up by surprise.

All these tempering are a kind of adjustment, improvement, and reshaping of one's own combat power, and the transformation of combat power can only be achieved through the accumulation of these small details.

After a stick of incense.

Holding the sword talisman in his hand, Chen Xi suddenly showed his power, beheading all enemies from all directions in an instant.

The reason is very simple, he can no longer achieve the purpose of sharpening himself from the opponent, he can only kill them and go to the next floor to choose the opponent.

In this way, Chen Xi went down one level at a time, and the opponents he encountered became stronger and stronger, and his combat power also quietly changed in this battle after battle.

The power has become stronger, the control of power has become more precise, and the moves have become more and more simple and concise, revealing a sense of simplicity and authenticity that has been washed away.

When he reached the 90th floor of Sword Cave, Chen Xi suddenly stopped and sat cross-legged.

He felt an opportunity for transformation, so he began to calmly sort out the various experiences in his heart.


Waves of wonderful sounds of the Great Dao, like the sounds of heaven, roared from Chen Xi's body, carrying a unique rhythm, wafting through the entire ninety floors of the Sword Cave.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, with an immobile expression, but wisps of golden brilliance emanated from his body, blooming between the heaven and the earth, like golden flowers falling randomly, sacred and brilliant.

It seems that enlightenment is not enlightenment and the true way, this machine has a unique opening.

At this time, Chen Xi was deducing and sorting out various experiences in his heart, but the energy in his body was automatically generated and circulated around his body, as if he had already merged with the Dao.

This is a vision that only occurs when one realizes Taoism and cultivates to the level of transcendence and sanctification. It is the most mysterious and indescribable. If people from the outside world notice this scene, it may cause an uproar.

Because of this kind of vision, it is called "sitting in front of the truth" in terms of enlightenment and cultivation, and it only appears in ancient gods and supreme sages.

The so-called "sitting in front of the truth" means that when you meditate and comprehend, it is as if you are communicating with the ancient gods.

Under such circumstances, enlightenment, thinking and gaining all point directly to the origin of the Dao, which is the most authentic presentation, just like seeing the truth at the end of the prosperity, washing away the lead and showing a plain appearance.

Three months later.

Sitting cross-legged like a clay statue, Chen Xi opened his eyes, the sun and the moon appeared in his eyes, the universe evolved, billions of runes evolved, and finally returned to silence.

He stood tall, and his demeanor became more restrained, like an emperor who had explored the principles of all things, with an intimidating power in his tranquility and indifference.

"Although the power has not improved by an inch, it has made me understand the essence of many Taoism. When I use it in battle, it is enough to exert incredible power..."

Chen Xi murmured, he could feel that he was about to touch the ultimate power belonging to the Earthly Immortal Realm, and it was the same as the "Extreme Realm" of the Nether Transformation Realm, it was a manifestation of the Great Perfection.


Without wasting any more time, Chen Xi once again walked towards the sword cave on the next level.

If there is a hurdle above the [-]th floor of the sword cave, then there is another hurdle after the [-]th floor of the sword cave, like a completely different watershed.

Whether it is the pressure in the sword cave or the power of the blood soul, there is a qualitative transformation.

On the first floor of Sword Cave No. 90, the terrifying pressure seemed to press the whole world on him, forming a terrifying field force. They will be crushed to death in an instant.

And the power of the blood soul here is all above the eighth level of the earth immortal.

Of course, it is impossible for the Ninth Level of Earth Immortals to exist, because after the Ninth Level of Earth Immortals, they will directly ascend to the Immortal Realm, which is beyond the realm of the human world.

However, in the eighth level of the earth immortal, there are also strengths and weaknesses.

This point was deeply experienced by Chen Xi when he went down through the layers.

For example, on the first floor of Sword Cave No. 90, there were six blood souls of the eighth level of the Earth Immortal, but they were easily beheaded by Chen Xi.

And on the second floor of Sword Cave No. 90, although there were only two blood souls at the eighth level of the Earth Immortal Realm, their strength was incomparably terrifying, and Chen Xi also spent a lot of effort to kill them.

When he reached the fifth floor of Sword Cave No.90, Chen Xi encountered a real threat.

There is only one blood soul in the sword cave on this level, with fluttering clothes, long hair shawl, and a pair of sharp eyes. This is completely different from the blood soul, just like a real cultivator.

He also carried a sword on his back, his aura was as fierce as a sword, like a peerless sword fairy.

What surprised Chen Xi was that in the battle with this blood soul, the latter was also proficient in the "Yu Xiao Burial Sword Art", and he performed it superbly. With a single strike, the entire void was surrounded by his sword energy. Down, extremely powerful.

At the beginning of the battle, even killing Chen Xi was a bit dwarfed by comparison.

This was destined to be a fierce battle, but Chen Xi killed it with great joy, because the stronger the opponent was, the more he would be tempered, and the gains would not be stolen.

After seven days.

With a muffled bang, the head of the Blood Soul head fell to the ground like a peerless immortal sword, and the long sword on his body also fell to the ground with a clang.

Chen Xi gasped for a while. Looking at his opponent's corpse, he couldn't help but feel admiration in his heart. Such an opponent is hard to find in this world.

After a while, Chen Xi put away the sword weapon dropped by the blood soul, and carefully put it into the pagoda of the Buddha.

As early as the beginning of the battle, he noticed that the opponent held a sword made entirely of chaos mother crystals. Such a rare treasure, it would be too violent to throw it here.

"Give it to me, and I can make an exception and promise you one condition."

Just when Chen Xi turned around and was about to enter the next level of the sword hole, Xiao Ding, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, his voice as usual without any emotional fluctuations.

However, Chen Xi could hear keenly that there was an imperceptible trace of longing in Xiao Ding's voice, as if the Chaos Mother Crystal had an irresistible temptation for it.


There is still a low 3 update tonight, but it will be after the early morning, brothers, this month is only one hour away, and the monthly pass in hand is not yet used, please smash it~~~~~

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