divine talisman

Chapter 921 The Dead Like This [Part 3]

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, and immediately decided to swallow the sword made of Chaos Mother Crystal to Xiao Ding.

But Xiao Ding changed his mind again, and said: "It's not too late to give it to me after your experience is over. If my guess is right, there will be many chaos mother crystals distributed in the next few layers."

Chen Xi was stunned, speechless.

He could roughly guess Xiao Ding's intentions. Obviously, he disliked that the sword weapon was not enough, and he would only ask for some after his search was over.

Of course, Chen Xi didn't mind, he only needed a part of the Chaos Mother Crystal to refine the sword talisman again, and it was useless to keep the excess on him, so it was better to hand it over to Xiao Ding so that it could recover its strength as soon as possible.

It is conceivable that if Xiao Ding can regain his strength, when the time limit agreed with Bing Shitian arrives, Xiao Ding can completely act as a powerful reinforcement for himself.


In fact, just as Xiao Ding expected, there are extremely powerful opponents distributed under the fifth floor of No. 90 and above the 99th floor of this sword cave No. [-].

On the sixth floor of Jiandong No. 90, there is a Buddhist cultivator, wearing a gray cassock, holding a string of rosary beads, a total of [-] beads, all of which are polished from the mother crystal of chaos.

This was also the first time Chen Xi saw a Buddha cultivator, but the other party was transformed by a blood soul, so it could not be said to be a real Buddha cultivator. The only thing similar to a Buddha cultivator was probably the supernatural powers he used.

Such as "Vajra's glaring eyes", "Vetuo lotus body", "Buddhist kingdom in the palm", etc., are all the most famous and supreme supernatural powers of the Buddhist sect in the legend.

Chen Xi expended a month of work, and finally killed him.

He also suffered a lot of heavy injuries. The reasons are that, firstly, the opponent's strength is too strong, and his cultivation base has far surpassed that of a strong person in the eighth level of the Earth Immortal Realm, and his physical body is extremely strong. One can imagine how difficult it is to kill it.

It was only later that Chen Xi learned from Xiao Ding that the blood souls imprisoned below the ninetieth floor of the Blood Soul Sword Cave were all formed by the condensed resentment and spirit around them when the Heavenly Immortal level powerhouse fell.

Moreover, these blood souls have been imprisoned in the Blood Soul Sword Cave for an unknown number of years, and their strength is recovering little by little, so they are stronger than those in the eighth level of the Earth Immortal Realm.

In short, in this battle with the blood soul of Buddha, Chen Xi had to spend a month repairing his injuries, and only then did he restore his strength to its original state.

And what he gained was also huge. In addition to a string of rosary beads polished by the mother crystal of chaos, he also gained a lot of experience from the battle. This is what Chen Xi needs most at the moment.

On the seventh floor of Sword Cave No. 90, there is a blood soul transformed by a powerful demon clan. He possesses the power to move mountains and boil seas. Chen Xi fought against it for two months and was seriously injured, so he shot him to death. , to obtain a giant ax refined from the mother crystal of chaos.

On the eighth floor of Sword Cave No. 90, there is a strange-looking Nether Asura, with terrifying strength, who controls many Nether Mysteries, and is stronger than the blood souls he has encountered before.

However, the death of the Nether Shura was the saddest, because Chen Xi only used the other side's will to completely suppress him, and he was unable to resist at all.

Like the Dao Intent of the Other Shore, which is one of the three supreme mysteries in the Nether Underworld. It was controlled by the third Nether Emperor, and it has been lost for a long time. Although this Nether Shura is strong, it is born to be restrained by Chen Xi, so it is strange that he cannot die.

And Chen Xi obtained a trident from his hand, which was also cast from the Chaos Mother Crystal.


The ninth floor of Jiandong No.90.

The lava was billowing, the sea of ​​fire was raging, and the blazing white waves distorted the void. A crimson lotus platform quietly floated above the sea of ​​fire, with lotus petals blooming, and a figure sitting cross-legged in it.

That's Dorian.

But now it seems that there is no vitality, only a body is left, sitting quietly in it.

When Chen Xi arrived here and looked at all the familiar things, he couldn't help thinking in his heart that when Xie Lian left, he didn't know where to take revenge, but now... is it successful or not?

Thinking of Daolian, Chen Xi thought of everything he had learned from Daolian back then, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The Chaos Divine Lotus was plotted by the powerful beings of the heavens, and died at the last step of reaching the acme of the Daolian. This karma is really too vast...

Even Chen Xi suspected that relying solely on the power of the evil lotus, if he wanted to take revenge on the enemies of the Chaos God Lotus back then, it would be no different from striking a stone with an egg, and the chances of success were too slim.

After silently staring at the crimson lotus platform in the sea of ​​flames for a long time, Chen Xi then withdrew his gaze, searched for a secluded place, and began to count the things he got along the way.

Soon, pieces of Chaos Mother Crystals, and pieces of weapons refined from Chaos Mother Crystals were arranged in front of Chen Xi one by one.

Chaos mother crystals cost 12 yuan in total, the big ones are the size of a fist, and the small ones are only as thick as a thumb.

There are four weapons refined from the Chaos Mother Crystal, namely a sword, a giant axe, a string of beads and a trident.


A black shadow flew out, lingering in mid-air, and said: "Three of the four weapons made from the mother crystal of chaos will be enough for me."

Chen Xi was stunned, not because Xiao Ding opened his mouth so loudly, but because...he suddenly discovered that Xiao Ding's appearance had changed!

The chubby tripod's body is as round as a pinball, without the sharp edges and corners before, but with a naive look that makes people feel like poking its belly with a finger.

"Senior, you..." Chen Xi said in a daze.

Xiao Ding froze, stuck in mid-air, silent for a long time, before saying: "Well, I ate too much in Dayan Pagoda last time, I couldn't digest it, and I will recover soon."

Having said that, there was a trace of embarrassment in his voice, as if Chen Xi had inadvertently discovered the change in himself, and felt a little embarrassing.

I actually ate too much...

A weird smile couldn't be suppressed on Chen Xi's lips, and it took him a while to hold back the laugh, and he was afraid of offending Xiao Ding, so he asked cautiously, "Senior, are you still digesting these Chaos Mother Crystals?" Do you have to move?"

"Of course..." Xiao Ding answered casually, and immediately realized something was wrong. Ding turned around, faced Chen Xi, and said, "Are you laughing at me?"

Chen Xi quickly shook his head: "No, I'm just a little worried about your body."

"Okay, I owe you a condition."

As Xiao Ding said, he released a ray of divine brilliance, swept away the three weapons refined from the Chaos Mother Crystal on the ground, and then suddenly turned into a flowing rainbow, and hurriedly disappeared on Chen Xi's body.

Seeing this, Chen Xi silently spread a smile from his lips. He suddenly discovered that Xiao Ding could be so cute...

Next, he collected all the Chaos Mother Crystals on the ground, then stood up, took a deep look at Dao Lian on the Fire Sea Lotus Platform, and then turned and left.

This is the end of the trip to the sword cave.

After nearly a year of practical training, Chen Xi has roughly understood the extent of his own strength, and the next thing to do is to retreat again and improve the quality of the sword talisman.


Time flies and goes by.

Before they knew it, more than twenty years had passed since Chen Xi returned from the sword cave.

And the time to bet with Bing Shitian is less than two years left.

During this period, Chen Xi had been retreating in the Star World, so that no one knew about him, let alone how far his strength had reached in these years.

On this day, the sky was clear blue and cloudless.

The head teacher, Wen Huating, floated to Xihua Peak, and the senior brother Huo Mole rushed out to welcome him.

"Chen Xi is still retreating?" Wen Huating asked directly.

"Headmaster Qi, the younger brother has indeed been retreating all the time, and he hasn't taken a step in these years." Huo Mole said respectfully.

Wen Huating thought for a long time, and said: "When he leaves the customs, you tell him to rush to Tianyan Daozong after he leaves the customs, and the elder Lie Peng in the gate will meet him there."

"The disciple understands."

Huo Mo Le replied, and then couldn't help but asked: "Uncle Zhang Teacher, are Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi really going to get married?"

Wen Huating frowned and sighed: "According to the information I have obtained so far, as long as those who receive invitations, most of the leaders of the major forces in the entire Xuanhuan Region have already rushed to Tianyan Daozong, this matter should not be false. .”

After that, he shook his head and turned to leave.

"Uncle Master, aren't you going to Tianyan Daozong?"

In the distance, Huo Mole's voice came, and Wen Huating couldn't help but waved his hand in silence, "His Bing Shitian's face isn't big enough to invite me."

"Then you don't worry about your junior being bullied when you go to Tianyan Dao Sect?" Huo Mole asked himself.

This time, Wen Huating fell silent, stopped in the void for a long time, and then replied: "If Chen Xi needs it, not only me, but all the other elders can give everything!"

Hearing this, Huo Mole couldn't help clenching his fists secretly, and said loudly: "Don't worry, master master, for the sake of my junior brother, I, Xihuafeng, can also pay any price!"

Wen Huating burst out laughing, and his figure gradually disappeared into the sky.

"You underestimate Chen Xi too much, so he won't implicate us because of this matter."

At this moment, Ling Bai got out from the side, jumped onto Huo Mole's shoulder, and said, "I know him too well, and I can even judge that when he leaves the customs, he will definitely go alone, there is no need for him at all." will let us follow."

Huo Mole was startled, and said, "Why?"

Ling Bai shrugged and sighed: "Because he regards your life as more important than his own, so there is only one way to help him."

"What?" Huo Mo Le cheered up and asked.

"Let's go to Tianyan Daozong secretly now, so that when he leaves the customs, he will not be able to stop us." Ling Bai said with a smile.

"you sure?"

"Of course," Ling Bai replied casually, and his face froze immediately, only then did he realize that it was not Huo Mole who asked the question, but someone else.

And that person... is Chen Xi who has been in seclusion for more than twenty years!


ps: At 3:[-] in the morning, I finally finished this chapter. Well, the pavement has been laid, and we will get to the point tomorrow!I originally planned to take a day off for Children's Day to recover, but I'll forget it. Asking for leave on the first day of the month is a bit too bad...

In addition, call for a guaranteed monthly pass!Monthly tickets are most needed at the beginning of the month and at the end of the month. Everyone’s monthly tickets have been refreshed. Let’s give it to my big friend as a gift for Children’s Day!

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