divine talisman

Chapter 922 Red Dust Refining Heart [Part 1]


There were circles of ripples in the void, and Chen Xi's figure had already disappeared on Xihua Peak.

"Little brother is gone?"


"Although I knew he would do this, the feeling of being left behind still annoys me."

"There's nothing you can do to get annoyed, Ling Bai, the master has made it clear that if we want us to practice hard, he will be safe and secure only if we are all safe and secure."

"Hey, I know, we fought all the way from the Great Chu Dynasty to the Xuanhuan Region. Isn't he like this? I'm just a little upset. Next time he dares to do this, I must fight him hard!"

"The key is can you beat the master?"

"This... Mu Kui! Believe it or not, I'll beat you up right now?"

"Stop arguing, I'm hungry."

On the top of Xihua Peak, big brother Huo Mole and others, Ling Bai, Mu Kui, yellow-haired bear Aman, Bai Kui, and Shen Yan all stared blankly at the place where Chen Xi left, with complicated expressions on their faces.

"I went to cook."

Suddenly, Shang said, after finishing speaking, he turned and left with a stern and stern posture, not as if he was going to cook, but as if he was rushing to the battlefield.

Seeing this, everyone felt a little weird.

When Chen Xi left, he had asked Shang to take good care of everyone, but everyone didn't take it seriously, but they didn't expect that Shang would actually start to perform his duties.

But after being disturbed like this, everyone's dissatisfaction with Chen Xi faded a lot.

On the bank of the Sword Washing Pool, in that quiet courtyard.

This is Chen Xi's subterranean cultivation residence. After Chen Xi left, there should have been no one to treat him, but now, a tall figure wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe suddenly appeared.

It was Chen Xi's second clone.

"It seems that there is no need for me to show up, and they will not leave Xihuafeng..." Mumbling to themselves, the second clone disappeared again.


Under the clear sky, there is a treasure ship crushing the clouds and speeding at top speed.

"You left both the second clone and the Xingchen cave, because you are worried that this trip may be bad or bad?" Xiao Ding asked suddenly.

"If the bet fails, I will have to kill myself."

On the bow deck of the ship, Chen Xi lay there lazily with his arms around his head, and casually replied, "If you do this, you can count it as leaving a way out for yourself."

"Then you are worried that your woman will marry Bing Shitian?" Xiao Ding continued to ask.

"I've never distrusted Xiuyi, it's just that I didn't trust Bing Shitian. He will definitely use all means to achieve his goal. I can't trust him." Chen Xi replied calmly.

Xiao Ding didn't say any more.

Chen Xi asked curiously, "Senior, what level is your current strength roughly equivalent to?"

"At least it can save your life."

Xiao Ding's answer was very vague, but Chen Xi was already very satisfied.

Three months later.

The treasure ship slowly stopped outside Qiuyang City.


Qiuyang City is an ancient city, its history can be traced back to the ancient times, and it was built almost at the same time as Tianyan Daozong.

On the bank of this ancient city is the Tianyan Taoist Sect, one of the world-famous ten immortal sects of immortality.

Qiuyang City is very prosperous, with straight streets extending in all directions, with numerous pavilions and pavilions, and there are millions of monks who live here for a long time. It is densely populated and extremely prosperous.

Nowadays, Tianyan Daozong seems to be the leading sect among the top ten immortal sects, with great power, and Qiuyang City, which is adjacent to Tianyan Daozong, is also famous all over the world, and has become a place of pilgrimage in the minds of many cultivators. Practice pure land.

When Chen Xi put away the treasure boat and entered Qiuyang City, his first feeling was that there were many people. Looking around, they were all filled with dark heads, and the stream was endless, with bursts of hustle and bustle rushing towards him, making it extremely lively.

"Haha, Brother Yun, I didn't expect you to come too."

"Hey, how could I miss such a grand event? I think that Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi were famous thousands of years ago, and now the two are going to become Taoist couples. If I miss this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"It's true. I heard that not only the great figures of the ten great immortal sects gathered together for this event, but also distinguished guests from the mysterious unknowable land and the Holy Land of Ascension."

"That's right, it's also because of this that I came here a year earlier, but I didn't expect that there are so many comrades who have the same thoughts as me and came to the door early."

"Actually, it's the same sooner or later. Without an invitation written by Lord Bing Shitian himself, no one is eligible to go to the Tianyan Dao Sect to observe that grand ceremony. Do you know that in the black market nowadays, an invitation It has been fired to a thousand fairy stones!"

"Hey! No way?"

"Why not, at this price, there are still many people who want to buy it but can't buy it."

With his hands behind his back, Chen Xi walked among the bustling crowd, listening to the topics everyone was discussing, his expression was calm and calm.

three days later.

In a restaurant in Qiuyang City.

Chen Xi sat near the window, drinking wine and tea, with a leisurely demeanor.

In the past three days, he has roughly understood that in about a year, Tian Yan Dao Sect will hold a grand ceremony for Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi to form a Taoist couple.

At that time, only those who hold the invitation card will be eligible to enter the Tianyan Dao Sect and watch the ceremony in person, and those who can have the invitation card are all famous people. There is no right to participate in this grand event.

But even so, it still attracted many cultivators from all directions to come here one after another. Although they could not participate in it, none of these cultivators wanted to miss this grand event.

"Hey, have you heard that Qing Xiuyi gave birth to a son for Chen Xi of the Jiuhua Sword Sect! I have a premonition that this event might be unusual."

Suddenly, a cultivator in the restaurant lowered his voice and said something mysteriously.

"You just know, most of the cultivators who came to Qiuyang City this time already know about it." The other person snorted disapprovingly, as if he was familiar with the affairs of the world.

"Oh? Then do you know that Chen Xi made a bet with Bing Shitian back then?" The person who spoke earlier said dissatisfied.

"What bet?" The man asked, startled.

"Yeah, what's the bet?" Others also asked eagerly, curious.

Only then did the person who spoke before give a mysterious smile, coughed a few times pretending to be dry, and said: "The bet between the two is very simple, if Qing Xiuyi marries Bing Shitian, then Chen Xi will abolish his cultivation and kill himself. And if Bing Shitian loses, then he will degrade himself into a mortal and let Chen Xi live and die!"


"This is real?"

"If that's the case, won't there be a winner in this grand event?"

"God! This is too shocking. One of them is an immortal descended from the upper world, and the other is a world-renowned arrogance. How could they swear such a heavy oath for a woman?"

Everyone seemed to have exploded, and there was an uproar, and they all couldn't believe it.

In the scene, only Chen Xi had a calm face.

Discussions like this now happen almost all the time in the streets and alleys of Qiuyang City. He has long been used to it, and he can't talk about any feelings. Disseminated by cultivators who arrived in Xuanhuan Domain.

Because this bet was made in the ancient battlefield back then, and there were many people who witnessed it at that time, so it is impossible to hide it from everyone.

Chen Xi even knew that those who arrived in Qiuyang City now were not so much to observe the Taoist couple ceremony held by Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi, but rather to witness who would win the bet between himself and Bing Shitian.

In other words, there are both reasons.

But Chen Xi didn't care anymore, the purpose of his coming here was just to take back Qing Xiuyi, and other things didn't affect his mind at all.

"Eh, that person seems to be Chen Xi. When I was in Liyang City, I once took a look at him from a distance..." At this moment, a voice of surprise sounded, and immediately, Chen Xi felt a gaze fall on him.

"What! Chen Xi?"

"where is it?"

"He actually came early?"

In an instant, the audience was in an uproar, but when everyone looked at Chen Xi's position, they found that the building was already empty.

On this day, the news of Chen Xi's appearance was spread wildly throughout Qiuyang City, which caused a sensation in the whole city.

It's a pity that when the cultivators in the city wanted to find the trace of Chen Xi, they couldn't find it at all. It was like a sudden glimpse, and there was no more news.

one year later.

Tianyan Daozong opened the mountain gate and began to welcome distinguished guests.

All of a sudden, the entire Qiuyang City was completely boiling. Unfortunately, most of them had no invitations, and they could only linger in Qiuyang City, waiting for news from the Tianyan Dao Sect.

And those big shots who have invitations have already arrived in Tianyan Daozong one after another during this year.

In a secluded courtyard.

A young man pushed open the door of the small courtyard, looked up at the sky, and walked into the bustling street.

He has a stern figure and a calm expression, wearing a green shirt, like a scholar traveling abroad, with a quiet and indifferent demeanor, without any imposing manner, so naturally he will not attract people's attention.

In other words, other people didn't notice his existence at all, because his pace seemed to be unhurried, but it was like teleporting, and no one could lock his trace.

This person is naturally Chen Xi.

During this year, he didn't cultivate, but lived quietly in Qiuyang City, like an ordinary person, he only did two things every day-going shopping in the morning, and going to sleep when he returned home at dusk.

The turbid waves of the world of mortals wash the heart of the Tao, and the heart is clean, and everything is peaceful.

"The Tianyan Mountains are indeed worthy of being a treasured land of immortals."

A while later, Chen Xi stood in front of a vast group of mountains and looked from afar. He saw that the mountain was like a tiger, with the green sky and celestial scorpion coiled above it, the white crane flying gracefully, and the spiritual veins winding below, swallowing the rosy clouds. It was majestic and majestic. .

And in the depths of the mountains, a series of powerful and unparalleled auras rushed straight into the sky, evolving into various breathtaking auras, covering the world.

Chen Xi knew that that was where the sect of the Tianyan Dao Sect was located.

Without hesitation, he walked away.

There was no solemnity, indignation, or determination in his expression, nor was there any expression of laughter, joy, or wildness. What was there was just a kind of calmness, a calmness from the inside out.

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