divine talisman

Chapter 923 Mountain Gate Encountered Block [Part 2]

Tianyan Daozong, Taiwu Hall.

The main hall is spacious, with carved beams and painted columns, thousands of feet of sapphire stone pillars stand upright on the top, and octagonal glazed palace lanterns hang on the four walls, illuminating the entire main hall brightly.

This hall is the place where Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi hold the grand ceremony of becoming Taoist couples.

At this time, the main hall was full of people, and there were many figures sitting in the hall.

Most of them come from the top ten immortal sects, unknowable lands, and Ascension Holy Lands. Although some of them are not from famous sects, they are all famous giants and overlords in the world.

Jiang Shenghai, the elder of Yuxin Jianzhai, Fu Yunzi, the master of the Red Flame Hall of Baozhen Temple, and Hua Wenxuan, the third elder of Motian Pavilion... are all well-known figures in the cultivation world.

In short, there is absolutely no ordinary person who can have a place in the Taiwu Great Hall.

At this time, Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi hadn't appeared yet, and the ceremony was still in the preparation stage, and the curtain would be solemnly kicked off only after sunrise.

Lu Beiyu, the head teacher of Tianyan Taoist Sect, looked at this scene with a smile, and chatted with everyone present from time to time, letting out hearty laughter, which seemed quite lively.

"Teacher, your explanation has been ordered, do you have any other instructions?"

At this time, a disciple came to Lu Beiyu's side without a trace, and whispered.

"Well, you go down."

Lu Beiyu waved his hand, feeling much more relaxed.

He raised his eyes and glanced at a certain position in the seats, then retracted his gaze, and secretly said: "The old Lie Peng is probably still waiting for Chen Xi to arrive, but unfortunately, before the ceremony is over, he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to see that little boy." dude..."

Lie Peng was drinking on his own, when he suddenly noticed something, looked up in Lu Beiyu's direction, and saw that the other party was chatting with other people, he couldn't help shaking his head, feeling that he was a little too sensitive.

"Hey, why hasn't this little fellow Chen Xi come here yet? Did something unexpected happen?"

Lie Peng frowned, a trace of worry welling up in his heart.

He arrived at Tianyan Dao Sect earlier than Chen Xi, but until now, Chen Xi hadn't contacted him. Seeing that Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi were about to become a Taoist couple, how could Lie Peng not be anxious?

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Lie Peng, why didn't Chen Xi from your faction come today?"

At this time, a surprised voice suddenly came from the side, and Lie Peng didn't need to look up to know that the other party was Jiang Shenghai, the great elder of Yuxin Jianzhai.

"It came when it was time."

Lie Peng replied indifferently, and then pretended to be surprised and said, "Jiang Daoyou, I didn't expect you to miss my disciples of the Jiuhua Sword Sect so much. Do I have to thank you for Chen Xi?"

Of course he knew that when Chen Xi was in the Cangwu Secret Realm, he had killed many disciples of Yuxin Jianzhai, and that Jiang Shenghai, the great elder of Yuxin Jianzhai, must have had bad intentions when he suddenly spoke at this time.

Jiang Shenghai was dressed in a plain white brocade robe, with three long beards under his chin, and he looked like a fairy. Hearing this, he couldn't help chuckling and said, "Thank you, I don't care. I just heard that the little guy had a fight with Lord Bing Shitian. It's a bet, today is the time to decide the outcome, so I can't help but be a little curious, could it be that he felt that he would lose, so Wuyan came here?"

Lie Peng frowned, and said lightly: "That's between him and Bing Shitian, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Fellow Daoist Jiang, right?"

Jiang Shenghai burst out laughing loudly, and said, "Fellow Daoist Lie Peng, you are offended by what you said. Who in the entire Xuanhuan Realm doesn't know Chen Xi of the Nine Flowers Sword Sect? Such an arrogance-like figure makes an old man like me I can't help feeling pity for talent."

After a pause, he suddenly sighed again: "It's just a pity, he can't offend anyone, but offend Lord Bing Shitian, and even made a bet with him. To put it bluntly, this little guy is a bit too arrogant. Now that you lift a rock to shoot yourself in the foot, who can you blame?"

Lie Peng's face suddenly darkened.

However, Jiang Shenghai seemed to be unaware, and said to himself: "Oh, it's just a pity for a peerless boy. Today, after Master Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi become Taoist couples, he is afraid that he will exchange the bet and commit suicide gone."

At this time, everyone in the main hall also noticed the abnormality here, and had already stopped talking, so Jiang Shenghai's words almost echoed clearly in everyone's ears.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the hall became a little dull.

These big figures from all directions have lived for countless years, so how could they not be aware of the grievances and resentments between Chen Xi and Bing Shitian?

It is precisely because they are aware of all this that they are unwilling to talk about it more. After all, this is the Tianyan Dao Sect's territory, and today is the day when Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi become Taoist couples. If they talk about this matter again , that would be too disappointing.

In particular, there is also the elder Lie Peng of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. Although the power of the Jiuhua Sword Sect is declining, it is still one of the top ten immortal sects, and no one is willing to offend the other party because of this.

That's why everyone's reaction was so strange when they saw Jiang Shenghai talking about this without shyness.

Lie Peng's face was already ashen, and he stared at Jiang Shenghai coldly, his eyes were ready to kill.

Jiang Shenghai chuckled and didn't care.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the main hall, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, and the sound of bells and chimes resounding like the sound of heaven.

The attention of everyone in the hall was immediately attracted.

I saw Yuzhen in a gorgeous palace attire, with her temples in a bun, walking in front with a dignified demeanor, and followed by Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi respectively.

Today's Bing Shitian looks extraordinarily solemn, wearing a crown of stars and feathers on his head, a robe with deep purple cloud patterns, a gilt belt inlaid with jade around his waist, and pine clouds on his feet, his eyes are like stars, his lips are red and his teeth are white. A dignified and calm demeanor.

But Qing Xiuyi next to him is destined to be even more dazzling.

She has black hair in a bun, revealing a beautiful and beautiful white face. She has a slender neck, red lips like petals, and a slender waist. She is wearing a fiery red dress with winding tassels. The whole person seems to walk from the painting, and the extreme beauty gives people an unparalleled shock.

so perfect!

Like an exiled immortal descending to earth, not eating the fireworks of the world, all the people present are big figures who have accomplished Taoism. As soon as they saw this scene, they couldn't help but be amazed.

Bing Shitian and her walked side by side, like a couple of gods and gods, making the whole hall pale in comparison.

Among those present, only Lie Peng was in no mood to appreciate this scene, and the anxiety in his heart increased instead of diminishing, "The ceremony is about to begin, where is Chen Xi?"


At the foot of Tianyan Daozong Mountain.

A group of cultivators were blocked outside the mountain gate.

"Comrades, I'm sorry, but the ceremony has already begun, so everyone should go back. For safety's sake, from now on, my Tianyan Dao Sect will be under full martial law, and no one is allowed to step in."

A disciple of Tianyan Daozong stood in front of the mountain gate and said proudly.

The group of cultivators actually came to join in the fun, because they didn't have any invitation cards in their hands. Hearing the words, they muttered a word and dispersed one after another.

However, they did not leave, but stood guard outside the mountain gate, as if they wanted to wait here, as if they were the first to inquire about the news that happened in the Great Martial Hall.

Regarding this, the Tianyan Taoist disciple who guarded the mountain gate had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

"Go and tell Bing Shitian that I, Chen Xi, have come to fulfill the bet."

At this moment, Chen Xi's tall figure suddenly came to the mountain gate, looked at the disciple of Yan Dao Sect that day, and said calmly.

Before, he had observed that the entire Tianyan Dao Sect was heavily restricted and defended. If he wanted to enter, he might have to force his way in. However, he came here to fulfill his bet and take back Qing Xiuyi, so there was no need to go. break through.

"What? You are Chen Xi?"

The disciple was startled, stared at Chen Xi for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, wait a moment, I'll report it right away." After finishing speaking, he had already entered the mountain gate.

"Chen Xi!"

"He is Chen Xi! God, he really came!"

"Haha, this is a good show to watch."

Seeing this scene, the cultivators nearby who hadn't left were all refreshed. They looked at Chen Xi with curiosity, reverence and fear, and they didn't even dare to speak loudly.

They are all very clear, and now the entire Xuanhuan Territory is aware that Chen Xi is likely to be an Earth Immortal powerhouse at the peak king level, and they cannot help but be in awe of him.

For all of this, Chen Xi seemed unaware, with a calm expression, waiting silently.

After a moment.

He suddenly frowned, waved his sleeve robe, and there was a bang, and the restrictions around the mountain gate were easily broken like paper paste.

"No, that guy came in!"

"Quick, go and report to the elder!"

Behind the mountain gate, a group of Tianyan Taoist disciples were all terrified and screamed.

Chen Xi reached out and grabbed one of them in front of him, and calmly asked, "Didn't you go to report the news, why are you hiding behind the mountain gate?"

This person was the Tianyan Dao Sect disciple who was talking to Chen Xi just now. At this moment, Chen Xi grabbed his throat, and he was so frightened that his face turned pale and he was speechless.

"I understand, your Tianyan Dao Sect doesn't welcome someone from Chen, right?" Chen Xi frowned, and said to himself, "If that's the case, then don't blame me for barging into the mountain gate."

The voice was calm and calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

The next moment, Chen Xi had strode towards the mountain gate of Tianyan Dao Sect.

"Presumptuous! This is Tianyan Daozong, not a place for you to run wild!"

"Hurry up, stop him, the elders have already ordered him not to let him break into the sect!"


As soon as Chen Xi stepped into the gate of the Tianyan Dao Sect, he saw a group of cultivators suddenly rushing from all directions, like a tide, shouting and killing him.

"Sure enough, it seems that they not only don't welcome me, but also seem to be afraid that I will ruin the ceremony..."

Seeing this, Chen Xi completely understood everything, and a cold murderous intent suddenly flashed in his clear and peaceful eyes.

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