divine talisman

Chapter 924 Breaking through 8 layers in a row [Part 1]

The scorching sun is like burning, and the clouds are red like burning.

In front of the Tianyan Taoist Sect's mountain gate, Chen Xi's majestic figure was striding forward, his long hair fluttering, his green shirt fluttering around, and his calm and abyss-like demeanor contained a terrifying and supreme power.

"It's about to start a war!" Someone whispered outside the mountain gate, clenching their fists excitedly.

"Before the bet is decided, are you going to enter the Tianyan Dao Sect?" People were shocked, and their eyes were fixed on the inside of the mountain gate, lest they miss any details.

"Stop him!"

"Quick! Let's go together!"

Inside the mountain gate, disciples of Tianyan Dao Sect swarmed from all directions like a tide, as if they had already ambushed all around. As soon as Chen Xifu appeared, he charged over.

The magic weapon roars!

Taoism is pouring out!

In an instant, the entire front of the mountain gate was filled with blazing and terrifying fluctuations, disturbing yin and yang, crushing the void, and the momentum was terrifying to the extreme.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't seem to notice it, and walked up with his hands behind his back, calmly and calmly, like strolling in a garden, without showing any intention of making a move at all.

However, every time he took a step, the oncoming magic weapons, Taoism, and supernatural powers flew back as if they were controlled by an invisible force field.

Puff puff!

There was a dull sound of damage, blood rained like a waterfall, and broken limbs flew across. In just a moment, the group of Tianyan Dao Sect disciples who rushed forward were swept away.

The shrill screams began to resound.

Angry screams shook the sky.

Inside the mountain gate of Tianyan Taoist Sect, it was like turning into a bloody purgatory. Group after group of disciples fought bravely, and then died on the spot when they were caught off guard, bleeding and drifting, blood staining the ground.

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi never took a look at the surroundings. He still stepped forward with his hands on his back. The blue shirt was brand new, not stained with a trace of blood.

It's just that where he walked, he left behind a lot of bloody, mountain-like corpses!

This is a very shocking picture.

The bloody, killing, angry roars, dying screams, and the tragic scenes like purgatory seemed to have nothing to do with Chen Xi.

He walked in the bloody wind, screamed and roared, his expression was peaceful, his whole body was clean, tidy, floating in the dust, not stained with a trace of dust or blood.


Outside the mountain gate, the cultivators who vaguely saw this horrific scene couldn't help gasping for air, feeling chills all over their bodies, as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

Rumor has it that in ancient times, a great Buddha made a great wish to save the entire nether purgatory, so he walked in purgatory barefoot and sackclothed, climbed the mountain of corpses, and crossed the sea of ​​blood. Purgatory is like nothing, and no foreign matter touches the body.

And how similar is this scene in front of him to everything in the rumors?


A piece of golden light rained down, roaring like a tide, and the sky was full of golden energy transpiring, bringing with it a mountain-like might that enveloped Chen Xi below.

There is a strong shot!

Regarding this, Chen Xi still seemed to be unaware of it. He stepped forward, and with a bang, the sky was shattered by golden light rain, reeling and collapsing, unable to stop his steps.

"Rampant and unscrupulous, just committing crimes, don't stop!" A loud shout came, and a middle-aged man in gray robes appeared, and he was the one who blocked it before.

Chen Xi looked calm, and now that the ceremony was about to be held, this person obstructed it arbitrarily, and his heart was damning, obviously he didn't want to let himself enter the Great Martial Hall at this critical moment.


There are only a few words, but it is like the sound of judgment from the sky, revealing endless killing intent. Although Chen Xi's figure is thin and calm, he has a sense of oppression that controls the world and deters the world.

"Little friend, calm down. Today's grand meeting is grand and solemn, and the world is celebrating. My little friend has such a murderous heart. Why don't you just wait here and wait until the killing intent is exhausted, and it will not be too late to go up the mountain."

While speaking, the gray-robed middle-aged man suddenly sacrificed a bronze-colored Taoist bell, which burst into immeasurable golden light, blocking Chen Xi like a huge mountain across.

"For your own selfishness, let the disciples in the sect die innocently. Such actions are also qualified to talk about the word murder?"

When he was speaking, Chen Xi already had his fingers crossed like a sword, and he slashed away without wasting any time at all.


A vast and brilliant sword energy rises into the sky, the divine brilliance flows, and the sharpness is overwhelming. Among them, there are faint patterns of runes flashing, interweaving into the sun, moon and galaxy, the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth.


The grey-robed middle-aged man's face changed. He is the elder of the inner sect of Tianyan Dao Sect. He has the cultivation base of the eighth level of the earth immortal, and his strength is far superior to his peers. If not for this, he would not be sent to guard the mountain gate today.

Originally, he thought that no matter how fast Chen Xi advanced over the years, he could easily keep him for a period of time if he wanted to.

But now, the sword qi from the opponent's understatement made him feel a destructive force that reached his soul, which almost made his Dao Heart unbalanced.

Almost subconsciously, he mobilized the immortal energy in his whole body and poured it into the bronze Taoist bell. Immediately, a stormy wave-like wave spread out from the Taoist bell. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed, and the mountains and rocks were smashed to powder, with immeasurable power.


The sword chant shocked the sky, and Chen Xi's sword energy immediately cut through a wave, and it was as powerful as destructive, and it even exceeded the prediction of the gray-robed middle-aged man. Before he had time to react, the sword energy had already slashed on the bronze bell. superior.

With a bang, the bell trembled violently and quickly dimmed.

The gray-robed middle-aged man suffered a backlash, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and his body was already crumbling.

"If you can block my blow, you must be a big figure in the Tianyan Dao Sect. It's a pity that you help the tyrant, and the path of this life can only stop here."

In the indifferent and calm voice, Chen Xi never looked at the gray-robed middle-aged man again, and stepped forward.

He knew very well how powerful his blow was. The vitality of the gray-robed middle-aged man had been shattered, and he was on the verge of exhaustion, and he would die in a moment.

"Niezi! Do you think it's still too late? After me, there are still eighteen heavenly barriers in front of me. Don't mention you, a little earth fairy, even if the gods come, you will be trapped to death!"

The middle-aged man in the gray robe fell to the ground with a thud, and said through gritted teeth: "When the ceremony between Master Bing Shitian and Senior Sister Qing is over, it will be the time of your death!"

Chen Xi raised his eyes, looked up at the mountains in the distance, and found that there were one after another obscure and terrifying restrictions straddling the sky and the earth.

"It seems that Bing Shitian is really worried that I will go to disrupt the situation? Sure enough, he is still as shameless as before..." Chen Xi sighed softly.


All of a sudden, an invisible terrifying force emanated from Chen Xi's body. The celestial aura roared, Taoist voices sang, and wisps of divine light evolved into talisman patterns, divine rainbows, and divine talismans that lingered around his body.

At this moment, Chen Xi didn't hide his strength any more, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a Fuzhong Emperor overlooking the world, swallowing mountains and rivers with arrogance, between the opening and closing of his eyes, the world turned pale!

"Take a good look, whether this restriction between heaven and earth can stop me, Mr. Chen!"

As soon as the voice sounded, Chen Xi's whole body glowed, sword energy flowed from every inch of his skin, like a blazing sun, he rose from the ground and charged straight into the restriction.


One after another sword energy rose across the sky, like a rain of hundreds of millions of swords, each sword rain was engulfed in devouring runes, like a group of sharks smelling blood, with a bang, they charged into the first level of restriction.

bang bang bang...

The ban was shattered inch by inch, turning into fragments of light and rain all over the sky. An elder of the Tianyan Dao Sect who was hiding behind, was directly pulverized by the infinite sword energy before he could dodge in the future, and was completely annihilated between the heaven and the earth.


The rain of hundreds of millions of swords slammed into each other, completely devouring the forbidden power that shattered into light rain, and turned it into a complete devouring talisman. It was deep and dark, like a black hole emerging from the universe, and flew back to Chen. On Xi's palm.

This... how is this possible!

The gray-robed middle-aged man witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and he still couldn't believe that Chen Xi broke the first heavenly ban so easily!

Immediately, he died unwillingly.

He had already been cut off by Chen Xi's sword qi before, but now his mind was shaken and his emotions fluctuated, and it was about to kill him immediately, and he completely disappeared.

Next, without any further delay, Chen Xi jumped forward, as if he had transformed into a sea of ​​runes, and rushed towards the heavy restrictions.

Restrictions are formations, and formations are composed of runes. For Chen Xi, who has already turned rotten talismans into magic, all the restrictions in this human world are indeed like nothing.

Even if it is a fairy ban, he can easily break it. The reason is very simple. Don't forget that he also possesses a supreme magical power that is enough to rank in the top [-] on the golden list of magical powers in the three realms - the eye of divine truth!

Breaking through the vanity of the world and gaining insight into the essence of all things is the unique and supreme method of the Eye of Divine Truth.

Therefore, it is absolutely delusional for Tian Yan Dao Sect to rely on restrictions to block Chen Xi's progress.


Inside the gate of Tianyan Taoist Sect, one after another of terrifying restrictions were blasted and crushed, and hundreds of millions of fragments of light and rain burst out, spreading between the heaven and the earth.

If you look down from the sky, the entire Tianyan Daozong Mountain Gate is like a volcanic eruption. The surrounding void is torn apart with horrible fate cracks.

The elders, disciples, and even the elders who were in charge behind the restriction were caught in the destructive torrent and died on the spot before they could react.

This scene is too scary!

Even in Qiuyang City, which is thousands of miles away, one can clearly feel the terrifying aftermath rampaging between heaven and earth.

This horrified the people and shocked the entire city. Countless Dao Divine Senses and Immortal Thoughts glanced at Tian Yan Dao Sect one after another.

A thought involuntarily floated up in everyone's mind: What's going on?Could it be that Chen Xi has already started a war with Bing Shitian?

At this moment, a long howl suddenly shook the nine heavens and ten earths——

"Eighteen heavenly bans are nothing more than that! Bing Shitian, what else do you have, just use it!"

The sound was like the roar of a demon god, like the wrath of thunder, rumbling across mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, shaking the eardrums of all living beings in the world to the point of bursting, and their souls shaking violently.

All kinds of horror, all pale.


ps: Khan, I didn’t expect this month’s monthly ticket battle to be so brutal, I was terrified, brothers, please let us Fuhuang’s monthly ticket be a little more brutal... 11 o’clock in the second update.

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