divine talisman

Chapter 925 Entering the Great Hall [Part 2]

In the Great Hall of Taiwu.

The golden lotus blooms, paving the ground, swallowing the fine rays of light and rain, a thousand auras of auspiciousness, and a thousand rays of light, among which are the sounds of dragons and phoenixes, and the sound of Zen singing on the avenue, which is sacred and magnificent.

Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi stood facing each other in the center of the hall, between them was a basin of water, the name of the water was Wugou, it was the purest kind of divine water in the world, every drop was priceless, and priceless .

One can imagine how amazing the value of this pot of clean water is.

At this time, Yuzhen was standing behind the two of them, holding two jade fat rings, which were round in color and simple in shape, but strands of golden stars flowed faintly on them.

This pair of rings is called "Xianzhi Lingxi". It is taken from a pair of rhinoceros horns of Lingxi fairy beast. It is not seen in the human world at all. Even in the fairy world, it is also a rare treasure that cannot be found.

Yuzhen carefully soaked the pair of rings in clean water and washed them gently, with a solemn and serious expression.

It is rumored that after being washed with pure water, the rings of fairy fat and rhinoceros will be blessed by the gods if they are worn by the cultivators who become Taoist couples.

Not only can they be in love with each other, but also add a piece of luck in the way of heaven. In the future practice, even if the two are far apart, as long as one party has difficulties, the other party will perceive it, which is extremely miraculous.

The atmosphere in the hall was quiet, and the big figures from all sides all stared at the past with solemn expressions, as if they were witnessing an unprecedented grand Taoist couple ceremony that was about to be born.

Only Lie Peng's expression was so gloomy that he couldn't even hide it.

He knew very well that when this pair of rings were put on the hands of Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi, it would be difficult to stop this Taoist couple ceremony.

In other words, under the witness of these great figures, when the ceremony is over, whoever disagrees with this will be the enemy of everyone in the hall!

This is the reason why Bing Shitian invited the world's great figures to come here to watch the ceremony.

Similarly, it was precisely for this reason that Lu Beiyu made arrangements in advance to block Chen Xi from the mountain gate, in order to allow this ceremony to proceed smoothly to the end.

As for the bet between Chen Xi and Bing Shitian, after the ceremony is over, isn't the winner already decided?

This was Lu Beiyu's plan, of course, since he dared to do this, he couldn't do without Bing Shitian's instruction.

At this time, Yuzhen had finished washing the Xianzhi Lingxi ring, holding one in each hand, with a solemn and solemn expression.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions became solemn, and they fixed their eyes on this scene. They knew very well that the next step was to witness the most critical step of forming a Taoist couple.

Even though they lived for an unknown number of years, facing today's Taoist couple ceremony, all the big figures present still had unspeakable emotions in their hearts, including blessings, envy, and admiration.

In fact, more people couldn't help but have the same thought in their hearts. At this most solemn and crucial moment, why hasn't Chen Xi come yet?

Is it true that Jiang Shenghai, the great elder of Yuxin Jianzhai, said that he knew that he would lose the bet, so he came here with no face?

"Shitian, Xiuyi, put on this pair of rings, and you will become Taoist couples. In the future, on the road of cultivation, you should support each other, raise your eyebrows, and cherish..."

Yu Zhen opened his mouth, and his deep voice echoed in the hall, his words were full of blessings and solemn expressions.

Bing Shitian was refreshed, his eyes were like stars, and he glanced tenderly at Qing Xiuyi beside him, and before Yuzhen could finish speaking, he said directly: "Thank you for your kindness and Master Yuzhen's kindness, personally Witness all this for me and Xiuyi, in the days to come, I will treat her as myself, this heart can show the sky, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other."

However, Qing Xiuyi kept her mouth shut and her expression remained calm from beginning to end, as if she was an outsider who stayed out of the matter.

Bing Shitian didn't care about this.

Yu Zhen even thought that Qing Xiuyi would have reacted like this before, so she was not surprised, after hearing Bing Shitian's words, a smile floated on her lips, she nodded and said: "Hurry up and put it on."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and presented a pair of rings.

At this moment, even with Bing Shitian's heart, he couldn't help feeling a little excited, he took a deep breath, and was about to pick up a pair of rings for himself and Qing Xiuyi to wear.

"I object!"

At this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded, in this silent and sacred atmosphere, it was like a thunderbolt, which made everyone present startled.

Elder Lie Peng stood up with a long body, his beard flared up, his eyes were about to breathe fire, his eyes swept over everyone in the hall, and finally fell on Bing Shitian, saying: "Fellow Daoist Bing, the bet between you and Chen Xi has not yet been resolved." In the event of victory or defeat, it is too unfair to form a Taoist couple with Fellow Daoist Qing?"

Lu Beiyu and Yuzhen's expressions darkened, and they were about to speak, but were stopped by Bing Shitian.

His brows were slightly raised, and a strong murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes. He stared at Lie Peng for a long time, then couldn't help shaking his head, and said, "Don't you see that even Xiuyi didn't object? As for Chen Xi, hehe, When he arrives here, it will be the time for him to commit suicide and apologize!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand again to retrieve the pair of rings.

At this moment, a thunderous voice swept over from outside the hall—"Eighteen heavenly bans are nothing more than that! Bing Shitian, what else do you have, just use it!"

The sound shook the hall, destroying the golden flowers paved on the ground, and shattering the auspicious energy and Shen Xi.

When everyone heard the words, they all narrowed their eyes and showed a touch of surprise on their faces.

Of course they all knew that the only one who dared to call Bing Shitian by his name so directly was probably Chen Xi from the Jiuhua Sword Sect. What surprised them was not these things, but the meaning in Chen Xi's words.

Eighteen layers of heavenly ban?

No wonder Chen Xi couldn't come for a long time. It turned out that Tianyan Daozong had already prepared everything and deliberately blocked him from the mountain gate so that the ceremony could go on smoothly.

And Chen Xi was able to break through the eighteen heavenly prohibitions of the Tianyan Dao Sect, and his strength was so powerful that it also made everyone present shudder inwardly.

They may also be able to achieve this step, but they can't guarantee that they will be able to reach here in such a short period of time, even breaking through numerous terrorist restrictions.

With this in mind, everyone looked at Bing Shitian and Lu Beiyu with amusement.

Lie Peng didn't hide his anger and contempt even more, saying: "No wonder, no wonder, it turns out that someone made trouble for it, what a great handwriting!"

"Junior Brother Lu, go and see which lunatic dares to come to my Tianyan Daozong to play wild!"

Bing Shitian narrowed his eyes, and there was a murderous intent. The ceremony was interrupted twice in a row, which made him really angry, and he said indifferently: "Everyone, please be safe, don't be impatient, it's just a clown, it's not worth it." What a fuss."

As he spoke, he looked up at Yuzhen and said, "Master, let's continue the ceremony."

Lu Beiyu's face was livid, and after hearing the order, his figure flashed and rushed out of the hall.

Seeing this, everyone chose to stand on the sidelines, unwilling to intervene in this turmoil. Although Bing Shitian's words at this time seemed a bit too domineering, they were within their tolerable range.

"Despicable! Although this is in your Tianyan Taoist sect, I, Lie Peng, are not afraid. Since you dare to deal with my Jiuhua Sword Sect disciples so shamelessly, don't blame me for giving up this old life, and I will accompany you to the end! "

Only Lie Peng saw this, couldn't hold back anymore, jumped up, and was about to rush out of the hall.

"Fellow Daoist Lie Peng, please stay!"

That Yuzhen's figure flashed and stood in front of Lie Peng, with her phoenix eyes raised slightly, she said with a unique cold tone: "Today is a day of great joy, I don't want to see some unpleasant things happen. "

"What, you want to do something here?" Lie Peng's face was gloomy, his eyes were ready to kill.

"Do it?"

Yu Zhen smiled lightly, shook his head and said: "That's not the case, I just want Fellow Daoist Lie Peng to calm down his anger, and it won't be too late to solve other things after this ceremony is over."

At this time, Bing Shitian said indifferently from the side: "Uncle Yuzhen, you come back, he is just a guy who has been dazzled by anger, let him go if he wants to go, but if there is any accident, don't blame me for not reminding. "


Lie Peng took a sip, and strode away without any hesitation.


But before he got close to the door of the hall, there was a sudden loud noise, and immediately a black figure was thrown in, fell to the ground like a rolling gourd, coughing up blood again and again.

This sudden scene immediately shocked everyone in the hall, especially when they saw clearly the appearance of the man on the ground, each of them shrank their eyes, revealing a look of disbelief.

The man was covered in blood, his hair was disheveled, his cheeks were red and swollen, like a boiled pig's head, but upon closer inspection, he was indeed Lu Beiyu, the head teacher of Tianyan Taoist Sect!

If it weren't for the fact that everyone was quite familiar with him, they would almost not have recognized him. There was no way, his appearance was too miserable.

"Brother Lu!"

"Nephew Beiyu! How courageous! Who did this?"

Bing Shitian and Yuzhen both exclaimed, a little unbelievable, it's only been a few breaths, how could Lu Beiyu be beaten like this?

"Blocking my way, it is kindness not to kill him."

At this moment, a voice as calm as water suddenly sounded outside the hall. Accompanied by the sound, a tall figure bathed in clouds and sunshine entered the hall with steady steps.

He was wearing a green shirt, with a handsome face, with his hands behind his back, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, there was a kind of coercive power that he was in control of life and death.

It was Chen Xi!

The moment he stepped into the main hall, everyone's gazes were already on him. There were curiosity, admiration, and loathing in their gazes...the list goes on.

"You kid, you're finally here!" Lie Peng's eyes lit up, and he said something both excited and complaining.

Chen Xi completely ignored all the gazes from around him, just nodded lightly at Lie Peng, and said, "Master Uncle Lie Peng, just watch the ceremony quietly, and leave the other matters to me."

The voice is calm, but it has a breathtaking power.


ps: Don't rush me, these chapters are really too difficult to write, and I can't get up quickly if I want to,... Tomorrow 3 is better, right?

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