divine talisman

Chapter 926 Forgotten Drunken Immortal [Part 1]

The current Chen Xi is no longer comparable to what he was back then.

After 35 years of retreat in the Jiuhua Sword Sect (equivalent to 350 years in the Star World), he repeatedly crossed the eighth layer of calamity, achieved the cultivation base of the pinnacle king, and then entered the sword cave for sharpening.

Regardless of cultivation level or actual combat strength, they have all reached the highest level in the fairyland.

And after returning from the sword cave, he even retreated to the world of stars, spent 300 years of work, sacrificed sword weapons, meditated and meditated, and sat down to reflect the truth. , reaching unprecedented heights.

Now, as soon as he stepped into the hall, although he has a quiet demeanor, he has a power that cannot be underestimated, so that no one in the room dare to treat him as a junior.

Coupled with the incomparably miserable appearance of Lu Beiyu, the head teacher of the Yan Dao Sect, Chen Xi's image became more and more unfathomable in the eyes of everyone.

Like this Lu Beiyu, one of the top ten sects is the supreme leader of the sect, with great power and power that shakes the entire Xuanhuan domain, but now he is beaten so hard that people can hardly recognize his appearance. It is conceivable that Chen Xi's strength has reached What a height.

It's even unbelievable.

In the scene, perhaps only Lie Peng was aware of all this, because as early as when Chen Xi had passed through the eighth level of Ziwei Thunder Tribulation, he had knocked back the head teacher of the Nine Blossom Sword Sect, Wen Huating.

And at that time, Chen Xi hadn't entered the sword cave to sharpen his cultivation, so he could completely imagine Lu Beiyu being beaten like this.

The atmosphere in the hall was completely silent, and Chen Xi's voice was still vibrating in the air.

"Leave everything to you? What a big tone!"

At this time, Na Yuzhen had already woken up from the shock just now, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, as sharp as knives, and fell coldly on Chen Xi.

But Chen Xi seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, he didn't even pay attention to this woman from the beginning to the end, he just stared at Qing Xiuyi who was wearing a flaming palace attire, feeling an indescribable emotion in his heart.



Or both?

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, so he could only remain silent.

The hall is so huge, but in his eyes, she is the only one left.

That attitude of ignoring everything angered Yuzhen again, causing her to narrow her phoenix eyes even more, and she said sharply: "Junior, no matter who you are or why you came here, you are just trying to barge into my Tianyan Dao According to this one, I have enough reasons to kill you on the spot!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, turned his eyes away from Qing Xiuyi, still ignored Yu Zhen who was sternly yelling at him, but turned his eyes to Bing Shitian.

Seeing him wearing a crown of stars and feathers on his head, wearing a deep purple cloud-patterned robe, his eyes shining like stars, full of gods and handsomeness, standing opposite Qing Xiuyi, like a pair of Biren, a slight emotion arose in his heart for no reason.

Especially when he saw the pair of fairy rings in Bing Shitian's hands, the slightly astringent emotion in his heart suddenly turned into an indescribable anger, wishing to tear everything up and destroy it!

If I come one step later, is everything irreparable?

Chen Xi looked at Bing Shitian, then at Qing Xiuyi, the turbulent emotions in his heart finally turned into a piece of calm.

In his life, the word "if" is destined not to exist.

So what if it's late?

As long as she doesn't follow her, she will not hesitate to kill a bloody road!

"What a little thing who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth! I am so arrogant in my Tianyan Taoist Sect, since I am looking for death, I can't blame anyone!"

That Yuzhen was completely enraged by Chen Xi's ignoring attitude, and suddenly gave a sharp rebuke, and was about to go forward and behead Chen Xi, crushing him to ashes, and he didn't want to look at him again.

"My wife, you are enough!"

Lie Peng stood up as soon as he took the copy, and shouted angrily, "The majestic Tianyan Taoist sect has set up a large formation to prevent my disciples from the Jiuhua Sword Sect from coming. Isn't it shameful? Now that things have been exposed, I don't feel ashamed. On the contrary, it became more and more rampant, is this the style of your Tianyan Daozong?"

"What are you scolding me for?"

Yu Zhen froze, never expecting that someone would dare to scold her like this, her cold and stern face suddenly changed, and her eyes fixed on Lie Peng.

"What are you scolding? As an elder, you don't know self-love, you have a dark mind, and you behave despicably. What's the difference between you and the mean old ladies on the streets?"

Lie Peng didn't want to let it go, and glared at him.

Seeing this, everyone present looked at each other, amused and frowned at the same time, one of them was an elder of Bing Shitian and Qing Xiuyi, who had a high status and had been hidden from the world for these years, and the other was a punishment elder of Jiuhua Sword Sect, who was also Great reputation.

But now, the two actually started scolding each other regardless of their manners, which is really a bit too nonsense. If this gets out, I'm afraid it will become the laughing stock of the entire cultivation world, right?

"Uncle Yuzhen calm down."

At this moment, Bing Shitian spoke suddenly, and stopped him. His expression was stern, his appearance was dignified, and he already had the majesty of an immortal from the upper realm.

As soon as the words came out, Yu Zhen immediately shut up, even though she was the elder of Bing Shitian, at this moment, she did not dare to disobey the other party's will.

Seeing this, Lie Peng snorted coldly and returned to his seat.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you come early or late, because Xiuyi has promised to become a Taoist partner with me, and your presence can't change her will at all."

Bing Shitian turned his head, his eyes were as illusory as a starry sky, and looked at Chen Xi with a unique indifference, "I originally planned to let you go, but you insist on doing so, no one can blame you."

A sneer appeared on Chen Xi's lips, and he said, "The heavy restrictions placed in front of the mountain gate are just to let me go? I thought you were shameless at first, but at least you still have the bottom line of a fairy, but now I realize that you have already It’s so shameless that it doesn’t even have a bottom line.”

Everyone was stunned, and they all secretly marveled. This kid is full of courage. He dared to scold an emissary of the fairy world in such a way. Looking at the past and present, there are probably not many of them, right?

"If you stay outside the mountain gate honestly, you won't be in danger of your life."

Bing Shitian didn't care at all, and said, "Aren't you determined to fulfill the bet? Well, according to the agreement back then, you have already lost. If I remember correctly, you made a heavy oath back then. If you fail, you will be defeated." Abandon your cultivation, live forever, be annihilated with flying ashes, if you violate your oath, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth, and both humans and gods will be killed!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Even though they already knew that Bing Shitian and Chen Xi had made a bet, they never expected that the content of the bet would be so serious!

No matter who loses or who wins, I'm afraid they will commit suicide in front of everyone in the hall. If all this gets out, it may cause the entire Xuanhuan domain to fall into a great shock!

After all, one of them is an envoy from the fairy world, and the other is a world-renowned peerless talent. If either of them falls, it will probably cause a huge disturbance.

"Yes, I did take this oath."

Faced with this, Chen Xi's expression was as calm as ever, calm and calm, "But whether the bet will result in a winner or not, you and I don't care."

"Of course, the outcome of all this is in Xiuyi's hands. Even if you ask her if she is willing to go with you, she is still willing to let her go."

Bing Shitian smiled freely, and said leisurely, his brows were full of confidence and disdain, and his spirit was high.

Seeing this scene, Lie Peng's heart sank. From Bing Shitian's attitude, he could clearly sense that what happened next would probably be extremely detrimental to Chen Xi.

Not only Lie Peng, but also most other people's thoughts.

It's a pity that Qing Xiuyi's expression was as calm as ever from the beginning to the end, whether it was when she first stepped into the hall or after Chen Xi arrived, there was not even the slightest ripple on her beautiful face.

So peaceful.

Just like an outsider, this tranquil state of mind made all the big shots present feel ashamed.

Chen Xi also noticed all of this, but it didn't affect his state of mind.

He went straight forward, facing Qing Xiuyi, looking at that face that he was extremely familiar with, all kinds of things from the past reappeared in his mind in an instant.

"I promised An'er that I would take you back home, and now, here I am." After a long silence, Chen Xi slowly opened his mouth, each word carefully and calmly.

After all the hustle and bustle, he realized that the thousand words in his heart were only left with this simple, ordinary sentence.

Yes, the purpose of his coming here is to take back Qing Xiuyi.

Qing Xiuyi finally reacted, raised her head slightly, stared at Chen Xi, did not speak, as if in a daze.

Regarding this, Bing Shitian was still calm and calm, and looked at Yuzhen at the side, and there was an imperceptible smile on both of their lips.

Both of them knew very well that no matter how touching or tearful Chen Xi's words were, they couldn't save everything.

Because long ago, Qing Xiuyi had already drank a bowl of "Forget Soul Drunken Immortal Powder"!

This is an incomparably strange fairy wine. The main material for brewing comes from the holy water Mengpo soup in the underworld, and then it can be refined with the help of other fairy materials.

Whether it is a human or an immortal, once they take a sip, they will be paralyzed, like a puppet, and will lose their wisdom and will for a period of time.

This item is definitely a rare treasure that cannot be found, because Meng Potang is so rare that it can only be found in the Netherworld, but in order to win this bet, it is even more important to get Qing Xiuyi God is willing to spare no expense.

It was also because of this that the two of them were so confident, they looked like they were sure of winning.

The atmosphere in the hall was very dull, and the air seemed to be frozen. Everyone held their breaths and concentrated their eyes on Qing Xiuyi, unblinking, and they all knew very well that what she said next would determine Chen Xi and Bing Shitian. fate!

And looking at Bing Shitian's reaction, it seems that the balance of victory has completely poured on his side, and Chen Xi seems to be destined to be unable to escape the situation that he must lose...

At this moment, Lie Peng clenched his fists unconsciously, his eyes widened, and he almost forgot to breathe.


ps: The two chapters have been updated consecutively. Brothers who have finished reading can refresh the interface to see the second update. If there is a delay in the system, just click on your "personal bookshelf" to see the second update.

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