divine talisman

Chapter 927 Lost reputation [Part 2]

The mountain wind howled, poured into the Taiwu Hall, and made a whimpering sound, adding a sense of chill to the dead and silent atmosphere.

Qing Xiuyi's hair was in a bun, and the jade pendant on the temple hairpin bumped lightly, making a ding-dong crisp sound, but she never spoke from the beginning to the end.

Seeing this, Yu Zhen smiled coldly and said, "Little thing, haven't you seen what Xiu Yi is thinking? Hurry up and apologize, so as not to tarnish our eyes."

Chen Xi calmly said: "She didn't deny it either, did she?"

Yuzhen's expression froze, and he glanced at Bing Shitian out of the corner of his eye.

"Silence is the greatest disregard. Chen Xi, since you still don't give up, well, I'll let Xiuyi answer you personally, so that you can understand." Bing Shitian suddenly chuckled and spoke with a graceful demeanor and full of ambition.

He turned around, gazed tenderly at Qing Xiuyi, and said in a low voice: "Xiuyi, tell her who is the one you love the most."

At this moment, the atmosphere was tense to the extreme, which made the hearts of all the big figures present feel a little nervous.

Only Chen Xi remained calm, just looking at Qing Xiuyi like a stubborn, silent, stubborn stone.

As soon as Bing Shitian's words fell, Qing Xiuyi really reacted. She raised her head, her eyes were as clear as stars, and slowly walked to Chen Xi. She raised her beautiful face that did not contain a trace of fireworks, and stared at Chen Xi. .

Seeing this, Senior Brother Bing couldn't help but smile again, while Yu Zhen sneered even more, looking at Chen Xi full of pity and contempt.

However, the next moment, the smiles on the faces of the two of them, whether it was a smile or a sneer, were all frozen.

Even everyone in the hall who thought that Chen Xi was about to lose the bet had their eyes fixed, revealing a hint of surprise.

I saw Qing Xiuyi lightly moving lotus steps, then suddenly turned around, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Chen Xi, her cherry lips parted slightly, and she only said a word: "I didn't drink that bowl of soup."

This sentence seemed so abrupt and strange, but after hearing this sentence, Bing Shitian and Yuzhen's expressions changed slightly, revealing a look of disbelief.

Although it was fleeting, it was still keenly captured by everyone, and for a moment, they were all thinking secretly.

A bowl of soup?

Didn't drink?

Could it be that Bing Shitian and Yuzhen used some decoction on Qing Xiuyi to prevent accidents from happening before, just to deal with the situation in front of them?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes on Bing Shitian and Yuzhen changed. They knew very well that if it was really as they deduced, then such methods would be too despicable.

It is simply unscrupulous, with no bottom line at all!

Chen Xi's eyes also narrowed, murderous intent surged, he didn't need to confirm it anymore, it must be that Bing Shitian and Yuzhen had used some despicable and shameless methods in order to completely control Qing Xiuyi.

And the reason why they did this was because Qing Xiuyi never agreed to become a Taoist partner with Bing Shitian!

"Xiuyi, what nonsense are you talking about, come here quickly." Yuzhen had regained her composure at this time, with a smile on her lips, and said warmly.

It's just that her smile seemed a bit forced and stiff in the eyes of everyone.

Qing Xiuyi was unmoved, but stood side by side with Chen Xi, and said softly: "I have been reincarnated for hundreds of lives, and I have cut off all the karmic fruits of my previous lives, and cultivated what I have gained in this life. I don't want to delve into the past, but... Master, This is the last time I will address you."


Seeing this, Na Yuzhen's complexion sank immediately, and he scolded: "Don't you think about who raised you up, and who taught you how to practice? You have to know that everything I do is for you it is good!"

"For my own good?" Qing Xiuyi frowned, and an indescribable look flashed in her clear eyes, like hatred, like bewilderment...

"Why, don't you still doubt me?" Yuzhen's face became more and more gloomy, and her phoenix eyes flickered, full of undisguised sullenness.

"Do you have to insist on this?" Qing Xiuyi's black eyebrows frowned more and more.

"Xiuyi, your behavior like this is already treasonous, deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors, don't force me to use the sect's rules to punish you! For the sake of past affection, as long as you bow your head and admit your mistakes, I can let the past go!"

Yuzhen sternly said, she never thought that the apprentice she brought up would go against her will.

Looking at the two masters and apprentices who turned against each other, all the big figures present were a little surprised, some didn't understand how Qing Xiuyi would not hesitate to completely offend her own master for the sake of Chen Xi, this is the biggest in the cultivation world Taboo.

"The relationship in the past..."

Qing Xiuyi's expression suddenly became indifferent, staring at Yuzhen coldly, said: "Yuzhen, I said, I don't want to care about all the karma in the previous life, are you sure you want me to reveal the past?"

"What happened in the past?" Yu Zhen was startled, and then seemed to think of something, and his face became a little unnatural.

"Back then, when you passed by Yunmengze's Qing family, in order to forcibly accept me as a disciple when I was still a baby, you did not hesitate to kill more than [-] members of the Qing family. Have you forgotten such a thing?"

Qing Xiuyi said indifferently: "If I hadn't reincarnated for hundreds of generations, when I killed the karma, I suddenly opened up my childhood memories, I probably wouldn't believe it, all of this came from your hands."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was taken aback, and they couldn't believe that the relationship between the master and apprentice could be so complicated.

Exterminate all of Qing's family just to take Qing Xiuyi as his apprentice?If this is the case, this Yuzhen's method is really cruel and despicable to the extreme.

Even Chen Xi was slightly taken aback, somewhat unbelievable.

"Nonsense!" Yu Zhen's face changed again and again, and he shouted angrily.

"I have evidence in my hand, are you sure you want everyone present to see it?" Qing Xiuyi's expression remained indifferent, "I said, I don't want to care about the past life, Yuzhen, you can do it yourself!"

Yuzhen's frightened and angry expression was suddenly replaced by a look of slump, and she stood there in a daze, unable to say a word.

Apparently, the "evidence" in Qing Xiuyi's words had pinched her vitals, making her dare not pursue it further, because there were still pairs of big-shot eyes watching.

But even so, everyone in the room has roughly understood that what Qing Xiuyi said must not be false. Realizing this, they looked at Yuzhen with contempt, surprise, and disdain...

"Uncle Yuzhen, please step back for now."

Bing Shitian, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head, and gave Yuzhen a cold look, with an undeniable sense of refusal in his voice.

He also never expected that the situation would evolve to this point, and all of this was because of that bowl of "Forget Soul Drunken Immortal Powder"!

If it hadn't been for Qing Xiuyi not drinking this bowl of soup, she would naturally not be on Chen Xi's side, nor would she be able to turn against Yuzhen, and no one would know about the bloody cases that happened back then.

Of course, he didn't know before that Yuzhen actually killed Qing Xiuyi's family back then.

But anger is useless at this time, he can't tolerate this situation continuing, and the only way is to let Yuzhen leave for the time being.

Yu Zhen was stunned, hesitating, but when she met Bing Shitian's cold and merciless eyes, she didn't dare to hesitate any longer, angrily flung her sleeves and left the Taiwu Hall.

As soon as Yu Zhen left, all the attention in the hall fell on Bing Shitian, as if he wanted to see how he would deal with the situation in front of him.

Thinking about the grand and grand ceremony before, and comparing the situation in front of them, everyone was filled with emotion. The scenes that happened today can indeed be called twists and turns, turbulent waves and treacherous waves.

And all these variables were caused by Chen Xi. From the moment he entered the hall, the whole situation seemed to have gradually lost control of Bing Shitian and Yuzhen.

Everyone was very curious, if Chen Xi came a step late today, how would Qing Xiuyi react?

It's hard to guess the answer, or in other words, there is no answer to this question at all, because no one knows Qing Xiuyi's thoughts, she has been too calm from the beginning to the end, so calm that people think she has always been an outsider.

But now everyone has understood that the reason why Qing Xiuyi is so calm is because she knows that Chen Xi will definitely come!

This trust moved everyone, but Chen Xi didn't feel anything, because he knew a long time ago that Qing Xiuyi would definitely wait for him, just like he firmly believed that she would not marry Bing Shitian.

Bing Shitian looked at Qing Xiuyi and Chen Xi standing side by side, feeling a sense of discomfort welling up in his heart, and a deep sense of unwillingness and anger. He took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress his emotions, and said slowly: "Xiuyi , come back to me, as long as you are willing, I will immediately take you to the fairyland, whatever you want, I will give you, as long as I have everything, you can take it!"

"If I want, I can fly across the fairy world before a hundred generations." Qing Xiuyi replied indifferently.

"Why, because of this little ant?" Bing Shitian frowned, still trying to maintain his graceful demeanor.

At this time, Chen Xi suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Bing Shitian, you have already lost, so, according to the agreement back then, what you have to do now is not how to return to the fairy world, but to abolish your cultivation, demote yourself to a mortal, and then do whatever you want. Let me handle it!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present shuddered, and all looked at Bing Shitian.

Indeed, as Chen Xi said, now that the situation is clear, and Bing Shitian has completely lost in this confrontation, will he abolish his cultivation according to the bet?

Being stared at by so many people, Bing Shitian's face darkened little by little, the veins on his forehead protruded, and he could no longer maintain his demeanor. He looked at Qing Xiuyi with an indifferent face, and then at Chen Xi. His anger, unwillingness, and resentment... all turned into a touch of indifference.

He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Thousands of years of waiting, thousands of years of dedication, but in exchange for such a result, this word of love is really harmful!"

There was no emotion in the voice, only a deadly cold indifference.

Immediately, his smile faded, and he paused every word: "Yes, I did lose, but I never said that I must abolish my cultivation! Did I swear? No! Stupid little thing, as early as the ancient times On the battlefield, you have already been manipulated by me!"


ps: For the issue of betting, you can read Chapter 547. Xiaobing did not swear... Also, ask for a red envelope, I just found out that the red envelope can be used to issue a monthly pass~ Of course, if you have a monthly pass in your hand, please give it to me .The third update is around 11:[-].

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