divine talisman

Chapter 928 The Battle of the World [Part 3]

Everyone in the hall was stunned, no one thought that Bing Shitian would say such a thing, this is simply capricious, and his behavior is too despicable.

If it gets out, I'm afraid it will be ruined in the practice world immediately, and the reputation will be ruined, and it will no longer be able to gain a foothold.

Everyone couldn't think of it, but Chen Xi thought of it.

In his opinion, if Bing Shitian obediently chooses to degrade himself into a mortal and let himself be dealt with, that would be abnormal!

"To be so shameless, I doubt how you managed to become a god." Chen Xi said, with a touch of undisguised sarcasm in his voice.

Bing Shitian didn't care, he was completely enraged by all this before him, so how could he care about reputation, demeanor, shamelessness or not?

"I forgot to tell you, I am not a fairy, but a Da Luo Jinxian!"

Bing Shitian laughed again, his demeanor was unrestrained, with an arrogance of contempt for the world, "If all the hundreds of millions of cultivators in the human world insult me ​​and scold me, what does it matter to me? It's just a bunch of ants, I don't even bother to fight with you." the calculation."

These words seemed to have scolded everyone else in the hall, making everyone's faces a little unhappy, but when they heard the word "Da Luo Jinxian", the unhappiness in their hearts disappeared without a trace.

Great Luo Jinxian!

That is a more terrifying existence than Tianxian and Xuanxian!

No one would have thought that Bing Shi Tiandu Tribulation ascended for thousands of years, but he has reached such a level of cultivation, even though he is just a clone in front of him, no one dares to underestimate him anymore.

Chen Xi couldn't be bothered to talk nonsense with him anymore, he turned his head to Qing Xiuyi and said, "Shall we go?"


Before Qing Xiuyi could answer, Bing Shitian said coldly: "If I can't get a woman, no one else can get it either!"


Seeing this, Chen Xi sacrificed his sword talisman and said, "Xiuyi, wait until I get rid of this scum."

Qing Xiuyi nodded and said, "Okay."

Seeing this, Bing Shitian's face became more and more cold and gloomy, he jumped up suddenly, directly broke through the hall, stepped on the sky, looked down and said: "Ants, come up and die!"

Chen Xi raised his head, and there was a crimson flame surging in the calm eyes of the ancient well, as if it could burn down the stars and rivers in the sky!

In the next moment, the other person has teleported to the sky, facing Bing Shitian far away.

She has painstakingly honed for hundreds of years, and now, she wants to test her sharpness and kill her to the nine heavens!

In just a split second, the scorching sun dimmed in the entire sky, shrouded by a chilling black cloud, and the atmosphere was tense, making the world pale.


At this time, the figures of the great figures in the hall also flashed and appeared above the sky, looking at Chen Xi and Bing Shitian who were standing facing each other from afar.

Although it was already clear that this battle was inevitable, seeing that the battle was about to break out at this time, everyone still couldn't help but feel a blazing expectation in their hearts.

This scene was noticed by the elders and disciples of the entire Tianyan Dao Sect at the same time, and they were all alarmed, and they scanned their spiritual consciousness and immortal thoughts.

Even in Qiuyang City, thousands of miles away, the eyes of the cultivators lit up, and they were extremely excited, because the figures of Bing Shitian and Chen Xi were so dazzling in the sky.

A purple-gold celestial gang lingers all over his body, shining brightly, illuminating mountains and rivers for ninety thousand miles.

An upright man in a green shirt stands with a sword in his hand, his body is filled with runes like a sea, and it turns into a rainbow that surrounds his body.

Looking from a distance, it was as if two gods were confronting each other. The huge vision alone made the practitioners within tens of thousands of miles feel palpitating.

"Going to war!"

At this moment, there were turmoil in all directions, and everyone's minds were firmly attracted by the two figures in the sky.

"Who do you think will win, and how will it end?" This is a question many people have been talking about these days, but there will be a result soon.

"It must be Bing Shitian. After all, he is an envoy from the fairy world. He controls the laws and the power of fairy art. His power has already surpassed the scope of the human world. On the contrary, although Chen Xi is stunning, he can only run rampant in the human world after all."

This is the point of view of many people. They think that Chen Xi, with the cultivation of a peak king in the eighth stage of the Earth Immortal Realm, is still at a very disadvantaged position when facing the great figure from the fairy world, Bing Shitian. It is like a battle between heaven and man, the difference is too far.

"Not necessarily, Chen Xi was able to kill the strong of the sixth level of the earth immortal with the cultivation of the underworld, but now he has the strength of the eighth level of the earth immortal. I believe he will perform astonishingly this time, and maybe he can create another miracle .”

There are people who hold opposing opinions and are optimistic about Chen Xi.


At this moment, on the sky in the distance, two figures turned into beams of light reaching the sky, rushing together like two comets, bursting out with dazzling light, and the sound was like thunder.

With this blow, mist billowed, and the divine light shone to the sky, it forcibly shattered the sky into a black hole the size of a thousand mu. The impact was truly terrifying, and the aftermath spread, shaking mountains and rivers hundreds of thousands of miles away violently.

This is not an ordinary duel at all, but like a battle between gods and spirits, the fluctuations are violent and breathtaking, and those who are weak and weak have already been so shocked that their legs are weak and they almost fell to the ground.

After a while, the place returned to tranquility, and all kinds of light disappeared, leaving only two figures facing each other, each occupying one side.

Lie Peng and other big figures from the Xuanhuan domain had once again withdrawn from the range of thousands of miles, with serious expressions on their faces. They thought that if they intervened, it would be difficult for them to resist this blow.

"Very good power. In the human world, it is enough to look down on the world's talents. Unfortunately, you will never know how big the gap between immortals and humans is. It is a natural moat that no one can surpass!"

The light in Bing Shitian's eyes flickered, and the purple-gold celestial gang around him formed wisps of power of law, blooming a hundred thousand feet of light, disturbing the sky with power.

"You are just a clone."

Chen Xi was calm, his clothes fluttered, his whole body alternated with divine chakras, and he evolved into the sun, moon, and galaxy, and he possessed an aura of dominance over the world.

After that, both of them were silent.But many people can see that their aura is rising and becoming more and more terrifying.


A moment later, Bing Shitian took the lead in launching the attack. His palm was like a mountain, and he sprayed purple gold celestial aura, turning into a dazzling rainbow, carrying an aura that crushed everything, and struck forward, terrifying to the heavens!

At this moment, he was extremely powerful, let alone Lie Peng and others, even the cultivators in Qiuyang City in the distance felt a sense of oppression from the soul, which was extremely terrifying.

"This is fairy art! It is filled with the unique power of law that belongs to the fairy world!" Someone exclaimed.


Almost at the same time, a vast ocean-like talisman rolled over Chen Xi's side. Like a sage who interpreted the secrets of the great way, he slashed down with his sword, splashing out a pitch-black, icy-cold, and deadly talisman pattern.

That is the divine talisman of annihilation, and it is a wonderful fighting method that Chen Xi deduced by integrating all the Taoism he had learned, relying on his supreme wisdom, great perseverance, and spending hundreds of years of work.

It is simpler and more direct than Taoism, and its power is also more terrifying.The most important thing is that this kind of fighting method is enough to completely explode the power of his whole body!

Just like those three punches that Bai Jingchen hit back then, they were simple and back to basics, but they were enough to tear apart the world and kill all opponents.


Divine light burst out, as if the sky was shattered!

The fierce confrontation between the two turned this area of ​​[-] li into a battlefield. The aftermath was rolling, and if a thunderstorm swept away, the mountains and rocks would be crushed, the void would collapse, and everything would be in chaos and destruction.

Both of them are very good at fighting, and they know how to grasp the opportunity of battle. They are all fierce and chilling when they raise their hands and feet, which makes everyone's minds turbulent.

A confrontation of this level is enough to be called a once-in-a-thousand-year encounter, and a rare event in ten thousand years!

It is difficult for those with weak strength to see the danger and murderous intent, and only strong men like Lie Peng who have lived for countless years can see some clues.

But the more they looked, the more shocked they felt.

Bing Shitian's overwhelming strength is easy to understand, after all, he is the clone of a great Luo Jinxian, but the terrifying combat power displayed by Chen Xi, to be able to fight against it, really opened their eyes.

"Daluo Tianqiong, Miaofa Xianlei—kill!"

Bing Shitian looked up to the sky and screamed, the purple gold in his palm shone, and the law was transpiring, gathering into a group of purple-gold thunder, swinging his arms out, there was a loud bang that pierced the sky, like a purple-gold dragon tearing through the void, swift and fierce, with a fierce and terrifying breath.

Chen Xi's long hair was fluttering, his expression was as calm as before, his sword talisman was shining brightly, and billions of fierce sword glows turned into a simple divine talisman, and he could not dodge even the slightest bit when he was shocked by it.

At this moment, people seemed to hear the sound of killing between the heaven and the earth avenue, chilling, piercing, and resounding through the nine heavens. Ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers are submerged.

The duel between them was truly earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods. This is just the beginning, and they have already shown their terrifying means to destroy the world and refine the universe.

This also caused most of the people around the battlefield to flee for their lives. There was no way, the power of such a duel, the aftermath alone was enough to kill him, how could they dare to stay here for a while?

Even those with high strength have to resort to various defensive methods in order to watch the battle safely. Even so, they only dare to hide far away from the battle situation and dare not take a step beyond the thunder.

This has to make people feel emotional, how many people in the world today can take their blow?


Bing Shitian's eyes were cold and his expression was cold. When he stepped on the void with his feet, it seemed that the backbone of the sky was broken. The whole world was trembling. It could be seen that chains of laws spread from his feet like tides.

"Little thing, I have to be surprised to be able to persist until now, but unfortunately, the power level is still too low. How can the profound truth of the great way compete with the law of the immortal? Die!"

"The Realm of Da Luo, cut Dao three thousand!"

Accompanied by Bing Shitian's cold drink, the world with a radius of thousands of miles was suddenly enveloped by thick, crystal-clear purple-gold chains, like a cage, and each chain was intertwined with the power of dense and mysterious laws, releasing A horrible aura that wants to destroy the world.

In an instant, he and Chen Xi were enveloped in it.


ps: I admit my mistake, a small number of book friends said that these chapters were read anxiously, probably because the plot was a bit delayed, and the reason for this was that I was too well prepared and wanted to write in place in all aspects, but the plot was dragged down.

How should I put it, this plot is the end of the human world, not just blindly pursuing coolness, but also solving some layout problems, but don't worry, the pace will speed up, and we will try our best to make everyone look refreshed.

Tomorrow will still be three shifts as compensation, and in the end it is still the usual practice to ask for a monthly pass~~~

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