divine talisman

Chapter 929 Shocking the Audience [Part 1]

On the sky, purple-gold thunderbolts were thick and crystal-clear, twisted like dragons, and intertwined into a cage of laws, covering the world with a radius of thousands of miles.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a new space has been forcibly opened up between the heaven and the earth, and Bing Shitian is the master of it, surrounded by purple gold fairy gangs, his eyes are thunderous, shocking the mind.

And Chen Xi is like a heretic prisoner who broke into Bing Shitian's kingdom!


Everyone gasped, this is true fairy art, but it is definitely not an ordinary fairy art. The purple-gold thunderbolts are like star waterfalls, falling down the sky and the earth, all of which are condensed by the power of law. The breath of heaven and earth made all the spectators chill and shudder.


The purple-gold thunder rolled backwards, like a long whip of a god, whipping wildly, smashing out hundreds of millions of purple-gold arc lightning flowers, making a crackling sound of thunder that almost burst the eardrums.

That kind of power seems to judge the world and kill all evils!

Being in it, Chen Xi felt a depressing force, his whole body was flooded with light, and it turned into a round of annihilation talismans, which shattered and pulverized the purple gold thunderbolts that came crazily.

At the same time, he jumped up, and in the next moment he was attacking Bing Shitian, using all his killing moves.

In this purple-gold thunder transformed into a legal cage, there is a strange but terrifying oppression, which is the breath of the law, bit by bit grinding his whole body energy, cultivation, and moral will, the longer it drags , will only make his situation more unfavorable.


Bing Shitian's backhand was shocked, and he had fought Chen Xi thousands of times in just an instant. It was extremely violent, and it was so fast that people couldn't keep up with their speed.

In this confrontation, Bing Shitian was superior to Chen Xi in terms of strength, because it was the magic and laws from the fairy world, which was far beyond the power of the human world.

On the other hand, Chen Xi has an absolute advantage in fighting skills and fighting will, so the confrontation between the two can be said to be evenly matched, evenly matched.

However, due to being in the cage of this law, the longer it is, the more unfavorable it will be for Chen Xi.

Bing Shitian took a fancy to this point, and when he started fighting, he wandered around all the time, not fighting head-on with Chen Xi, just like a king wandering in his own territory, not letting Chen Xi take advantage of it at all.


Suddenly, Chen Xi's figure unfolded, and five gods of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth gushed out from his body, turning into a millstone with five colors of divine brilliance, spinning in a circle, and roaring out.

"Want to break through my Da Luo domain? Wishful thinking!"

Bing Shitian judged Chen Xi's intentions in an instant, raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, and slapped out with his palm, like capturing a dragon and controlling a crane. His five fingers were glowing with law, and he directly tore open the void, and plucked at Chen Xi's heart.


However, what surprised him was that before the power of this palm could reach Chen Xi, it was wiped away inch by inch by the millstone transformed by the Five Elements Divine Scroll, and turned into light rain and shattered.

bang bang bang...

The next moment, the millstone transformed by the Five Elements Divine Scroll rushed out, obliterating the purple gold thunder forcefully and opening a huge hole.

With a loud bang, the world was shocked by thunderstorms, and the icy Great Luo Domain and Chen Xi's Five Elements Mill collapsed almost at the same time. This place seemed like the sun and the moon were blown apart, and the turbulent waves turned into a sky full of light and rain, collapsing and dissipating.

Everyone watched with trembling minds, and almost forgot to breathe. Such a terrifying decisive battle should only exist in the sky, and it is rare in the world!

"It's only been a few years, and to be able to control such a powerful force is only at the eighth level of the Earth Immortal..." Bing Shitian narrowed his eyes, with a hint of solemnity.

This short moment of confrontation made him completely clear that the other party, this damned ant, now has the strength to compete with him, which made him have to put away the contempt in his heart.

"The power of fairy art and law is indeed difficult to deal with, but the greater the power, the greater the consumption. Maybe this is my chance..."

At the same time, Chen Xi calmly analyzed Bing Shitian's power in his heart.

He is very clear that the biggest difference between him and Bing Shitian is not in the amount of power, but in the power of the power, the one who has the pure Da Luo Jinxian's immortal essence, and the unique power of law in the fairy world.

A fairy who is only in the fairyland of the earth grasps the profound meaning of the great way. The difference between the two is like comparing a blunt knife with rust and mottled spots with a sharp blade that cuts iron like mud. It is clear at a glance which is better.

The next moment, the two confronted each other again. This was a real confrontation. No one wanted to talk nonsense anymore. They only had one goal in mind - to kill each other!

When the battle was in full swing, Bing Shitian let out a low growl suddenly, and a purple-gold glow appeared all over his body, like an ancient savage dragon revived. Between his palms and fingers, the law was dense, and he stepped forward with one step, and slapped Chen Xi with his hands.

The momentum is like rushing thunder to destroy mountains, and the palm is like the universe covering mountains and rivers. Before the palm power reaches it, a roaring and killing sound erupted in the sky, like thousands of gods and demons roaring, shaking nine heavens and ten earths, shaking people's hearts. All cold.

Chen Xi felt an incomparable oppressive force in an instant, as if he was facing tens of thousands of mountains, he couldn't breathe under the pressure, and he deeply felt a kind of vast and supreme coercion.


Accompanied by Bing Shitian's stern shout, the power of the palm surged again, the murderous aura was overwhelming, everything in this world seemed to be wiped out by this palm, and everything would be overthrown and restarted, horrifying the world.

This palm is too terrifying, it has an unfathomable power, it is almost unstoppable, and there is no escape.


Chen Xi took this blow forcefully, and was struck by a huge force. He kept using the power of annihilation to defuse it, but he still couldn't stop his body from staggering back, and a smear of blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

"What! Is Chen Xi injured?"

In the distance, everyone was shocked.

At this point in the battle, there are very few cultivators who can insist on watching the battle outside the battle situation, and only those strong earth immortals can stop here.

Seeing Chen Xi suffer trauma at this moment, they all became more and more afraid of Bing Shitian's power, because they knew very well that if they were ordinary avatars of celestial beings, they would simply not be able to achieve this step.

Because the power Chen Xi displayed before has reached the pinnacle of the human world, he is the peak king in the eighth level of the earth immortal, and belongs to the "extreme state" of the earth immortal powerhouse!

What does this mean?

Represents the power enough to crush everything in the human world. Throughout the past and present, those who can reach this level can be counted on their fingers!

And Chen Xi, who possessed such power, was actually injured. From this, it can be seen how terrifying the strength of Bing Shitian's clone is.

Perhaps, as Bing Shitian said before, his strength has already surpassed the scope of the human world, and fighting against it is like a moat that no one can surpass.

Blood was bleeding from the corner of Chen Xi's lips, but his expression was calm, neither happy nor sad, it seemed that he was not affected.

again and again!

He stepped across the sky, and each step made a dull thunderous sound, like a war drum beating by gods and demons. The sound was so loud that it shook people's souls to pieces.

And with every step, his strength will increase a lot, and under the steps, dense and mysterious rune patterns will emerge, which will be interpreted as various divine talismans, releasing blazing divine brilliance.

Nine steps against chaos!

It's just that this peak-level Taoism from Da Luo's true interpretation has been changed into another appearance. Every step is taken out, murderous intentions linger, and it turns into various divine talismans, like the demon ancestor Linghuang divine talisman, Fenghou Xun Emperor's God, Xuandi Thunder Emperor's God... and so on.

Every kind of divine talisman is filled with the profound meaning of killing, circulating in the power of the Talisman, that kind of power seems to cut through yin and yang, and kill the universe!

At this moment, even Bing Shitian's expression changed. This kind of power was terrifying. Every time he took a step, Chen Xi's strength and aura seemed to double.

He couldn't bear it any longer, and slashed forward, wiping the mysterious imprint of the lingering law, trying to destroy Chen Xi's aura and disturb his pace.


Then at this moment, Chen Xi's figure flashed, wrapped in endless murderous intent, and suddenly arrived in front of Bing Shitian, rampaging, the sword talisman pierced through the air, and the sword light of hundreds of millions of runes gathered in a simple sword, as if to kill this A piece of the sky shattered!

This time, Bing Shitian backed up, the star feather crown on his head was broken by this sword, his hair fell loose, and he was coughing up blood.

"Bing Shitian is injured!"

This scene shocked everyone present again, and they almost couldn't believe their eyes.

The means Chen Xi displayed at this time was already enough to be described as "defying the sky". Immortal techniques and laws could not help him. Doesn't this mean that his combat power seemed to be beyond the scope of the human world?

"It's just a small ant, and it hurt me, haha, how ridiculous!"

Bing Shitian raised his sleeve to wipe off the blood stains on the corner of his lips, his face was surprised, and there was a gloomy murderous intent as if he was enraged, and then his eyes returned to indifference.

Behind him, the power of laws as thick as golden chains emerged, intertwined into scenes of fairy visions, majestic and majestic, like a god coming to the world, standing there, looking down on the world.

At this point, with nothing left to hide, he has decided to use his full strength.

At the same time, Chen Xi's whole body shone brightly, the runes were like a sea, tumbling endlessly, his aura became more and more chilling and high-spirited, and the clouds collapsed in all directions, disrupting the sky above.

"I'm going to do my best!"

People were horrified, and they all saw that the battle had reached the most intense level. If it was just a test before, then the next fight might be able to tell the winner.


The two collided together, Bing Shitian merged with the law, and the divine power was mighty, while Chen Xi developed the mysteries of the talisman, and interpreted all kinds of profound meanings into multiple divine talismans, with unparalleled power.

In this confrontation, both of them have exerted their full strength and used all kinds of shocking means. The world, mountains and rivers, and everything in a radius of [-] li have been shrouded in the billowing glow.

At this moment, even the ancestors of the earth celestial beings couldn't get a glimpse of the scene, they could only vaguely see the two figures bathed in a blazing light, fighting fiercely, fighting from the ground to the sky, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were endless Light, roaring and shaking in all directions, it seems like the doomsday catastrophe is coming.


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