divine talisman

Chapter 932 The Ancients and the Present [Part 1]

Thank you brother "Old Dream Lost" for the 6666 reward and support!


The black hole is faint, like the gate leading to hell, and the round god disk is suspended in it, evolving six visions.

This scene appeared too fast, when Bing Shitian had just died and before everyone woke up from the shock, it appeared above Qing Xiuyi's head in an instant.

And the moment Chen Xi turned his head, he could only see that Qing Xiuyi's whole body was suddenly engulfed by that round of magic disk. From the beginning to the end, she didn't even have the slightest strength to resist.

"court death!"

Lie Peng let out an angry roar, he was the closest to Qing Xiuyi, and had the quickest reaction, as soon as he grabbed it with his hand, he slammed towards the divine plate in the deep black hole.


Blood spattered, and a horrifying scene appeared, as soon as Lie Peng's entire right arm plunged into the deep black hole, it was directly crushed and exploded, and the flesh and bones were smashed to pieces!

If he hadn't dodged in time, even the whole person might be involved and die on the spot!

Lie Peng grunted in pain, his figure retreated violently, his face turned pale.

The power in it seemed irresistible, it was so terrifying that even a strong man at the eighth level of the Earth Immortal had no room to fight back and struggle.


Chen Xi also let out an angry roar, his white hair flying, without any hesitation at all, he rushed towards the side of the black hole.

He has waited bitterly for many years, and in order to take back Qing Xiuyi, he has put in too much painstaking effort and effort. How can he tolerate at this last juncture, watching this hard-won everything lost again?


In an instant, he had rushed to the front of the deep black hole, and the sword talisman slashed horizontally. Using all the strength in his body, he released a thick and heavenly sword energy, and slashed away fiercely.

This blow was even more powerful than all the methods used to defeat Bing Shitian, it was shocking, brilliant and immeasurable.

However, all these powers were disintegrated as soon as they got close to the black hole, like snow melting into water, causing only ripples, but nothing could change the situation.

Even, that round of divine disk released a frightening icy wave, intending to restrain and kill Chen Xi, the power was so terrifying that even Chen Xi felt a fatal danger.

It's like facing an unshakable god, and you are just an ant, unable to dodge, unable to struggle, and even unable to arouse the desire to escape!

At this moment, Chen Xi finally understood, with Qing Xiuyi's strength, why in this unexpected scene, she was swallowed by that black hole without even a trace of struggling.

Because this power is too terrifying, not at all inferior to the realm of the human world!


However, just when this force was engulfing Chen Xi's body and was about to kill him, suddenly, a terrifying will surged out of his Pagoda of the Buddha, and it actually directly wiped out this force!

At the same time, Chen Xi only felt as if a book had been opened in his body, and a series of obscure and strange fluctuations gushed out. Immediately, he uncontrollably rushed towards the black hole.

But in the field of vision of everyone, they didn't find any abnormality, but they were shocked to find that Chen Xi rushed into the black hole on his own initiative, and that round of divine disk suddenly disappeared into the depths of the black hole like a mouse meeting a cat...


The void tumbling, Chen Xi's figure, together with the black hole that suddenly appeared, all disappeared.

All of this happened too fast, from the appearance of the black hole and the aura, to Qing Xiuyi being swept away, Lie Peng's arm was broken, until now Chen Xi rushed into the black hole, a series of movements only happened in a short moment.

When everyone woke up, everything was back to normal.

But everyone knows that everything is different from before!

"Is that... the breath of the netherworld?" Someone was startled.

"If my guess is right, it should be the supreme sacred artifact of the Underworld—the Nether Disk!" An old man from the Holy Land of the Hermitage said slowly with his eyes shining like lightning.

Nether disk!

Everyone was shocked. According to rumors, this is a treasure that can activate the six paths of reincarnation and extradite all spirits in the sky. It is in the hands of a big man in the nether world. It is mysterious and full of incredible nether power.

"The Nether Disk! My God, did Bing Shitian deploy this trick before Bing Shitian, to extradite Qing Xiuyi to the Nether, so that she and Chen Xi would never see each other again?" Someone exclaimed.

It is undeniable that the appearance of this Nether Disk must have something to do with Bing Shitian.

Everyone was also aware of this, and they were all startled and palpitated. Who would have thought that Bing Shitian's plan before the war even included his own death?

This kind of exhaustive scheming is really chilling.

After the war ended, the world returned to tranquility.

But the mountains and lakes with a radius of [-] miles have long been devastated, boulders have been smashed, vegetation has been turned into ashes, and mottled and cracked gaps meander on every inch of soil on the ground.

All of this seemed to silently tell the horror of the battle just now.

The setting sun is like blood, the mountain wind howls, and the sound of sobbing and whimpering makes people feel tragic and desolate.

"This battle, after all, Bing Shitian won." Someone sighed softly.

"No, it was Chen Xi who won. He killed a clone of Da Luo Jinxian with the posture of the eighth stage of the earth immortal. This kind of brilliant record can be said to be unprecedented, and it is destined to be recorded in the annals of history!"

"But in the end, Bing Shitian only lost a clone, while Qing Xiuyi and Chen Xi were both destroyed!" Some people held objections.

"Destroyed? That doesn't mean that, how could people like Chen Xi and Qing Xiuyi die so easily?"

Everyone could not come to a conclusion after arguing, they all remained silent, turned and left.

They knew very well that within a day, the news of this battle would spread throughout the Xuanhuan Realm, shocking hundreds of millions of living beings in the world, and Chen Xi's name was destined to become the most dazzling existence in the history of the Xuanhuan Realm. No one can match it!


Both Lu Beiyu and Yuzhen's faces were gloomy.

The big shots who came to watch the ceremony had all dispersed, but what was left for them was a mess all over the place.

Originally, this should be an unprecedented grand ceremony, but now...

Looking at the scars on the land, looking at the destroyed layers of restrictions in the mountain gate, looking at the bewildered, lost, resentful, and dejected expressions on the faces of all the disciples and elders of the entire Tianyan Taoist Sect.

Both Lu Beiyu and Yuzhen were silent.

The impact of this battle is too great, not only the fall of Bing Shitian's avatar, but also the prestige and reputation of their Tianyan Taoist Sect will also suffer a heavy blow.

And this kind of blow happened at other times, and it can be recovered, but now is the time when the Three Realms are in turmoil, and the consequences of this kind of blow are destined to only become heavier.

On this day, the world-shattering battle between Chen Xi and Bing Shitian spread throughout the world at an inconceivable speed, causing an uproar and shocking all beings.

It was also on this day that Tianyan Daozong announced to close the mountain gate and completely isolate it from the outside world. Like a wounded beast, it hid itself and licked its wounds.

In the endless history of Xuanhuanyu, this day is destined to leave an indelible imprint and be remembered by the people of future generations.


Immortal world, in a sacred mountain hall shrouded in fairy mist.

Bing Shitian, who was sitting cross-legged among them, trembled violently, and then couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, his face instantly turned pale and transparent.

"Damn you little ants! You actually made me lose a clone. When you come to the fairyland, I will definitely make your life worse than death!" Bing Shitian roared in a low voice, his eyes were full of raging and murderous intent.

"Master, what happened?"

Outside the main hall, a young girl came after hearing the news. Her body was full of celestial beings, her aura was strong, and she faintly had the power of law. She was actually a fairy!

"None of your business! Step back!" Bing Shitian shouted with a gloomy expression.

The girl trembled in fright, and hurriedly lowered her head and left the hall.

"Wait a minute!"

Bing Shitian didn't know what to think of, and suddenly stopped her again, "I'm going to retreat for a while, if there is any news from the nether world, I will deliver it, and don't bother me with other things!"

"Here!" The girl bowed and saluted before leaving.

"Senior Sister Qing, I can't get your heart, but as long as I get your person... that's enough! Believe me, we will meet soon!"

Bing Shitian smiled coldly, and there was a strong hatred in his eyes.

Immediately, he resumed his usual graceful and proud expression, slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep retreat.


Jiuhua Sword Sect, Xihua Peak, in the courtyard beside the Sword Washing Pool.

Chen Xi who was dressed in an apricot-yellow Taoist robe suddenly appeared, with an indelible doubt on his brows.

"It actually triggered the power of the Nether Record, and dragged my true self into that black hole. Could it be that the end of the black hole passage is the Nether Underworld?"

Chen Xi frowned. At that moment, he actually lost contact with this deity, and could no longer feel the existence of the other party. This was the first time this kind of thing happened.

"No matter what, this deity should not have fallen, otherwise my second clone would probably suffer a severe backlash." Chen Xi muttered to himself.

"The Nether Disk, the Nether Record... I don't know what happened to Xiuyi..."

After pondering for a long time, Chen Xi finally shook his head. Right now, he can only wait here quietly, and there is no other way.

But before returning to the world of stars, he wrote a piece of paper, which floated into Mu Kui's hands by means of teleportation.

There is only a short line of words written on it - "Life is safe, don't worry too much, practice quietly, and wait for me to come back."

At the same time, outside Songyan City in the Great Chu Dynasty and Southern Border.

A refined and thin young man, riding a black donkey and holding a book, wandered to the gate of Songyan City.

"Songyan City, this is the place where he lived since he was a child..." The young man raised his head, his brows and eyes were warm, and there was a gentle smile on his lips that made people feel like a spring breeze.

"Donkey, you carried me across three mountains and five mountains, across rivers, lakes and seas, and now I'm about to say goodbye, but I don't have any expensive gifts to give, so why not just give you a fate?"

The young man rolled over and got off the donkey, raised his hand to stroke the mane of the donkey, seemed very reluctant, and finally turned around and entered Songyan City.

"Ga! Ga!" The black donkey neighed twice as if psychic, and then flew up into the sky with a cloud of clouds and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the jaws of the people outside Songyan City almost dropped. Can a beast be able to practice Taoism?

When people looked for the elegant and gentle young man again, they had already disappeared in the bustling streets of Songyan City, and they could not be found again.


The second is a bit later, before 11 o'clock.

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