divine talisman

Chapter 933 Qinglu Academy [Part 2]

Songyan City is prosperous and prosperous, and now it seems to have become the number one city in southern Xinjiang.

All of these were written by the Chen family.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that looking at the entire Great Chu Dynasty, the family with the highest prestige belongs to the "Songyan Chen" family.

This is definitely a great reputation, and only the Chen family can afford it.

And no one can imagine that the Songyan Chen family, which is now famous all over the world, was almost wiped out more than 100 years ago.

All of this is like a miracle that can only be marveled at, and the people who created the miracle are the two famous brothers of the Chen family——Chen Xi and Chen Hao!

On this day, a young man riding a black donkey came to Songyan City, wandered the streets, and unknowingly came to the front of Chen's mansion.

He stopped here, stared quietly at this mansion covering an area of ​​a thousand acres for a moment, then turned and left.

In a teahouse.

Dr. Tea is pouring tea and water meticulously, and the storyteller is talking happily.

The young man sat alone at the table, sipping tea quietly, and mostly listening to the legendary stories told by the storyteller.

The people in Songyan City have heard this legendary story for many years and many times, but whenever the storyteller starts telling it, it still attracts many passers-by to join him.

The reason is that the protagonist of the legendary story is Chen Xi, from his childhood experience, to how he won the first place in the Qianlong list, how he won the golden pool conference, how he won the No.1 star conference, how he became famous all over the world, etc. ...

All these experiences have become the most attractive legendary stories among storytellers.

The young man also listened with great interest, and his expression was no different from that of other guests.

"Little friend, since you're here, why don't you come and have a talk?"

When the storyteller was about to finish telling the story, a light and old voice suddenly sounded in the young man's ear.

The young man was startled, stood up and cupped his hands in the distance, with a humble and gentle expression on his face, polite.

This strange move immediately attracted the attention of many people in the teahouse.

The young man didn't seem to notice it, raised his hand and put a jade bottle on the table in front of him, smiled gently at the storyteller, and said: "The story is very exciting, this is my reward, I hope you can accept it."

After all, he turned around and left.

This action made everyone startled again, and they turned their attention to the jade bottle on the table. This jade bottle was only four inches high, and the whole body was as smooth as jade.

"Let me see what's in this little bottle."

A cultivator stepped forward and picked up the jade bottle. As soon as he opened a gap, a wisp of clear fragrance wafted out, as if it could soak into the soul of a person.

In an instant, the whole bustling teahouse became quiet, and everyone showed a look of infatuation, and their bodies were transparent and refreshing, as if their bodies and minds had been washed by a clear spring.

The storyteller reacted the fastest, stepped forward, snatched back the jade bottle, and stuffed it carefully into his bosom, lest it be accidentally broken.

"100 Yuan Lingshi, sell this jade bottle to Lao Tzu!"

The cultivator also reacted, with an indescribable excitement on his expression, and he slapped a storage bag on the desk without hesitation.

"Not for sale!" The storyteller shook his head resolutely. Although he didn't know what was inside the jade bottle, he firmly believed that it must be a great treasure.

"1000 Yuan Lingshi!" The cultivator was startled, and said through gritted teeth.

The storyteller still shook his head, and the reaction of the cultivator made him understand the preciousness of this jade bottle even more.

"Fuck, you little bastard, don't be greedy, don't force me to use force!" The cultivator turned his face and said viciously.

"If you have the guts, use it!"

The storyteller was not afraid at all, and said loudly: "But I have to remind you, this is Songyan City, if you kill me, you won't even want to live!"

The cultivator was stunned, his face turned blue and white, he took a sip, and walked away angrily.

There is no way, because this is Songyan City, even if the Earth Immortal Patriarch came, he would not dare to cause trouble, because there is a Chen family here.

Seeing this, the storyteller couldn't help but smile proudly, it was a sense of pride as a local resident of Songyan City.


In the deep mountains of Nanban, beside the island in the middle of the lake.

The young man came here by stepping on the blue water of the lake, with a leisurely demeanor and fluttering clothes, quite chic.

"Who! How dare you break into my family's territory!" A vigorous figure suddenly appeared in front of the island in the middle of the lake, watching the young man approach from a distance, and issued a warning.

This is a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a straight waist, a heroic posture, and a fierce and fierce aura all over his body.

"This man is very strong."

At the same time, another figure appeared beside the boy.

This is also a young man with a handsome face, sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, and a tall and handsome figure, exuding a calm and tranquil demeanor, floating in the dust.

Looking at these two little guys with completely different temperaments, the young man couldn't help but a gentle smile appeared on his lips. He especially took one more look at the young man with a calm temperament, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, your parents are Chen Xi. And Qing Xiuyi, right?"

The young man said calmly: "Report your name and purpose first, and I will answer you later."

The young man was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that he would run into a wall in front of a young man, this feeling made him very fresh.

"Yu'er, An'er, don't be nervous, I asked him to come."

At this moment, a thin figure appeared in front of the island in the middle of the lake. His face was pale and his eyes seemed calm, but there was an insight to see through the vicissitudes of the world. It was Ji Yu.

And those two teenagers were naturally Chen Yu and Chen An.

"Disciple Qiu Xuanshu, I have met senior." The young man looked Ji Yu over for a while, as if he had sensed something, his expression immediately became solemn, and he bowed in salute.

This person is surprisingly the natural born sage from an unknown place, and Qiu Xuanshu who won the No.

Back then, he had visited Chen Xi for a reason, but Wen Huating, the head teacher of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, had an extremely rare evaluation of him, saying, "In today's world, this Qiu Xuanshu is the second great young man I have ever met. The future is limitless.”

Afterwards, Qiu Xuanshu left the Jiuhua Sword Sect and began to travel around the world, his whereabouts were indistinct, probably no one would have thought that he would actually come to this Songyan City.

"Come on, little guy, since he is a disciple of Qinglu Academy from an unknown place, he is not an outsider." Ji Yu waved his hand, turned and walked towards the island.

Qiu Xuanshu was startled, and hurried to catch up, with an increasingly humble expression, he asked, "Senior, how did you know the younger generation's master?"

He was really curious. Among the hundreds of millions of souls in the Xuanhuan Territory, only a small group of people can know the name "Unknown Land", and among this small group of people, those who can know Qinglu Academy, snapped their fingers I can count them all.

And in this small world, in a remote and deep mountain, how could Qiu Xuanshu not be curious that someone had revealed his origin in a single word?

What particularly interested him was the words "not an outsider" in Ji Yu's words, which is really intriguing.


Sitting in the rocking chair, Ji Yu gave Qiu Xuanshu a word. Seeing that the latter sat down respectfully, with a rather humble expression, he shook his head and said, "You are not at all like your master."

Qiu Xuanshu was startled, and said, "Senior, do you know my master?"

Ji Yu smiled, and said: "Since ancient times, Qinglu Academy has only two people, one bookkeeper and one book observer. You are probably the book observer, and now that you have left the academy and started to travel around the world, then it means You have read all the collections in the academy."

Qiu Xuanshu nodded, his expression became more respectful, and said: "Senior really knows everything."

He really admired it, because as Ji Yu said, he is the book reader of Qinglu Academy, and his master is the book keeper, but his teacher has left Qinglu Academy for many years.

And if he wants to become a keeper of books, he has to search all over the world to find disciples with the three endowments of "talent", "talent" and "knowledge", and bring them into Qinglu Academy to read books and learn enlightenment, taking over from reading books. The position of scholar.

Ji Yu shook his head again, and sighed: "Didn't your master tell you where the Book Keeper is going to practice in the future?"

Qiu Xuanshu was puzzled, and said: "When I entered Qinglu Academy, Master had already left."

At this moment, Ji Yu was stunned, and then said dumbly: "Sure enough, only the fourth child can do such absurd things."

Qiu Xuanshu took a deep breath, and said earnestly and sincerely: "Senior, may I ask if the 'oldest four' you mentioned is my master?"

It has to be said that this Qiu Xuanshu is indeed a respectful, polite, humble and gentle person, that kind of neither arrogant nor impetuous, relaxed and refined temperament seems to be born with him, branded in his bones.

Such a person is very easy to make people feel good, but not to make people feel any disgust.

"That's right, your master is called Jiuhui, and now you are concentrating on cultivation in Shenyan Mountain, and you are ranked fourth among all the brothers and sisters with the study of characters."

Ji Yu replied casually.

Qiu Xuanshu had obviously heard of the existence of "Shenyan Mountain", so when he heard that his master was actually practicing in Shenyan Mountain, his eyes widened, and he was so rare that he lost his composure.

After a while he asked: "Then dare to ask senior who you are?"

Ji Yu smiled lightly, and said, "It's just a sinner of the Three Realms, so let's not talk about it, if my guess is right, your visit to Songyan City is probably related to Chen Xi."

Qiu Xuanshu nodded and said, "That's right. This disciple wanted to find Chen Xi to discuss the Dao back then, but it was a pity that he didn't have a chance. So I came here to trace his growth footprints and see what kind of environment he grew up in."

"Can you see clearly now?" Ji Yu asked.

"Seeing you, this junior fully understands." Qiu Xuanshu said.

"Unfortunately, you are still wrong. Everything about him has nothing to do with me. It was all obtained by him alone." Ji Yu shook his head.

Qiu Xuanshu was stunned and couldn't believe it.

But Ji Yu didn't explain any more, just raised his eyes, stared into the distance, and said: "Someone, like you, has also come to Songyan City. Unlike you, he seems to have murderous intentions."

Qiu Xuanshu's expression became solemn, he concentrated his attention on perception for a moment, and then said: "Sure enough, as senior said, this junior seems to recognize that person."

"Then trouble you to kill him." Ji Yu said calmly.

"In what name?" Qiu Xuanshu asked.

"In the name of your little uncle Chen Xi." Ji Yu smiled and glanced at Qiu Xuanshu.

"Little Martial Uncle? It turns out that he is also a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, no wonder." Qiu Xuanshu completely understood, a look of confusion flashed across his expression, he nodded, and said, "Then this junior will go now."

After speaking, he got up and bowed to Ji Yu, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.


ps: It's gone tonight, and the next volume will almost start tomorrow, a new chapter, and a lot of plots have to be smoothed out.

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