divine talisman

Chapter 934 Awe-inspiring Righteousness [Part 1]

Outside Songyan City.

A middle-aged man in a dark purple Taoist robe, with a fairy-like demeanor, came with his hands behind his back.

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, there was a surge of lightning arcs, and there was an oppressive aura of mastering the universe and commanding the world.

Accompanied by his arrival, an extremely oppressive aura suddenly gushed out from the sky over the entire Songyan City, covering the clear sky like a black dog swallowing the sun.


Between the heavens and the earth, a wind as sharp as a knife blows, and there is a trace of blood in it, very much like the legendary "red-haired wind". It is a sign of killing and often means that a disaster is about to happen.

In an instant, in the entire Songyan City, no matter whether it was a human or an animal, a cultivator, or a monster race, all of them felt cold, and an uncontrollable throbbing surged in their hearts.

The bustling long street became silent.

At this moment, everyone stopped their movements and looked up at the sky subconsciously. At some point, the ground was covered in a bloody haze, and people were so oppressed that they couldn't breathe.

Even though Songyan City is now the largest city in southern Xinjiang, in the final analysis, it is still a small city of a small dynasty in a small world. No matter the residents who live here or the cultivators who pass by, how can they ever see it? Ever had such a horrible picture?

After the eerie silence, there was endless panic and restlessness.

Stimulated by that oppressive and deadly aura, people subconsciously started screaming and running away, and the whole city became a mess.

There are fleeing crowds everywhere in the streets and alleys, but if you look carefully, you will find that the people in the whole city are all fleeing in the same direction intentionally or unintentionally.

At the end of that direction is "Songyan Chen Family".

This kind of subconscious behavior just proved that in the hearts of the people in the entire Songyan City, the power of the Songyan Chen family has long been deeply rooted in their hearts, and at this time, it has become the only choice in their hearts to avoid disaster.

The middle-aged man in a purple Taoist robe walked into the city gate. When he looked up, his eyes seemed to be able to see through nine heavens and ten earths, and he discovered this vision in an instant.

"Unexpectedly, it's just a small family, but the prestige is quite high..." The middle-aged man was thoughtful, his speed was not fast, his sleeves were elegant, he was neither fast nor slow, very chic.

In front of the Chen's mansion, which covers an area of ​​a thousand acres, there are many figures, and there are black heads everywhere.

Faced with such a situation, the Chen family had already opened a large formation to protect the clan. The well-trained children of the Chen family in the mansion shuttled through the crowd and organized everyone to enter the large formation for refuge, but it was orderly and no chaos occurred.


Chen Hao gazed into the distance, and a solemn look gradually appeared in his expression.

He could clearly feel that the entire Songyan City had been enveloped by a huge and terrifying force field, covering the sky and the sun, and it was extremely terrifying.

In other words, today's Songyan City is like a cage controlled by someone, and if one wants to escape, the only way to escape is to kill the owner of the cage.

Who is the comer?

Chen Hao thought silently.

In today's Great Chu Dynasty, with the current Emperor of Chu in charge, no one would dare to regard the Songyan Chen family as an enemy, unless the enemy who came this time was not a member of the Great Chu Dynasty!

Thinking of this, Chen Hao's eyelids twitched, could it be Zuoqiu's?

"The strength of this person is too terrifying, and his cultivation is at least above the fairyland. This kind of enemy, even if Big Brother Beiheng comes, it is difficult to be his opponent." Fei Lengcui stood beside Chen Hao, her eyebrows frowned, her face There is a touch of worry on it.

"No matter who it is, for the foundation of our Chen family, we can only fight to the end with blood."

Chen Hao took a deep breath and said resolutely, "Leng Cui, if there is a war later, you should go to Huxin Island immediately, and leave with Yu'er and An'er with senior Ji Yu!"

Fei Lengcui was stunned, seeing the resolute look on her husband's face, she couldn't help clenching her hands, and forced a smile: "The situation shouldn't be that serious."

Chen Hao opened his mouth to say something, but his eyes froze suddenly, because he saw a middle-aged man in a dark purple Taoist robe strolling with his hands behind his back on the empty long street in the distance.

Just looking at it from a distance made his eyes sting, and his heart sank. The strength of the incoming person is absolutely terrifying, and he is definitely not able to compete!

"Hand over Chen Xi's son, and I will let you live. Otherwise, this city will be buried with you."

The middle-aged man stopped, looked at the Chen's mansion in the distance, and said calmly, his voice was calm, but it was like thunder, shaking the eardrums of everyone present to burst.

Chen Hao's eyes narrowed, and he finally understood that the enemy in front of him came for Chen An!

Thinking of this, he felt uneasy, did something happen to the elder brother in Xuan Huan domain?How could even the enemies come to apprehend An'er?

"Give you three breaths to consider."

The middle-aged man in the purple Taoist robe said calmly, although he stood alone on the empty street, he had an unshakable majesty, as if he was the master of this world, looking down on a group of tiny ants.

Everyone present was suffocated, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

Chen Hao's face darkened, and a ball of angry flames ignited in his eyes.

He looked at his wife, Fei Lengcui, who was beside him. The latter understood what he was thinking, and was full of hatred and anger in his heart. Finally, he pursed his lips and nodded with difficulty.

Seeing this, Chen Hao took a deep breath, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, An'er is the eldest brother's son, how could he hand it over?

If so, let's fight!

Whether it's for An'er, or for the clansmen behind him!

However, before he could make a move, there was a clear whistle, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, resounding between the heaven and the earth, sweeping away the oppressive and dull atmosphere in the air.

Accompanied by the sound, Qiu Xuanshu's tall and handsome figure suddenly appeared on the long street, first he bowed to Chen's mansion, and said: "Everyone, don't panic, Master Lu is just making a joke."

Chen Hao was taken aback, wondering in his heart, who is this guy?

Not only him, everyone present did not know who this young man was, but obviously, this young man recognized the middle-aged Taoist robe who suddenly broke into the city.

Realizing this, the depression and tension in everyone's hearts subconsciously subsided a lot.

At this time, Qiu Xuanshu had already turned to face the middle-aged man in the purple Taoist robe, and said humbly, "I didn't expect to see Master Lu of the Tianyan Taoist Sect here. I really amazed Xiaosheng."

The middle-aged man in the purple robe was none other than Lu Beiyu.

"Qiu Xuanshu?"

Lu Beiyu's eyes were like lightning, and he glanced at the other party coldly, "You are a descendant of the unknown place, and you have nothing to do with the people here, why do you want to block the pace of this seat?"

Qiu Xuanshu smiled gently, and patiently explained: "Sect Master Lu doesn't know something. This Songyan City is not only related to Xiaosheng, but also has a great relationship. Since Sect Master Lu wants to kill people, Xiaosheng can only come to save people."

Lu Beiyu's face darkened, and he snorted coldly: "I'll give you a chance, get out of the way!"

Qiu Xuanshu shook his head, and said seriously: "Forgive me."

Lu Beiyu smiled angrily, and said, "What a nerd, do you think you will be my opponent?"

Qiu Xuanshu's expression became serious, and after thinking for a moment, he seriously replied: "Xiaosheng has already cultivated at the seventh level of the Earth Immortal, and it shouldn't be difficult for you who are at the eighth level of the Earth Immortal."

At this moment, Lu Beiyu was stunned instead, squinting his eyes to look at Qiu Xuanshu for a moment, and said: "I don't know where your confidence comes from, but I am very curious, even if you can protect the people in this city today, then What about the future?"

Qiu Xuanshu smiled, with a warm smile on his face, and politely replied: "There will be no future, because Xiaosheng has decided to solve all troubles today, including you."

Lu Beiyu's face turned cold, and a pair of eyes filled with uncontrollable sullenness, and said, "Do you think that you are as powerful as Chen Xi, and that you are powerful enough to look down on the world?"

Qiu Xuanshu was stunned, he didn't understand what this sentence meant, but he still said very modestly: "Xiaosheng is indeed different from Chen Xi, because he is Xiaosheng's uncle."

Lu Beiyu only felt that it was too much effort to talk to this humble, gentle, but stubborn young man, and he was almost dizzy by what the other party said.

"Ridiculous! You are the descendant of the Unknowable Land, and Chen Xi is the elder of the Jiuhua Sword Sect. When did you have such a relationship?"

Lu Beiyu scolded in a deep voice. He felt that Qiu Xuanshu was definitely messing with him on purpose, which made him very angry. Young people nowadays don't know what reverence and respect are. Do they all think they are Chen Xi?

Qiu Xuanshu didn't understand why Lu Beiyu suddenly became angry while talking, but he still maintained a gentle and gentlemanly demeanor, and replied: "Chen Xi is indeed Xiaosheng's junior uncle. As for the reason, Sect Master Ruolu If you want to know, you can ask my master."

The corners of Lu Beiyu's lips couldn't help twitching, this young man is really good at changing the subject, if he keeps messing with him like this, he will definitely get internal injuries from him.

He took a deep breath, his expression became indifferent and cold, he stared at Qiu Xuanshu, and said word by word: "One last question, will you let me go or not?"

Qiu Xuanshu took out a three-foot-long, three-inch-wide, black ruler from his bosom, then bowed and said: "Sect Master Lu, please enlighten me."

As soon as the words came out, Qiu Xuanshu's whole person changed. He had a solemn face, a straight waist, and a ruler in his hand. His expression was meticulous, and a sense of righteousness suddenly gushed out from him, heading straight for the bullfighting bull!

That feeling is like an ancient sage revived, giving people an upright and awe-inspiring demeanor, as if he wants to reshape the order of the world and restore the world to a bright future.

That is the aura of sages, the power of Confucianism and Taoism, and it is called "awesome righteousness"!

In an instant, in every inch of space between heaven and earth, there were waves of voices reciting scriptures. The sacred splendor and splendor swept away the negative emotions such as tension, apprehension, fear, etc. in the hearts of everyone present. The next piece of peace and tranquility stays in the heart.


ps: The second update is around 11:[-].In addition, I wish brother "Dan" a smooth tomorrow and the day after tomorrow college entrance examination, and get a title on the gold list!I also wish those third-year seniors the best of luck in the college entrance examination, calmly deal with the test questions, and firmly grasp their own road to university!

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