divine talisman

Chapter 936 The Underworld [Part 1]

In the leaden sky, hung a round of purple sun, its luster was dim, and the sky and the earth were dimly dyed.

The wind was whistling, sobbing and sobbing like weeping and complaining, it was cold and cold.

When Chen Xi opened his eyes, this was the first thing he saw, the leaden gray sky, the dim purple sun, and the cold wind that sounded like a ghost crying.

This is where?

Chen Xi was stunned, and wanted to stand up, but his whole body was limp and weak, and he was extremely weak. After a lot of effort, he finally sat cross-legged on the ground out of breath.

He knew that this was the sequelae after performing the "Burst Qi Killing God Art", the reason for the overdrawing of essence and blood in the body, and even the loss of life essence.

"This time, I'm afraid it will take several months to recover my full strength..."

Feeling the situation in his body, Chen Xi couldn't help frowning, and looked up and looked around.

The world here is different from the ones he is familiar with. The lead clouds are thick, the purple sun is in the sky, and all kinds of cold currents flow in the air, giving people an extremely oppressive feeling.

And the position he was in at this time was on the bank of a river, and further ahead was a sparse dense forest, which was ordinary and did not have any dangerous atmosphere.

This made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief, and thought to himself, "Could this be the Netherland?"

Among the three realms, if one talks about the most mysterious, it must be the Nether, because living people are extremely difficult to find out what it looks like in the Nether.

However, in the human world, there are many legends about ghosts.

According to the rumors, after the death of all spirits in the world, their souls will enter the underworld, walk the road of Huangquan, cross the bridge of Naihe in Wangchuan, drink Mengpo soup, and then enter the Six Daosi of the underworld, and reincarnate according to the good and evil in life.

And in the nether world, there are many mysterious and terrifying places, such as "City of Death", "Gate of Ghosts", "Eighteen Hells", "River of Sin and Blood" and so on.

And there are too many great figures in charge of the nether world, such as the ghost emperors of the five directions, Yama of the ten halls, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, etc., but these are all rumors spread in the world, and no one can tell whether they are true or not.

Chen Xi's understanding of the Netherworld came only from these rumors, so he couldn't judge whether the place he was in before him was actually the Netherworld.

"I don't know where Xiuyi is now..."

After thinking silently for a long time, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing softly, but a icy murderous intent flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

That day, one of Bing Shitian's avatars had clearly been beheaded by him, but a ghost disk suddenly appeared, sweeping away Qing Xiuyi, making Chen Xi's last step a failure.

And for all of this, someone must have colluded with Bing Shitian secretly, and only then at the last moment, he and Qing Xiuyi were separated again.

"No matter who you are, as long as you let me find you, you will be killed without mercy!" Chen Xi murmured.

"That's the Nether Plate, the holy artifact in the Six Dao Division of the underworld. Those who can control it must be the big shots in the Six Dao Division." Suddenly, Xiao Ding said.

Chen Xi frowned and said, "So, it really is the big shot in Nether who colluded with Bing Shitian and took Xiuyi away at the last moment?"

Xiao Ding was silent for a moment, and said: "There will be no fakes, because this is the Netherworld."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ding's voice showed a rare hint of apology, and said: "Sorry, I didn't expect the Nether Disk to appear at the last moment, otherwise such a thing would not have happened."

Chen Xi shook his head and interrupted: "Senior, there is no need to blame yourself."

"Don't worry, since I owe you a favor, I will get your woman back this time."

Xiao Ding still seemed to feel sorry, and said: "The appearance of the Nether Disk in the world is a taboo. Since I dare to disrupt the balance like this, then I will not have any scruples."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and said, "Then thank you, senior."

He knew nothing about the Netherworld, and now that he was weak, he could only rely on Xiao Ding's strength for the time being.

Maybe it was because he had made up his mind to help Chen Xi. Next, Xiao Ding took the initiative to speak and told him some situations in the Netherworld.

According to Xiao Ding, although the netherworld is only one realm, it is vast and almost infinite, surpassing any boundary in the human world, even comparable to the territory of the fairy world.

The existence of the nether world is to reincarnate hundreds of millions of beings in the world, filled with endless souls and ghosts, but besides these, there are also many races living in the netherworld.

There are many kinds of these races, but they are all collectively referred to as "Ningzu".

The existence of the Ming clan is no different from that of human beings and ancient tribes. The only difference may be that they live and live in the nether world.

Almost all the big figures who control the Netherworld were born in the Ming clan.

The Underworld is an institution that controls the Netherworld.

Among them, it is divided into "Ghost Gate", "Huangquan Road", "Naihe Bridge" and "Difu Liudaosi".

The ghost emperors of the five directions control the five gates of ghosts in the middle, west, south, gate, and center of the nether world. All dead creatures in the human world will first appear at the gates of ghosts when their souls enter the nether world.

Then he was extradited from "Ghost Gate" to "Huangquan Road". The person who controls Huangquan Road is also known as "Huangquan Emperor".

Extradition of souls on Huangquan Road, crossing Naihe Bridge, and being guided by the disciples of the Ming clan in the "Meng Po Palace", they will be brought into the "Six Daosi of the Underworld", where they will be judged according to their merits, good deeds, sins, evil deeds, etc. Reincarnation.

It is worth mentioning that the "Six Daosi of the Underworld" is an extremely complicated organization.

Although it is divided into six divisions: "Asura Division", "Destiny Division", "Human Spirit Division", "Evil Ghost Division", "Hell Division", and "Beast Division".However, there are many institutions that control the Six Departments, such as the Shifang Yanluo Temple, as well as institutions such as judges, detainees, and executioners.

However, according to Xiao Ding, this Nether Underworld is the core lifeblood of the Nether Realm. Originally, all the power was in the hands of the Nether Emperor, and there were not so many institutions at all.

However, with the fall of the third Nether Emperor, the entire Netherworld changed dramatically. The palaces of Yan Luo and the Ghost Emperor competed for hegemony, but no one could aspire to the title of Nether Emperor, which made the entire Netherworld be divided and controlled by different big men. The current situation has been formed.

To put it simply, the Underworld is like a huge dynasty with the most concentrated authority in the world, governing various institutions, thus controlling the entire Netherworld.

Until now, Chen Xi had a general understanding of the entire Netherworld.

"So, if you want to save Xiuyi, you have to go to the Six Daos Division of the Underworld?" Chen Xi asked.

"That's right, but don't act in a hurry. The Netherworld that I have known is too old. Now that it has been so many years, I am afraid that many new patterns have evolved. It is best to understand the situation first, make a decision and then act. Appropriate." Xiao Ding replied.

Chen Xi nodded, and said: "That's right, as long as you find out who is in control of the Nether Disk, you can find out who is behind the scenes and save Xiuyi!"

three days later.

Chen Xi woke up from meditation, felt the situation in his body, and couldn't help frowning.

Although there are Cangwu seedlings to help, but the wounds in the body are too slow to heal, until now, it has only recovered to the strength of around the Golden Core level, and some powerful methods cannot be used at all.

This is not a question of the amount of immortal energy, but the key is that the overdraft of the "Qi Explosive Killing God Art" is the essence, qi, and spirit of life, and there is no way to restore it to its original state in a short period of time.

Chen Xi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Immediately there was a movement in his heart, and he suddenly remembered something, turned his palm over, and there was an extra white jade book.

The white jade book is shrouded in mist and icy cold, exuding a strange atmosphere as vast as the sea. On its surface, there are three large characters recorded in the dark. The handwriting is upright and meticulous, but it makes people feel a strong sense of fairness, strictness and solemnity.

That day, it was a breath from the Nether Disk that touched the Nether Record in his Stupa Pagoda, which brought him into this Nether place.

"Sure enough, it's different from before!"

Chen Xi took a quick look and found that the Nether Record was different from the previous ones. The surface of the jade book seemed to have a suction force, and it was sucking in the Nether power in the air.

That feeling, as if it had found a food to supplement its strength, made it look a little impatient, which was already hungry.

"Is this the most precious Nether Record in the hands of the third Emperor Youming?"

Xiao Ding spoke at this time, with an unconcealable exclamation in his voice, "It is rumored that the mystery of the end that makes the gods of the three realms fearful is contained in this Nether Record. I don't know if it is true or not."

Chen Xi was taken aback, this was the first time he heard such a statement.

"Unfortunately, its power loss is much worse than mine. If you want to open it and observe the things recorded in it, I'm afraid you will have to absorb a huge amount of ghost power."

"I see."

Chen Xi was thoughtful. He had long since discovered that strands of strange power surged in the world of the nether world. It was icy cold and exuded an aura that made the soul throb. It should be the power of the netherworld .

In fact, the power of the nether world is also a kind of spiritual power, but it is only produced in the nether world.

"You have to be careful not to expose this thing for the time being, or you may become a prey that cannot be missed in the eyes of all the big figures in the Netherworld." Xiao Ding reminded.

Chen Xi certainly understands this truth, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty, it applies everywhere.

After all, this is the inherited treasure in the hands of the third Nether Great Emperor. For today's Nether great figures, it is definitely an irresistible treasure that dreams of!

Suddenly, a faint exclamation came to Chen Xi's ears from afar.


Chen Xi and Xiao Ding said in unison, what does someone mean?

It means that in this vast and almost endless Netherworld, they can know where they are now.


ps: The Netherworld here was adapted by me with painstaking efforts. It is different from the ones in classical Chinese legends. Please don’t be confused. The second update will be around 11:[-].

In addition, in the past few days, I have voted for more than 50 monthly tickets for myself. I feel like I am fighting alone. It is so desolate... A weak question, is there any kind-hearted people who voted for monthly tickets?

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